TRADE CENTER REVIEW Demonia Eagie THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 11 by News Accounting Service 1967" VAN DOREN RED-E-MIX Dick Van Doren If you’re planning any major con struction at this time, you will of course need concrete to properly complete the job. Van Doren Red- E-Mix is your Vernonia area head quarters for modern, low cost ready-mix concrete. Van Doren Red-E-Mix, located at 2525 North A Street in Forest Grove has a full staff of finishers in their employ to give your next job that professional look. Every batch leaving their plant, in mod ern, fully equipped delivery trucks, is accurately mixed and measured to exacting standards by efficient, scientifically designed equipment. A call to Van Doren’s Red-E- Mix will nut you in touch with one of Van Doren’s Red-E-Mix con crete experts. He will be glad to discuss your needs and problems, and if you so desire, will come to your home and give you a com plete, detailed estimate of costs. When you think of concrete and concrete products, think first of Van Doren Red-E-Mix, serving Co lumbia county builders for many years with high quality, low cost ready-mix concrete products. This Trade Center Review is hap py to recommend Van Doren Red- E-Mix for your next construction job requiring the use of ready-mix concrete. DELAND MACHINE WORKS David Deland, Owner The Deland Machine Works, lo cated at 693 W Baseline in Corne lius has complete equipment for doing the finest kind of machine shop and welding work. They have presses, lathes, milling machines, and numerous other types of equip ment designed to do the specific job called for. However, this is only a part of the story. Besides the up-to-date tools needed for their work, the Deland Machine Works has in their employ, machinists and weld ers who are thoroughly trained with many years experience in their field, turning out the most intricate kinds of machine shop work. They are fully equipped to do all kinds of machinery repair- ing and can design and manufac ture special machinery for differ ent, particular purposes. The services rendered by the De land Machine Works have saved Vernonia area and Columbia coun ty farmers, ranchers, warehouse men, garagemen, oil companies, and a host of others, many precious hours and dollars. They take pride in keeping your equipment work ing and you can depend on them to do the highest type of work at prices that are reasonable. This Trade Center Review is glad to again compliment the De land Machine Works of Cornelius upon their excellent work and to recommend their services to all Vernonia area residents. MAY ELDON HARDWARE SCOTTIE'S MULTI-FLAVOR John Fruin, Owner Eldon May, Owner It would seem that the best place to shop for all of your general needs is May Eldon’s Hardware, located at 2038 Pacific Avenue in Forest Grove. Quality merchandise of every nature is conveniently displayed for Vernonia area and Columbia coun ty shoppers in May Eldon’s Hard ware’s well-lighted store. Gift ware of all types may be found at May Eldon’s Hardware. Clothing for the entire family, featuring famous brand n a m e western and sports wear is availa ble in May Eldon’s Hardware clo thing department. Sports fans will find a complete inventory of sporting equipment to suit their individual interests. Baseball, football, ski equipment, hunting and fishing accessories complete with high and low power ed rifles and ammunition of every caliber, shotguns, pistols, casting and fly fishing rods, reels and tackle, plus camping apparatus, all within one store. The Columbia county handyman will find paints, finishes, lawn and garden supplies, numerous hard ware items for every project, and tools of every sort at May Eldon’s Hardware, highly recommended by this Trade Center Review. FOREST GROVE SHOE STORE Has it been one of those days Multi-Flavor. Thinking ahead, Scottie’s Multi- when the weather was so beauti ful that you spent the day doing Flavor has those real taste spe yard work? The time just seemed cials just a simple request away. Chicken, oh so good, crisp and to fly by and it’s time for the eve tasty shrimp that is truly a treat ning meal, but you forgot to thaw to eat, combination sandwiches something out? Don’t panic; just that the younger generation calls pick up the phone and call 357- their favorite, and yummy soft 6898. This will connect you with drinks and malts and shakes that Scottie’s Multi-Flavor who will