PTA Founder's Day Prompts Views from People Served th a t we a re seeking w ays together to b e tte r educate the youngsters in our com m unity. The help of the m others in ta k ­ ing o u r recen t door-to-door census w as also m uch appreciated. This is a ta sk th a t would h av e involved m any long hours if it would have been left to one o r two independent census tak ers. Monthly m eetings arran g e d by the executive cabinet of the PTA a re also very worthwhile. It is sad th at m ore p aren ts a re not present to take p a rt in both the business m eeting and p ro g ram sections of this once-a-m onth "g ath erin g of in ­ form ation” to b e tte r understand the young people in our Vernonia public schools. I feel th a t it takes id eas of m any p are n ts and te ac h ­ ers to obtain the best answ ers con­ cerning the problem s relatin g to th e la rg e n um ber of new innova­ tiv e p ractices in the educational processes of today. These a re your children, which a re seeking an education in your schools. The PTA needs active p a r­ ticipation by all p are n ts and te ac h ­ ers; not ju st a few. H.R.C. B arn ard High school principal. D uring the m onth of F ebruary, The following a re the articles the PTA celebrates F o u n d er’s contributed. Day. F o r this special occasion sev­ e ra l persons in the com m unity From a school ad m in istrato r: from different w alks of life w ere I am most pleased to list the con asked to w rite articles telling, from tributions o u r PTA has m ade th eir point of view, w hat they con F irst of all. I feel th a t th e Teach sider the PTA contributes. e r ’s reception at the beginning of It is interesting to note from the y ea r w as an excellent assist these different viewpoints th a t the in welcoming, not only me, as a PTA m eans a v ariety of things to new ad m in istrato r, but also a fine different people. The com m unity is introduction for new te ach ers and fortunate to have an active group returning staff m em bers, to the and it is hoped th a t m ore of the PTA. A program such as this plan­ p aren ts and teach ers will actively ned by the PTA with th e assistance support it in th e future. of school staff m em bers, indicates NOTICE Personal Property Tax V 8 8 A te ac h er w rites: The aid given by PTA m em bers to the health service of th e ir o r­ ganization is of g rea t benefit to the children and therefore much app reciated by th e teach ers. The te a c h e rs’ work can be m ost effective only when the pupils a re h ealthy and in atten d an ce daily. The PTA in sponsoring the health clinic, and in aiding th e im m uniza­ tion p ro g ram for prevention of in ­ fectious diseases, has contributed m uch to th e well being of the child. The sta te h as an effective te st­ ing p ro g ram for hearing. If any additional h ea lth program could be sponsored by the sta te PTA, I would suggest it be in th e are a of testin g for visual deficiencies. E velyn H eath, Fifth g rad e teach er, W ashington school. Return Due MARCH 2 ,1 9 6 7 A friendly reminder to avoid penalties: V 8 V V V V Ï I | All personal property must be reported on S Form No. 1 or Form No.2 not later than | March 2nd. I If you have not received a form, please | drop us a card or letter staling the kind of personal property and we w ill mail you the proper form. I DO NOT REPORT HOUSEHOLD | FURNITURE OR LICENSED I VEHICLES V 8 V 8 Ï g V 8 V V V V 8 ♦ 8 a V 8 FRANK H. LeMONT County Assessor ♦ ♦ V 8 8 8 a __________________ _________________ N O T IC E OF w m b e h e W a X 8^ IN T E R M E D IA T E E D U C A I'IO N ^ A m in ister’s viewpoint: It is quite n a tu ra l for a m inister to be keenly in terested in the work of an organization like th e PTA since we sh a re a com mon concern for the intellectual, m oral, and sp iritu al developm ent of children. Although we h av e slightly different resources by which to m ak e our contribution to th e n u rtu re of a Child, we sh a re in the d esire to provide the best possible environ­ m ent for children so th a t th ey can m ake intelligent life decisions. I D IST R IC T BUDGET H E A R IN G * ^ c t of Columbia County, State of Oregon, p.m. for the purpose of discussing