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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1967)
CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General MILLIONS of rugs have been clea ned with Blue Lustre. It’s Ameri ca’s finest. Rent electric shampoo- er $1, Brunsman Hardware. 21tlc PICK BEAUTIFUL big berries at Bateman’s. Watch your berry dol lars grow! First year irrigated Northwest berries. Call Mrs. Wm. P. Ambrose, 429-3102._______ 20t3 FOR SALE: $2000 sprinkling sys tem with 5HP electric motor, like new. Sacrifice, $800. Call 429-3082. 21tl FOR A LIVING memorial, choice rhododendrons in bloom for use Memorial Day at cemetery, plant later in your yard. Make selection at Emmons Rhododendron Gar dens, south end Rose Avenue. 21tlc TWO COWS FOR SALE. Justin Folken, 429-3415 21t3c FOR SALE: Two large storage trunks, Boston rocker, desk chair, antique oak buffet with mirror, push lawn mower, all in good con dition. Norman Davis, 108 B St., phone 429-5085,_____________ 20t3c FOR SALE: Bedroom set and mis cellaneous furniture; some ma chinist’s tools. Contact Max Lev- ecke, 831 Third Avenue, Vernonia. 19t3 1966 SINGER ZIG ZAG Sewing Machine. Buttonholes, sews on buttons, does all decorative stitch es, all built in. Still has guarantee. Take over balance of $36.01 or 7 payments of $6. Write Sewing Ma- chine, Box 15-X, Vernonia. 21t2c 1967 Freighl Damaged Z IG ZAG SE W IN G M A C H IN E S Only slightly scuffed and scratched. 5 year guarantee. Sews on but tons, buttonholes, blindhems, and does many fancy stitches. Portable and cabinet models available. $25 to $39. (terms). For information write Sewing Machine, Box 15-X, V e r n o n i a . ______________ 21t2c I.LOYD QUINN BROKER Real Estate & Ins. Phone 429-5211 886 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Now Is the Time to Buy a Home! N A T IO N A L R E A LT O R W E E K M A Y 21 - M A Y 27 R E N TA LS A V A IL A B L E H O M ES — FA R M S ACREAGE R E N TA LS YOUR L IS T IN G S S O L IC IT E D USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Saw Shop. 49tfc BUNDLES of old papers for starting fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver- nonia Eagle. 48tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flowers wired anywhere. Rutli Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, 429-6611. ltfc FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE: 1955 Buick hard top. very good running condition. Call after 5 n.m 429-3163._______ 21t3c FOR SALE: 1960 2-dr Chevrolet, good condition. Call Edgar Hart zell, 429 6742._______________ 21t3c ’66 IMPALA, 4-dr. HT, V8, Auto steering, 15,000 mi., like new Reeher Realty Company B IL L H O R N , BKR. Vernonia Br. Salesman - George Laws Phone 429-6203 Evenings 429-5603 4-speed .stereo '63 R am bler Clastic 770 - overdrive '64 C H E V 4 dr. V-8, stick '62 C orvair 4-speed '63 Im p ala 4-dr. V-8, auto. $48.00 p. mo. $39.90 p. mo. $41.40 p. mo. $21.90 p. mo. $41.00 p. mo. Special Com m utar Discounts — Tak Employaas and Others. D A V IE S C H E V R O L E T C O M P A N Y 493 Bridge St. - Vernonia - 429 5023 __________________________ 20tlC Oernonia Cagle M A R V IN K A M H O LZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper, Vernonia, Ore. Telephone 429-3372 Entered as second class mail matter August 4, 1922 at the post of fice in Vernonia, Ore. 97064 under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscrip tion price $3 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $4.00. N iW J F A H R P U B L I S H IR S ASSOCIATION Oernonia Cagle 4 8 THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Irrigated field. Northwest a n d Hood. Bus service from Vernonia. Myron Duyck, 324-2522 or Violet Cameron, 429-3693,___________21t6 STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Top wages, no bonuses, first year Northwest. Call Buxton 324-2671 or 324-2662,___________________ 20t7c BERRY PICKERS WANTED. Good berries, some irrigated. Top prices, increased when berries get bad. No tify Mrs. Joe Dennis, 915 Second Ave., Vernonia.______________20t3 WANTED: Assistant cook to help with breakfast four days a week at Perry’s Sports Camp. Hours 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. Write to Bob Per ry, 12220 SW Greenwood St., Bea- verton, or call 644-5962.______ 20t2c WANTED: CASCARA BARK. We Excellent condition, large 5-bed- buy only dry, well-sacked Cascara Bark. Offering price 20 cents per room home, 50x100 lot, $7500 — pound. I. P. Callison and Sons, *4 down. Inc., 801 Lloyd Bldg., Seattle, Wa- shington.