TRADE CENTER REVIEW Uernonia Eagie THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1967 7 by News Accounting Service 1967' A-B AUCTIONS James Stocker, Auctioneer Elva S. Stocker, Owner Bid one dollar, two dollar, three are “tricks of the trade” , and fol­ item should bring. or four, lowed by the successful auction­ Many beautiful antiques a r e Bid thirty or forty or fifty or eer. He must have that special available in our store the “World more. "know how” to keep the auction Wide Traders” . We buy or sell Keep it on the move, don’t lose running smoothly, be quick and anything. price sight. alert to recognize the bidder’s bid, In this Trade Center Review we Hire the auctioneer who’s auc­ and be able to keep everyone in­ wish to suggest to our Vernonia tion goes right. terested, and “in the know” on A little poetry is here speaking what is taking place. area and Columbia County neigh­ out for A-B Auctions in Portland, A-B Auctions at 14555 S. E. Mc- bors that they start right, stay for watching an auction run and Loughlin Boulevard in Portland in right, with the right auctioneer, conducted by Jam es Stocker is actuality is a true estimator. He and that is James Stocker at A-B truly watching “an artist at work”. has the eye for value, and can Auctions in Portland, telephone There are many musts which tell at a glance what price any 654-6947. THE WIG TREE Evelyn Brown, Owner The gigantic strides made by the wig industry in recent years stems from the unrelenting demands by the American women to look their best at all times, and fashion con­ scious women in the Washington- Columbia County area are fortun­ ate to have a wig salon such as The Wig Tree in Beaverton. The Wig Tree features high qua­ lity wigs in many various colors. Hand tied, or machine tied, which­ ever you may desire may be pur- chased at their salon. The advantages of a wig, hair fall or hair piece can be attested to in many ways. When your hus­ band surprises you at the last min ute with a night out on the town, or the announcement of company for dinner, exit a housewife, and enter a well coiffed beauty with a hairdo bound to .dr, aw praise. A wig or hair piece fashioned by experts is undetectable. Follow the lead of many Vernonia area and Columbia County women. Throw away your curlers and pins and visit The Wig Tree, located at 4578 SW 103rd in Beaverton. You can be assured that one of The Wig Tree stylists, who are li­ censed and trained technicians in the art of wig styling, will give you their undivided attention. In this Trade Center Review, we give praise to The Wig Tree in Bea­ verton for the fine service they of­ fer Washington and Columbia coun­ ty women. EVEN-TEMP INSULATION COMPANY L. H. Todd - Owner “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home” . But, is your home as comfortable as can be; are the outside elements coming in, costing you extra money in heating bills, and making your walls seem “paper thin” ? If your home comfort leaves something to be desired for winter warmth and summer cool, then faulty insulation could be to blame. Vernonia area residents are finding that whether remodeling, rebuilding offices, homes or con­ templating additions, their inter­ ests for insulation are served best by the Even-Temp Insulation Com­ pany at 18860 SW Vista in Aloha. A phone call to the Even-Temp Insulation Company at 644-3918 will bring a representative to your area of need. He is thoroughly qua­ lified to answer any of your ques­ tions concerning insulation and can give you the necessary informa­ tion on the time, money, and ma­ terials needed to complete a spe- cific job. The Even-Temp Insulation Com­ pany carries “Fiber Glass” insula­ tion and has the complete machin­ ery and skilled employees to best install all insulation. In this Trade Center Review we commend the services offered Ver­ nonia area residents by the Even- Temp Insulation Company at 18860 SW Vista in Aloha for filling a very important need in the comfort of today’s families. ZIG'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE MACK TRUCKS, INC. Ralph Wilson, Manager The efficient staff of capable auto mechanics of Zig’s Alignment Service located at 10880 SW Canyon Road in Beaverton does the finest of general automotive repair work. They specialize in wheel alignment and balancing, steering and shock absorber replacement. These ser vices which contribute greatly to your safety and comfort are rend­ ered only by mechanics who are thoroughly experienced. Regarding wheel alignment Zig’s Alignment Service has the best of equipment to work with. Wheels that are out of line not only