Pythians Entertain Grand Chief and Other Officers Rebekah Drill Practice Held Demon ia Eagle THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1967 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge met Vernonia Temple No. 61, Pythian for this worthy cause. Sisters, had a good turn out of The dinner committee, headed Thursday evening of last week for members and almost as many vis­ by Isabel Culbertson, whose right a regular business session pre­ itors last Wednesday evening for hand helper was Mary Markham, sided over by Noble Grand Jackie the official visit of Grand Chief used the Washington birthday Atkins. The meeting was preceded Eunice Kimmerle of Hillsboro. The theme for the very attractive dec­ by practice at 7 p.m. for the drill meeting was preceded by a potluck orations in the dining room. Fig­ team which is preparing for a visit Daughter Arrives dinner in her honor. urines of George and Martha Wash­ to the Forest Grove lodge on the occasion of their 75th anniversary. Other Grand Temple officers ington, red and white crepe paper The date has not yet been deter­ At D. Steele Home present were Betty Murchison of and candles, and cherries and hat­ Mr. and Mrs. Danny Steele are Portland, sitting past grand chief, chets made a festive table. Cherry mined but will be early in April. A thank you was received from the parents of a girl born Febru­ and Louise Hinz of Seaside, grand pies were featured for dessert. Bertha Preston, guest at the IOOF ary 24 at the Tuality hospital in manager. Also, among the guests Prior to the dinner, the grand Hillsboro. She weighs 8 pounds, were Past Grand Chief Margaret chief was entertained at the home home in Portland, for the Valen­ ounce and is named Angela Myers of Ava Temple, St. Helens of Mrs. Faye Davis where she in­ tine gift sent to her. She has been Marcel. Grandparents are Mr. and and Margaret Phillips of Rose spected the books of the desk of­ adopted by Mt. Heart Lodge for Tamara Galloway Mrs. John Steele of Vernonia, Mrs. Temple, Portland who is a past ficers which she complimented special attention. The Mt. Heart Social committee Dorothy Crawn of Portland and supreme representative. highly. Parents Announce great-grandmother, Mrs. M a r y Among other honored guests in­ Vernonia Temple will meet ag­ report was given and indicated that Steele, Vernonia. there had been a good attendance troduced were Ralph Fox, grand ain Wednesday of next week and Engagement News inner guard and Rip Van Winkle, will devote the business session to at the meeting held February 14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Gallow­ at the home of Mrs. B. J. Horn. past grand prelate of the Grand completing plans for convention. ay of Clatskanie have announced After the business session, former Lodge Knights of Pythias, both of member, Mrs. Zelda Vernon of the engagement of their daughter, whom are from Astoria; most ex­ Newport, showed her line of wool­ Tamara Ann, to Phil Varner of As­ cellent chiefs Viola Sheets of Sun­ en mills items, some of which were toria, son of Mrs. Emma Varner set Temple at Astoria, Mary Logan modeled by several of the mem­ also of Astoria. A June wedding is As a project toward raising of Ava Temple, St. Helens and bers and guests. Mrs. Horn served being planned. funds for new band uniforms, the Anna Opris of Rose Temple, Port­ Miss Galloway, a graduate of delicious cherry tarts with whip­ Vernonia Band Parents are spon­ land; and past district deputies, Clatskanie union high school with ped cream and tea and coffee. MIST — Mrs. Norman Hansen soring a “phantom tea” . Letters Faye Fleck of Ivanette Temple, Mrs. Mildred Jessee was escort­ the class of 13C6, is attending Clat­ explaining the project will be sent Portland, Betty Magone of Ava will entertain the Mist-Birkenfeld sop College in Astoria. She former­ out to all band parents and other Temple St. Helens, and Esther Extension Unit at her home March ed and presented with her certifi­ ly lived here with her parents and cate for having given her secret Snider of Sunset Temple, Astoria. 10 with Mrs. Darrell Baker as co­ interested persons this week. is a granddaughter of Mrs. H. A. Irma Chance of Vernonia Tem­ hostess. Mrs. Charles Ramsey will work letter perfect at an earlier Thacker. The letter, in clever verse form, meeting. asks that instead of donating cakes ple, district deputy for district 5 give the lesson on property and li­ Edith McFarland, past noble for the tea and spending time at a who is in charge of the convention ability insurance. There will be tea, each person instead send the to be held here April 22, was escor­ potluck at noon and everyone is grand of Mt. Heart Lodge who contribution this would represent ted and introduced. Other Vernonia welcome. Mrs. Margaret Allyn will now lives in Tacoma was present to be added to the uniform fund. members introduced were Isabel give drapery workshops at the for the first time in several years It is the hope of the band parents Culbertson and Silvia Wolff, past West Oregon Electric Co-op. in and was introduced and welcomed. club that the response will be district deputies, and Edith Mc­ Vernonia March 8 and 