JFas It Sudden? Jerry Marcus Veterans' Loan Maximum Upped Applications for new higher max­ imums under the Oregon veterans’ farm and home loan program will be accepted starting July 1, even though the increases granted by the 1967 Legislature don’t take ef­ fect until September 13, the Depart­ ment of Veterans’ Affairs report­ ed recently. The maximum home loan was increased from $16,500 to $18,500 and the farm loan from $40,000 to $50,000. H. C. Saalfeld, veterans’ affairs director, said applications will be taken early and processed through commitment so the loans may be closed immediately after the Sep­ tember 13, effective date. Besides voting increased loan maximums, the recent Legislature also placed a measure on the No­ vember, 1968 general election bal­ lot to extend the loan benefit to vet­ erans who enlisted from Oregon & served 210 days or more since the closing date of the Korean Con­ flict. The same servicemen were clas­ sed as war veterans under Oregon law, which entitled them to prop­ erty tax exemption if they are 40 MR. AND MRS. Harry Culbertson, front row, center, Mrs. Culbertson, Mr. Culbertson, Mrs. Cliff Norwood percent disabled, and gives their were installed June 28 as worthy patron and matron widows the exemption; gives the and Mrs. Davis. Back row, from left: Mrs. T. F, Tom­ 25 percent disabled entitlement to of Nehalem Chapter, OES. The installation was done lin, Mrs. Merle Cline, Floyd Bush, past patron, Mrs. low-cost fishing and hunting licen­ by Mrs. Wilbur Davis, extreme right, front row, past Albert Brunsman, Mrs. B. J. Horn, Mrs. George Bid­ ses; and entitles them to state and grand matron. Others in the picture will fill other po­ dle, Ralph Bergerson, Mrs. Justin Folken, Mrs. Walter county civil service preference, to sitions for the chapter for the 1967-68 term. Front row, state and local govenment reem­ Linn, Wilbur Davis and Mrs. Floyd Bush, junior past Crossing between intersection* killed 3,630 persons in from left: Mrs. Ralph Bergerson, Mrs. Frank Serafin, ployment rights and to county fi­ matron. 1966. nancial aid if they are indigent. To qualify for state educational orated by one of the past matrons, aid, veterans of service since the Isabelle Brunsman. The past ma­ Korean Conflict must have earned trons were in charge of the dining the Armed Forces Expeditionary room and arrangements. Medal or the Vietnam Service Me­ 4 THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1967 The worthy matron and worthy dal—which means they must have been in overseas expeditions for patron have as their theme this either medal was granted. The Masonic Temple was the tion as junior pasts. Mrs. Davis year, the Golden Rule. Their motto which Application forms may be ob­ The second in a series of five scene of a very pretty installation presented Mr. and Mrs. Bush with is “Love and Understanding” . Cho­ tained at the office of Donald L. summer, outdoor, musicales, spon­ their past matron and patron jew­ sen as their flower is the pink rose Kalberer, 30 Plaza, St. Helens. sored by Youth For Christ, will be Wednesday evening, June 28. Past Grand Matron Lillian Davis els in a very impressive manner, and their colors are pink and white. held Monday, July 10, in the Vol­ canic Crater Bowl Theatre in Mt. was the installing matron. She was along with a gift from chapter MIST — Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tabor park In Portland at 8 p.m. assisted by the following installing Walter Mathews and Marian atten­ The “concert under the stars” is officers: patron, Walter Linn; mar­ members. It is positively surprising what a family affair with an award be­ A floral degree by the five star ded church in Forest Grove and ing presented in each concert to shall, Edna Linn, assisted by points was given to the incoming some people will do in the expec­ spent the remainder of the day the family with the largest repre­ Louise Hamnett; chaplain, Bessie matron and patron and a gift was tation of monetary gain. Tapp; organist, Amy Kamholz and presented to them from the chap­ with the Kyle Clarks of Hillsboro. sentation present at the affair. Industrial Forestry association The program consists of 75 min­ Smokey Sayst Linda, who is home for a few utes of non-interrupted music