pro­ mote excessive tire wear, they dis­ tinctly lower the safety factor and make your driving more tiresome. At Zig’s Alignment Service in Bea­ verton you can have your align­ ment checked and corrected by ex­ perienced alignment specialists. Columbia county farms and ran­ ches receive first class overhaul and repair service at Zig’s Align­ ment Service where they stock the parts and have the know-how to do everything for a periodic tune-up. The businesses and professional firms of Beaverton have outstand­ ing services to offer Vernonia area residents, and foremost among those who are helping to promote highway safety is Zig’s Alignment Service. This Trade Center Review high­ ly commends the Zig’s Alignment Service, telephone 644-2459, for any­ thing from general automotive re­ pair to wheel alignment, balancing and other specialized services. It pays to deal with an estab­ lished company when purchasing your new or used trucks. Mack Trucks, Inc. has been serving the people of Vernonia and Columbia County for many years. Mack Trucks, Inc., your reput­ able Mack truck dealer in Port­ land, can help you solve your truck needs. Mack trucks have built a reputation for dependabil­ ity, economy and strength over the years. They have been work prov­ en on the job over millions of own­ er driven miles. Talk with Ralph (Mac) McYeal at Mack Trucks, Inc. today about your hauling needs, he will show you the line of Mack trucks that will best serve you at the lowest operating costs. If you can’t get to town, a cal! to 285-0251 will bring one of Mack Trucks repre- WILLOUGHBY HEARING AID CENTERS INC. Mr. Paul Willoughby, Owner There is an old saying that “Qua­ lity is remembered long after price is forgotten”. This is an old adage but a true one and it is es­ pecially true when applied to the purchase of a hearing aid. If you find yourself asking your friends to repeat themselves or having trouble understanding, then it is possible you are having a hearing problem. Willoughby Hearing Aid Centers Inc. at 728 SW 4th in Port­ land, phone 228-7251, is your hear­ ing specialist. .Vqrnonia area and Columbia county residents have come to rely on them as a trusted and confident friend. Willoughby-Hearing Aid Centers Arnold Hopfer, Owner SUNSET VOLKSWAGEN Cynthia Smith, Owner For the finest in modern styles Cutting, shaping and coloring, lets them know of your desired ap­ and fashioning of their hair, area as weli as other specialized ser­ pointment and helps to schedule a farm and town women in increas­ vices are performed with the help no-waiting session in the most un­ ing numbers are learning to de­ of the newest equipment and hair hurried and pleasant circumstan­ pend on Cynthia’s Sunset Square preparations. ces. Beauty Salon located at 301 NW High skill in beauty service is For a total beauty service as Murrary Road, off Sunset Highway only attained after long periods of well as for high professional stan­ in Beaverton. education and experience leading dards, we wish to recommend to Shop owner Cynthia Smith has to state board examination and Columbia county residents that done everything to make a visit certification of compp^eftce. Co­ they avail themselves of the plea­ to their up-to-date salon a comfort­ lumbia county womhi can have sure of an appointment at the able and enjoyable highlight of the utmost confidence Qt the thor­ Cynthia’s Sunset Square Beauty any shopping or business trip to ough knowledge of hair artistry at Salon in Beaverton and discover the Beaverton and Portland shop­ Cynthia’s Sunset Square Beauty why so many women enjoy their ping area. Salon. A telephone call to 644-4920 services. MORSE SEWING CENTER Raymond Landis, Owner Call Collect 282-2283 The Morse Sewing Center at 7131 NE Sandy Blvd. in Portland, is the local sales and service representa­ tive for the world famous Morse sewing machine. For many years, Morse has been recognized the world over as the outstanding machine in its field and in handling these products the Morse Sewing Center is rendering an excellent service to the people of this community. If you should be contemplating the purchase of a new machine, you should call the Morse Sewing Center in Port­ land collect, or drop in at 7131 NE Mill Towner Shopping Center Sandy Blvd. They will be glad at First impressions are lasting Their clean, modern plant at expensive draperies. Trust them any time to give Vernonia area ones. Make sure you present a top 12505 NW Cornell Road in Portland to their craftsmen, who are recog­ and Columbia county residents a notch first impression with clean, is equipped and staffed to care for