with interested persons the operating budget for th 1967’ a t 8:00 o’clock 1, 1967, hereinafter set forth. The budget was prepared on a h L t of budget,.for the fiscal year beginning July preceding year. Major accounting changes, if any, and their e f f e c t h e nthndDe?nS1StenttWflth ? at USed *” the panying statem ent. A copy of the budget docum ent is available for insoertfon S f5 th *n 30 accom- Supermtendent’s office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 00 n m Colurnbla County School $1.00 or parts of it m ay be obtained for $0.25 per sheet. P udget document m ay be obtained for Sam Hearing Jr., Chairman, Interm ediate Education District Board Oemonia Cagle will stand behind any group th at w ants to help children! Bob S argent A businessm an w rites: As a businessm an I realize how m uch work and planning a re ne­ cessary to m ake an organization a success. V ernonia ca n be proud to say they have a PTA th at is a success. I see work done to benefit our children’s future and I ’m glad for the cooperation of educators and parents so th a t pupils in the Vernonia School D istrict can have this opportunity. The people who keep this organization continually progressing a re surely to be com ­ mended. F ish e r’s Appliance and R epair, S herm an S. Fisher. F ro m a p aren t: We need such an outlet for ex­ pression and understanding. I feel ce rtain a void would exist within our school p ro g ram without PTA. We, as p aren ts, have an “out of the class room ” opportunity to b e­ com e acquainted with those who guide and in stru ct o u r children in th eir form ative years. T hat social contact is often the very thing th at brings th e te ac h er and p aren t to­ g eth er and m any tim es "b reak s a b a rrie r o r m isunderstanding” e x ­ isting. E veryone has the opportunity to voice his opinion o r bring a ques­ tion to the floor, and perhaps solve a problem th a t someone else had had before him . M any good films and speakers of a professional level are p rese n t­ ed and the p are n t who n ever av ­ ails him self of the things th a t a re to be had w ithin the PTA agenda is indeed the loser, as well m ight his "stu d e n t” be. A stim ulating topic, followed by a good cup of coffee with the PTA, is h ere to stay. R eatha Horn. A stu d en t’s viewpoint: As a student a t Vernonia high school, I h av e been aw are of sev­ e ra l contributions by th e PTA th at have aided not only in th e up keep of the building but also in financial help to individual students. A la rg e donation tow ard the cost of our glass backboards, and new spotlight, and the assistance in paying for band uniform s are ju st th ree task s th e PTA has u n d ertak ­ en for the high school. It also gives a $75 scholarship to a graduating senior each y ear. The studentbody fully recognizes and appreciates the assistan ce th a t this active group has given to our school. Sally Knowlton. Phone 429-3462 SUMMARY , Tax Levy =—5 ;—~ --- Computation - — --------------------------------- Total Budget Requirements___________________________ Deduct: Total Budget Resources Except Tax to be Levied Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget________________ Taxes to be Levied for Ensuing Y ear ______ _ Analysis of Taxes to be Levied: ........... Within 6% Limitation___________ ______ ___ Outside 6% Limitation________ __ ________ ____________ Total Taxes to be Levied. ___________ _________ Year Beginning 7-1-1967 $85,755.00 36,155.00 49,600.00 49,600.00 NEHALEM MOTOR VALLEY F R E IG H T $ 6.506.16 $10,048.22 Budget Current Year $ 6,000.00 101.00 3,901.02 14,953.87 16,656.98 20,000.00 25,361.05 36,090.00 26,806.20 33,485.00 26.000.00 35,165.00 $61,451.05 $19,406.75 5,317.69 1,497.18 10.00 6,700.00 1,342.00 691.40 155.00 1,428.43 130.53 14,721.85 $51,402.83 $60,291.20 $20,216.25 7,044.59 1,280.66 20.00 4,200.00 892.03 915.70 121.00 1,388.67 223.93 15.863.59 $52,166.42 $61,165.00 $22,900.00 7,390.00 1,300.00 125.00 900.00 175.00 2,175.00 1,200.00 20,000.00 5,000 00 $61,165.00 ITEM BUDGET RESOURCES—IN SUMMARY Available Cash B alance_____ Revenue from Local Sources Except Tax to be L ev ied _____ Revenue from State Sources Receipts from Other