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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1967)
ücraonía Eagle LEGAL NOTICE 8 THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1987 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BIOS The Board of Directors, School District 47J, Columbia County, Vernonia, Oregon, will open sealed bids at 8:00 P.M. Thursday. June 22, 1967 at the District Office, 374 Bridge Street, for the purchase of the following: A. Light fuel oil—PS 300—for high school and Washington grade school boilers. Each school has 8,000 gal. tank. Annual use of each school is approximately 25,000 gal lons, for total annual usage of ap proximately 50,000 gallons. B. 1. Comm, standard No. 2, PS —200 (furnace oil) for Lincoln grade school. School has 1,760 gal lon capacity tank. Annual usage of approximately 5,000 gallons. 2. Comm, standard No. 2, PS —200 (furnace oil) for Mist Grade School. School has 1,760 and 175 gallon capacity tanks. Annual us age is approximately 6,000 gallons. C. Standard Stove oil—for Dis trict Office. Office has 110 gallon tank. Annual usage approximately 600 gallons plus 675 gallon tank, Mist school, approximately 1500 to 1800 gallons. Bids should be submitted sepa rately for items A, B & C and the Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Un der no circumstances will a bid be considered if filed after the hour specified in this announcement. Ralph Aldrich, Chairman Board of Directors, School Dist. 47 J Mona M. Biddle, Clerk School District 47J. Vernonia, Oregon. _________________________ 21t2c N IW SP A F IR P U B L IS H E R S ASSOCIATION IT -T O -I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUM BIA In the Matter of the Vacation of a portion of a County Road known as the Rock Creek Road NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that on the 14th day of June, 1967, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. at the office of the County Court in the Court House in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, a hearing will be held to determine whether or not this court should enter an order vacating the following described portion of that County Road known as the Rock Creek Road, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Northwest quarter of the North west quarter (NWV4 NW1/«) of Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 5 West, W. M., Colum bia County, Oregon, said point being 593.5 feet South 59“ 09’ 30” East of the corner common to Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34 of Township 5 North, Range 5 West, W. M., thence South 0“ 32’ West for a distance of 105 feet more or less to the center- line o fthe county road present ly known as the Rock Creek Road; thence westerly along the county road to the line com mon to Sections 33 and 34 of the aforementioned Township and Range, SAVE AND EX CEPT THEREFROM any por tion lying within the presently used sixty-foot county road right of way. The portion of road herein de scribed is a sixty-foot right of way listed in Book C at Page 428 and 429 of the County Com missioners’ Records. A report of the County Survey or relating to the proposed vaca tion is on file with the County Clerk of Columbia County and the same is open to inspection by the public. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON By: Earl N. Seawright JU D G E ENDS • BRUNSM AN • THIS HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E WEEK - A F U R N IT U R E WE D E L IV E R - Reg. $1.20 M fgr’ s . Suggested L i s t P r ic e $ 6 .5 0 2 IIIB B 1 ? ‘‘ ZEE BEE” FAST DRY SPRAY PAINT GUN GRIP HOSE NOZZLE For inferior or exterior use on wood or metal. Non-toxic. Safe for use on children’ s fur niture. 32 colors. (GP0201-5 — GP0247-1) Gun gr<P handle adjusts from fine mist spray to full stream. Chrome plated. Great for all your outdoor watering needs — from sprinkling to washing the cor. (LT0373-7) 8 Piece SCREWDRIVER SET Masfercraft $2.77 Spin-cast reel has adjustable drag, interchangeable spool, and 100 yards of 10 lb. test line. Will not backlash. (SN3180-7) Multi-purpose set of regular and Phillips screwdrivers in handy vinyl pouch. (HA051 5B6) Reg. $21.95 $15.88 Save $6.07 Q u a lity 2 4 " 172” or 3 /8 ” SOCKET SET MOTORIZED BRA2IER Expertly crafted Thorsen socket sets include re- rersible ratchets, extensions, spark plug sockets ond regular length socket sizes. W * set, 13 pieces; 3 /8 " set, 14 pieces. (AD0185-1 and AD0186-0) STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF COLUMBIA ) ss. I, Roy A. Nelson, County Clerk Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. of the above named County and EL 7-7281 State, and Clerk of the County Court of the County of Columbia, Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and State of Oregon, do hereby and Curing certify that the foregoing copy of Meat for sale, any quantity. Notice: In the Matter of the Vaca Cattle Received Sunday and Mon tion of a portion of a County Road day until noon; Hogs received Tues known as the Rock Creek Road has been by me compared with the day and Wednesday until noon. original and that it is a correct Con* through Ranks, take Tilla transcript therefrom, and of the mook road 1H ml., take first whole of such original Notice as lefthand road. ltfe the same appears on file in my of fice and in my care and custody. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 11th day of May A.D. 1967 ROY A. NELSON, Clerk By Fannie Rhine, Deputy 20t4c New sculptured clip-on hood with oven. Large steel troy. Swing-out spit and UL ap proved motor. Heat indicator. (SE6 537-0) MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. STEP LADDERS 5 Ft. Size ZEBCO ROD ANO REEL COMBINATION <£Q f t r Two place 6 foot fiberglass rod with specie cork grip. Anodized red cover. Complete with 90 yards 8 lb. tee* monofilo men« line. (5H1630-7) ~ $4.66 6-Ft. Size $5.66 \ $54.95 WANTED PICK BEAUTIFUL big berries at Bateman’s. Watch your berry dol lars grow! First year irrigated Northwest berries. Call Mrs. Wm. P. Ambrose. 