CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General Fish Egg Take By State Heavy IT'S YOUR LAW D em onia E agle 6 THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1967 Jk» Law Maka D m o tn ey Livi FOR SALE Real Estate • Reeher Really The summer steelhead egg-take at Oregon game commission fish THIRD PARTY B EN EFICIAR Y time, as do cases involving rights hatcheries was completed recently CONTRACTS of individuals under the Federal with well over 1,300,000 eggs now in the hatching trays for the com A contract is an agreement, us Constitution. Even so, the Court ing year’s production. This brings ually between two parties, where does hear and decide other kind- the combined total of both summer each agrees to do something for of cases. The Northwest District 4-H For Company and winter steelhead eggs to well the benefit of the other. For exam estry Camp will be held at Camp (Oregon lawyers offer this col over 3,900,000 now under incuba pie, Jones Department Store ag BILL HORN, BKR. Vernonia Br. Wilkerson July 11, 12 and 13. Coun NEW ELECTRIC stove, trash bur tion at commission hatcheries. rees to sell Smith a TV set for umn as a public service. No perso Salesman - George Laws selor training for both the forestry ner, davenos, other h o u s e h o l d Some of the most difficult fish $500. Smith will get the TV set and should apply or interpret any law camp and the Columbia County Phone 429-6203 Evenings 429-5603 items, must be sold soon due to to hold successfully, the adult sum the department store will get the without the aid of an attorney who 4-H Camp will also be held at LISTINGS WANTED mer steelhead were trapped almost $500. Camp Wilkerson starting Sunday moving. 430 North St., or phone is completely advised of the tacts RENTALS AVAILABLE a year ago on several stream sys Sometimes a contract aims to involved. Even a slight var ance afternoon, July 9. The training 429-6522. 27t2c tems, then held in deep holding benefit a person who is not a party program will end Tuesday morning FOR SALE: House at 506 First pools at the hatcheries until they to it. This is called a “third party in fact may change the application before the campers arrive. ERUIT JARS, wooden clothes dry avenue. Three-bdrm, large living matured beginning early t h i s beneficiary” contract. Here are of the law.) Four-H club members attending the camp will be from Clackamas, er, bird cages, one floor type, one room and kitchen. Nice corner lot. spring. The fish matured over a some examples: period of almost three months, Clatsop, Columbia, Hood River, roll roofing, one older-type door, An insurance company issues Multnomah, Washington, Marion, 27t3c with the last eggs taken the early its policy to the Enterprise Depart one screen door, drainage tile, oth E. P. Frank, 429-6231. part of June. Tillamook counties and the City of ment Store, agreeing to pay for er odds and ends. 843 Madison Ave. Portland. — SCAPPOOSE — The winter steelhead egg-take any injuries caused by the store’s behind Kate’s Cafe. 27tl Columbia county 4-H leaders will Newer three-bdrm home, one extra was completed almost a month negligence which its customers again prepare the food for the ago with a total egg-take of more may suffer. Smith is hurt in the FOR SALE: New Kenmore dryer, large, $13,500. Must sacrifice. $2000 than 2,600,000. This included 900,000 store and recovers a judgment for campers with Mrs. Marty Jenkins and Mrs. Marlene Gift, both of never in use, $125 cash. Portable down, take over payments. Call winter steelhead eggs obtained his injuries. If the store does not For years, legume bloat has cau Scappoose, in charge. According from the fish commission’s Big pay the judgment, Smith as a Silvertone television, little use, Scappoose 543-2850. 27t3c Creek Hatchery. Robert H. Stevely, Columbia third party beneficiary is entitled sed a major financial loss to dairy to perfect condition, $75. To inquire, men in dead animals and loss of county extension agent, there will At the same time, game commis to have his judgment paid by the call Sanders Real Estate, 728-2724, forage, says Don Coin Walrod. be approximately 120 campers. sion fish tankers are rolling almost insurance company. The Columbia County 4-H Camp Clatskanie. 26t3c around the clock this time of year X sells his business to Y, who county extension agent. will begin on Friday, July 14, and stocking trout and other game fish agrees to pay, as part of the pur Research at several O r e g o n APTS, FURNISHED, one above in lakes and streams of the state. will end immediately after lunch 1966 chase price, all of X’s business State University experiment sta on Sunday, July 16. Stevely reports SINGER ZIG-ZAG L. & L. Lumber Co. Cor. Bridge & creditors. These creditors can sue tions has shown that pojoxalene in Reino Koski, in charge of fish lib that there are 46 registered camp SEWING MACHINE and recover from Y if he does not molasses mineral blocks greatly Older club members will act Buttonholes, sews on buttons, does Jefferson, utilities included, other erations, said that more than 1,- pay them. reduced bloat. Ten to 20 grams ers. as counselors for the camp. all decorative stitches, all built in Cherry Tree Apts. Office 830 Jef 700,000 catchable-sized trout have There are good reasons for per daily, depending upon the size of Mrs. Vivian McConnell, Scap Still has guarantee. Take over bal ferson. H. J. Hil Edison, 429-5042. already been released, about 70 mitting third party beneficiaries to the animal is an effective dose in percent of the yearling production poose, will be in charge of prepar ance of $36.01 or 7 payments of $6 dicated Walrod. sue on contracts made for their 26t2c for 1967. ing the food and will be assisted Write Sewing Machine, Box 15-X benefit. Unless they could sue di Weight of all fish stocked through rectly Dairy cows can be treated by by Mrs. Henry Martin, Clatskanie, Vernonia. 