Scottie’s Multi-Flavor is so famous take your order and have it ready for. for you when you’re ready for it. Hop in the car and come as you Remember the time a few years are. Scottie’s Multi - Flavor will back when a drive in order was have that order ready for you in limited to just hamburgers and minutes and Mom, won’t it be a hot dogs? Believe it or not, some treat not to have that bother, fuss of them still are but not Scottie’s and mess for a change? Dad, you too, will be pleasantly surprised at how inexpensive it will be to take the family out for dinner and the kids will just love you for thinking of it. You’ll find, too, that at Scottie’s Multi-Flavor, there is plenty of room to park cars and trucks alike. Bridge game or card game last ing a little longer? Why not treat the group to something besides the regular snacks and call an order in at Scottie’s Multi-Flavor. The gang will appreciate the gesture, and more important, the enjoy ment of the tasty food from Scot tie’s Multi-Flavor. THE JINX CAFE Leena Alexanders & Lelah Smith, Owners For that quick snack or a com Farm ers and ranchers will ap plete meal, Washington and Co preciate the convenience of the lumbia county folks know the place Jinx Cafe for a quick pick-me-up to stop is The Jinx Cafe. on the way back to the ranch. They The quick, friendly service given serve the best chicken fried steaks by their courteous attendants, re in Washington County. gardless of the size of your order, For a coffee and dessert break, is the hallmark of The Jinx Cafe. stop at The Jinx Cafe. They have Only the finest meats and vegeta tasty rolls, pies, and fruit salads bles are used by their owners, and displayed for your selection ease their prices are the lowest any and taste treat. where in the Forest Grove area. Give Mom a break from meal preparation while you’re in Forest Grove and just call 357-7887, place your order, and it will be ready by the time you arrive to pick it up. For quick, efficient services and the best food, this Trade Center Review strongly recommends The Jinx Cafe, located at 2801 Pacific in Forest Grove to all Columbia county residents. HABERMAN'S MEAT SERVICE M. C. Haberman, Owner Anders Gimre, Owner OASIS Vem and Helen Grant, Owners Nothing is more refreshing after a long hard day of working or shop ping than a few minutes spent in relaxation over your favorite brew at the Oasis. The cool quiet atmosphere and friendly people provide you with a pleasant end to your day and pre pares you for the enjoyment of the coming evening. Town and country folks alike, en joy the delightful “come as you are” feeling at the Oasis, where your favorite beer is always availa ble in bottles or on tap. Entertainment is only a step away at the Oasis, at the corner of Pacific Avenue and Oak Street in Forest Grove. There is always a top selection of popular and west ern music in their coin-operated record player. Arrange to meet your friends there, you’ll all be glad you did. Remember for a pleasant relax ing time, don’t say meet me; say meet me at the Oasis. For your pleasure this Trade Center Review recommends the Oasis the next time you are in Forest Grove. JACOBSMUHLEN'S MEATS Harry Jacomsmuhlen, Owner Columbia and Washington county residents should utilize the full fa cilities of Jacobsmuhlen’s Meats, located on Route 2 in Cornelius for real savings as well as the enjoy ment of high quality meats. Jacobsmuhlen’s Meats does cus tom slaughtering for Columbia and Washington county residents. How ever, if you wish to purchase just a quarter, half or whole beef Jacob smuhlen’s Meats features t h e choicest beef available, and at the most reasonable prices. If you wish to have your own meat cut and wrapped, Jacobsmuh len’s Meats are experts with many years of experience in catering to the residents of this area. Jacobsmuhlen’s Meats double - wraps your meat in special freezer paper and quick freezes it at ex tremely low temperatures, all of which takes years of experience for correct handling. Call 357-3806, to stock your freez er with Jacobsmuhlen’s Meats, the finest available. This Trade Center Review is dedicated to firms serving Colum bia and Washington county resi dents, and in this edition com mends the excellent service of Jacobsmuhlen’s Meats. MILDRED E SCOTT BEAUTY SHOP Ben W. and Mildred Farm and town women through out Vernonia and the Columbia county area know the smartest thing they can wear is