Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 06, 1967, Page 4, Image 4

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AT THE conclusion of the Mom and Pop reception
Friday evening, the refreshment tables in the back
of the auditorium were very popular. Delicious cup
cakes baked by home ec students were served with
punch and coffee. The lovely silver punch bowl was
the gift of the class of 1964.
MRS. ORA BOLMEIER calls the attention of parents
to the various materials used in increasing reading
abilities of students to help them in their high school
work. She has her hand on the controlled reader which
tests reading speed and is used to increase speed and
comprehension of students.
CHERLYN FLOETER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal­
ter Floeter, was one of the models in the style show at
the Mom and Pop reception Friday evening. The girls
all modeled garments they had made in home ec clas­
ses under the direction of Mrs. Julia Pottratz. Cherlyn
is wearing a bright green A-line sheath with lace
sleeves finished with a flounce of the dress material.
The elaborate background carried out the theme of
the reception “Swing into Spring.”
MRS. ALVILDA HEARING displays to parents of the
freshmen English students some of the paperback
books available for use in literature studies,
Successful Parly
Prompts Second Try
Last week Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Redmond received a letter and a
newspaper clipping from their son
Cpl. Russ Redmond, marine secur­
ity guard at the American Embas­
sy in Mexico City. The clipping
listed Russ Redmond as a guard
on the basketball varsity squad
for the University of Americas in
Mexico City.
MIST — The card party held at
the Natal Grange Saturday night
was well attended. There will be
another one held Anril 15 by the
Natal Grange.
Dinner guests Sunday at the Lar­
ry Garlock home were her brother
Jerry Simmons, Kenneth and Ruth
Simmons of Clatskanie and Ruth’s
brother. Don Adams, stationed
with the army at Fort Lewis, Wn.
Sunday guests at the George
Mathews home were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Haynes of Scholls. The
Kenneth Tuppers called on the
Mathews that evening.
Lloyd Garlock and Shalmon Li­
bel were in Bellingham, Washing­
ton Saturday and brought back a
bull that was purchased.
Is Your Car Running Fine?
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowler have
news from their son Benny who is
with the army stationed in Germa­
ny that he has been promoted to
specialist fourth class in engineer­
ing. He and his wife Norma live at
Gildersheim, Germany.
MRS LOIS ANDERSON, teacher aide, assists with the
make-up for the French play. "■Gutgnol” presented
by the students of Mrs. Amy Kamholz. Being made up
Fliers Attend
Bandon Event
accompanied by Vernon Bcshores
and Fred Larson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Art Bellingham accompanied by
Mr and Mrs. Ted Bellingham and
Monty all flew to Bandon Sunday
for the dedication of an airstrip
and a crab feed. They reported a
wonderful trip.
Mr and Mrs Roy Stuve were in
Oernonia Eagle
is Chris Hanson who played the part of wife of Guig­
nol, the leading character portrayed by Geoff Proehl.
St. Helens last Thursday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Cooper
who underwent surgery Friday
from which she is making good re­
covery. The Stuves returned home
Saturday and went back Tuesday
for a few days more.
Mrs. Fred Larson. Dave, Randy.
Donnie and Debra did some bowl­
ing Sunday.
The ladies Missionary Society
will meet at the home of Mrs. Lola
Watson Wednesday. April 15 at
1:30 p.m.
The special service at the Birken-
feld church was well attended and
all enjoyed the message
Mr and Mrs. E. T. Johnston and
Allan, accompanied by Debra Lar
son, attended the Mom and Pop
reception at the Vernonia high
school Friday evening.
Lawrence Johnston and Francis
Nordstrom were in Astoria last
Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ildstad of
Enumclaw, Washington spent last
Wednesday here looking after their
place. They have rented it to Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Hammerberg.
Mr, and Mrs. Darrell Baker
spent last Friday evening at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Vick Berg.
Tom Hopkins, E. T. Johnston
and A, Berg were in Astoria last
Tuesday on business.
Roger Berg and a friend visited
at the Shirley Berg home Sunday
on their way back to Hillsboro
from the beach
PFC Nicholas A. Berg is now in
the Mekong Delta area and will
be patroling river in a boat. Right
now he is engaged in amphibious
Gordon Blackburn who is in the
U.S. Coast Guard cam e home last
Friday to spend the week end with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clar­
ence Blackburn. The Coast Guard
Cutter Winona, to which he is as­
signed. is now in drydock in Seat­
tle and will be there two weeks,
then will go out to sea again for a
Cleve E. Loyd, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cleve Loyd Sr. of Timber
route, is now undergoing advanced
training in mechanics at Fort Ord.
California. He has about two more
months there. Letters to him may­
be addressed as follows: Pvt. E 2
Cleve E Loyd RAI8959245, Co. B
2nd Bn 4BDE, Fort Ord, California
Good. Come in now. For now’s the time to keep it in
top running condition. That’s what Chevron Car Care
is all about.
We’re proud to offer the finest bumper
to bumper service you can get.
Come in and sample
our brand of Car Care.
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