CARL GREVE Carl Greve Jr, Owner 10 For the perfect gift that keeps on giving all her life, the best choice for brides can be made from the large selection of jewelry at the Carl Greve Jewelry Store, located at 731 SW Morrison in Portland. The Carl Greve Jewelry Store is the center for all Vernonia area and Columbia county residents who want to buy the best to show they care the most. A full range of dia­ monds in all types of settings is a part of the service offered area customers. High quality merchan­ dise throughout the inventory at Carl Greves tells the story of their community contribution. Table silver in brand names which have become standards of quality through the years are at­ tractively displayed for ease in se­ lection at the Carl Greve Jewelry Store. Reed and Barton, Towle, Lunt, International and George Jensen sterling are all a part of the regularly stocked names and Carl Greve can special order to match any pattern. Carl Greve Jeweler’s make and design their own diamond rings for that personal touch that every bride wants. Carl Greve carries china by Len­ nox, Oxford and many other top names. They register the design that each bride chooses from their wide selection of china, crystal and silver. For all types of gifts, as well as important personal selection, this Trade Center Review directs Ver­ nonia area residents to the most complete choices at Carl Greve’s Jewelry store in Portland. before you drive that new car Naturally you’re anxious to protect your investment and your family’s welfare. We’ll be happy to help you obtain quality auto insurance-de­ pendable insurance backed by this agency and The Hartford Insurance Group. Call on us today. J. Horn VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE 905 Bridge Street Phone 429-6203 Vernonia, Oregon Riprestnffng The Hartford Insurance Group, Hartford, Conn. in ♦z«z»z«z«:«:«:«z«z«z«z«z«z«:«z«:«z«z«:«z«z«z*z«z«z«z«z«z«z«zez*z«z«z«z«z«z«z«z«z*z«z«:«:«zoz«z«z*z«:«z«zozoz*z«z*z*z»z*z*z*i»zoz»zoz*zoz»z«z«z«z«z«ze2»z«zoz«z«z»zoz*z«z«zozez*zoz«»' D em o n ia E agle » BRUNSMAN < THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1967 HARDWARE and ELECTRIC Group Attends Astoria Rites F IN E - TIMBER RT. — Laura and Nell Thacker, Silvia Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family at tended the wedding of Tamara Gal­ loway and Phil Varner at Astoria May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Les Galloway and Tom from Clatskanie, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Varner from Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family were dinner guests of Mrs. H. A. Thack­ er Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Thacker of Forest Grove spent Monday with her Mrs. Rita Shipley, Judi Shipley and Pat went to Banks Memorial day, met Mrs. Thelma Vandehey then all went to Hillsboro ceme­ tery where they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller of Aloha and Mrs. Martin Manthey of Bea­ verton for memorial visits to fami­ ly graves. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wie- necke Sunday after church. Mrs. Wienecke was injured in a car ac­ cident Mothers day. Mrs. Hazel Hascall called on Mrs. Billie Ingermanson Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and family of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and family spent Sunday evening with their mother and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin. Flight to Seattle Unscheduled Extra MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock returned May 30 after fly­ ing to Glendale, California the pre­ vious Friday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Carl Dawson Jr., and family. Upon approaching the Portland airport, the pilot informed the pas­ sengers that they would have to go to the Seattle sirport due to some landing gear malfunction. After flying over and around the field to let all aircraft come in, the pilot made a safe landing. The pas­ sengers were returned to Portland after an hour and a half stopover. Sunday callers at the Garlock home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ny­ ström, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rab- ings and son of Portland, Wayne Reynolds and the Ray Garlocks and Mrs. Mary Garlock. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bliss and family of Tillamook stopped by the Ray Garlock home Thursday so that Beth Ann and Charles Bliss could visit a short time before leav­ ing Portland for Ketchikan, Alaska for the summer. Memorial Day, Ray, Alma and Mary were at Sil­ verton to visit Alma’s sister, Mrs. Mildred O’Neal. Enroute home they stopped at Woodburn to visit the Jimmy Garlock family. The Larry Garlock family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Simmons and Jerry, Mrs. Myrtle Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Larry George, all of Clat­ skanie, enjoyed a picnic at Scapo- nia park on Scappoose-Vernonia road Sunday afternoon. The Roy Kyser family was in Portland Sunday afternoon and vis­ ited the Portland zoo. Saturday they were in Longview on business. WE O u r m an w ith the A rm ed F o rce s Because liecr is such a favorite with service men, we brewers like to do all we can to keep its surroundings right. So USBA representatives serve ns adviser members of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards throughout the country. These men from the USBA operate hand in hand with servico and civilian police, with m alt beverago licensees, public boards and committees: military, civil, professional. Object: to protect those who are underage, and to insure strict observance of the law. Wa 7« proud of the work they do. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. D E L IV E R - M A N U FA C T U R E R 'S SUGGESTED List Price $22.90 ZEB CO ROD AND R EEL COMBINATION $9.95 Two piece 6 (eel (ibergleea red with «paria ceric grip. Anediied red cever. Complete with 90 yard« 8 lb. test monoflloment line. (SN1630-7) Reg. $21.95 $15.88 Save $6.07 Q u a lity 24** MOTORIZED BRAZIER N e w s c u lp tu re d c lip - o n h o o d w ith o v e n . L a rg e s te e l tra y . S w in g -o u t s p it and U L ap­ p ro v e d m o to r. H e a t in d ic a to r . (S E 6 5 3 7 -0 ) IN CARTON 25 + 50 = 75 F t. plus FREE SHUT-OFF MOTOROLA Great value! Super-bright 18” pic­ ture, measured diagonally; 172 sq. in. * Slim—practically all picture * 3 IF amplifying system * All 82- channel reception * Built-in VHF, loop UHF antenna * Pop-up handle. 3 + 1 Mastercraft 5 /8 ” GARDEN HOSE Armstrong Quakertone Vinyl Floor Covering Square $ - f 1£ Yard_______ _ 75 l « l of 3 plus 1 reinforced plastic hose with handy shut-off va lve. Surstproof, 20 year guarantee, (LF0052-5) 1 UNPAINTED FURNITURE $139.95 With Stand GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS Congoleum vinyl Fore cast floor covering. Square Yard_______ 5-Drawer Chest $22.95 10-Drawer Chest 20-Gallon 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs $29.95 GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK Onion Sets 2 Lbs. 45c 19” 3 H.P. SUPER CUTTER Folding Aluminum Lawn Chairs Priced As $Q99 Low As............... C i B riggs and S tratto n E n g in e • Easy Spin Started • Controls at Hand Grips! • Self-Lubricating Bearingsl • 5 Position Height Adjustment! (HE0447-9) I * 8 2 O a llM Silver Seal Electric WATER UCATCB Goulds balanced flow No tank, no extras shallow well system stoma $1085 o Work on House Reveals Papers MIST — While remodeling their living room recently, the Casper Serbys found, after removing sev­ eral layers of wallpaper, that next to the inside walls, newspapers were pasted to hand made cedar sheeting. Upon examining the news­ papers they were found to be print­ ed as far back as October, 1880. One was headlined “The Willam­ ette Farm er,” another, “The Week ly Oregonian” and still another, “The Scandinavian" from Chicago, Illinois. Another newspaper was F U R N IT U R E printed in a foreign language. In trying to find something of news worth the English printed ones had pretty much as we have today, choice recipes, gossip to a certain degree and advertisements, one being for White Business College, established in 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mundorff