26t2c COMFORTABLE two-bdrm farm in many cases the benefits May totalled more than 549,700 adding poloxalene to the grain mix. and Mrs. Mary Stevely, Warren. HAY FOR SALE, $18 per ton home, nice lawn, trees, garden pounds, about 40,000 pounds more they are entitled to would be lost There is no residue of poloxalene Older club members will also as or only obtained after involved area, on hwy 47 five miles off Sun than released last year by this legal proceedings. This is an exam in the meat or milk. Five to ten sist. Mrs. Ann McConnell, Scap Cheaper in 3-ton or over amounts set highway, 12 miles so. of Verno time. Koski said the rainbow trout ple of how the law seeks better to grams per animal has proven ef poose will serve as camp nurse, Bruce Berndt, phone 429-5892. produced this year were larger fective for about 12 hours, he add and Mrs. Henry Martin will assist 26tfc nia. Electricity, water, telephone than normal, which boosted the serve the people. ed. the campers with a Sunday service furnished, $70 per mo., yearly weight total, although the number Cause of bloat is not yet clearly program. Other leaders and par SEVEN acres hay, U-cut, reason lease, couple only. Call evenings of fish released to date is about the ents who will assist in various ca understood. A ROAD MOVES able. Four miles from Vernonia for appointment, 648-2559. pacities are Orville Gilkey, Clat 26t2c same as a year ago. Included in Fresh legumes cause the forma Bob operated a medium-sized tion of a frothy foam which the an skanie; A1 Lennox, Scappoose; the weight figure are several mil on Timber road. Phone 289-0923. lion steelhead and salmon smolts, restaurant on the edge of Center- imal cannot belch away. Mrs. Howard House, Warren; and Portland. 27tl most of which were stocked during town. He did a profitable business Larry McConnell, Scappoose. Eating too much legume too fast March and April. and had built a good reputation The class instructors will be FOR SALE: TE-20 Ferguson trac seems to trigger a reaction of Andy Landforce, extension wildlife In addition to the catchable trout over 20 years. tor with plough and discs. See Ed FOR AUTO LOANS contact your Claude, the owner of the building plant, animal and rumen micro specialist, Oregon State University; Vernonia Federal Credit Union. being released into stream sys to form excess rumen Cal Giesler, Oregon $&te Game Tipton, North Rose Ave. evenings. Horn’s Insurance office, 2 to 6 tems, millions of fingerling trout and property was happy, too. Bob organisms 26t3 p.m. Tue., Thur., Fri. or call 429- are now being distributed into the is a good tenant, he always said. gas. commission: and Ray Jorgensen, A combination ot pressure and health education, Oregon State Uni 7425,______________________ 20tfc major lake areas, according to He had a good business, and FOR SALE: 1954 Marlette Trailer- Koski. Later on, in July, aerial Claude never worried about the absorption of gas into the blood versity. stream is probably cause of death. house, 8x28, one bedroom. Call be CONSTRUCTION WORK, by con planting of high lakes will get un rent money. tract or hour. B & B Wood Prod der way. Bloat can be prevented by reduc One day, however, the highway tween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 429-6132. ucts, Vernonia, Oregon, 429-5831. department informed Claude that ing the amount of legumes in pas Total game fish to be planted __________________________ 25t3 20tfc this year by the game commission they had decided to relocate the ture, if more than fifty percent. Control grazing by management. SATURDAY JULY 8 will be around 20 million of all spe road in front of the restaurant. In 1967 Feeding or giving vegetable oils, fact, once the road was relocated cies. Bulk of the trout produced FREIG HT DAMAGED animal fats or detergents have Vernonia Grange - Hall on North there wouldn’t be any restaurant. are rainbows. Other salmonids SEWING MACHINES street - 8 p.m. The center line would go right been used with some success, as produced include cutthroat trout, through Only slightly scuffed and scratch has penicillin, streptomycin and SUNDAY, JULY 9 the kitchen. brook trout, brown trout, kokanee, ed. Has 5 year guarantee. Sews on Claude was offered a good price other such products. steelhead, chinook salmon, Atlantic buttons, buttonholes, blind hems, The “poloxalens”, has given the Train arrives 11:45, departs at for the property, which he took and salmon, and coho. Some warm- 12:45 and does all fancy stitches. Por best water game fish are also being then served an eviction notice on tried. results of any product yet Train arrives 4:45, departs at 5:45 table and cabinet models available. Bob. The restaurant lease provided reared at the Commission’s warm- $25. to $39 (Terms) For informa Spraying oil on pasture is effec MONDAY, JULY 10 water game fish ponds near St. that if the property was taken by tive tion write Sewing Machine, Box but appears impractical. the state under right of eminent Chamber of Commerce member Paul. 15-X. Vernonia.