Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 18, 1967, Page 3, Image 3

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    Delegates Go to
State Assembly
GROUP OF Little People of America at recent gath-
ering at home of Shirley Berg near Birkenfeld. (Name
GAMES, VISITING and business occupied those in at-
tendance at recent meeting of Little People at Berg
identification in accompanying story),
home near Birkenfeld,
KAREN BARTOLOTTI, David, Randy and B. J. Bradford and Shirley
Berg sun themselves on the steps at the Berg home during Little People
-Get Results with Eagle Classifieds-
The Yellow Pages
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To sell space in the Yellow Pages. If you have a
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Do it soon. Before they move on.
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A M»mUf at »ha G U I foautf a! Cwnponi«
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1867
A meeting of members of the Lit­
tle People of America association
from this area gathered recently
at the home of Miss Shirley Berg at
Birkenfeld for a day of fun and
planning for the national conven­
tion to ba held in Hollywod in July.
This area is a part of district 11
which takes in Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
Those pictured above are, back
row from left: Feme Vining, Kel­
so, who trims poodlas and works
for a telephone answering service;
Clark Belange, Boring, who works
for fire department and on the
chicken ranch owned by his folks;
Ralph Vining, Kelso, Coca Cola ma­
chine repairman; Gloria Van Loo,
Portland .student at Lincoln high
school; Shirley Berg, membership
chairman for district 11 and teach­
er’s aide at Mist school; Angie Al­
brecht, Philomath, high school
teacher; Mrs. Evan Shaw, Philo­
math, housewife who also has done
work with the mentally retarded
school; Joe Alexander, Goldendale,
Washington, chairman for district
11, u’ho is a speech therapist;
Front row: Steve Reed, Lincoln
City, student; Mardi Van Loo,
Portland, Lincoln high school stu­
dent; Frieda Groeneveld, Tacoma,
secretary for district 11 and a kin­
dergarten teacher in Tacoma; Ka­
ren Bartolotti, Newberg, elemen­
tary student; Agnes Owen, Central­
ia, Wn., homemaker; Emma Fur­
long, Rochester, Wn., homemaker
and district I l ’s eldest member (in
her 70’s but still active);
Three little boys in front: David,
B.J. and Randy Bradford of Gresh­
am, all pre-schoolers.
Not present when the picture was
taken were Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Carr, members who chose that date
as their wedding day and stopped
by after the ceremony. They are
now residing in Portland.
Others in attendance were Mrs.
Bartolotti, Mr. and Mrs. Don Brad­
ford, parents of the three little
boys. Evan Shaw and A1 Reed, all
of whom are ineligible for mem­
bership because they are of nor­
mal size.
The group discussed the Nation­
al convention in Hollywood and al­
so heard reports from the district
11 meet in Spokane in April. At
the national convention, the pro­
gram will include many eminent
persons in the rehabilitation work
with little people. Several of the lit­
tle people will also speak. One will
be Bob East of Oakland, California,
who has been instrumental in equip­
ping many member’s cars with
driving extensions and has con­
structed a device for dropping mo­
ney in coin-operated telephones
since many are placed too high
for little people to reach He also
devised a telescopic hook for reach­
ing packages on shelves and in
freezers when grocery shopping.
Convention activities will include
swimming, bowling, fashion shows,
baseball games, talent show and
entertainment by an invited guest
star and an optional black-tie din­
ner dance.
Miss Berg stated that the general
purpose of LPA is to provide fel­
lowship. interchange of ideas, so­
lutions to unique problems of a lit­
tle person and moral support. This
is done in five ways: an annual
national convention, annual or more
frequent district meetings, district
and national newsletters, local
chapter meetings and informal or
impromptu private meetings be­
tween individuals.
Benson Picnic
Plans Started
A steering committee met Wed­
nesday evening, May 10, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Valpiani, to
work on plans for the fourth an­
nual picnic for former Benson Tim­
ber employees. The date for this
year’s picnic was set for Sunday,
July 16, in the city nark in Clats­
kanie, with registration beginning
at 10 a.m.
Participating in the planning ses­
sion were: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Daniels of Banks, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
West and Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar
Johnson of Clatskanie. Mr. Daniel­
son agreed to act as general chair­
man again this year; Mr. Carlson
will take care of registration; Mr.
Johnson will be in charge of fi­
nances and Mrs. Valpiani will han­
dle the publicity.
There will be door prizes for men
and women and, for those who want
a little more exercise, horseshoe
pitching will be an added attrac­
So that people will be able to
plan for the event, it was decided
to set the third Sunday of July as
a permanent date for future pic­
nics. Former Benson employees,
their families and friends are invit­
ed to come and bring picnic lunch.
Coffee, cream and sugar will be
Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters
met Wednesday evening of last
week with all officers present,
though several members were re­
ported absent due to various ill­
nesses. Gladys Worthington was re­
cuperating from a bout with flu,
Marie Shafer was having some eye
difficulty, Amelia Zamarripa and
Virginia Hogberg were both having
intermittent difficulties with chron­
ic ailments.
With convention out of the way,
the business session was brief.