their hair, and no where can they find a more classic styling and comfortable treatment than at the Mildred E. Scott Beauty Shop in Forest Grove. In the bright, well-appointed and climate controlled atmosphere of the Mildred E. Scott Beauty Shop located at 1915 Pacific Avenue you can relax while a thoroughly ex perienced and schooled stylist care fully shapes and coifs your hair in the most recent or traditional fash ions. Distinctive hair styling is the watchword at Mildred E. Scott’s Beauty Shop where they can suit your taste and price with perm a nent waving, hair tinting, cutting and shampooing with a view to ward suiting your hair style to your personality. For real savings as well as the experience in custom catering to tremely low temperatures takes enjoyment of high quality meats the consumers of this area. years of experience in correct han When Vernonia area and Colum Columbia and Washington county Haberman’s Meat Service, tele dling and this experience comes bia county residents find it’s time farm and town home-makers should phone number 357-3922 is the most to the fore to guarantee Washington for that “outfitting the entire fam utilize the full facilities of Haber- popular spot in the area for custom and Columbia area customers the ily with shoes again” season, they man’s Meat Service, located at slaughtering and custom curing best preservation. should head for the Forest Grove Fern Hill Road in Forest Grove. and smoking of pork. This Trade Center Review sug Shoe Store at 2012 Pacific Avenue Whether you wish to purchase a gests to The Vernonia Eagle sub Meat which is cut and packaged in Forest Grove. side or a whole beef or have your Established in Forest Grove for own meat custom cut and wrapped at Haberman’s Meat Service will scribers that if they are not now many years, the Forest Grove in their sanitary shop, you’ll find keep for longer periods of time. enjoying the taste of unhurriedly Shoe Store has built a reputation Haberman’s Meat Service are Double wrapping in special freezer prepared meats they become cus tomers of Haberman’s Meat Ser for fair and honest service while meat experts with many years of paper and sharp freezing at ex vice in Forest Grove. offering top quality merchandise. Familiar brand names are to be found at the Forest Grove Shoe Store which make your stop there the only stop to outfit your entire family. They carry Weyenberg, and Rand for men, Connie, and Red Mr. Parsons, Owner and Manager Cross for women, and Poll Parrot for children. With their store, located at 2013 and tape recorders. Each instru instruments can be yours on terms Many children suffer needless Pacivic Avenue in Forest Grove, ment handled by this firm is one to suit your budget Floyd’s Music discomfort and irreputable damage Floyd’s Music Center provides ex that is outstanding in its particular Center offer sales, instruction and to their feet when they are incor cellent. services for the musicians field and they number among their rental service and they have a free rectly fitted and therefore, it is and music lovers of Columbia coun customers both professional and lesson plan with your new Lowry most important to the growing ty. amateur musicians. organ. needs of the young ones in the fam Among the famous instruments A Floyd’s Music Center organ Washington and Columbia county ily to be correctly fitted in the be handled by Floyd’s Music Center can be a source of never ending residents can find their every mu ginning, and to help these young are Lowry organs, Lowry pianos, pleasure for every member of the sical instrument need when they sters start rig'ht and stay right in Bundy and Olds band instruments; family. There is probably no other stop in at Floyd’s Music Center in the right shoes, the Forest Grove Harmony, Gibson and Epiphone purchase a family can make that Forest Grove. This Trade Center Shoe Store personnel take pride in guitars and amplifiers; and the will bring so much enjoyment as a Review points with pride to Floyd’s the care they take to make sure famous Voice of Music (VM) stereo Lowry organ and one of these fine Music Center. that each fit is the proper fit. In this Trade Center Review, we commend the Forest Grove Shoe Store at 2012 Pacific Avenue in Forest Grove for their record of reliability, friendly service, and top brand shoes. Ed Brabham, Owner FLOYD'S MUSIC CENTER BRABHAM ELECTRIC INC. GENE'S COLOR SHOP Gene Bowser, Owner