Oernonia Eagle 8 ** THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1967 o M d e tte e ~ e t- Fishing Season Visit Includes Trips, Dinners Opens M a y 2 0 BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munro of Anaconda, Mon­ tana spent last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist. The Munros entertained the Lonnquists, Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills, and Miss Shirley Berg at a dinner Friday evening at Humps in Clatskanie. The Munros and Lonnquists also drove to Eugene and Horton for an overnight visit. The Munros left Saturday to return home. Mr. Vicars moved his cattle to the Ben Holboke place Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Fred Larson, Ran­ dy, Debra, Donnie and Dennis went to Astoria Mothers Day and visited the Astor Column and other places. A1 Berg mowed the grass at the Fishhawk cemetery Sunday. Miss Shelly Lonnquist, grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonn­ quist, was chosen queen of the sen­ ior prom at the South Eugene high school. Miss Shirley Berg entertained with a dinner Sunday afternoon. Guests were Mr .and Mrs. Dave Crawford and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bishop and family of Clatskanie. Saturday, Shirley and Pauline Adams were in Seaside and also went to Short Sands. Don­ na Saunders and Leslie stopped at the Berg home Sunday afternoon for a short visit. Debra Larson spent part of the week end with a friend, Marcy Hen­ dricks, at Vernonia. Guests Arrive From San Jose Buy All Your Fishing Needs Here! MEN IN UNIFORM U Reg. $21.95 $15.88 Save $6.07 .. % M A N U FA C T U R E R 'S SUGGESTED MOTORIZED BRAZIER H ew sculptured c lip -o n hood w ith oven. L a rg e s te e l tray. S w ing-out s p it and U L ap­ proved m otor. H e a t in d ica to r. (S E 6 5 3 7 -0 ) IN CARTON ZEBCO ROD AND REEL COMBINATION Two piece 6 foot fiberglass rod with specie cork grip. Anodized red cover. Complete with 90 yards 8 lb. tost monofilamont lino. (S H I630-7) Army Private Eldon A. Barrett, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melven E. Barrett, 1126 Washington Ave., Vernonia, completed an eight-week wheeled vehicle mechanic’s course at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, May 5. During the course, he was train­ ed to repair internal combustion engines and wheeled vehicle chas­ sis components. Instruction was given in the fundamentals of elec­ trical and transmission systems. $ 2 .4 7 Set of 4 $1.99 Therm o-Serv In s u la te d C o a st-K in g S a fe -F le x COFFEE MUGS BIKE TIRES Deep Copperton, color w ith h ite trim . Assorted hondle v ie s . D ishw asher safe! M 0077-1) Family Members Visit Howards Reg, $13,50 Mfgr’ s. Suggested Johnson $8.17 L i s t P ric e $ 6 .5 0 20, 24 and 26 x 2.125 1.75 inches. B lockw all type. (T Y 0 0 2 Ó -2 - T Y 0 0 2 6 -6 ) Sizes S p in -ca st reel has a d ju s ta b le drag, in te rc h a n g e a b le spool, and 100 yards o f 10 lb , te s t lin e . W ill no t b a c k la s h . (S N 3 1 8 0 -7 ) P re c is io n crafted “ C e n tu ry " model w ith S e le c to -D ia l m ul­ tip le shoe drag and 300" o f 6 lb. te s t lin e . (S N 3 1 6 0 -1 ) L ife tim e G u arantee Reg. $1.20 Reg. $6.95 Y O U R C H O IC E 1/2” or 3/8” SOCKET SET E x p e rtly c rafted Th orsen so cket sets in clu d e re­ ve rsib le ratch ets , e x te n s io n s , spark plug sockets and reg u lar length s o c k e t s iz e s . Vi” se t, 1 3 p ie c e s ; 3 / 8 ” se t, 14 p ie c e s . (A D 0 1 8 5 -1 and A D 0 1 8 6 -0 ) 88c $4.19 GUN GRIP HOSE NOZZLE M a s te rc ra ft 8 P ie c e SCREWDRIVER SET Gun grip handle ad ju s ts from fin e m ist spray to fu ll stream . Chrome p la te d . G reat for a ll your outdoor w aterin g needs •• from sp rin klin g to washing the car. (L T 0 3 7 3 -7 ) M u lti-p u rp o se se t o f regu lar and P h illip s sc rew d rivers In handy vin yl pouch. (H A 0 5 1 5 B 6 ) $ 5 4 .9 5 FREE SHUT-OFF 20 YEAR GUARANTEE mflSTERŒRFT J Evening Includes Dinner, Ice Show Nyfan Rrinfawd PUttk * BURST PROOF $ 8 .2 7 19” 3 H.P. SUPER CUTTER B rig g s an d S tratto n E n g in e 2 5 + 5 0 = 75 F t . plus FR E E SHUT-OFF 3 + 1 M a s te rc ra ft • Easy Spin Started • Controls at Hand Grips! •Self-Lubricating B-arings! 