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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1967)
Oernonia Eagle 4 THURSDAY, JULY 20* 1967 Harders Family Is Here for Vacation Children's Zoo Little People Plan for Meet Offers Contest A contest to identify a set of five BIRKENFELD — Visitors at the “Zoo’s WHO?” gets underway at Shirley Berg home the past week the Portland Children’s Zoo this TIMBER RT. — Mr. and Mrs. week, according to Children’s Zoo were Mrs. Howard Hemmerling of Chuck Harders and children of Director Jim Anderson. Tacoma, who came Thursday and Anderson, who’s proud of a Montesano, Washington are spend left Saturday, Freda Groenveld of brand-new, neatly roofed bulletin ing their vacation here with their board Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. George just inside the Children’s folks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmid- Zoo entrance, is decorating it with Baehm of Long Island, N.Y. The lin and Mr. and Mrs. Will Harders. pictures of five “mysterious” ani Baehms were flying and were on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reynolds and mals. Contestants are invited to their way to Hollywood, California children joined the group at Schi.u- identify the animals (entry blanks to attend a Little People of Ameri die available at the Children’s Zoo dlins Sunday. Bill Smejkal and ticket office) and deposit entries ca convention which will be held at grandson were also dinner guests in the contest box adjoining the bul the Knickerbocker hotel July 24 to at the Schmidlins Sunday. Mr. and letin board. 28. Shirley and Miss Groenveld There’ll be a different set of five Mrs. W. H. Wienecke of North plan to attend the convention, also. Plains called on the Schmidlins animal photographs posted on the This is the first time the Baehms bulletin board at two-week inter Sunday evening. have been in the Pacific North vals during the summer, Anderson west. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hult of Sea says, with the contest series to con side spent the week end with his tinue through September 9. Names August 2, the Little People are to contest winners will be posted sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. of be on Art Linkletter’s TV program. and five first prizes—new Zoo Bud Gibson and children. Ronnie Guide books; and 10 second prizes It will be in connection with the Gibson went home with them to —Talking Storybook keys; will be convention at Hollywood. awarded for each contest. Persons spend this week. E. T. Johnston, Alan, Jan, Deb who identify the most animals cor bie and Mike LaBox flew to Mulino Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erickson rectly during the entire contest ser Sunday to attend a fly-in. Mr. and and family of Vernonia called on ies will be eligible for grand prizes Mrs. Art Bellingham also flew to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker Sun to be awarded in September. These it. day before last, and Mr. and Mrs. will include a free birthday party Oregon Dairy Princess, Alice Pitney, receives two “Thunder in the zoo birthday party rooms for Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Wanstrom Egg’’ halves, Oregon’s state rock, from OMSI Director Loren Frank Maish of Vancouver and Mr. 10 people; two cameras from the McKinley, to present to the Chicago Museum of Science and spent one day last week in Astoria. and Mrs. Clarence New of Verno zoo gift shop, and three student Industry this week. Princess Alice travels to Chicago where nia visited them and Mrs. H. A. memberships in the Zoological So Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Arby she’ll represent Oregon in American Dairy Princess Contest. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Craw Thacker this past Sunday after ciety. The first contest ends July 28, noon. ford accompanied Shirley Berg to Anderson said. Clatskanie to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sharlene Gibson is spending her The Children’s Zoo director also Don Adams and family. vacation in Seaside with her grand pointed out changed Children’s Zoo The E. T. Johnstons were in admission charges. Admission is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hult. free to Zoo Society members, adults Portland last Friday on business. who are accompanied by children, Lloyd Johnston drove to Salem and babes in arms; admission is last week on business. 35 cents for children and for adults Alice Pitney, 22, Junction City, from coast to coast. The new Amer Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan and unaccompanied by children. Ad mission in each case includes a the state’s number one dairy rep ican Dairy Princess will partici family drove through here last boat ride, performance at the Lady resentative as Oregon’s D a i r y pate in planned tours to make per week on their way to their bug Theater, and all exhibit areas; Princess, boarded a sleek jetliner sonal appearances at many differ Mole Hole, Contact Zoo, Small at Portland’s international airport ent types of meetings and on na home at Gleneden from Portland. They visited the Vick Bergs and RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Animal Exhibit, and other special Monday, July 17, which will wing tional media. her to the finals of the American other relatives. Earl Baska returned home Wed displays. Dairy Princess contest in Chicago, nesday after spending ten days this week. visiting in North Dakota. They The national crown is currently flew there with their daughter and worn by Carol Ann Armacost of Maryland. Miss Pitney, having son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles completed a year of activity as Simonson of Beaverton. They vis MIST — The Missionary Ladies Oregon’s Dairy Princess, will trav ited Mrs. Baska’s father, Harry el to the finals of the national con met at the home of Mrs. Charles Graff at Mohall and many other of test with the state princess chaper MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Larry one, Mrs. Oscar Haag. Princess Hansen Wednesday. Mrs. Walter their relatives scattered over the Garlock were the honored couple Alice and her chaperone will be in Mathews will be hostess for the “Where Your Money Buys More’ state. Friday evening at the Ed Sim Chicago for the nationals for four August 9 meet. Mrs. Mabie Mills, Los Angeles, mons home when Mr. and Mrs. days. came Thursday for a visit with her Kenneth Simmons and the Lloyd The Lyle Wilson family of Jeffer Beginning Monday evening (July mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner and Garlocks joined them for a cook- 17), in Chicago, Princess Alice and son spent Thursday through Satur other contestants were to start a other relatives. out. The occasion was