School Districts Total Budget Resources Except Tax to be Levied_____________ District Tax Received in Year Levied District Tax Required to Balance Budget Budget for Ensuing Year Approved $ 5,000.00 1,155.00 30,000.00 36,155.00 49,600.00 TOTAL BUDGET RESOURCES...... ...... $85,755.00 BUDGET REQUIREM ENTS-IN SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION - Salaries $34,290.00 — Other 7,395.00 INSTRUCTION — Other Than Salaries 1,800.00 SE R V IC E S-O ther Than Salaries 125.00 HEALTH SERVICES — Salaries — Other . _________ ? Z ? ^ TI0N OF PEA N T-O ther than Salaries - 1,000.00 MAINT. OF PLANT—Other thaon Salaries _ 175.00 FIXED CHARGES __________________ - 4,970.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY — Equipment - 1,000.00 CONTRACT S E R V IC E S __ - 30,000.00 OPERATING CONTINGENCY - 5,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET REQUIREMENTS $85,755.00 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES FOR PERSONAL SERVICES HISTORICAL DATA Budget for Ensuing Year •Actual No. Total No. Second Yr. F irst Yr. of Salary PERSONNEL of Preceding Preceding Empl Budgeted CLASSIFICATION Approved ADMINISTRATION $10.000.00 $10,340 00 1 $12,000.00 Superintendent 1 $13,200.00 Administrative Assistant __ 1 9.000 00 5,m om 6.300 00 1 «JOO» Deputy 1 7,480.00 3.000.75 3,75000 1 4.1m m Clerical 1 4.51000 HEALTH SERVICES fi.700.00 4.200 00 1 School Nurse 'Publish Feb. 9. 1967 and Feb. 16. 1967» $ | FOLGER S 1COFFEE I s t 2-L b. $1.39 $ I s t 3-L b. $1.99 J FirsI 1-Lb. Tin....... X OUT-DATED.. 14714662 Like an old car, y o u r insur­ a n c e p r o g ra m c a n b ec o m e out-dated, too. But while an old ca r shows its obsolescence, it takes study and review to uncover out-dated insurance. D ocs your program incorpor­ ate the m any recent insurance im p ro v e m e n ts w h ic h m ak e possible superior, m ore eco­ nom ical protection? If not, you’d do well to see us for a com plete protection review. J. Horn VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE £ FO L G E R S IN S T A N T .10-oz. Jar $1.39 $ V 8 8 8 V 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Cut G reen B ea n s — T ender G arden P e a s — F an cy G reen 8 8 Spinach — Golden C om , Cream or W hole K ernel — F ru it 8 8 C ocktail — G raven stein A pplesauce — P e a s & C arrots 8 8 and S tew ed T om atoes. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ï 3 8 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 M O R TO N ’S F R O Z E N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Beef, Chicken, Turkey, 8 8 Salisbury Complete Dinners 8 8 8 8 8 F L A V -R -P A C F R O Z E N 3 12-oz. $ T in s Ï 6-oz. 8 8 8 T in s............. 8 3 3 3 3 3 8 DEL MONTE FIESTA SALE I AT CLIFFS P h on e 429-6203 V ernonia, O regon Th« Hartford iMuranet Group, Hartford, Coon. i $ $ A Mix 'em or Match 'em No. 303 Cans. LADY ELBERTA PEACHES No. 2V2 Cans SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING Firsl 3-Lb. Tin................ Shop Cliff's Big Freezer — Lots of Variety | 3:99« 8 8 $ 8 8 8 8 8 8 I SLAB BACON V2 or Whole....................... Lb. •5 V 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 V 88« Cliff's features Quality Only Fresh M eats. . . | Fully, unconditionally guaranteed to please >:< you or money refunded. COUNTRY SMOKED 8 LEAN FRESH PORK CHOPS 59e S9« Cliff's Special Price........... Lb. •5 ---------------------------------------------------- 8 •5 :< 8 Cliff's is kind of proud of our Fresh Fruit and > V V Vegetables. Come in and see if we have the 8 8 | 8 Variety, Quality you like at Cliff's. 8 8 8 ’♦ COACHELLA 8 8 V 8 8 8 8 ♦' 8 V V V 8 8 8 GRAPEFRUIT V 905 B rid ge S tr e e t ( 69c ORANGE 3 JUICE 6 49,600.00 49,600.00 Actual Second Yr. F irst Yr. Preceding Preceding SUPERMARKET ' e m o n ia s C om plete O ne-Stop Shoppin g C enter __ $ Open D a ily 9 :0 0 A.M . to 7 :0 0 P.M . 8 DINNERS total all funds 7 ^ ^ < -i-1JTO f-1-1966 ~ $61 I ks no 26 000 no oe’j ï ï ™ ....... w?’ic=nn ......*>,«>5.00 1ce *>,«>5.oo 35 165 oo CLIFFS THURSDAY, FEB. 9, 1967_______ 5 Juicy....................................... Lb. SNOBOY FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE Quarts........................... K