Library U n iv e r s ity o f fregati ü------ie , Oregon Demoni a Eagle VOLUME 45, NUMBER 5 VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEB. 2, 1967 PTA Mothers Start School Service Stint Tôgge^D efeat Warrenton 5; Tiger Bout N ext Logger courtmen rose to the oc­ boast wins over Rainier and Star casion January 27 when they trav­ of the Sea—both of which have eled to the coast to do battle with downed Vernonia. the Warrenton Warriors. The Log­ Clatskanie also stands undefeat­ ger squad downed the coast quint ed in western division play and by a 64-42 score. “Their best game holds a 3-0 win-loss record. of the season,” stated Coach Bert A berth in the Cowapa league Kronmiller, “and the least number play-offs may well rest on this Monday afternoon, an organiza­ of errors of any game to date.” game, as a Vernonia win would tional and training meeting was Kronmiller did state, however, that virtually assure them of a spot, called by PTA president, Mrs. although they looked well in all stated Kronmiller. David Banta, to embark members phases of play, the quint’s weakest on a new and exciting challenge, point was their man-to-man de­ the PTA School-Service Program. fense. Because the local group receiv­ Steve Ellis and Bud Robertson ed enought funds at the beginning led Logger scoring with 14 each of the school year, by taking the and Larry Elton showed the way school census, to cover the year’s to the rebounders, pulling in 14. expenses, it was decided that the Kronmiller steted that Elton did A change of delivery date for organization should do a service an outstanding job on the boards surplus foods to this area will be­ project for the schools rather than Gary Hanson and Bud Robert­ come effective in February, ac­ to organize another money-making son were credited with good floor cording to Mrs. Betty Luttrell, project. play as the locals swept the War­ representative from the surplus After conferring with school au­ riors aside for the win. Nine of foods office in St. Helens, and Rob­ thorities, the possibility of having the Vernonia players scored in this ert Glosenger, county commis­ mothers help to supervise the game as the younger players sioner, who were in Vernonia last grade school children at lunchtime were given a chance at a little var week to make arrangements for was decided to be the most need­ sity experience. the change. ed service. The main purpose of Foods for residents of this area The Logger auint jumped to an such noon duty would be to insure early ten point lead and were nev­ will be brought to Vernonia on more safety for the children at a er caught up to by the Warrenton Wednesday or Thursday of the sec­ time when it is most needed. squad. At the end of first quarter ond week of each month and will At the time, the program is on play, they led by 12 points, 23-11. be left at the fire hall. Persons for a trial basis for four weeks, after The full court press was dropped whom the foods are brought here which the persons involved will by the locals in the second quarter, will have to pick them up at the meet again and decide how worth­ but Warrenton gained only one fire. This will have to be done on while this help has been and wheth­ point on them as the half ended an honor system and any failure er or not the helpers find it too with the score 35-24. of the plan to work as it should time consuming. The second half was the Loggers’ will eliminate the delivery of foods At present, the ladies who volun­ all the way, as they kept the pres­ here. teered for duty at Washington sure on Warrenton, kept scoring Mrs. Luttrell states that the sur­ school are: Mrs. Don Webb, Mrs. and never let their opponents get plus foods store at St, Helens is Donald Anderson, Mrs. James closer than 14 points. The third open ten days each month, includ­ Brewer, Mrs. Herb Nicholson, and quarter score was 51-37. ing Tuesday and Wednesday of Mrs. Bob Brown. At Lincoln With six minutes left in the con­ each week with the exception of a school the ladies on duty will be test, Kronmiller ran in his second fifth Tuesday or Wednesday, and Mrs. Robert May, Mrs. Ralph line, who widened the point spread the third and fourth Thursday of Higginbotham, Mrs. Richard Hun- by another six points. Paul Nelson, each month. teman, Margaret Peterson and A1 Brunsman, Steve Curl, Steve Mrs. Hazen Barnard. Mrs. Dan Hanson and Gary Davis were the Lawler will serve as a substitute. players seeing action in this per­ After such a service program iod. was suggested by Mrs. Banta, she The preliminary was as much received a communication from the of a cliff-hanger as the varsity National PTA informing her of a game was a run-away, as the JVs R. C. Johnston of St. Helens, national drive to urge local chap­ were downed 55-54 in an overtime who has been appointed as county ters to embark on just such ser­ contest. dog control officer by the county vice programs. It is nice to know After tying in regulation play, court, was in Vernonia Tuesday the local group is such a foresight- the junior squads fought through in response to reports of dogs kill ed organization. an overtime period without one ing chickens and ducks and creat­ gaining an advantage over the oth­ ing a nuisance by being allowed er until, with 35 seconds left Chris to run at large. He stated that he Smith dunked a shot, and then had found many unlicensed dogs Warrenton turned the tables and in the area and further stated that netted a field goal with only 10 sec­ owners are responsible for any onds on the clock to ice the game. damage done by their dogs and A big game is scheduled for can be made to pay for same. The Columbia County Comm '.