Plans for major activities will be
delayed until fall. The coin march
yielded a substantial sum for the
cancer fund.
Following the meeting, delicious
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sutton an­ angelfood
cakes were served by
nounce the engagement of their Martha Brady
and Mathilde Berg
daughter Sherry to PFC Jerry L. erson at tables
Hays, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank spring flowers. The decorated
Hays of Vernonia. Jerry is present­ theme predominated Mothers
ly home on leave but will leave were awarded mothers and
May 28 for North Carolina for more categories until almost in everyone
schooling in combat engineering.
had received a prize, an Idaho
No date has been set for the wed­ Spud (candy bar). Mrs. Marie At­
ding. Miss Sutton has enrolled for kins had no competition to the title
the summer session at Multnomah of one with the most great-grand­
college in Portland.
children. Catherine Lentz was the
oldest mother present and Jackie
Atkins, the youngest.
Suttons Announce
Engagement News
(1st 3)
CAKE M IXES........ 3 / ^ 1 ° °
Roy E. Lieuallen, chancellor of
the Oregon State System of Higher
Education, spoke on the “Genera­
tion Gap” in the principal address
at Pacific University’s 114t"n spring
commencement at Forest Crove
May 14. Lieuallen is a 1940 gradu­
ate of Pacific.
Some 170 seniors were candidates
for degrees, the highest number at
Pacific University since the post-
World War II enrollment boom. In­
cluded in this number was Freder­
ick Henry Bender, Vernonia, who
received a bachelor of science de­
Revealing of Pals
Scheduled for Club
The Vernonia Study club met
May 4 at the new home of Amy
Kamholz with 11 membeds present.
Jean Bergerson gave a very inter­
esting report on “Coins of the
World.” She also showed some of
her coin collection.
Next meeting will be a planned
potluck Friday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m.
at the West Oregon Electric build­
Members will reveal secret pal
names with an exchange of gifts
and draw new names for the com­
ing year.
P.E.O. Chapter Has
Program on Poetry
Members of Chapter BS, P.E.O.
Sisterhood, met at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Nelson May 8.
For the program, Mrs Dan Flet­
cher reviewed the life of Edna Vin­
cent Millay, and read several of
her poems.
The next meeting will be May 23
at the home of Mrs. Owen East.
Mrs. East, delegate to state con­
vention May 15, 15 and 17 at the
Sheraton Motor Inn, Portland, will
give the convention report.
« £ i|
(46-oz. Cans)
ORANGE DRINK - 4 / l uu
(300 Can)
SAUCE................ 4 / 8 8 ’
COOKIES 1 U ...... 2 / 8 9 ’
DOG FOOD......... 1 2 /S 1 ° °
CAT FOOD.......... 1 2 /S 1 ° °
MODESS................ 6 7
Degree Conferred
On Fred H. Bender
Pythians Give
Honor to Moms
Little People
Meet at Bergs
STEVE REED of Lincoln City, right, shows B. J, Bradford of Gresham
a baby chick as Little People explored the farm of the Bergs at Birken­
The meeting of Mt. Heart Rebe
kah Lodge Thursday evening of
last week was preceded bv drill
practice in anticipation of the visit
of the new assembly president to
this area in the near future. Date
for her visit here has not been re­
leased. However, she will visit the
Rainier lodge June 1 and the one
in St. Helens, June 29. An invita­
tion was received to visit Fern
Lodge at Rainier June 1 on the oc­
casion of her visit and plans were
made for several to do so.
There was a good attendance at
the meeting. Officers absent were
Florence Akers, chaplain, who is
having trouble with her eyes due
to an allergy and Marie Shafer,
color bearer, who was not feeling
too well. Juanita Edwards of Man­
ning was in attendance and added
some points for her side in the sec­
ret work contest.
Report for the social committee
meeting at the home of Mathitde
Bergerson May 9 indicated a fair
attendance and talk of tentative
plans for future activities. They re­
ported special enjoyment of the
strawberry shortcake served by the
Irene Minger reported that the
bloodmobile would visit here May
29 and asked those who could to
act as donors and others to assist
with the work at the visit.
Plans for the Assembly sessions
at Grants Pass were discussed. Ma­
rie Elliott, delegate and nominee
for district deputy, and Gertrude
Schalock, alternate delegate who
will serve instead of Isabel An-
deregg who found it impossible to
attend, announced plans to leave
for the sessions Tuesday of this
week. Sessions for the Rebekah As­
sembly were scheduled for Wednes­
day and Thursday, May 17 and 18
and the delegates will return home
the following day and will report
at the next lodge meeting, May 25.
Following the meeting, refresh­
ments of assorted sandwiches, po­
tato chips and pickles were served
with coffee and tea by Marie El­
liott, Zoe Salomonsen and Leona
Oentonia Cagfc
TOMATOES........ Lb.
CORN............. 5 Ears 3 3
LETTUCE......... 2 HisZ S r
BACON............. Lb. 0 9
PORK................ Lb. 49’
TONGUE............ Lb.
PORK CHOPS - - L b . 6 9
Sam's Food Store
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