___________________I9t8c Small two-bedroom home on OA WANTED: Mothers and children to hill, neat, clean, $4000. Can fi pick berries and cucumbers. Bus nance. transportation provided. Call 429 L IS T IN G S W A N T E D 3642, evenings. Don Anderson. R E N T A L S A V A IL A B L E __________________________ 17t6c 19tlc House for sale, 7 rooms, 2 acres, river frontage. Birkenfeld. Call Jewell exchange 755-2392. 20tfc SERVICES Will babysit five days a week through summer. Please contact Pam Shafer. 20t3 FOR AUTO LOANS contact your Vernonia Federal Credit Union. Horn’s Insurance office, 2 to 6 p.m. Tue., Thur., Fri. or call 429- 7425.__________________________ 20tfc CONSTRUCTION WORK, by con tract or hour. B & B Wood Prod ucts, Vernonia, Oregon, 429-6501. 20tfc EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING Septic Tank Pum ping Sanitation Work. BRUCE BER NDT 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia ______________________________ 23tfc SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv ery. Open 8:30 am . to 5:30 Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING Cooler - Sharp Freeze Locker Wrapped R J. Ekhoff 429-3842 ______________________________ 23tfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes sional civil engineer, county survey or, Court House, St. Helens. Private surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call S, Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc Haberman's Meat PROCESSING PLANT '65 Chovelle STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Call 429-5964, Pat Robertson. Start approx. June 10 for Jim Lewis, Banks. Raspberries and Marion 21tfc berries to follow. WANTED: Berry pickers for Roll ing Hills Farms, Banks. Transpor tation furnished. Contact Celeste Poetter, 429-3432.___________ 21tfc _________________________ 20tlc $4500, $1000 down, $45 per mo., 6 percent. House with cement base ment, garage, wiring 220, roof gut ters. Place well taken care of. H. Hanel, 1332 State avenue. 21t3 WOOD for sale, $20 per cord or $25 per load. Martin Hanson, call Jewell 755-2440 or send card to Box 625, Clatskanie. 45tfc PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop ___________________ 49tfc COOK WANTED at Staley’s Cafe. Call Banks 324-2656.__________21tl FOR SALE-Real Eslate ELEC. ORGAN BUY! Want res ponsible party in this area to as sume small mo. pyts. Also SPIN ET CONSOLE PIANO Phone 503- 363-5707 or write Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem. Ore, 21t2c FOR SALE: Upright and trailing fuchsias, tuberous begonias and ge raniums. Peddicords, 333 B St. or call 429-3825. 19t3c WANTED State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Ilogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. E L 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern HUI Road ltfc CLASSIFIED RATES NO Information on classifieds will be given out until after puper is m ail ed. M IN IM U M charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. B LIN D ADS with answers to be ban- died by The Eagle: Minimum charge $1.00. No Information given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks ft Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional Unco. 8c each. NO CLA SSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. W IL L BE AC CEPTED A F TER TUESDA Y NOON EXCEPT FOR N E X T W EEK'S PAPER . POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rate: 10c per type Urn. SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES - USE THEMI LEGAL NOTICE O F F IC IA L N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON A D A N G ER O U S B U IL D IN G This is an official notice that it has been reported to the City Coun cil of Vernonia that a dangerous building is located on Lot 14, Block 7, First Addition to Riverview Lots, Vernonia, Oregon. The Council has fixed June 5, 1967, at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers in Vernonia as the time and place for a public hearing to determine whether said building is a dangerous building within the provisions of Ordinance No. 335 of said City. At such hearing the Council shall have the power to order any build ing declared to be dangerous re moved and abated, if in its judg ment such removal or abatement is necessary in order to remove said dangerous condition, or the Council shall have the power to order said building