5 /8 " GARDEN HOSE 75 feet of 3 plus 1 reinforced plastic hose with handy shut-off valve. Burstproof, 20 year guarantee. (LF0052-5) • 5 Position Height Adjustment! (HE0447-9) Parents Are Guests For Sunday Dinner p o o e n t proven m no rm a l use. A rrenged throug h us. L .U o r . < t „ Goulds balanced flow No tank, no extras shallow well system $1085 o MOTOROLA Great value! Super-bright 18” pic­ ture, measured diagonally; 172 sq. in. * Slim—practically all picture * 3 IF amplifying system ♦ All 82- channel reception * Built-in VHF, loop UHF antenna * Pop-up handle. — Also, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Service CASH & CARRY Congoleum vinyl Fore cast floor covering. Square 61 Yard__________ $109.95 J. 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More” Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PH 0N E -Y 0U RING, WE BRING / Low .As........ T - WE F U R N IT U R E D E L IV E R - GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK □ $64.88 Onion Sets 2 Lbs. 45c boards and of the National Associa­ new money sources. For the ramily tion of Real Estate Boards.” which needs more space for growth In discussing the code of ethics, the realtor can find just the home Quinn continued that "it was one which will fill their needs, both as of the first such codes adopted in to size and cost. the history of American business. Two-thirds of American families "The Time Is Right to Buy a Under its 30 articles, covering all own their own homes, a proportion Home” is the theme of the 1967 Re­ aspects of real estate transactions, virtually unrivaled anywhere in the altor week celebration by the 21 realtors pledge fair treatment and world. The Columbia county board was members of the Columbia county their total real estate knowledge to founded in 1962. The parent group, board. President Lloyd Quinn has both parties of a contract—the buy er and seller.” the National Association of Real announced. Realtor week will continue Estate Boards, was founded in 1908 In honor of realtor week, a num­ ber of community-wide observanc­ through Saturday. May 27, es have been scheduled by realtors It’s the same wide world we’ve The years slogan underscores the in this area. resourcefulness of realtors through always lived in, but we’re living “A realtor," said Quinn, “is a out the nation. For the prospective on a narrower margin. professional in real estate who sub­ buyer who is experiencing a little scribes to a strict code of ethics difficulty in securing financing for as a member of the local and state property, the realtor can suggest IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! Realtor Week Is May 21-27 O I WATER UCATCK > BRUNSMAN < F IN E $p*99 M« 12 OallM .Silver Seal Elettri« With Stand HARDWARE and ELECTRIC ’49s 1 7-Piece Dinette Set $139.95 Folding Aluminum Lawn Chairs Priced As SIMMONS Slumber King Innei Spring Mattress Box Springs $ Price, each Beauty Rest Inner Spring Mattress and Box $ ry Q 5 c Springs, Each • ZJ Armstrong Quakertone Vinyl Floor Covering Square U Yard DRY CLEANERS The number of people in a com­ munity isn't nearly as important as the type of people in the com­ munity. $ 2 .7 7 ‘ZEE BEE’ SPINNING REEL Save $5,33 late for last week.) Lusby Bldg. — 712 Bridge St. $ 9 .9 5 PVT. ELDON A. BARRETT Raymond R. Hartzell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Hartzell of 501 St., Vernonia, has been pro­ TIMBER ROUTE — The Thacker Bridge moted to airman second class in fa miles and Falconers were pleas­ the U.S. Air Force. antly surprised Thursday when Airman Hartzell is a weapons their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ as I.aman and children of San Jose, mechanic at McChord AFB, Wash. California arrived. They were lun­ He is a member of the Air Defense cheon guests of Mrs. Nell Thacker. Command which protects the U.S. Mrs. Frank Schmidlin was a against enemy air attack. He is a luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1965 graduate of Vernonia high Wm. Harders Sunday. In the late school. afternoon Mr .and Mrs. Jack Kells