em­ secretary, Florence Brunsman. ter members. The beautiful bou­ has mailed the 13th biennial edi­ The meeting was called to order quet of pink roses was made by tion of its Oregon Pocket Manual days from her studies at Seattle ceed by Jack C. Longley, presiding on Forest Laws and Practice to from the organ console. Dr. Win­ by Floyd Bush, outgoing worthy Mrs. Jerrold Bush. Pacific accompanied the Mathews field C. Arn, executive director, is patron. The Lord’s Prayer was re­ 688 logging operators and certified Under the good of the order, the west coast tree farmers throughout home so she could visit with her host. peated in unison, the Pledge of Al­ worthy matron and patron intro­ Western Oregon. cousin Marian until Tuesday, July The concert will feature many legiance given and the national “After 26 years of successful duced the star lights, Ann and 4, when the Clarks and Mathews special guests, including: The Wes­ anthem was sung. Keep Oregon Green activity, log­ George Salmi, worthy matron and attended the parade and celebra­ tmont College quartette from Santa gers and tree farmers must con­ The address of welcome was giv­ patron of Wabanang Chapter 127, Barbara, California who are visit­ tion in Hillsboro. stantly be alert to the potential ing Portland as part of their ten en by Emma Bush, outgoing wor­ Clatskanie; and Betty and Glenn threat of forest fire,” declared Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chouinard, week summer tour of the Pacific thy matron. Conrad, worthy matron and patron IFA executive vice president W. Amy and Vickie Serby were Sun­ Northwest, Montana, Idaho and D. Hagenstein. Under escort, Past Grand Ma­ of Tualatin Chapter No. 31, Hills­ day visitors at the John Crawford California; Judean Mandel, 19 year “That’s why we continue to up­ old vocal soloist from Fresno, Cali­ tron Lillian Davis and Grand Rep­ boro. home. date our Pocket Manual every two fornia, a student at Pacific College; resentative of Virginia, Lucille Louise Hamnett was introduced years and distribute it to Western Sunday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Mel Lamm, vocal soloist and Mary Oregon loggers and tree farmers to Nettie Cox were Mr. and Mrs. Freleigh Ross, concert marimbist Tomlin, were presented in the as Mother Advisor of Nehalem help them prevent forest fires,” the Assembly No. 18, Order of Rain­ from Vancouver, Washington; and East. Bill Reed of Marshland. forester said. The 1967-68 officers installed bow for girls, and Ralph Berger­ The Lent’s Evangelical United Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews Brethren Single copies of the Pocket Man­ Teensters choir from were: Worthy matron, Isabel Cul­ son as high priest of Royal Arch ual are available without charge and Marian spent Saturday eve­ Portland. bertson; worthy patron, Harry Cul­ Masons. from Industrial Forestry Associa­ Forest fires destroy timber, ning with the Harold Cases and en­ The audience sing-a-long will be bertson; associate matron, Edna tion, 1410 S. W. Morrison Street, The associate matron and patron, fishing, and hunting! joyed a delicious picnic supper on featured in the program, accom­ Portland, Oregon 97205, he said. panied by Virginia Hinman at the Linn; associate patron, Walter Edna and Walter Linn, introduced the banks of their lake. Linn; secretary, Lillian Davis; Regina Lefabor and Harvey Mori- piano. An invitation has been extended Everyone is invited to attend. treasurer, Isabelle Brunsman; con­ Ion who hold the same offices for to the Mist-Birkenfeld church to Families are urged to come and ductress, Helen Norwood; acting Tualatin chapter, Hillsboro, and attend a songfest at the Westport sit together as a family group. associate conductress, Lucille Tom­ Donna and Monte Tallman who are Community church July 9. The There is no charge for admission. lin; chaplain, Elizabeth Serafin; in the same capacity for Forest meeting is to start at 7 p.m. in­ marshal, Emma Bush; organist, Chapter No. 42, Forest Grove. stead of 7:30 p m. as previously Floyd Bush; Adah, Jean Berger­ The conductress, Helen Norwood, stated. This invitation is extended son; Ruth, Murel Folken; Esther, introduced her husband, Cliff Nor­ to everyone and those wishing to Mona Biddle; Martha, Ella Cline; wood; her