made safe and to prescribe what acts or things must be done to render the same safe. Dated this 15th day of May, 1967. Walter E. Linn City Recorder 20t2c IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF T H E STATE OF O R EG O N FOR T H E C O U N TY OF C O L U M B IA In the Matter of the Vacation of a portion of a County Road known as the Rock Creek Road NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that on the 14th day of June, 1967, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. at the office of the County Court in the Court House in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, a hearing will be held to determine whether or not this court should enter an order vacating the following described portion of that County Road known as the Rock Creek Road, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Northwest quarter of the North west quarter (NWW NWVi) of Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 5 West, W. M., Colum bia County, Oregon, said point being 593.5 feet South 59’ 09’ 30” East of the corner common to Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34 of Township 5 North, Range 5 West, W. M., thence South 0' 32’ West for a distance of 105 feet more or less to the center- line o fthe county road present ly known as the Rock Creek Road; thence westerly along the county road to the line com mon to Sections 33 and 34 of the aforementioned Township and Range, SAVE AND EX CEPT THEREFROM any por tion lying within the presently used sixty-foot county road right of way. The portion of road herein de scribed is a sixty-foot right of way listed in Book C at Page 428 and 429 of the County Com missioners’ Records. A report of the County Survey or relating to the proposed vaca tion is on file with the County Clerk of Columbia County and the same is open to inspection by the public. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON By: Earl N. Seawright JU D G E Logger Season Opens with Win Art Commission Officers Named Lou Pinnella, one of the five Beavers to be at the baseball clin ic Saturday, June 17 at Forest Grove is currently leading the Bea vers in hitting. Pinnella will coach the boys in the Babe Ruth league from Forest Grove and Vernonia, in hitting and playing outfield. This clinic preceeds the Forest Grove - Vernonia day with the Beavers June 18 at Portland civic stadium. Tickets may be purchas ed from local Babe Ruth ballplay ers and the purchase will support the Beavers and also the Vernonia Babe Ruth team. The tickets cost $1.50 with the Babe Ruth team re ceiving 50 cents from each ticket sold. The Loggers won their first game of the season last Friday evening as they downed the Forest Grove Braves 4 to 2. This year’s team showed signs of promise as Jim McGinnis slammed out a triple and single in three at bats and drove in two runs. Dan Elton and Steve Landers each had two singles in three at bats and Benny Fields, one single. Paul Nelson pitched a one-hitter and struck out 18 in posting his first victory of the season. Wednesday of this week, May 24 the Loggers played the Forest Grove Pirates on the local field. Other home games are: June 5, Dodgers; June 8, Pirates; June 16, Braves and June 26, Red Sox. BOWLING LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E C O U N TY C O U R T O F T H E STATE O F O R EG O N FOR T H E C O U N TY OF C O L U M B IA In Re: Payment of Rewards for Damage to Road Signs RESOLUTION WHEREAS numerous acts of vandalism and wanton defacing and destruction of Columbia Coun ty, Oregon road signs have result ed in considerable costs to the County, and WHEREAS the County Court feels that a monetary reward should be given to those persons who supply information which leads to arrest and conviction of those persons who damage or de face in any manner, road signs, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED that hence forth Columbia County, Oregon shall pay a reward of $25.00 to any person who supplies information leading to the arrest and convic tion of any person or persons who deface or damage, in any manner, road signs in Columbia County, Oregon. Dated this 17 day of May, 1967. COLUMBIA COUNTY COURT By Earl N. Seawright County Judge By Robert L. Glosenger Commissioner By G. A. Violette Commissioner 21tlc THE CITY OF Vernonia offers for sale Lots 7 and 7, Block 3, Ver nonia, the site from which the for mer K & B Cafe building was re cently removed. Offers should be made