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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1967)
Uernonia Eagle THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1967 5 SU PER MARKET Court oi Honor Held by Scouts LOOKING FOR “that” hold to accomplish a take-down are two wrestlers in District 1, A-2 tourney held at SUHS March 24-25. A PAIR OF lightweights give fans plenty of action in consolation round Saturday. A “PIN” is the thought highest in the mind of these two matmen, though one seem s to have the upper hand at this point. al REFEREE IS right on top of action as wrestler makes try for pin in Saturday tourney action. State Tourney Berths Gained By Grapplers at Dist. Meet The District 1, A-2 and B wrest ling tourney held at Scappoose February 24 and 25 saw 26 grap plers gain state tournament plac- ings. Tournament Director Mike Barnes gave the team scoring to tals as follows: Scappoose. 177; Rainier, 142; Corbett, 83; Clatska nie. 59; Concordia, 43; Knappa, 21; Bishop Dagwell Hall, 9; and Ver nonia, 0. Trophies will be awarded the first three place teams by Clayton Norton, district president. The two top wrestlers in each weight divi sion will go to the state meet Mar. 3 and 4. Individual placings by weight and in order of placement, are as follows: Gary Tetz, Scappoose, first; Gary Erickson, Clatskanie, second; Al len Pellham, Rainier, third; and Elvin Sherman. Clatskanie, fourth, in the 98-pound class. 106-pound: Dave Miller, Scap poose: Mickey McCarty, Clatska nie; Daniel Eaton, Concordia; Don Oman, Concordia. 115-pound: Gordon Canzler, Cor bett; Bruce Reiter, Corbett; Steve Jenkins. Scappoose; Terry Jen nings. Rainier. 123-pound: Jerry Duncan, Cor bett: Dan Burum. Scappoose; Da vid Jennings, Rainier; Gary Estep, Corbett. 130-pound: Fred Trachel, Cor bett; Mike Davis. Rainier: Marc Albright. Scappoose; Dan Jeffers, Clatskanie 136-pound: Dick Churchill, Scap poose; Derrell Roeder. Scappoose; John Liermann. Concordia; Rich ard Russell. Concordia. 141-pound: Dan Ingersoll. Scap poose; Ron Mysinger. Rainier: Daniel Davis, Corbett: Larry Tho mas. Knappa. 148 pound: Larry Schimmel, Rai nier; Dan Jocobsen, Rainier; Ken Shields, Scappoose; Dan Burkhal ter, Clatskanie. 157-pound: Dan Casswell, Scap poose; Gary Abbott, Scappoose; Paul Branstetter, Concordia; Dav id Ocken, Concordia. 168-pound: Don Schimmel, Rai nier (defending state champion); Steve Salvey, Scappoose; Stan Holmes, Clatskanie; Hannes Kor pela. Clatskanie. 178-pound: Rocky Ertzberger, Rainier: Arlyn Anderson, Corbett; Mike Kangas, Scapppose; Pat Beaston, Scappoose. 191-pound: Dennis Edge, Rainier; Nick Peachey, Bishop Dagwell Hall; Roger Tombleson, Rainier; Berk McPheeters, Corbett. Heavy: Terry Oien, Scappoose; Bill Jones, Rainier; Erick Reis- dorf, Knappa: Bob Vetsch. Scap poose. Patient Home from Portland Hospital TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Dono van Reynolds and Lorre, Mrs. Al bert Reynolds, Mrs. Carl Snyder and Mrs. Carl Wienecke drove to Portland Friday and brought Al bert Reynolds home from the hos pital. Mrs. Carl Snyder went to the Rock Show in Forest Grove Sun day. Mrs. Pat Galloway had the mis fortune to injure her ankle in a fall at the store where she works in Clatskanie. Her mother, Mrs. H. A. Thacker, is with her now. Boy Scout awards were present ed to several boys last night at a parents’ night, Court of Honor at the Scout Hut. The highest award achieved was that of Life Scout, by Scott Davies. This is one rank below Eagle Scout, the highest award to a boy in Scouting. Tommy Tronson and Mickey Borst each achieved second class rank. Matt Koch was invested as a Tenderfoot. Merit badges were presented as follows: Fishing and motorboating, George Shaw; first aid and horse manship, Mike Clason; citizenship in the nation, Scott Davies. George Shaw also received a pin for two years of perfect attendance. Recent elections elevated Scott Davies and James McGinnes to the rank of Junior Assistant Scoutmas ter. Mark Peterson was elected senior patrol leader, and Mike Clason as assistant senior patrol leader. Warrant certificates were issued to each of these new offi cers. Also awarded were badges to quartermaster, Richard Tronson; scribe, Leon Merriman; librarian, Gary McGlothen, and bugler, Mark Peterson. The National Camping award was presented to the troop for hav ing 80 percent of its members achieve 10 days and nights of cam ping last year. The