their wed rigorous round of activities. A pan day visiting his mother, Mrs. Net Marvin, seven-year old son of ding anniversary. el of judges will evaluate the per tie Cox and sister, Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rose of Port formance of the dairy princesses Hanson. Last Monday visitors at the Char David Crawford and Mrs. John land, is spending this week at the les Hansen home were Mr. and and select one to serve as Ameri home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marty Seppla and children ca’s dairy ambassador of good Crawford were Sunday afternoon — From your hom e-owned, will for the next year. callers at the Lloyd Garlock home. Mrs. J. E. Rose. from Massachusetts and Mr. and The judging is based upon the Mrs. Wayne Kyser and sons Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff Mrs. Bob Mattila, Vancouver, Wa ability of the Princess candidate and his mother, Mrs. Ethel Wood shington. to represent the dairymen and were in Hillsboro on business two ruff, of Portland spent Friday at Martin Hanson was injured July “speak up for milk” as she travels days during the week. the home of Mrs. Alice Mills. 5 on the job while working for the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eckland and Washington county road depart children and Mr. and Mrs. Harry ment. His injuries are quite serious Eckland met relatives from Port and painful and it is thought he A NAME TAKES OIMEHSIOH land Sunday at Scaponia park for may possibly have to remain in a family picnic. Relatives were Mr. the hospital eight months. He is and Mrs. Ted Groves and children, in the Tuality Community hospital Mrs. Helen Jett, Mr. and Mrs. Dick at Hillsboro. Hanefeld and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mrs. Donna Knowles returned Berard and children. home last week end after spending Mrs. Minnie Ratkie is staying at most of two weeks taking care of her place for a while. Her son her grandchildren in Astoria while Wally spends part of his time here their mother, Mrs. Tim Coryll at and is doing some clearing and im tended the funeral of her step proving at the former Andy Park mother in Nebraska. er place. Mrs. Alma Garlock and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Short and Mary Garlock returned Sunday daughter of Tacoma visited his from Gladstone after attending the aunts, Mrs. Carrie Brown and Mrs. S.D.A. Camp meeting for the last Grace Peachey, Monday. two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel were in Fairview Sunday to visit Mrs. Clara Libel and Mrs. Fay Lindberg. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wad dell at Gearhart Tuesday. Princess Alice Pitney to Vie or U. S. Dairy Title Baskas F ly to North Dakota Missionary Group Meeting Place Set Couple Honored On Anniversary MHC Meet Slated at Ira Peterson Home MIST — Mrs. Ira Peterson will be hostess for the Mist Helping Circle meeting July 27 at her home between Warren and Scappoose. Mr. and Mrs. Thil Tennis of Port land, the Vic Bergs and Kenneth Tuppers visited the George Math ews Sunday. The Norman and Charles Han sen family took the ferry at West- port and drove to Long Beach, Washington Sunday. They stopped at Fort Columbia in Washington, then crossed the new Astoria bridge. They enjoyed the view and scenery a,t Fort Columbia very mueh. k The Mist-Birkenfeld Community church youths left Monday morning for Bible camp to be held in Wash ington. Bert Snyder Leaves For Overseas Duty TIMBER RT. — Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and Mrs. Frank Schmid- lin were in Forest Grove Thursday. Bert Snyder called his mother Thursday morning and his ship is leaving Oakland Saturday for over seas duty. Ronald Reynolds of Seaside is spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graves call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thack er Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling of Portland spent Thursday afternoon with the Thackers and were supper guests. They also visited Nell Thacker. KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery independent grocery__ SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING DON’T STRAIN YOUR POCKETBOOK Our convenient Premium Pay ment Plan allows you to get the insurance protection you need when you need it and pay for it by the month, just as you pay for utilities. More and more of our clients are finding that this plan reafly helps. Call us lot details. ill J. Horn VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE 905 B ridge S tr e e t P hone 429-6203 V ernonia, Oregon R«pro»«nBnj Th« Hartford Inaurane« Group, Hartford, Conn. Bakers Receive Surprise Visit BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker had a pleasant sur prise on the afternoon of July 4 when their son Butch and his wife from Alaska came in on them. They had not seen them for two years. They spent a week with them, and he has a job at Long view where they will be living for about two months before returning to Alaska. This last week end both the Bakers’ boys and wives were with them. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg, and their grandchildren Ix>ren and Daren Berg, called on the George Mathews Sunday evening. The Fred Larson family and a friend of Debra’s, Marcy Hend ricks of Vernonia, spent the week end at Seaside. Visitors at the Lawrence John ston home Sunday were her aunt and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Voss from Seattle; Ada Humble, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lousignont Mrs. Ann Lonnquist and children \ al. Eve, Scott and Luke, from Eugene spent the week end at the Joe Lonnquist home Jan. who had spent the past month with her grandparents, returned home with them. Susie Benson is staying at the Lawrence Johnston home for a while. YOU Get The Right Point Of View Up There . . . the rows of poles, the miles of cable and equipment make a fellow realize how many customers he’s working for, and his job seems important . . . he comes down feeling good about it.” This typical comment came from Splicer, James “Jack” Hines. At General Telephone Company of the Northwest, Inc., Jack’s fellow workers call him a “Tele phone Man,” and that’s one of their highest compliments! It means Jack has what it takes to be a top Splicer. Jack has lived in your neighborhood quite a while, but we, his company, are a more recent neighbor . . . just since we took over complete telephone service responsibilities from West Coast Telephone Company. Jack wants you to like us. He’s working hard at it. He wants you to know that we are busy sizing up the entire service situation COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST, INC. in your area so we can do a good, intelligent job for you. GENERAL TELEPHONE