in writing by 8 P.M., June 5, 1967, at the City Hall, Vernonia, Oregon. Right is reserved to reject any offer not considered to be in the best interest of the City. Walter E. Linn City Recorder Tuesday, May 16 W Vernonia Drug 2 Docs Hohos 2 Quinn’s Ins. 2 Dairyettes 2 High team series, Vernonia Drug. 2338. High individual series, Sharon Krieger, 478. High individual game, Margaret Thompson, 166. Splits picked up: Beaulah Hall, 3-7-10; Irene Minger, 5-6-10 and 3-10; Margaret Thomoson, 3-10 three times; Marlea Leffler, 3-10; Myra Baska, 5-7. Tuesday, May 23 W Doc’s Hohos 5 Dairyettes 5 Quinn’s Ins. 3 Vernonia Drug 3 High team series, Doc’s Hohos, 2312. High individual series, 491, and game, 184, Joyce Borst. Splits picked up: Laura Buckner, 4-5; Joyce Borst, 5-6-10; Marlea Leffler, 3-7; Betty Fuquay, 2-7; Pat Crowston, 3-10 three times. Bond Sales Are Down in County Savings Bonds sales in Oregon for April rose above the $3,000,000 mark and showed a 2.2 percent in crease over those of last year. Sales figures received recently by County Chairman R. A. Severson gave last month’s total as $3,272,- 418. Last year’s April sales were $3,200,369. Although only slightly higher than a year ago, last mon th’s sales topped any for that N O T IC E O F BIDS The Board of Directors, School month since 1955. ‘‘Sales in this county in April District 47J, Columbia County, Vernonia, Oregon, will open sealed were $30,195 compared to $43,858 bids at 8:00 P.M. Thursday. June a year ago,” said the county chair 22, 1967 at the District Office, 374 man. National sales of Savings Bridge Street, for the purchase of Bonds were $394,000,000 compared the following: to a total of $426,000,000 last year. “Savings Bonds volunteers and A. Light fuel oil—PS 300—for high school and Washington grade the bankers of the state are look school boilers. Each school has ing forward with interest to our 8,000 gal. tank. Annual use of each sales reports for the next two or school is approximately 25,000 gal three months, because of the appear lons, for total annual usage of ap ance on May 1 of the new Freedom Shares,” said Severson. proximately 50,000 gallons. B. 1. Comm, standard No. 2, PS “Indications to date are that —200 (furnace oil) for Lincoln many people who work in plants grade school. School has 1,760 gal where the payroll savings plan is lon capacity tank. Annual usage of available are very much interested approximately 5,000 gallons. in these securities because of the 2. Comm, standard No. 2, PS 4.74 percent interest they pay when —200 (furnace oil) for Mist Grade held to maturity. When bought with School. School has 1,760 and 175 an E Bond of the same size, and gallon capacity tanks. Annual us if both securities are held until age is approximately 6,000 gallons. they mature, the effective rate of C. Standard Stove oil—for Dis return on the combination is 4.39 trict Office. Office has 110 gallon percent, with no state income tax tank. Annual usage approximately to nay on earned interest. “This is a very high return for 600 gallons plus 675 gallon tank, Mist school, approximately 1500 to securities with the safety and li quidity provided by these two,” 1800 gallons. the county chairman concluded. Bids should be submitted sepa rately for items A, B & C and the Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Un der no circumstances will a bid be considered if filed after the hour LOST: Large male Siamese cat, missing since April 27, may be in specified in this announcement. Riverview area. Reward. Call 429 Ralph Aldrich, Chairman 3273______________ ______ —20t3 Board of Directors, School Dist. 47 J Mona M. Biddle, Clerk School District 47J. Vernonia, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND _________________________ 21t2c STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF COLUMBIA NOTICE I, Roy A. Nelson, County Clerk of the above named County and State, and Clerk of the County Court of the County of Columbia, and State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of Notice: In the Matter of the Vaca tion of a portion of a Countv Road known as the Rock Creek Road has been by me compared wdth the original anid that it is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original Notice as the same appears on file in my of fice and in my care and custody. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 11th day of May A.D. 1967 ROY A NELSON. Clerk By Fannie Rhine, Deputy 20t4c LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A- Diet Tablets. ONLY 98c at your drugstore.