nized as experts in their field and demonstration and will make an freshly pressed clothes from Cor­ your every cleaning need. The ex­ have the knowledge and equipment excellent allowance on your old nell’s Laundry & Dry Cleaners, perienced personnel at Cornell’s to give your draperies the care machine if you have one to trade Milltowner shopping center. have the skill and knowledge to they deserve. in. Vernonia and Columbia county give your clothes that fresh from In these days of high prices for This Trade Center Review rec­ customers can be assured of the the tailor look. everything you buy, a sewing ma­ finest quality dry cleaning and Cornell’s Laundry & Dry Clean­ ommends Cornell’s Laundry & Dry chine will enable you to stretch laundry service when you leave ers are specialists in the proper Cleaners, one of the fine business­ your clothing budget to an extent your clothes with the experts at cleaning of drapery fabrics. Don’t es serving the Columbia county that is almost unbelieveable and Cornell’s Laundry & Dry Cleaners. take chances when cleaning your residents. once you start in you will find that sewing is fun as well as profitable. This Trade Center Review gives commendation to the Morse Sew­ ing Center in Portland for their Vernonia area residents know the course dinners, the Barbary Coast bary Coast restaurant for the taste many years of good service to the place to stop for good food when specializes in short orders and treat of your life. If unexpected Vernonia area residents. they are in town is the Barbary quick lunches & their palate plea­ company should drop in, save the Coast, located at 614 NW Hoyt. sing home baked pies are known wear and tear on the housewife’s Buy Christmas gifts throughout Barbary Coast gourmet chefs throughout the Portland area as meal preparation and take the the year. Isn’t that what you prom­ are the most capable in the busi­ the finest way to top off a meal. group to the Barbary Coast. They ised yourself you would do just ness and in combination with the The friendly courteous waiters have adequate seating for small before Christmas? ultra-modern facilities and choic­ and waitresses are on duty every and large groups alike. est Grade A meats and vegetables, day 24 hours for customer conven­ This Trade Center Review is Apologies most often erase a produce the finest meals this side ience. pleased to recommend the Barbary mistake and three small words of your own kitchen. Don’t forget, the next time you Coast to its Vernonia area and Co­ "I Love You” can ease a bad In addition to the fine main are in Portland, stop at the Bar- lumbia county residents. heartache. CORNELL'S LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS BARBARY COAST Inc. carry the all-in-one hearing aid weighing approximately Vi ounce; no cords, no tubes, no ear molds; the only thing that is seen is your smile of confidence. Will­ oughby Hearing Aid Centers Inc. also handle many other different brands of aids to assure you of the correct one to suit your needs. A phone call to 228-7251 will set an ap pointment up for you at their office or bring a qualified representative to your home or place of business. For filling a very important need, this Trade Center Review com mends Willoughby Hearing Aid Centers Inc., your specialist for better hearing. HOPFER WOODWORKING COMPANY Many years have gone by from ful, serviceable quality cabinets the day of the bearded whittler to which are, at a glance, the devo­ the men in the modem cabinet tion and skill of a creative cabinet shops of today. One thing, however, maker. has not been changed, and that is A telephone call to 222-4846 at The company with a reputation showroom will show you the Volks­ automotive experts. They know the skill and knowledge needed in 4340 SW Corbett Avenue will bring using their hands to create. If this of fair and honest service through­ wagen and Porsche body styles their business thoroughly, enabl­ special ingredient is missing, the to your assistance a Hopfer Wood­ working Company representative ing them to keep you car in time, final product tells the story. out many years of business is the available in the 1967 lines. who will advise you of the time and Sunset Volkswagen has, for ma­ all the time. Sunset Volkswagen at 777 NW Ce­ Vernonia area residents have materials needed to undertake a ny years, been in the foreign car In this Trade Center Review, dar Hills Blvd. business and they are the only we commend Sunset Volkswagen found that the Hopfer Woodwork­ specific task. Sunset Volkswagen is Vernonia place that carries foreign car in Beaverton for their