15. Each Following the business session, The American Legion auxiliary good. Farland, a member who now lives meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. with refreshments of delicious cherry met Tuesday evening of last week, at Tacoma and had not been pres­ a sack lunch at noon. For the sup­ cobbler with whipped cream were February 21, at the home of Mrs. ent at a meeting for some time. plies needed one should contact served by June Ray, Janet Bemar- L. E. Atkins on OA hill. Amelia Zamarripa, Maude Wells a home extension member. di and Marie Atkins at tables dec­ Among reports heard was one and Dorothy Walker were all wel­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock and orated in a Washington’s birthday by Mrs. Marie Atkins, poppy post­ comed back following illnesses. Mrs. Mary Garlock visited the theme. er chairman, who stated that ma­ Visitors were from Hillsboro, As­ Kenneth Reddicks below Clatska­ The next meeting of the lodge terials had been taken to the toria, Seaside, St. Helens and two nie Sunday evening. will be Thursday of next week, schools. A report was given con­ Portland temples. Among those from this locality March 9 and will be preceded by cerning the Girls State presenta­ In her ta lk to t h e who attended the golden wedding drill practice at 7 p.m. tions heard at thp Legion birthday group, the grand chief emphasized reception for the Tom Hopkins at dinner February 18. Last year’s for Sunday, March 26 the need for membership growth Jewell were Mr. and Mrs. Charles delegates, Ann Sargeht and Kathy and work for the Pythian Home at Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ma­ Jensen, told of their experiences. Progressive Honor Vancouver. After her talk, an ad­ thews, Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Wad­ One of them stated that the pledge dendum took her on a tour to the dell, Walter Mathews and Mr. and of allegiance to the flag had taken Roll Tried at VHS stations of the various officers who Mrs. Charles Sundland. on new meaning for her since she A new honor roll will be develop­ attended the sessions and learned sharpened her “ax” for use on the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Combs “cherry” tree by the treasurer’s and children of McMinnville visit­ ed in Vernonia high school, called more about the government of the desk. Cherries were foil wrapped ed her folks, the Lawton Waddells the Progress Honor Roll. This will country and how it functions. coins and currency donated by Sunday. They later attended the encourage the student who is not The next meeting of the auxil­ members for the Home and the Tom Hopkins golden wedding re­ able to make the regular honor iary will be March 7 at 8 p.m. at coin march, later in the evening, ception at Jewell. The Waddells rolls. the home of Mrs. L. E. Stiff. To be eligible a student must gave everyone the opportunity to were at the Warren Grange hall “keep the pot boiling” by dropping Saturday evening to attend an open raise two subjects by one grade or DR. R. V. LANCE raise one subject two grades. It additional coins into the clever iron meeting. OPTOMETRIST kettle which the grand chief takes Saturday the Roy Kysers were will be the responsibility of the stu­ dents to determine whether he is Vernonia Clinic to each temple to bolster contri­ in Longview and on Sunday they Building butions for her project, the remod­ were in Vine Maple to visit the eligible although the teachers may check if there is a doubt in their eling of the kitchen at the home. Claude Kysers. Wed., 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. mind. Both sources yielded goodly sums Uniioim Fund Is Boosted by Tea Insurance Will Be Unit Topic Film Viewed At CARC Meet Members and friends of the Co­ lumbia Association for Retarded Children met at the Plymouth Presbyterian church, St. Helens last week for a pot luck dinner and evening of entertainment. Willard Mallory, serving as MC, introduced Mrs. Rebecca Clem- mer, who sang two numbers, fol­ lowed by the Baladeers, who sang several songs. Mrs. Mabie Stinton ran the film on PKU, narrated by Dr. Carl Ashley. The film begins at Fair- view Home for the Retarded, and shows an elderly PKU victim who has been there since Fairview’s beginning in 1908. The state has spent $100,000 on this gentleman for residential care. PKU is caused by defective genes carried by both parents. These parents having four chil­ dren, one would have the condi­ tion, two will be carriers, and one will be free. The real hope for these people lies in early detec­ tion shortly after birth. If placed on a low bofenalac diet there will be no brain damage. In 1963 the Oregon legislature passed a law setting up a pro­ gram of early testing of newly born infants between the hospitals and state board of health for this purpose. Poppy Poster Contest Begun Phone 429-3462 NEHALEM TIDE TABLES AVAILABLE NOW On the road . . . or on the water. See the man at the sign of the Chevron! Authorized to make service calls for R A LPH "! CHEVRON SERVICE Phone 429-6691 We Take Better Care of Your Car! Happy Cooks at Training Meet /■>!! M Portland Workshop For Flowers Call 429-5863 Anytime >