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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1967)
L ib r a r y U n i v e r s i ty o f Oregon E u g en e, Oregon 97i+03 Demonia Eagle VOLUME 45, NUMBER 27 VERNONIA, OREGON 97064 County Fair Books Outline Dates, Events Premium books for the Colum bia county fair are now being dis tributed throughout the county and persons interested will find them locally at Vernonia Variety, West Oregon Electric, the U.S. National bank and the Vernonia Eagle of fice. Street Problems Occupy Council A t Monday Meet The Vernonia city council met Monday evening, July 3, with May or S. S. Fisher, Councilmen L. E. Atkins, D. L. Bair, and D. G. Rob erts, and Attorney Robert R. Vagt in attendance. This year’s event will be the Albert Krieger was present to 52nd fair held in the county and inquire about making arrange it is scheduled for August 2, 3, 4 ments for water and sewer service and 5. This is earlier than usual to property on East avenue be but is planned this way to allow tween D and E streets where city county winners to enter state fair departments have declined to ex competition. tend serivees because streets in The fair promises a full program the area have not been opened. He all four days. Gates open at 9 a.m. was answered that the right of and the first day, Wednesday, Aug way must be cleared either per ust 2, is kids day. All kids under sonally or through co-operation of 12 years of age will be admitted adjoining property owners, possi free that day. The Johnny Delp bly by formation of an improve show will be presented at 1, 3 and ment district. Councilman Atkins 6 p.m. and a local talent show is is to check with the water superin tendent about temporary arrange scheduled for 7:30 p.m. ments for water use during build Thursday, the oldsters have their ing operations. inning and all those over 65 will be The Airport park was reported admitted free. There will be a spe to be getting considerable use. The cial program at 1:30 p.m. and the park committee was authorized to junior rodeo is scheduled for 7:30 arrange for a better parking sys p.m. tem to relieve congestion, espe Friday, August 4, will include a cially in regard to motor campers. tractor driving contest at 11:30 A police report was submitted a.m., play day events at 1 p.m. showing activities for the two week and the senior rodeo at 7:30 p.m. period from June 19. The listing Special events for Saturday, Aug showed the following: seven traffic ust 5, will be the horseshoe pitch citations; 13 parking tickets; five ing contest at 2 p.m. and another charges for minors in possession senior rodeo at 7:30 p.m. of liquor and one pending charge On all days, the exhibits will be of giving liquor to a minor; 12 open, the carnival will be offering warnings issued about car licenses the usual attractions and there will and equipment; and 43 miscellane be something of interest to see and ous complaints handled without charges being issued. Ten of the do every minute. For 4-H members, fair activity latter activities were during city starts July 31 when their exhibits officers’ off-duty hours. will be received from 3 to 8 p.m. • Mayor Fisher has approached Tuesday, August 1, judging of foods the Crown Zellerbach management and clothing will begin and Wed concerning a contribution to pay nesday, August 2, 4-H members for the ambulance radio equipment will be presenting demonstrations, and an official letter is to be writ and the senior style review will ten stating the need. Mayor Fisher take place at 9 a.m. More contests is to meet with the chamber of will continue through Thursday and commerce about participating in financial arrangements to assure Friday. retention of the radio which is now in use. Concern was voiced about an ap County Plans Picnic parent shortage of available fire- The annual summer picnic for ment during daylight hours when county employees and their fami many of the volunteers are work lies will be held July 23 at Hudson ing out of town. At a recent fire park. only two volunteers were available The planners say things will be and three business men, former highlighted by a chicken barbecue members of the department, were and sporting-type events directed pressed into service. A need for ad ditional volunteers was stressed as by Sheriff Roy Wilburn. The picnic committee members the department is four men short are Mrs. Barbara Schultz, Norman of a full crew. The recorder was instructed to Barmeier and Mrs. Frances Lith- erland. write letters of appreciation to the THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1967 Society Plans Annual Picnic On August 20 August 20, the third Sunday in the month, has been set for the Jaycees for painting curbs, cross annual Vernonia Society picnic walks and parking designations, and to Vernonia Grange for their which will be held in Anderson park. Harry Sandon is chairman donation of park benches. It was moved by Roberts to ease of the group and Mrs. Lona Weid up on issuance of parking tickets. man, secretary, and details con The motion was not seconded. cerning the event will be worked Councilman Atkins suggested that the parking ordinance be amended out by them and others appointed to regulate parking through curb to assist. and street markings rather than Local residents are asked to in by distance from the curb. The po form former residents and mem lice committee is to consult with bers of their families of the date police officers on this. for the annual get-together which The council voted to obtain the services of an engineer to deter is designed to bring back all for mine the proper boundary extent mer residents, not those of any of