VHS Boys Enter Plymouth Event KARL KOCH and Dave Crawford represented Vernon­ ia high school at the Plymouth trouble shooting contest Timber Route Unit Will Conclude Year Due to conflicting dates, the Timber Route Extension Unit will meet a week later than usual on May 16 at the West Oregon Elec­ tric building at 10:30 a.m. The lesson to be presented by project leaders is “You versus Ironing.’’ At noon a potluck lunch will be served. This is the unit’s last meeting un­ til September. Rainbow Girls Initiate Four At the meeting of Nehalem As­ sembly No. 18, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Monday evening of this week at the Masonic Temple, the initiatory degree was conferred by Worthy Advisor Virginia Nelson and her officers on Carol Nelson, sister of the worthy advisor; Jack­ ie Odam, Coleen Webb and Sally Leffler. Election of officers for the sum­ mer term was held and Dottie Grosche was named as worthy ad­ visor. Other elective officers are Kristen Landers, worthy associate advisor; Jeanette Aultman, chari­ ty; Allyson Hall, hope and Lawayne Leffler, faith. Installation will be held early in June. Since Sam Hearing, who for ma­ ny years has been dad advisor for Nehalem Assembly, finds it impos­ sible to be at meetings due to being gone part of the time on trailer trips, the girls elected Thomas F. Tomlin as their new dad advisor. Worthy Advisor Virginia announ­ ced that over $20 had been realized from the food sale held May 6. Among guests introduced during the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bush, worthy patron and ma­ tron of Nehalem Chapter, OES. Following the meeting, refresh­ ments were served. Wednesday of this week, the girls visited their Rainbow Grand­ mother at the Masonic-Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. Bank Deposits Show Increase U. S. National Bank of Oregon reported a deposit total of $1,250,- 200,932 on the call date of April 25, 1967, President LeRoy B. Staver has announced. Staver reported to the U. S. Comptroller of the Cur­ rency that the statewide financial institution’s deposits had risen $73,170,065 from the comparable call date of April 5, 1966. This was a percentage gain of 6.2 percent. Loans pushed up 4.9 percent from a figure of $721,329,775 on Ap­ ril 5, 1966 to $756,679,544 on the re­ cent call date. The Vernonia branch of the U.S. National recorded total deposits of $1,840,848 according to B. R. Pilger, manager. Loans for the local branch stood at $357,238. The report to the U.S. govern­ ment also revealed that total re­ sources had increased $90,063,185 to a new figure of $1,381,692,335. Capital funds advanced $3,818,227, a rise of 4.2 percent to $95,722,519. MARGIE'S GIFTS Î Open House — Î — Thurs., May 11 $ 763 Jefferson 1:00 to 3:30 P.M. ’♦ io » » » » » » » » » » : * ? " at Lloyd Center. Couple Married At Vancouver Marriage vows were exchanged last Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Five-Corners Baptist church near Vancouver, Washington, by Miss Sheelia Mae Wolf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf, and Michael Paul Rosser, son of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rosser of Timber route. The ceremony was perform­ ed by Reverend L. A. DuBose, pas­ tor of the Vernonia Baptist church in the presence of immediate fam­ ily members and a few close friends. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length white dress and short veil and an orchid corsage. Bridesmaid was Miss Patty Rosser, sister of the groom, who also wore white and had a corsage of yellow roses. Best man was Leo Thackery. Those present at the wedding were Mrs. A1 Rosser, mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Woodward Sullivan, uncle and aunt of the bride; Mrs. Wayne Thomas, cousin of the bride from Beaverton; John Wolf of Spring- field, uncle of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Thompson of Aloha, uncle and aunt of the bride, and their daughter, Teresa. Of special interest is the fact that the wedding took place on the twenty-fisst wedding anniversary of the bride’s parents. Following the ceremony, the cou­ ple and guests returned to Verno­ nia for a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. A lovely four­ tiered wedding cake topped with bride and groom ornament had been baked and decorated by the bride’s mother, and a second cake, iced in white and trimmed with lilies-of-the-valley and yellow roses was made by the mother of the groom. These were served with coffee and punch to the wedding party and additional friends and relatives who came for the recep­ tion. A number of lovely gifts were received by the newlyweds. The groom is employed by Port­ land General Electric company in Portland and the bride is a junior at Vernonia high school and will continue her schooling. At present they are staying with the groom’s parents on Timber route, but plan to establish their own home here soon. Hunters Told of Game Hearings Big game hunters and other in­ terested citizens are reminded of the big game regulations hearing scheduled for 10 a.m.. Friday, May 19, at the game commission’s Port­ land headquarters, 1634 S.W. Alder. This will be the first of two public hearings scheduled to hear recom­ mendations and proposals for the big game hunting seasons this fall The second hearing is scheduled for June 2 at the same time and place. Information relating to the man­ agement and welfare of these im­ portant resources, such as popula­ tion trends, winter m o r t a l i t y , range and forage conditions, and other facts, will bd presented to the commission along with staff recom­ mendations for the fall hunts. Each sporstman has a voice in these proceedings by submitting suggestions or