PRODUCE Onions S P E C IA L S jum bo....................... Green Onions B8S» MEATS Lb. 9c CANNED 5c m CATSUP DEL MONTE ORANGE (46-oz.) or Pink Pineapple Grapefruit............. 4/$l Drink MARION SLICED Carrots 303 Cans -F R O Z E N PICNICS KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE Cedar Farms 3 «“ 65’ 10’ Disinfectant ©5F Sweetie Pies !iT'39* FO O DS— 1 1 PINE SOL (28-oz. Btl.) V.8. VEGETABLE RUPERTS Fish & Chips ! DEL MONTE l-Lb. Pkg. 55c MILL MARKET You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— 429-3492 Juice k FIRESIDE CHOCOLATE , GEISHA MANDARIIN 2 / 7 9 ’ Oranges DEL MONTE STEWED TOMATOES £ »’• 3°3 $ | go Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. :«x«z«:*z«z«z«7«z«7«7*z«z«z«z«z*z«z«z*z«z*z*z«7«z*z*zez«z*z*:*z*z«z«z*z*z»z«z«x«z*z«z*z*z*z«z<*z»z« TOPICS OF THE TOWN r t Cans * quet attended by both the Royal Arch delegates and wives. Enroute home they stopped on Cornell road near Beaverton to visit their sen and wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cul­ bertson and family. The Glory Guys DR. NOEL ENG Oplometric Eyecare GRADE A YOUNG Turkey 37c SMOKED SHURLAC Pork Hocks DRY A MILK A C OO 12-Ql. Pkg- Jowls .Lb. SUNSHINE OATMEAL Cookies 2 39c 69 . Proclamation Rites Held for Wm. H. Wilson DATES to Remember JO Y T H E A T E R !l.89 4 /8 3 Final rites for William H. Wilson >:*z»:»:»z*:»z»:*:»z*:»z*:»z«:*:«z*z*:«z»z«z*z«z»z*z*z*:«z«:»z<«z«z*:«:*:»z»z»z«*z*z*zoz»z»z* 62, the father of William P. Wilson of The Dalles, were held at V M r. and Mrs. Allan Fowler a n j the Crestview Nursing Home, 263 M r*. Edith Crowston, M r. and a.m. April 10 at Smith Callawa three children from Seattle visited W. Exchange street in Astoria. Chapel in The Dalles with the Re" here last week end with his folks, M r*. Evelyn Bettencourt of Con­ Mrs. Harold Crowston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowler. They don who underwent slirgery on her Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crowston E. Ernest Tayler in charge. were here to complete details of foot last week, has returned to the and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Private committal followed at sale of their property on Corey home of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Noa- Odam and family were all in Port­ the Veterans Plot in the Odd Fti- hill. Sunday, Mrs. Fowler accom­ kes to complete recuperation be­ land Saturday for the wedding ■ <{ lows cemetery. Dick Crowston. Among friends panied her husband to the Port­ fore going home. A resident of Tillamook for th> there were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. past eight years, Mr. Wilsor wa* land airport and he left for San Overnight guests last Wednesday Francisco on business after which at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson of Junction City who fo;- a service manager for McKenz’j she went to Forest Grove to visit Moore on State avenue were Mr. merly were Vernonia residents and Motor company. Prior to that he for several days at the home o» and Mrs. Bert Stevens of Hibbing, “across the street” neighbors uf had spent 11 years or more in thy her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rcoer’ Minnesota. Mrs. Stevens is a cou­ the Crowston family. Among others Vernonia area and had been a car Wyckoff and family. sin of Mrs. Moore and also of Mrs. from Vernonia who attended were salesman for Vernonia Auto com Guest* at the home of M r. and C. C. Sinclair of Vernonia who Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robertson, Mr . pany. Mrs. James Hurtado on the Ver joined them for a good visit. They Earl Baska and Mrs. Dan Fletcher Surviving in addition to his son Sallie Brown arrived home Thurs­ are his widow, Leone; three sis nonia-Scappoose road are his sis had not all been together for near­ ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. ly 40 years. Mr^. R. D. Messinger day of last week and is recuperat­ ters, Mrs. Ralph Poston of Fort Cornelius Klassen and daughter of Longview, daughter of Mrs. ing from surgery which she unde - Dodge, Iowa; Mrs. Max Utke if went the last of March. She had Jacqueline from Vanderhoof, Brit­ Sinclair, was also a guest. been in Portland working for the ish Columbia. Mrs. Klassen is the Cliff Sinclair went fishing for the former Carol Slough. They expect first time this year Thursday of past several months prior to the to spend about two weeks here dur­ last week and came home with a surgery. F R ID A Y , A P R IL 21 ing the spring “break-up” in the 22-pound silvers Inadvertently, the name of great- salmon. High school band and chorus festi­ Vanderhoof area. Mrs. J. W. Kenzie visited great grandmother, Mrs. Maude val - High school - 8 p.m. M r. and M r*. Daniel Kock and here from Wednesday of last week Rogers was omitted last week from SATURDAY, A P R IL 22 family visited Sunday at Scap­ to Monday at the home of Mr. and the item about the twin daughters Pythian Sister District Conventior. poose with his mother, Mrs. Mattie Mrs. Frank Lange. Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jones. It is - Washington school - 10 a m. few babies that can claim five gen­ B. Cox. Dan Richards spent Friday eve­ Program, open to public, by cop An announcement that Bud M c­ ning at the Lange home to visit erations on both sides of the fami­ vention - Washington school 8 Coy, ex-OSU tennis star, will serve with her, and she and the Langes ly. Mrs. Rogers is the paternal p.m. as Beaver freshman tennis coach called on Mrs. Carl Davis Satur­ great-great-grandmother ano Mr-. for the 1967 season carried a note day. On Sunday the Langes and Bertha Rosa of Portland, the m i Vernonia Grange Card Party - Hall on North Sc. -¿ p .m . of local interest since McCoy is the their guest drove to Astoria for ternal. SUNDAY, A P R IL 23 M r. and M r*. Everett Hazen son of Mrs. Wayne Laurila. He has dinner at the Seafare after which been a frequent visitor and recent­ they crossed the new interstate spent the past week end at the Nehalem Valley Coin Convention - IOOF hall - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ly spent spring vacation with his bridge and returned home through Couples Conference at Cannon Beach which was from Friday I j M O NDAY, A P R IL 24 mother. After graduating from Longview. Oregon State University he had Wally Noake* was returned to Sunday. Outstanding spe a k e r s Cub Pack Meeting - Washington school - 7:30 p.m. taught in armed forces schools in the Forest Gróvi/’Vommunity hos- were Dr. John G. Mitchell and Africa, Japan and other parts of pital Saturday after he had fainted George Alban and soloist was Wm. Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. the world. He has now returned at his home. He had been home a Harness of Seattle. About 100 were to OSU to work toward his mas­ week following hospitalization for in attendance. The Hazens report Chamber of Commerce board West Oregon Bldg. - a p.m. ters degree. The announcement of injuries recAved when his horse encountering snow in the hills botn his selection as frosh tennis coach threw him. Heywas apparently re­ Friday and Sunday and weather at TUESDAY, A PR IL 2i was made by Athletic Director Jim covering satisfactorily, though he the coast was cold and stormy. Chapter BS, P.E.O, Sisterhood - Home of Mrs. Ralph Valpiam • Barratt. Don Megale is the varsity had continued to have headaches. When they arrived home Sunday 8 p.m. tennis coach. He is being given tests and will re­ evening they were greeted by the.r M r. and M r*. Charley Justice re­ main in the hospital until he 3 son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lester W EDNESDAY, A P R IL 26 Hazen and family of Lake,,Oswego 3oy Scouts Troop 201 - Cabin in turned home 10 days ago after much improved. city park - 7 p.m. M r. and M r*. Marion Steer* and their daughter, Mrs. Robert spending the winter months in Ari­ zona. Like the others returning spent last week end at Creswell Morris and daughter of Los Ange­ Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. from Arizona, they are feeling the with their daughter and husband, les. The daughter had come for cold since they had been basking Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith and several days vacation expecting Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. another brother, David H a z e n THURSDAY, A PR IL 27 in 80 degree temperatures most of family. Home of M r. and M r*. W. R. Nance of of Kansas City to also arrive here Vernonia Grange HEC the time. Alice Weed - Noon potluck Vernonia Grange Card Party at Salem visited here Wednesday of Monday. However, he called early last week with his parents, Mr. Monday morning to say his sen Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOCF hall 8 p.m. Sat., Apr. 22. Potluck hall - 8 p.m. preceded by drill and Mrs. C. J. Nance and joined had been taken to the hospital for refreshment*. Public invited. Ittic practice at 7 p.m. in the observance of the birthday an emergency appendectomy so he New* from M r*. Walter Parker is that last week she was taken to of Mrs. Esther Ring, sister of Mrs. and his wife would be unable to C. J. Nance. Friday, Mrs. Ring and come until later. He is assistant Evelyn Parkinen of Mist, set a C. J. Nance went to Salem and ac­ pastor of the Blue Ridge Bible precedent for her daughter since companied the W. R. Nances to church in Kansas City and had she was a princess for a Vernonia Eugene to the home of their daugn- planned to visit here prior to a - high school May Day observance. 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1967 ter Vicky and husband, Mr. and tendance at a conferente In Boist , New* ha* bean received her* Mrs. Curtis Hitt. That evening they Monday evening, Mr. aniFMrs. fcv- that Mrs. Walter Olinger of Hills­ attended a pink and blue shower erett Hazen and Mrs. Morris an 1 boro is in Good Samaritan hospital daughter were all dinner guests in Portland recovering from op. r honoring Mrs. Hitt. M r. and M r*. Harry Culbert*»o at the Lester Hazen home at Laka heart surgery. The Olingers were Fri., Sat. April 21-22 spent two days last week in Cor­ Oswego. former residents of OA hill durmr Vernonia Grange Card Party el the time the mill was in operation. vallis where he attended the an­ nual Royal Arch Masons conven­ hall 8 