BASKE1BALL VERNONIA LOGGERS VS. NEAH-KAH-NIE PIRATES FRIDAY NIGHT - FEBRUARY 10 J.V. Game..........................6:15 P.M. Varsily Game...................... 8:00 P.M. REGINA RAMSAY Speaker Slated At EUB Church Guest speaker for the Wednesday God’s power can do. evening service at the Evangelical The service will be preceded United Brethren church February by a family potluck dinner at 6:30 15 will be Mrs. Regina Ramsey which is sponsored by the church who is widely acclaimed as a spea­ brotherhood. An invitation is ex­ ker before church groups, women’s tended to everyone interested to clubs, youth organizations and bus­ attend both the dinner and the ser­ iness clubs. She tells her own story vice at which Mrs. Ramsey will of growing up in West Virginia in speak. The service will start at adverse circumstances and the ex­ 7:30 p.m. periences of her adolescence and young adulthood. Her subsequent conversion a few years ago led her to the ministry of telling her story in order to help others see what BACK row, from left: Larry Elton, Bill Hanson, Keith Cameron, Gary Davis, Steve Ellis, Pete Brunsman; front, from left: Dan Hearing, head manager, Jimmy Brunsman, varsity manager, Gary Hanson, Steve Curl, Paul Nelson, Randy Larson and Coach Bert Kronmil- ler. Loggers stand at 9-9 for the season and 4-1 in league play, a standing that surprises both coaches and fans because of early season rating that placed Loggers at bottom of league play. Desire and hustle TV Heart Month Program Slated World Prayer Day Is Friday A special observance of the World Day of Prayer will be held Friday, February 10 at the First Christian church at 1:30 p.m. with the wo­ men’s groups from local churches joining together for the service. Each participating church will have a part in the service which will include devotionals, prayer sessions and music. Mrs. Charley Hickman will preside. The World Day of Prayer is ob­ served annually by c h u r c h e s throughout the world. “Then Will I Hear” is the theme for the ob­ servance this year. Emphasis will be place^. on prayer for Christians that they may be faithful in their relationship to God and effective in their witness for Christ. The prayer booklet will be used as a guide for services. The service is open to the public and everyone who is interested is invited to attend. Church Choir Concert Sunday Next Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock, the choir of the Evangeli­ cal United Brethren church, direc­ ted by Hal Fleck, will present a public concert in the church audi­ torium. Guest soloists are slated to augment the music offered by the choir. Following the concert, a coffee hour will be held for which ar­ rangements are being made by the EUB Guild. Everyone is invited to attend the concert, then stay for the coffee hour which gives oppor­ tunity for a time of fellowship and visiting. February R ally Dated By Christian Youth In observance of Heart month, “Risk Factors in Heart Attacks” will be the theme of an hour long television program over KPTV, Channel 12 Tuesday, February 14 at 11 a.m. A panel of Oregon car­ diologists and internists will an­ swer questions phoned in by the television audience. The panelists will be Drs. Leonard Rose, Aubrey Davis, John Bussman, and Michael Brodeur. Moderator will be Gene Brendler, KPTV. The program is a public service of KPTV and is presented by the professional and public education committees of the Oregon Heart Association. Mrs. Marie Atkins has been nam­ ed as local Heart Fund chairman again this year. County chairman is Mrs. Reta Kerry of Scappoose. Mrs. Atkins stated this week that the Heart Fund banks will be put in public places, organizations will be contacted as in the past and coffee hours will be held. Details of plans for these events will be given later. Sponsoring organiza­ tion of the drive throughout the state is the American Legion aux­ iliary and the local auxiliary is working with Mrs. Atkins on the drive in this area. YO U'VE m ig h t y m i D orr Bob, Earl, Emily Lew's Cafe John and Helen Wylde The Community Christian Youth Group has planned their next rally for Saturday evening, February 18 at the Vernonia Bible church and have arranged to have as their speaker Stan Thomberg. The service is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. and special music is to be provided by the EUB church. The youth group also has started plans for a banquet in March for which tickets are to be sold prior to the date to ascertain how many will attend. THURSDAY. FEB 9. 1967 H Ed Bredeau Vernonia Variety and Shell Oil Vernonia Golf Club Lloyd Callister Ralph Loftis, Manager The Pine Cone Wauneta's Ceramics Cliff and Ruby Fowler Union Oil Company Loel Roberts Wauneta Yeager Vernonia Service Station George Johnson Standard Oil Company Vernonia Upholstery Shop Joe Magoff S. Apgar Lloyd Quinn, Realtor Vernonia M ilk Farms Real Estate and Insurance Henry Anderegg •