__________ 20t4 MARK & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379. Forest Grove, Ore EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting. Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon day until noon: Hogs received Tues day and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take Tilla mook road 1H m l., take first lefthand road. ltfc The first meeting of the Colum bia County Fine Arts and Humani ties commission was held May 18 in the courtroom of the Columbia county courthouse. The first order of business was the swearing in of the members present by Mrs. Fannie Rhine, dep uty county clerk. Dr. J. B. Steward acted as tem porary chairman, in the absence of Judge Earl N. Seawright. Inasmuch as this was an organi zational meeting, election of offic ers was next on the agenda. The following were elected by unani mous vote: Dr. J. B. Steward, president; Tom Brumbaugh, vice- president; Mrs. Betty Hance, sec retary and Richard Carlson, trea surer. Terms of appointment on the commission were drawn by lot. Those drawn were as follows: Five-year terms, Lee Clark, Mrs. Margaret Tack and Mrs. Gloria Salvey. Four-year terms, Harold Welling ton, Mrs. Patricia Lundgren, Tom Brumbaugh, Mrs. Betty Hance and Deane A. Tack. Three-year terms, Mrs. Pearl Becker, Mrs. Doris Burdick and Dr. J. B. Steward. Two-year terms, Don Jackson, Marvin Meyer, C. Richard Carlson, Mrs. Virginia Rainey and Jerry D. Olson. One-year terms, Dr. J. Otto George, Marion Andress, Dr. Rob ert E. McDonald. After a short discussion period, it was unanimously voted to accept the third Thursday of each month as the regular meeting date of the Commission. There were brief discussions concerning the landscaping of the present courthouse after the cur rently scheduled painting project has been completed. It was voted that the commission exercise its prerogative to recommend that the painters use every precaution to protect the current landscaping, but should any be damaged or de stroyed, recommendations as to replacement would be made at a later date. Another matter discussed was a mural for the fence of the DuBois Wrecking Yard in St. Helens. Dr. Steward appointed Mrs. B e t t y Hance, Deane Tack and Lee Clark as a committee to investigate all possibilities, such as the desirabili ty of such a mural, the type of mu ral, if painted, and persons to do the painting. The committee will report at a later date on their find ings. The matter of landscaping of the new fairgrounds site was discussed. It was decided that Stanley Adam, architect for the fairgrounds, should be invited to attend the next regu lar meeting of the commission to present his ideas and explain the fairgrounds site to the commission members. The auto wrecking yard operated by Jim Day of Scappoose was dis cussed. Dr. Steward volunteered to take some pictures of the pre mises, and necessary letters would be written to try to improve the unsightly situation. Judge Seawright, who had spent the day meeting with the legisla ture and other county officials, ar rived late, at which time the floor was turned over to him for his comments. He advised that matching funds would be available for the commis sion, and that a token amount of $250 could be budgeted in the coun ty budget as a start towards its organization. He suggested that an art society be formed, with honor ary memberships sold to interest ed parties, as a means of raising funds for the operation of the Fine Arts and Humanities commission. Seniors Defeat Faculty Monday The annual faculty-senior golf match for Vernonia high school was played Monday evening on the Vernonia course with the seniors triumphant in their score of 71/i points to the faculty’s 4M. Playing on the faculty team were Bill Howard, Lance Mocabee, Gordon Crowston, Robert Sargent, Harold McEntire and Bert Kron- miller. Those on the senior team were Gary Hanson, Dave Serafin, Bill Hanson, Ken Vealey, Eric Berg and Bud Robertson. Low gross for the seniors was held by Gary Hanson with 43 and Bud Robertson with 44. Faculty low was held by Robert Sargent with 41 and McEntire and Kron- miller tied at 44. Contentment may be a virtue, but it’s death to enterprise. TRANSIT MIX CONCRETE MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 20188 6457 N. E. Columbia Blvd. Portland. Oregon PHONE 543-2336 97220 SCAPPOOSE. OREGON