To make your home truly distinc tive need not require a vast sum E. Scott, Co-Owners of money, just a business such as Creative styling work requires Gene’s Color Shop at 1925 21 st Ave much training and a continuing in nue in Forest Grove. terest in order to keep up with the The personnel at Gene’s Color changing fashions. The stylists at Shop are true color analysts. They Mildred E. Scott’s Beauty Shop have all patterns, colors, and styles maintain contact with advancing of wallpaper, and they also carry techniques through membership in paints by WP4, becoming more and the state association and so bring more the favorite paint with resi to local area women the most up- dents throughout the Washington to-date beauty information. and Columbia county area. A telephone call to 357-2322 will Gene’s Color Shop makes friend assure you of an appointment and ly and accommodating service a relaxed beauty session on your part of every transaction, and next shopping trip when you add to whether you wish advice on a spe the pleasure of your day, and fol cific color for a room, or assistance lowing days, with a distinctive sty in completely redoing your home, ling. This Trade Center Review phone them at 357-6212, or visit recommends to Columbia county them at 1925 21st Avenue. Either residents that they make it a point way, your business is welcomed at to improve their enjoyment in beau Gene’s Color Shop. ty treatments by stopping at the In this Trade Center Review, we Mildred E. Scott Beauty Shop in commend Gene’s Color Shop for Forest Grove, where they have filling a very important need to been in business in Washington discriminating residents through county for over 37 years. out the Columbia county area. Brabham Electric Inc. is your Washington and Columbia county dealer for the entire line of nation ally known General Electric appli ances. Wiese fine appliances are products of years of engineering re search and are designed to case your daily work load. The friendly courteous sales staff at Brabham’s Electric Inc. can help you in choosing the right appliance at the right price for your needs. Their stock is com plete, and General Electric appli ances have earned a nation-wide reputation for dependability and service, and, of course, everything in the store carries a full factory warranty for your protection. Brabham’s Electric Inc., located at 202^ 19th Avenue in Forest Grove, is your headquarters for automatic washers, dryers, refrig erator.;, freezer:., electric rangers, and an unnumbered variety of work-saving small electrical ap pliances. A complete stock of General Electric Television & stereo equip ment is in ready supply at Brab ham Electric Inc. With the number and quality of color television pro gramming increasing daily, you will want to stop in and see their complete line of famous General Electric color television. There is a model in stock to fit every bud get. Brabham Electric Inc. are also electrical contractors and have 13 licensed electricians r e a d y to serve your needs. Free estimates given. Hundreds of lighting fixtur es are displayed in the store and most of them are sold at wholesale. This Trade Center Review com mends Brabham Electric Inc. in Forest Grove, to all our area resi dents. FARMER'S FEED & SUPPLY CO., INC. Mr. Myron Ray, Owner and Manager There are many things which & Supply Co. Inc.’s at Forest Vernonia area farm ers and ranch Grove and Hillsboro need only a ers should consider when purchas phone call to Forest Grove, 357- ing bag or bulk feeds. They must 3631 or Hillsboro, 648-6455 to have your order ready for you when you be feeds nutritiously balanced, in need it. order to bring feeder livestock to Weather and soils are different top market weight in a minimum in every area and therefore, it is of time. most essential that these condi Feed additives, blended like a prescription, mean healthy live tions be considered in order to stock and the two Farm er’s Feed give the best growth from feeds. "Keep This Section As A Guide to Friendly Forest Grove Area Merchants" You can be sure that these factors are all taken into consideration by the Farm er’s Feed and Supply Co. Inc. They are experienced and know their business. In this Trade Center Review, we commend the services offered Ver nonia area and Columbia county farmers & ranchers by the Farm e r’s Feed & Supply Co. Inc. with their two stores in Hillsboro and Forest Grove.