of North Plains visited the Schmid lins. Mrs. Carl Wienecke visited her nephew, Mr .and Mrs. Wilson Wie­ necke of Hillsboro, and Mrs. L. H. Todd of Aldha, Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Schmidlin and Mrs. Edna Reynolds, Lorre and Glen NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. and were in Forest Grove Monday and Mrs. Bill Howard and family and also visited George Snyder in Hills­ Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Stiff spent Sat­ boro. with Mr. and Mrs. Joe How­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker, urday and Denice Howard Mrs. Nellie Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. ard. Debra overnight with their grand­ Wm. Falconer were Sunday dinner stayed parents, then returned home guests of the brother of the ladies with the Jack Howard fami­ and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Otto ly of Portland who came Sunday to Stowell of Buxton. Tamara Gallo­ visit his folks. way and Phil Varner of Astoria vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap at­ ited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie tended the wedding of Wayne Car­ Thacker Saturday. michael at Hillsboro Friday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack drove to Seaside Friday to spend the night. Max went clam digging in the morning with good success. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis and MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Howard family of St. Helens spent Sunday Case and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ma­ with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ike thews had dinner at the Pancake Dass. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap spent House in Beaverton Friday even­ ing and then attended the ice Fol­ Sunday with Mrs. Laura Carmicha el and her family. lies in Portland. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mothers Day dinner guests at the Ray Garlock home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Max Glienke and Mr. and Mrs. Max Mrs. Larry Garlock and Gary. Mrs. Charles Ramsey entertained Wolff and Gretchen of Portland, the Mist-Birkenfeld Extension unit and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner, Friday. Seven members and a Tom, and Sue of Hood River. guest, Mrs. Bud Hemeon, were pre­ sent to receive the lesson, “You versus Ironing,” presented by Mrs. Darrell Baker and Mrs. Ramsey. Plans were laid for the unit to serve the hot dish at the Nehalem Community Day at Vernonia in NATAL - PITTSBURG — Sunday June. There will be no more unit dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max meetings until September. Oblack were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding and brother, The advantage gained by taking George Holding of Scappose. advantage of a friend always back­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAdams fires sooner or later. of Portland called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard recently. The McAd­ ams family formerly lived in the NEHALEM VALLEY Pittsburg area. Recent callers at the Noble Dun­ Laundromat & Dry Cleaners laps were Otto Lyons of Stayton Open Every Day 7 a m. to 10 p.m. anl Mrs. Sulo Sanders of Westport. Mr. and Mrs. E. McCrone and — Personal Assistance — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and Mon.-Sat. — 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sandra were supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Bill Wolff Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and Sandra attended the Ice Fol E&R LAUNDRY and lies in Portland Saturday afternoon. (T o o List Price $22.90 Q u a lity 2 4 “ S SS5 Columbia County Nurses to Meet The Columbia County Nurses as­ sociation will meet May 23, 6:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Wes Capron in St. Helens. A potluck meal is planned. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Eve­ lyn Leeper, public health nursing supervisor for Columbia county. SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES — USE T H E M ! Men who travel the downhill trail will never rise to fame.