recojnmendations, either oral at the meeting or in writing Tentative regulations will be set by the commission following the hearing. On June 2, the commission will reconvene to reappraise all recom­ mendations and the tentative rules. Any changes will be made at that time. Regulations adopted by the commission on June 2 will become final and govern the big game hunts for 1967. MEN IN UNIFORM Private Jack W. Holsey, who is with the National Guard, has com­ pleted basic training at Fort Leon­ ard Wood, Missouri and will re­ main there for several weeks addi­ tional training. His address is Pvt. Jack W. Holsey NG28-810654, D-2-1 2nd Pit., Fort Leonard Wood, Mis­ souri 65475. Two-man teams of high school boys from Roseburg and Portland placed first in the two divisions of the Oregon state finals of the 1967 Plymouth trouble shooting contest held Saturday, April 29, at Lloyd Center in Portland. Twenty-seven teams representing high schools throughout Oregon competed for the two divisional honors and the winners’ expense-paid trips to De­ troit, Michigan in June for the Na tional Finals in the 1967 Plymouth trouble shooting contest. Oregon state winners in the in­ dustrial arts division were Clifford Guse and Gary York of Roseburg high school. Their instructor is Marvin Wolf and the team was sponsored by McKay Motors in Roseburg. The Roeburg team fin­ ished in 54 minutes and 27 sec­ onds. Winners in the vocational divi­ sion were Stan Hochstetler and Bill Dunlap of Benson Polytechnic high school in Portland. Their in­ structor is A. A. Stiff and the team was sponsored by Alexander Chry­ sler-Plymouth of Portland. In the Plymouth trouble shooting contest, all teams compete simul­ taneously against each other and the clock to analyze, detect and correct hidden “bugs’’ placed in the carburetion and ignition sys­ tems of 1967 Plymouth Barracudas. Identical problems are placed in each team ’s car. Participants from Vernonia high school were Dave Crawford and Karl Koch, sponsored by Coletti Chrysler-Plymouth, Hillsboro. The boys’ instructor is Herb Nicholson. Russells Honored At Portland Dinner May 17 Date of Goodwill Visit The Goodwill truck will come to Vernonia Wednesday of next week, May 17, to pick up items of cloth­ ing. housel>old furnishings and ap­ pliances which are repairable and can be used in their work of sup­ plying work for the handicapped and merchandise at a low cost to those who need it. Persons who wish to have the truck pick up items at their home may call Mrs. Frank Lange at 429- 3161 or Mrs. T. L. DeHart at 429- 6804 prior to May 17. IOOF Boy Scout benefit. Sun., M ay 14, IOO F hall. Hotcakes served 7 a.m . to noon. 19tl Demonia THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 Saturday Hike Held Ry 15 Girl Scouts Fifteen Girl Scouts, accompanied by leaders Mrs. Ralph Sturdevant, Mrs. Ray Peterson and Mrs. Hor­ ace Hertel, went on a hike Satur­ day to Mud Puppy Pond at the end of Rose avenue. They left town at 10 a.m., took along sack lunch, and returned home at 2 p.m. The girls spent the time in raft rides on the pond, explorations along Rock Creek and hunting for wild flowers and leaf specimens which they brought home to iden­ tify. MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 1 4 TO MOTHER WITH LOVE Mother is your firs t love and ours, too. Only the best is good enough for her and th a t’s why we have carefully selected only the finest quality Mother’s Day cards for you to choose from in our store. Trust Hallmark to help yoe put your nicest thoughts into words for Sunday, May 14. In our complete selection of Hallmark cards, you’ll find one ihat seems created just for your Mother. BROWN & HALEY CHOCOLATES 1- Lb. Tin.......... 75c 2- Lb. Tin........$1.49 3- Lb. Tin....... $2.19 Instant... 10-oz. $1.39 TEA BAGS 99c M J.B . 100s Pkg, V V V V V ’♦* V V 9 í ’♦* B î V V Î V V B 5 5 í V V i V i 8 FLOW ER SHOP Phone 429-5863— Vernonia CRESCENT BLACK 45 55 49 PEPPER 39c 4-oz. Tin NABISCO CRACKERS ... - 3 /$ l 1-Lb. Pkgs, HEAD LETTUCE £ , 2 s 2 9 * GRAPEFRUIT £ 5* DESCHUTESSPUDS 39* SURPRISE SPECIAL COTTAGE CHEESE '*■' “ SAM’S FOOD STORE FR E E DELIVERY •5 5 V V LOWER PRICES-MOREITBtí M.J.B. COFFEE V î « V SPOFFORD'S ROAST BEEF 3 s £ SKINLESS WIENERS “ PORK ROAST ä i V i i V i ’♦* V ’♦ $ •5 $ Mother's Day PAYS! S •5 í $ B Miss Sheila Wolf Honored at Shower R E A D A D V E R T IS IN G — IT 3 ÿ í V V i V VW .« Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russell, son Fay, attended Sunday morning ser­ vices at Portland First church April 30 to hear Dr. Leslie Parrot and group, who returned Thursday from a trip to the Holy Land. His message was “The five Miracles Miss Jeanette Aultman and Miss of the Holy Land” . Teen-agers Patty Rosser were hostesses for a spoke in the evening service. bridal shower honoring Miss Shee­ After the service Mr. and Mrs. lia Wolf last Friday evening, May Gerald Russell took their parents 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. out for dinner to celebrate their Edison Aldrich. 48th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Games appropriate to the occa­ Russell’s brother and wife met the sion were played after which the group at the church. Later her sis­ honor guests opened the many love­ ter, Mrs. Blanche Dixon, joined ly packages and displayed the them. gifts for her new home. A number who were unable to attend also FOR sent gifts. Refreshments of cake, jello, punch and coffee were served by the hostesses. The following day, the honor guest became the bride Cordages - A rrangem ents of Michael Rosser. Potted & Redding Plants Help the Odd Fellows help the Scouts. Eat hotcakes Sun., M ay 14, IOOF hall, 7 a.m . to noon. 19tl 3 PHONE 429-5501 SAM HEARING JR. (Buck) Ì