Alabama avenue, formerly Ce particular period in the history of dar street, in River Side Addition. the area. The street committee is to take un Planned for the same day is a der advisement a renewed request for maintenance of a street light Vernonia high school reunion and midway of the block between members of all classes are invited Bridge and Maple streets on Ad to attend. One section of Anderson ams avenue. park will be reserved for this group and it will make it easy for the groups to intermingle and for par ents of students to visit former neighbors and friends at the picnic while classmates are getting to gether. Chamber Plans Quarterly Meet Monday Eve. A reminder is issued this week that the quarterly membership meeting for the Vernonia Chamber of Commerce will be held next Monday evening, July 10, at the West Oregon Electric building and will include a coffee hour rather than a dinner. All members are urged to be present and all inter ested persons are invited to attend and hear the reports of officers and plans for future projects of the chamber for community better ment. VAG Continues Work on Center The Vernonia Action Group met at the VFW building, center for the group, June 27, with eleven members and Mrs. Grace Rouma- goux from the county committee present. Reports were heard from area representatives, and Dudley Spofford, community aide, gave a report on activities of the previous two weeks and further improve ments on the building. Volunteers have been busy clean ing the kitchen and getting it rea dy for use. A report was heard from the carload of people who went to St. Helens Monday, June 26, to protest the failure to allow in the budget for more than a part- time county health officer. Mrs. Rouinagoux explained ab out an art contest for use on a wrecking yard fence in St. Helens. Spearheading the high school re The yard has been enclosed but New administrator of the Colum bia county health department’s union are Mrs. Marion Steers and the idea is to make it more attrac mental health clinic is 38-year-old Mrs. Walter Linn, both members tive. Robert Stevens, who most recent of the class of 1928. Letters are Plans were made to have a ly had been chief psychiatric so being prepared and someone from strawberry shortcake sale on Sun cial worker at the DeLaunay In each class is being asked to mail day, July 2, for the train passen stitute of Mental Health in Port them to all classmates whose ad gers. The project was carried dresses are available. land. through and iced tea was also ser An impromptu reunion of this ved, and an information booth set Stevens, a native of the North west, completed undergraduate sort was held last summer at the up, along with seating space in the training at the University of Wash airport park and those who attend shade, seemed to be appreciated ington in Seattle and earned the ed enjoyed it so much that they by the passengers on the hot day. The next meeting will be held m aster’s degree at the University felt it should be done again with of Southern California in Los An effort made to contact more peo in the VFW building July 11, at 8 geles. Before coming to Portland, ple. Since many of the graduates p.m. Meetings are open to every he worked for the state department and families wish to attend the one and all people interested in of mental hygiene and the bureau Vernonia Society picnic, it was de promoting community projects are cided to have both the same dav. urged to attend. of social work in California. In addition to administration he will be involved in such areas as marital counseling, child guidance, as a consultant to the schools, courts and welfare department. The Vernonia Friendship J a n will go to St. Helens Friday eve He will work with the psychiatrist boree court, Diana Connely, Faw i - ning for the coronation of the Port- and psychologist who come here da Goodman, Sandra Lindsley, O-Fun queen. The event is sched from Portland on a part-time basis. Linda Sawyer, Rosemarie Siedel- uled for 8 p.m. at the Condon school Stevens and his wife have three man and Lina Wright, will partici auditorium and the stage setting children: a 12-year-old son and two pate in the St. Helens Port-O-Fun will resemble an old stern-wheeler daughters four and five years old. celebration this week end and will to carry out the festival theme, They plan to move as soon as hous be advertising the Vernonia Friend “Cruising Down the River” . Be ing can be found. ship Jamboree which is a mere fore the decision is reached as to The county budget, as it now three weeks away on July 28, 29 who will wear the crown, each of stands, has money earmarked for and 30. the five queen candidates will give the hiring of a second, junior psy The girls, accompanied by their a three-minute talk on the topic, chiatric social worker. official chaperone, Mrs. B. J. Horn, "My God, My Country, Myself” . Mental Health Clinic Headed After Mr. Brown’s talk. Ken En gel, Seattle, president of Land West, spoke a few words, saying, among other things, that he has a warm spot in his heart for Ore gon, and has spent a lot of time in this state. Mr. Shela then intro duced State Representative Wil liam Holmström, and he praised the work being done in this north west corner of Oregon. Fishhawk Lake Estates is situat ed in the Nehalem Valley near Birkenfeld and is designed for week end and vacation homes Lots are situated all around the lake A road will soon surround almost completely the entire lake area. The newly built Fishhawk roadway above the lake, has been rocked and oiled. A number of avenues take off from this road, such as Island Drive, Beach Drive, Lakeview, Ridgeview. etc. Hiking, swimming, boating, fish