429-3102.________20t3 COOK WANTED at Staley’s Cafe. Call Banks 324-2656.__________21tl STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Call 429-5964, Pat Robertson. Start approx. June 10 for Jim Lewis, Banks. Raspberries and Marion berries to follow.___________ 21tfc Let us put your car’s radiator In shape for warm-weather motoring. Here’s what our service includes: Drain worn-eut »ntt-lrsere, inspsct . the cooling syttent for leaks. 1 2 3 flush snd clsan radiator with an .approv'd cleaning compound. Re-fill with clear water plus an .effectiv* rust inhibitor. Drive in today. This quick, low cost service will give you a trouble-free cooling system all summer long. RALPH'S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAael 9-6691 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Irrigated field. Northwest a n d Hood. Bus service from Vernonia. Myron Duyck, 324-2522 or Violet Cameron. 429-3693,___________ 21t6 B rig g s and S tratto n E n g in e • E asy Spin S ta rte d • Controls a t Hand Grips I • S e lf-L u b ric a tin g B earing sl * 5 P osition Height Adjustment! $7.95 Exch. (HE0447-9) MOTOROLA Great value! Super-bright 18” pic ture, measured diagonally; 172 sq. in. * Slim—practically all picture * 3 IF amplifying system * All 82- channel reception * Built-in VHF, loop UHF antenna * Pop-up handle. BERRY PICKERS WANTED. Good berries, some irrigated Top prices, increased when berries get bad. No tify Mrs. Joe Dennis. 915 Second Ave,, Vernonia.______________ 29t3 WANTED: CASCARA BARK. We buy only dry, well-sacked Cascara Bark. Offering price 20 cents per pound. 1. P. Callison nnd Sons, Inc., 801 Lloyd Bldg., Seattle, Wa- shington.___________________ 19t8c 7-Piece Dinette Set Goulds No balanced tank, no flou $109.95 shallow well system 9x12 Plastic $£*99 Surface Rugs _ M 2 45c guarantee. (LF 0052-5) SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING irynso 8 ej Congoleum vinyl Fore cast floor covering. Square 65 Yard__________ 1 N A T IO N A L N IW S P A F IR —Front your home-owned, independent grocery— Springs, Each 1 extras GARDEN HOSE ALWAYS - Top Quality ALWAYS - Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery Box Armstrong Quakertone Vinyl Floor Covering Square u Yard GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK Onion Sets At the Mile Bridge ’49” With Stand WANTED: Mothers and children to pick berries and cucumbers. Bus transportation provided. Call 429- 3642, evenings. Don Anderson. 17t6c Riverview SIMMONS Slumber King Innei Spring Mattress and Box Springs Price, each Beauty Rest Inner Spring Mattress and $139.95 STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Top wages, no bonuses, first year Northwest. Call Buxton 324-2671 or 324-2662,___________________ 20t7c KING’S Grocery-Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Group 1—15 Mo. Guar. 19” 3 H.P. SUPER CUTTER WANTED: Berry pickers for Roll ing Hills Farms, Banks. Transpor tation furnished. Contact Celeste Poetter, 429-3432.____________21tfc FFILIA TE MEW BER Phone 429-6015 M ASTERCRAFT B A TT E R IE S BIRKENFELD — Mr and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom arrived home last Wednesday after a two weeks vacation trip that took them to Yo semite Park, California, through the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Zion and Bryce National parks in Utah, and to Mesa Verde in Colorado. They spent several days with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs Pat Manning in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill spent several days in Portland to attend their granddaughter, Diana Cahill's, graduation. + I M a s te r c ra ft 5 /8 " I I * 82 O o II m Í Silver Seal Eleefrl« WATER UIATSB 7 5 fe e t o f 3 plus 1 reinforced p la s tic hose w ith handy shut-o ff v a lv e . B urstproof, 20 year Visit Our Furniture Dept. on the Second Floor for Big Values. Folding Aluminum Lawn Chairs Priced As Low As Trip Includes National Parks 3 Mrs. Fred Larson and Debra spent Saturday in Beaverton and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blake and family and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom visited Thursday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lay man and family visited the Bergs Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McGuire (Miriam Rosenberg) of Concrete, Washington, visited at the E. T. Johnston home Saturday then went to Salem to visit with Mr. and Mrs Jerry Fisher (Gladys Rosen berg). Mr and Mrs. Roy Stuve visited last Thursday at the home of her sister. Mrs. Cooper in St. Helens. Spencer Avenue Property Sold RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kagler and two sons have moved from Spencer avenue to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phipps have bought the place va cated by the Kaglers and have moved there. Mrs. Jewell Lloyd and Mrs. Ro berta Schwab and three children of Auburn, Washington spent the week end at the homes of Mr and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eckland. Mrs Olivia Wood and Mrs. Olive Powell called at the home of Mrs. Artie Buckner Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woolsey and his mother have moved from Kea- sey route to Grove street in River view. R. N. C. Claude and Mrs. Stevenson and three children of San Diego are visiting at the Wool sey home at present. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Strong and Melody went to Tacoma Friday to visit his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fain. Saturday both families went to Silver Lake, Wash ington for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and his mother, Mrs. Ethel Woodruff, brought Mrs. Alice Mills home Monday after she had spent a week in Portland with them.