and family were Monday overnight guests of the Walter Mathews. The following day the A1 Baughman family of Forest Grove joined the group for a Memorial day picnic. Friday evening the Mathews took Leslie Sanders into Portland to his sister Donna’s apartment. That evening he was to leave by bus for Los Angeles for a few weeks visit. Saturday evening the Mathews were dinner guests of the Noble Dunlaps at the Spar Tree Memorial Day guests at the Shal- imon Libel home were Dr. Everett Jones and two children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burnham, Mrs. Clara Libel and Mrs. Fay Lindberg of Fairview Callers at the Charles Sundland home were Mrs. Freda Foster of Marshland, Bernard Dowling anti Mrs. Doug Barr Mrs. Sundland has the cast off her wrist, but it will be some time before she has the full use of her hand. The Sund- lands were in Portland Sunday as dinner guests of the Robert Mar- sons. Mr. and Mrs Charles Hansen, Mrs. Norman Hansen. Sandi and Randy were in Astoria Thursday for Mr Hansen's medical check­ up Visitors Saturday afternoon at the elder Hansens’ home were Mr. and Mrs. Alias Coombs of Marsh­ land, and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beg- lories and children of Astoria. Sun­ day visitors were Henry Empi of Astoria. Mrs Henry Lutnijarvi and Mrs. Nora Bilyeu of Clatskanie. Mrs Wayne Kyser and Gene County Sailors Due with Fleet Three Columbia ,’ounty sailors, Thomas J. Bleth, boilerman fire­ man, of Clatskanie: Michael J. Mears, hospitalman seaman, of Rainier, and Richard W. Magula, fireman, of Scappoose, will be ab­ oard the destroyers USS Twining. USS Hamner and Fleet tug USS Munsee. respectively, three of the Navy ships scheduled to visit Port- were in Delena and Fernhill Me­ morial Day to meet Mrs. Kyser’s new niece. Callers at the Kyser home over the week end were the Harold Sparks of Delena, the Lee Barlows, Claude Kysers and Clar­ ence Kyser. Sunday evening the family were dinner guests at the Jim House Jr. home near Clatska­ nie. $64.95 S IM M O N S MASTERCRAFT BATTERIES Group 1—15 Mo. Guar. $7.95 Exch. Slum ber Spring K in g Mattress Box Springs HRF' Ron (Bud) Biden, Dist. Mgr. IJfe - Medical • Disability Income THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES HOME OFFICE-NEW YORK. NEW YORK 3 < j» * *1 fe ‘49 Visit Our Furniture Dept. on the Second Floor for Big Values. land this week end as part of the 1967 Rose Festival Fleet. They are expected to arrive at the Portland seawall about 3 p.m. today, June 8. Eighteen ships, including four Canadian vessels, will visit the City of Roses. One arrived Monday, the Canadians are due Wednesday and 13 U.S. ships will arrive Thurs­ day. The public is welcome aboard the ships during visiting hours, 9:30 to 11:15 a.m., and 1 to 4:30 p.m., each day the ships are in port except on their respective ar­ rival days. There are no visiting hours Sunday morning, however the public is invited to attend church services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. aboard certain ships. Magula lists his home address as Rt. 1, Box 160, Scappoose. Bleth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bleth of Rt. 1, Box 297, Clatska­ nie, and Mears' parents are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Johnson of Box 434, Rainier. Am I protected ¡filose my BankAmericard? SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES — USE THEM! For Living Insurance — anc 9f Price, each Beauty Rest Inner Spring Mattress and Box $^Q 50 Springs, Each • r j Just heard a man say that the best household appliance ever in­ vented was made from a rib! 232 N.E. Lincoln—Hillsboro—Unit F 648-3133 - 357-2300 Innei Yes. Report the loss immediately to the BankAmericard Center or to the nearest branch of the bank. An important advan­ tage of a BankAmericard is that you are not obligated for unauthorized purchases made on your lost or stolen card. How­ ever, it is imperative that you notify thé bank promptly when your card is missing. « IM IU W I H M MRVICt CMFMATWH. 1M 7 • U > V ICI MARKS OWNED IT RANKAMERICA SERTWE CMP.