ing, hunting and horseback riding on cleared trails, will be some of the activities which will take place in this club’s private 320-acre devel opment. Three thousand Rainbow and cutthroat trout have been ordered for the 104-acre lake, and will be delivered when the lake is filled. The Fishhawk dam spillway, glory hole and fish ladder are be ing built according to specifications of the Department of Conservation of the State of Oregon. The fish lad der in the dam is unique in that it has a new type of attraction to draw the fish upstream. An afternoon tour was taken by the guests at the open house and the lake officials pointed out the various features of this project and explained just what was taking place now and what the plans hold for the future. A variety of foods were enjoyed by those attending the open house Friday afternoon The food was prepared and served by Dale’s Catering Service, Port land. Wyatt to Visit During Recess Congressman Wendell Wyatt (R Ore.) has planned a heavy work schedule for himself in Oregon’s First Congressional district. Wyatt will be in his home state over the ten day Fourth of July Congres sional recess. The congressman’s plans include several talks with state legislators, public appearances and speeches. Wyatt will appear as grand mar shal of the Hillsboro Happy Days parade on the 4th of July and will act as grand marshal for St. Hel en’s Port-O-Fun festivities on July 8. The congressman has planned many private meetings with state, county, and local officials to dis cuss district problems and possi ble remedies. Jamboree Court Prepares for Port-O-Fun Entry The Vernonia court will return to St. Helens Saturday for the Port- O-Fun parade which will move down Columbia boulevard at 2 p.m. The St. Helens celebration got under way Wednesday of this week. Wednesday and the first days are filled with ball games, kids events, and carnival. Saturday will include a River Rat raft race in the mor ning at 7 a.m., water soccer at 10 a m., the parade, in the afternoon and a battle of bands at the armory in the evening. Sunday winds up the event with a swim meet stock car races and golf tournament. Grand Opening Offers View Of Fishhawk Lake Estates The Fishhawk Lake Estates had their official grand opening at the site near Birkenfeld Friday, June 30, at 2:30 p.m. A large crowd gath ered for the event. Master of cere monies for the afternoon program was Bill Shela, Seattle, public re lations man for Land West and Fishhawk Estates, who is in charge of sales. After welcoming those who had come for the afternoon, he intro duced Jack Brown of Kalispell, Montana, developer of the Fish hawk project. Mr. Brown commen ted on the beauty of Oregon but said that there are few lakes, not ing, too, that he comes from an area where there are many. The past president, Dr. S. A. Thiringer, will review his year in that office, and the recently install ed president, Orin Davis, will out line his plans and ask for sugges tions concerning projects which need to be carried out. One of the new directors, Mrs. Juanita Morford, will have charge of the coffee hour and information is that she has a surprise treat in store for all who attend. The chamber secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Heath reported this week that reports have been received from Vernonia telephone subscrib ers indicating calls made by oth ers than themselves have been charged to their bills. The most flagrant instance was of one bill containing charges for 14 calls the subscriber had not made. Checking revealed that most of them had been made to an unlisted number. The telephone company is checking the matter and others are advised to keep records of the calls they make and check their statements to avoid such occurrences. In the past there have been several in stances of people using other than their own number when making calls. Local residents are reminded that the members of the Jamboree court are still selling buttons and the amount sold counts high to ward selection of the Jamboree queen. The purchase of a button not only gives a vote to the candi date of one’s choice but helps fi nance the local celebration and cv ery reisdent should be willing to contribute a dollar toward a com munity project. The Jamboree committee hopes to have enough funds above the cost of putting on the event to finance the erection of public rest rooms which are much needed for the community. The city council has agreed to fur nish a site and maintenance if the building is erected and equipped by community effort Henry Anderegg, 1967 Jamboree chairman, and Chet Ray, parade chairman, both urge everyone to prepare entries for the parade in keeping with the theme, “Verno nia s Claim to Fame” . The theme offers a wide latitude for floats, for there arc many things that can be considered claims to fame for the area. Johnny Carpenter will be grand marshal for the parade. F IR EW O R K S played to a large audience Tuesday ev- eventag a* firemen shot off displays back of the high school. 1‘rior to the fireworks, as viewers were w ait ing for dusk, nature rivaled the man-made display with the brilliance of the sunset which painted the skies in beautiful tones of pinks and gold. To swell the crowd of viewers, the VSPA.SSR excursion train brought a capacity load from Banks. In fact, the departure from Ranks was delayed a half hour while another car was added to accomodate all those who were ready to board the special. Persons wishing to make window displays can contact Mrs Irene Minger at Sam's Food Store. Or ganizations or individuals who wish to have concessions should contact Anderegg. More food concessions are desireable.