annual charter was present ed to the PTA with a special rec ognition for having sponsored this troop for 25 years. In conjunction with this meeting, Scouts and parents saw a film highlighting summer camp at Spir it Lake. Troop No. 201 will attend this camp July 2-8. Parents were advised the cost will be $7.50 per boy plus the ex penses for food and incidentals. Don Jackson, Scoutmaster, explai ned to the gathering that he will be on the staff of Spirit Lake camp this year. He reminded the parents that participation of their boy this year will depend upon additional adult leadership being provided by the parents. Adult leaders are ac commodated in camp free of charge. Fathers and the troop committee will meet Saturday at the Scout Hut at 7:30 to formulate plans for camp participation. A further invitation was given to friends of Scouting to become sustaining members of the Colum bia Pacific Council by sending $10 to that organization which serves Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, Den Mothers and other adult lead ers in Vernonia’s Scout groups. Mr. Jackson expressed thanks to parents who are encouraging their sons in Scouting and its ac tivities. He concluded by stating: “The Boy Souts and Explorers are attracting the best young men we know. The status of Boy Souts is improved by the kind of boys we have in Troop 201.” VERNONIA’S COMPLETE ONE-STOP X CENTER : 9 9 9 9 Open Daily from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. B 9 9 9 9 v 9 9 9 V 9 9 3 3 3 9 •5 9 3 $ 9 g 3 9 Come to Vernonia and of course that's C lif f 's Market. Come in and compare. You'll join the growing family of wonderful Cliff's shoppers. Another Addition to Cliff's - Alber's Complete Line of Fine Feeds. We got 'em all at Cliff's and prices are low. PHEASANT BRAND V V V V V V PET FOOD îî 9 9 8 9 HUNDREDS OF NEW LOW PRICES B •5 1299« 89« Dog or Cat Tall Tins.. FRESH DAILY PASTRY K X . 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 a s 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 DOZEN a $ IT S NEW AND CLIFF’S GOT IT! TROPHY BREAD Full Size 1-Lb. 6-oz. Loaves................................................................... $ SUNBEAM ♦ a ► Burger or T« Coney, Pkg. 8 Buns JL A | “ OQC J J * Rolls 4 « FIRST QUALITY 99* ♦ $ ► J 29« 3599« 59« 88« 10126122 PAIR M-D ASSORTED (4-Roll Pkgs.) TOILET TISSUE PORTER'S MHC Meet Held At Oblack Home MIST — Mrs. Max Oblack was hostess Thursday when the Mist Helping Circle met at her home with fourteen present. Mrs. Larry Oblack and Mrs. Robert Kyser joined the ladies in the afternoon. Mrs. Ira Peterson won the hostess gift. Mrs. Nettie Cox has invited the club to meet at her home in March. Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews attended the Gay Nineties celebra tion at Forest Grove Saturday. Visitors during the week at the Mathews home were Anna Han- berg, Elna Baker and Helen Ram sey. Mrs. Ramsey has been solicit ing in the area for the Heart Fund drive. The Ira Petersons of Scappoose visited at the Charles Sundlands Sunday enroute to the golden wed ding reception for the Tom Hop kins at Jewell. Randy Hansen was the guest of honor Tuesday after school, when several of his classmates and friends gathered to wish him a happy birthday. Among those going to the beach es Wednesday to take advantage of the clam tide were the Norman Hansens and the John Crawfords. A week ago Sunday, guests at the John Crawford home were Mr. and Mrs. George Bump of Vancou ver and John Layman of Minneso ta. The Crawfords were in St. Hel ens on business during the week. Mrs. Wayne Kyser attended a Columbia County Extension execu tive meeting at the home of Mrs. Andy Thayer in Rainier Friday SHOPPING ♦ 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ELBOW MACARONI Big 4-Lb. Package MARKET DAY RAISINS £ — We Feature À 47 Full Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables — | GRAPEFRUIT | Texas 8 Pink.................... Each | 9 9 9 9 S o 9 6* CARROTS 5 i l Smoothie Cello 1-Lb. Pkgs............. Each For the Very Finest in 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Fresh Meats Shop Cliff's. Choice of easy to shop self service or personal service $ 9 U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF 8 9 9 V I 8 4-Lb. Pkg. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF FRESH FILET CHUCK STEAKS POT ROAST RED SNAPPER Aged for Tenderness Blade Cut Ocean Fresh Lb. 49* Lb. 39* Lb. 47* . - V