fair and ing Company at 4340 SW Corbett Custom •'cabinets^ modern, con­ area and Columbia and Washington parts. honest values, and service extend­ Avenue in Portland has all the in­ temporary,' colonial, or provincial, county residents’ Volkswagen and The mechanics at Sunset Volks­ ed with a smile, service backed gredients necessary, and even a as well as bther custom wood­ Porsche dealer, and a visit to their wagen are skilled and qualified by years of experience. little bit more. They have beauti- work are all services offered by CYNTHIA'S SUNSET SQUARE BEAUTY SALON sentatives and a truck to your farm for an on-the-job demonstra­ tion of Mack trucks’ power and dependability. Mack Trucks, Inc. at 5411 North Lagoon has complete shop facili­ ties for the repair and mainten­ ance of your trucking equipment, from the smallest half-ton pickup to the largest long-haul semi. Their trained, experienced service personnel will give your truck the proper care and service necessary to keep it in dependable, econom­ ical running order. See Mack Trucks, Inc. today for the best deal in town on a new or used truck to fit your hauling needs. This Trade Center Review commends Mack Trucks, Inc. on their many years of service to the farmers, ranchers, and truck own ers of the Vernonia area. PARENTS MAGAZINE CULTURAL INSTITUTE Levauna Smith, Manager the Hopfer Woodworking Company. Remember, if it’s made of wood, they can make it. Your good taste is most often displayed in your home and the best way to show dis­ crimination is to contact Hopfer Woodworking Company in Port­ land. In this Trade Center Review, we advise our Columbia county residents to remember that it is the love for beauty that allows the creative to produce beauty, and Hopfer Woodworking Com p a n y does to perfection. D. A. DAVIDSON PAVING CO. We live in the age of specialists in very field, and Washington an-J Columbia counties are fortunate to number among their businesses the D. A. Davidson Paving Com­ pany. The advantages of paving are found in many ways. Its color alone is one. Winter time is the time for snow shovelers to groan, but as dark colors absorb the heat, snow melts, and driveways are kept much cleaner and with much less effort than with other products. Adjustable to change, paving is a must for roads. We are called a nation on wheels, and because of this we must find that material which is best suited for all climat­ es and at all times of the year, to serve us without interruption and without great added expense. The D. A. Davidson Paving Com­ pany at 8245 SW 145th Avenue in Beaverton is your specialist for all your paving needs. Whether a driveway for your house, a parking lot for your business, or what have you, Vernonia area and Washing ton and Columbia county residents can rely on the D. A. Davidson Paving Company. A phone call to 644-9288 will bring a qualified rep­ resentative to your area of need where he can give you a quick, re­ liable estimate of the time and m a­ terials needed. This Trade Center Review takes pleasure in commending the D. A. Davidson Paving Company of Bea­ verton for making their fine ser­ vices available to Washington and Columbia county residents. A phone call to 644 9288 will pave the way. The world of books is the open door to better knowledge and wis­ dom, the key to better communi­ cations and the one way ticket to a fuller and more complete life. Parent’s Magazine Cultural In­ stitute at 2037 SE Hawthorne Boul­ evard offers to you the famous works of the greatest of all time, as well as the authors of this era. Poems of love, the universal lang­ uage, are found in Parent’s Maga zine Cultural Institute as well as novels into the world of fantasy, fiction and truth. To give the gift of a book is to give a never ending source of plea sure that cannot be measured by the yardstick of money spent, but must be measured by the joy it brings. The Parent’s Magazine Cultural Institute has reference material carefully compiled to cover educa­ tional needs from the first grade through high school plus coordinat­ ed fiction reading from “crib to college” . In this Trade Center Review, we commend the services offered by Parent’s Magazine Cultural Insti­ tute at 2037 SE Hawthorne Blvd. in Portland, and wish to suggest to all our Vernonia area residents that you call 234-9719 or visit them at 2037 SE Hawthorne Blvd. and learn why so many people have taken this step to enjoyment hour upon hour, day after day, and cen­ The driver who burns up the tury after century. road often lands in the cooler. Keep This Section Às À Guide To Friendly Portland Àrea Merchants'