p.m. Sat., Apr. 22. Potluc« M i** Nancy Skidmore who I* now tion and she participated in activ*- refreshment*. Public invited, lttlc employed in Portland, visited her Guest* the first part of this week parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave SkiJ- ties arranged for the wives Of Tom Tryon special interest was a luncheon, an at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam more Sunday and Monday. Guest exhibit of rare laces and the ban- Murray were Mr. and Mrs. Paul at the Skidmore home at the same Hume of Wenatchee, Washington time was Henk Schenk, former who formerly were neighbors of OSU wrestling star, wno is now the Murrays in that area. Mr. Mur­ serving in the army. He enlisted ray and Mr. Hume were ardent and received training at Fort Ord fishermen and spent many hours after which he was on leave at his together in that sport. home in Bend, thinking he wou.d Many in this area felt a special soon ship out for Viet Nam. How interest in the picture and announ ever, he received orders to repoit Tuesday P.M. and Friday A.M. cement last week of Sandra Sheryl to the army special services school Ovesen as Marshall high school at West Point under the army VERNONIA CLINIC choice as Rose Festival princes. wrestling program. He recently Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley won the A.A.U. free style compe­ Ovesen, grew up in this area and tition in wrestling at Lincoln Neb­ are graduates of Vernonia high raska. After completion of his leave school. Her mother, the former he will go to West Point. Oernonia Cagle 3-Lb. Can The Mayor and City Council Vernonia wish to call to the atten tion of the residents of Vernonia and the Vernonia Rural Fire Pro tection District, one of the commu nity’s indispensible assets, the Ver­ nonia Volunteer Fire Departmei/ All members of the Department are volunteers who devote much time and energy ‘o operational training, equipment readiness and maintenance, and, most important, to protection of lives and property from the dangers of fire. Thev also promote and take part in ma ny civic and beneficial projects. The time is approaching for the annual Firemen’s Ball, the pro cceds from which provide fhe Bids will be received by the means for promoting the Dcnarl- Oregon State Highway Commis­ ment’s Christmas program and oth­ sion Thursday, May 4 in Salem er worthwhile activities. When for 27 projects estimated to cost Firemen call on you to buy ticket» approximately $5,700,000. to the Firemen’s Bail we urge that Descriptions of the two projects in Columbia county are as follow: you support them with your pur­ One project involves railroad re­ chases. location on the Delena-Rainier sec­ Night or day, when called, they tion of the Lower Columbia Riv­ er highway(US30). The project is •tspond. Mayor: to start approximately 1,000 feet east of the west city limits of Rai­ Sherman S. Fisher nier and proceed easterly near ex­ Councilmen: isting railroad tracks. Plans for the 0.66-mile project call for con­ Ed MiUer struction of a new railroad sub­ Bud Atkins grade on new alignment and re­ Deri Roberts location of sewer and culvert pipes. Larry Bair Completion time 70 calendar days. The other project involves con­ struction of a concrete bridge ov­ er the Nehalem river (Arcadia Bridge) section of FAS Highway Mayor Sherman Fisher entered 612, about 3.9 miles southwest of Vernonia. Plans for the project Bess Kaiser hospital in Portland call for a 194-foot concrete bridge Monday of this week and under­ with two lanes on a 28-foot travel­ went major surgery Tuesday. The way, to replace the existing tim­ surgery was reported successful, ber and steel structure. Comple­ though he had spent a very uncom­ tion time is 165 calendar days. In Multnomah county a project fortable night following it. involving paving, a structure, and signing on the Burlington - Port­ land section of the Columbia Riv­ er highway which is to begin at Call 429-5863 Anytime the west city limits of Portland and extend to Burlington, is also up for bid. Plans for this 4.17- mile project call for four 12-foot E&B LAUNDRY and lanes and a new bridge over Mc­ Carty creek. Completion time is DRY CLEANERS 420 calendar days. Lusby Bldg. — 712 Bridge St. — Also, Shoe Repairing — It is true that all the world’s a Two-day Service stage, and most people Want to oc­ CASH & CARRY cupy the critic’s seat. Partyville, Wisconsin, and Minni.-, also of Wisconsin; one foster si, ter, Beulah Serracino of Eeloit, Wisconsin; and a brother, Charle., in Iowa. Mr. Wilson was a past coinman der of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post at Vernonia and a mem­ ber in Tillamook of the American Legion. He was a veteran ot Work. War II with several medals fo- Navy service. Bids Called on Road Projects Mayor Has Surgery For Flowers M O NEY FOR HOM ES Y o u r lo c a l re a lto r or home builder has just the right home for you. And we have just the right financing-tailored to y o u r p o c ke tb o o k. F.HJl, G.I. and conven­ tional real estate loans processed promptly. BANK Call 429-5061 for Appointments U N IT E D « T A T I« N A T IO N A L B A N K O F O R E G O N