son and wife, Mr. and go are to meet at the Mist church Electa, Reatha Horn; warder, Mrs. Jim Cliff Norwood, her moth­ at 6:15. There will be no services Ralph Bergerson and sentinel, Wil­ er Winifred Kurtz from Chadwick at Mist that evening. More than a quarter of a million bur Davis. Chapter at Salem, and Dorothy Muffler worn out? Don’t Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gray and chil­ new flowers may be blooming in During the evening vocal solos Waddle, associate matron and Hal­ dren of Umatilla spent Saturday Washington and Oregon communi­ were presented by David Serafin lie McMichael, past matron, from take any chances, but through Monday with his folks, the ties this summer, thanks to The accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Ridgefield, Washington. Chas. H. Lilly Co. and local beau­ Lawton Waddells. bring in your car today Frank Serafin. tification leaders. Other visitors present were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju of Port­ Distribution of thousands of pack­ In her address following her in­ and Mrs. Bert Hindman and Thel­ land are spending a few days with ets of flower seeds donated by the stallation, Mrs. Culbertson read a and have it replaced. We ma Worlfolk, Clatskanie; Edna her folks, the Charles Hansens. Portland based firm is being car­ poem, “My Goals”. She also read will do the job quickly and Mrs. Hansen had minor surgery ried out by CLEAN and Beautiful, a tribute to the visiting Worthy Ma­ Olanie, past matron, Tualatin No. Inc., the business and industry- 31, Hillsboro; Marvin Kamholz, on the hand she burned recently, autification organization serving trons and Patrons entitled “One Justin Folken and Peg Sargent, have your car back in no which required stitches. The Han­ the two states. Small Light” as they are known sens and their guests were in As­ Several Lilly seed packets have as the star lights. Harry Culbert­ Vernonia; Marian Tallman of time. At the sign of the Portland, sister of Mrs. Culbertson. been mailed to each of the hund­ toria and Seaside Saturday. son, worthy patron, also said a few The Rainbow girls who presided reds of mayors throughout Wash­ Mrs. Wayne Kyser accompanied ington and Oregon and many more UNION Service is always words. They were then escorted to over the programs and guest books her sister, Mrs. Bryce Ostrander have been distributed in CLEAN’S the altar for the Bbile signing cere­ were Nancy Hamnett, Jeanette first. and children of McMinnville to "Community Action Kits” recent­ mony and were presented with Bi­ Aultman and Cathy Tomlin. ly sent to many community clean­ Everett, Washington Saturday to ble markers by Emma and Floyd After the Mizpha benediction, a attend the wedding of their sister, up groups in both states. CLEAN’s executive director, Eu­ Bush, retiring officers. reception was held in the dining Shirley Sparks and Charles lleger. gene B. Kasper, said Pacific North­ Past Matron Dorris West and room, which was beautifully dec­ The newlyweds will be at home in west mayors are being encouraged Past Patron Wilbur Davis, present­ orated. Bouquets of flowers, can­ Sunnyvale, California after a to pass the seeds along to local ed Mr. and Mrs. Bush with a Bible dles and streamers graced the ta­ beautification chairmen to aid in week’s wedding trip. Shirley is the Phone 429-3731 marker, welcomed them into the bles and a prettily decorated cake Vernonia, Ore. daughter of the Harold Sparks of their community efforts. past matron and natrons’ club and honored the incoming and outgoing Delena. READ ADVERTISING—IT PAYSI handed over to them their resigna­ matrons. This was made and dec­ Ocrnonia Eagle Mathews Attend Hillsboro Fete Summer Musical Program Slated Culbertsons Are Installed In Top OES Chapter Offices Prevention of Fire Book Aim Helpful Friendly Efficient Minute Man Clean Receives Seed Donation BOB'S tayI tower dairy products now available a t C L IF F ’S M A R K E T enter the Mayflower jingle contest W hile y o u 're sh o p p in g a t C lif f ’s, p ic k up a c a rto n o f M a y flo w e r m ilk w ith a Jin g le C o n te st vote ballo t. T h e re a re o ve r 101 prizes to w in . E n te r as o fte n as you w ish. D etails on each m ilk c a rto n . — AUTO SERVICE U N IO N SERVICE