____________ 26t2c domain, the lease could be ended. ship meeting - West Oregon Bldg. EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING “O.K., we’ll leave,” Bob said, PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop - 8 p.m. Septic Tank Pumping ‘‘but I want some of the money the __________________________49tfc TUESDAY, JULY 11 highway department gave you for Sanitation Work, the property. As a long-time tenant Vernonia Action Group - VFW hall BRUCE BERNDT USED chain saws for sale. Keasey The Columbia Small Woodlands with a considerable time to go on - 7:30 p.m. Keasey Rt. Vernonia association will hold a summer the lease. I’m entitled to some Saw Shop. 49tfc 429-5892 Mt. Heart Social Committee - IOOF __________________________ 23tfc picnic starting at 4 p.m. Saturday, compensation. My customers will hall - 8 p.m. BUNDLES of old papers for starting July 15, at Hudson Park, announ be unhappy about having to go The next meeting of the Colum elsewhere for my food.” fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv ces Everett Skeans, president. bia county chapter, American As Could the now unhappy cook col sociation of Retired Persons, will The picnic will be pot-luck ex nonia Eagle. 48tf ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pan. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! be in the form of a picnic to be Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver cept for coffee which will be fur lect some of this money? according to a recent ruling held at Scappoose Airport park on FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc nished by the association. Families of No, the Ohio Supreme Court. The Friday, July 14. It will be a potluck and friends of members are invit Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth MARR & STAFFORD court held that where the lease affair with each family bringing ed to attend. CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc permitted termination of the ten MEAT CO. its own table service and a d ish - The Columbia Small Woodlands Cooler - Sharp Freeze ancy agreement if the premises hot or cold—to be put on the table association is a relatively new or were Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest taken by condemnation, the and shared. Coffee will be furnish Locker Wrapped ganization formed last January and EL 7-7281 in flowers for all occasions. Plants, R J. Ekhoff 429-3842 is affiliated with similar organiza tenant no longer has a property ed. Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. __________________________ 23tfc tions in other counties through the right in the premises and, when he It is planned to have the picnic no rights, he is not entitled to and Curing Flowers speeded by long distance or Oregon Small Woodlands associa has at 12 noon. In the event of share in the money paid by the lunch rain, arrangements for shelter in wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes tion. Meat for sale, any quantity. highway department for property one of the nearby airplane hangars Cattle Received Sunday and Mon 429-6611.____________________ nfc sional civil engineer, county survey he does not own, the court said. have been made. or, Court House, St. Helens. Private day until noon; Hogs received Tues surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call Following lunch there will be a day and Wednesday until noon. brief business meeting to read and S, Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc THE CHANGING SUPREME Come through Banks, take Tilla discuss by-laws. This is an excel Columbia county road depart COURT SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping lent chance for members to get ac mook road 1H mi., take first 5-RMS, GARAGE, large lot, half ment has recently started their an lefthand mad. ltfc block super market, post office; and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia nual roadside brush control pro The role of the U.3. Supreme quainted. All interested in the or 4-rms, utility rm, garage, large City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens gram. As in past years, the spray Court has changed over the years ganization are invited to attend. lot, Rose avenue. Mrs. C.O. Thom 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after used, Dow Esteron, is considered from a tribunal concerned large';- to be the safest possible type of 46tfc brush as, 876 Madison Avenue, Vernonia. 5:00 p.m. control, is not toxic to either with trials, to a court engaged a' 26t3c animals or people, and is recom most exclusively in reviewing de mended for use in pasture and cisions of other courts to see wheth FOR SALE: 50x100 lot. Phone 429- farmlands. PROCESSING PLANT Each summer since 1962, county er they applied the law correctly, 5921. 26t3 road department crews have spray or whether the law itself is consti State Inspected ed approximately 150 miles of road tutional. FOR SALE: Three-bdrm. house, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING side brush. 2 acres river frontage, at Birken- When the country was small and feld. Call 755-2392.__________ 23tfc Reef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday the law less complicated, work in Ilogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Washington took only a few months FOR SALE OR TRADE: 22 room Cutting and Wrapping hotel, 5 rm managers apt, small even though the Court had fewer Sharjg freezing trailer court. Must sell because of members and the added duty of WANTED: Bean pickers for fields Smoking und Curing ill health. Reasonable. Call 429- in Gaston area. Picking to start serving as the Supreme Court of 5091.______________________26t3c Free use of Stock Trailer approx. August 1. Sign NOW by- the District of Columbia as well as Shop Res. LOTS OF ALL KIND, some suit EL 7-3922 the U.S. The justices then often EL 7-2981 calling evenings, Pat Robertson, able for homes with daylight base rode circuit, hearing cases as trial 429-5964. 27tfc ments. Tracts from V4 acre to 5 Rt. 2, Bx„ 141, Forest Grove, Ore. judges around the country. By On Fern Hill Road acres. Justin Folken, 429-3415. 18tfc ___________________________ltfc BOY, AGED 16, wants work on 1850 this combined workload had farm. Inquire by calling 429-5752. become so great that it took thj _________________________ 26t3c Court a full year to hear all of its LLOYD QUINN cases. Thereafter the Court con BROKER fined itself largely to appellate Real Estate A Ins. NO information on classified* will be matters. Phone 429-5211 given o<>< until after paper is mail NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Since 1937 the-Court has been in 866 Bridge Street ed. Notice is hereby given that the Vernonia. Oregon MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 word* undersigned as administrator of creasingly selective of the casts or less. Words over minimum, 4c the estate of ALICE NICHOLS, de it accepts for review, seeking to RENTALS each. Three insertions for the price ceased, has filed his final account deal only with cases involving YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED in the County Court of the State of federal or constitutional questions. of two. _________________________ 24tlc Oregon for Columbia County, and Out of 1600 cases filed each year, BLIND ADS with answers to be han that Monday. July 17, 1967,’at the dled by The Eagle: Minimum hour of 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon the Court writes only about 125 op charge $1.00. No Information given of said day and the Court Room of inions. The rest of the cases are said Court has been appointed bv either decided without formal state relative , to . ~ such ads. MARVIN KAMHOLZ said voun Court as me the time and place ‘ ~ ." ” 7 “ saia Editor and Publisher ( \RI) of Thanks A Notices: $1.00 for for the hearing of objections there- ment of reasons or dismissed fcr lack of a substantial question of Official Newspaper, Vernonia, Ore. up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c to and the settlement thereof. Date of first publication, June 15, federal law. each. Telephone 429-3372 This selectivity is necessary if Entered as second class mail THE EAGLE assumes no financial 1967 Date of final publication July 13, the Court is to give adequate time responsibility for errors that may 1967. matter August 4, 1922 at the post of and consideration to questions of appear ,n ads published In its col fice in Vernonia, Ore 97064 under David B. Williamson general importance to the entire Administrator umn'. but in eases where this pa the act of March 3, 1879. Subscrip nation. Since 1900 there has been per is at fault, will reprint that David B Williamson tion price $3 yearly in the Nehalem P. O Box 425 a great increase in federal regula part of an adv. In which the typo St. Helens, Oregon Valley. Elsewhere $4.00 tion of business through agencies graphical mistake occurs. Attorney. POETRY stvopted only as paid 24t5c such as the National Labor Rela tions Board, the Securities & Ex N O I1 V I3 O S S V manor: Rate: 10c par typo line. change Commission, and the Fed s a iH tn a n d NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY \ eral Trade Commission. Cases in ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF IIU H IM IN volving the action of these agen TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT n / h Q " cies and the law they administer FOR N F . X T J ^ K S PAPER. 1 I4 V 4 S M 1 N 1VNOIAVN Will power is character in action today take up much of the Court's CLEAN rugs, like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Brunsman Hard ware. 27tlc Sessions Dated At Wilkerson Antidote Given Legume Bloa* FOR RENT SERVICES DATES to Remember Group lo Picnic AARP Picnic at Scappoose Park Road Crews to Spray FOR SALE-Real Estate Haberman's Meal -Get Results with Eagle Classifieds- WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES LEGAL NOTICE Ocrnon ia Eagle ô V I I