- this Friday, the first encounter of Johnston also stated that dog li­ nity Action Team will meet Thurs­ the season with the Clatskanie Ti­ censes for 1967 are now on sale at day evening of next week, Febru­ gers on the Clatskanie court. If the office of the county clerk in St. ary 9, at Clatskanie high school at history repeats itself, the Logger Helens and called attendtion to a 8 p.m., according to information quint should be extra wary of this change of fee this year. Licenses given by Kenneth O. Schellbach of fray, as a look at last year’s rec­ for male dogs or spayed females Clatskanie, team chairman. ord will reveal. The hometowners will be $2 each this year instead On the agenda is a report by were riding high after a January of the previous $1.50. Licenses for Eleanor Ross on a meeting attend 21 win over Seaside, putting them females remain the same, $3 ed in Washington D.C., announce­ in first place with a 3-0 reco rd - each. Licenses purchased after ment of the regional decision con­ then they ran up against the Ti­ March 1 will also carry a $2 penal­ cerning the status of this group, gers. February 4 was the date of ty except for newly acquired dogs. proposal for revamping method of the trip to Clatskanie which put All dogs over five months old handling routine business so as the first loss on the Logger record must be licensed and any dogs to save time at meetings, a resume as the Tigers clawed their way to found without license after March of the coming year’s budget, re­ a 58-55 win. 1 will be destroyed. Johnston stat­ ports of progress from area coun­ Kronmiller, in speaking of this ed that he intends to work every cils, a brief discussion of needs of year’s Tiger quint, stated they are area of the county thoroughly to the local community and commit­ all over 6 foot, 1 inch, with the ex­ alleviate the complaints concern­ tee reports. ception of one player. They also ing unlicensed, uncared for dogs. Surplus Foods Changes Given CHET RAY, left was starter for the Pinewood Der­ by at the Cub Scout meeting Monday evening. Cars were run on a special track constructed by fathers of the Cubs. Cubs watch their cars start down the track, each with the hope his car will win. Boys made their own cars from kits which were all the same. Cubs Enter Pinewood Derby Highlight of the Cub Scout pack row. Wayne Lunsford and Chester 13. During that time the Cubs will meeting Monday evening was the Long each received gold arrows. be wearing their uniforms to point Pinewood Derby in which the Cubs Goodwill badges were presented up the Scouting activity and a dis­ raced small model cars they had to all who took part in the Good­ play will be placed in a window to carved and constructed during the will Goodtum week delivery and show things they have done and to past month as a father and son pick-up of bags. give information about Cubbing. project. This also went along with On display at the pack meeting Following Scout Week, the Cubs the January theme, transportation. were covered wagons, airplanes, will hold their annual Blue and The cars were raced on a spe­ boats, a state flag and flower dis­ Gold dinner February 18. Plans cial track with each group compet­ play and various hobbies which are now being made by the den ing, then the winners in each have been part of the activity of mothers and Scout committee and group holding a run-off. In the the various dens. further announcements will be Bobcat division, first place honors Boy Scout Week is being obser­ forthcoming. went to Steve Potter, second to ved nationally February 7 through See photos page 5 David Clason and third to Marty Murrell. In the Wolf division, first was Clarence Lamping, second was Brad Garner and third was Pat Curl. For the Bear division Scott Cameron placed first, Terry Buckner came in second and David Tipton was third. Team statistics for the Vernonia renton, 0-4. The eastern division In the run-off between first place winners Steve Potter, Clarence Logger cagers reveal the local is led by Rainier, with Hood River, Lamping and Scott Cameron, Clar­ quint to be in the favorable posi­ North Catholic, Concordia a n d ence Lamping came in first to take tion of being at the top of the West­ Scappoose following. sweepstake honors. Ribbons were ern division of Cowapa league. For Although Vernonia may at pres­ awarded to first, second and third the season, the Loggers hold a 9 ent have play-off aspirations, they win, 7 loss record, and a 4-0 league place winners. are only precariously perched atop Other awards were presented mark. Clatskanie follows them their league division. Having been closely with a 3-0 standing and Monday evening, also. Included outscored by opponents to date Seaside is third at 3-2. Although was the Mom and Dad award for the most parents present which the Vernonia squad is on top at points up the fact they will have went to Den 3, Mrs. Sam Potter present, they are in the position to go all out in their four remain­ of being the mark for all other ing counting games. den mother. teams to topple from their lofty Their remaining counters are Earl Atkins, member of Boy with Clatskanie, there February 3; Scout Troop 201, who is acting as perch. den chief for the cubs, was pre­ Vernonia has been outscored by Neah-Kah-Nie, here, February 10; sented his den chief cord by his opponents overall, 890 p o i n t s Seaside, here, February 17; and father, Loren E. Atkins. against, 868 for. The Loggers have Clatskanie, here, February 25. Any Brad Caron received his Bear hit from the field at a 54.3 percent of these teams is capable of knock­ badge and the presentation was pace, while their opponents have ing the Loggers off their top spot. made by his mother, Mrs. Leslie hit at a 55.6 clip. Caron. Hazen Barnard received Individually, leaders in statistic his Wolf Badge from his father, departments are as follows: Hazen Barnard Sr. Steve Ellis leads the team in re­ Denner bar awards went to bounds, gathering in 115 for a 7.7 A Court of Honor was conducted Mark Peterson and George Shaw Randy Ellson, Dick Brunsman and per game average. He is followed for Vernonia Boy Scout Troop 201 won pins for two years of per­ Gordie Crowston. Assistant denner by Bill Hanson with 97, 6.5 per bars were presented to Clarence game; and Gary Davis with 96 and at a troop meeting Wednesday, fect attendance. January 25 at the Scout Hut. The The Troop received its third con­ Lamping, Brad Garner, Robert 6.5 per game. Court was presided over by Don secutive five star award, present­ Clason and Mark McKee. Season interception totals show Dale Webb received a silver ar- Pete Brunsman on top with 43, Jackson, Scoutmaster who presen­ ed at a Sunset Trail district recog­ ted awards of rank and achieve­ nition dinner Monday night in Larry Elton second with 36 and ment to Boy Scouts in the troop. Hillsboro. The Five Star is a na­ Gary Davis, third, with 30. New Tenderfoot rank was be­ tional award to units which Show Parents Slate Band Bill Hanson leads the quint in stowed upon Donnie Elliott, Walt a continuous program of having The beginning band composed of percentage of field goal attempts Floeter and Donald Gibson. trained leadership, recruiting, ad­ about 35 fifth graders will play with a mark of 37.7 percent of Advanced to Second Class were vancement in rank by every boy Monday evening at the meeting of shots attempted. Irvin Normand, Mike Keene, Rob­ in a year’s time, and 50 percent Free throw attempt percentages ert Hahmeyer, Robbie Wilson (not or more of the boys camping ten the Band Parents club at the Wash­ ington school. This is their first show Keith Cameron leading in present) and Richard Tronson. days and nights in a year’s time. appearance. They are directed by this category with a 69.2 percent­ A merit badge in chemistry was Only ten boys attended a long Charles Randall. The meeting is age mark. awarded Richard Tronson for stu­ term summer camp in 1966 but Larry Elton leads the team in dies he completed under the direc­ the remaining boys achieved their scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the tea­ field goals, having hit 79 for the tion of his science teacher, Wayne goal with backyard or neighbor­ chers’ lunch room. season. The most free throws, 44, Markham. hood camps, at Wilkersen and air­ mark has been set by Steve Ellis. Community Service awards were port parks. In total points, Larry Elton leads presented to 18 boys in the troop PTA Council Meet Plans for the 1967 summer camp with 177 and Keith Cameron close who participated in the November are being prepared now as space The Columbia County PTA Coun­ behind Elton with 133. Good Turn for Good Will. Mr. Jack- in council camps is being filled cil will hold its quarterly meeting Season leading scorers are Larry son stated that the articles the rapidly. It is hoped Troop 201 can February 6, 1 to 3 p.m. at the Elton, averaging 11.8 points per boys collected were being repaired go on a long term camp this year Clatskanie high school. By-law re­ game; Keith Cameron, 8.9; and by workers in the Goodwill indus­ with help and leadership of fathers visions and special workshops are Steve Ellis, 8. try. providing jobs and training or friends of Scouting. to be discussed. County President Western division standings show for many disabled and handicap­ Boy Scout Week is being cele­ Mrs. E. R. Riegel will give a re­ Vernonia on top with a 4-0 record; ped persona, brated nationally, February 7-14. port on the managers meeting held Clatskanie, second, 3-0; Seaside. Scott Davies received a pin for Unusual this year, Boy Scout Sun January 20. 3-2; Neah-Kah-Nie, 1-3; and War three year* of perfect attendance. day is being planned F e b i.iry 5. Team Statistics Evaluate Logger Court Performance Dog Control to Be Carried Out CAT to Hear Ross Report Scout Court of Honor Held, Troop Activities Being Planned Churches throughout the nation recognize the religious aspects of Scouting, as boys attend the chur­ ches of their choice in uniform on this Sunday. Some local churches are planning such recognition. Per­ sons wishing additional informa­ tion may call Mr. Jackson at 429- 3621. A sustaining membership cam­ paign will be launched soon to pro­ vide funds for operation of Colum­ bia Pacific Council activities. This includes the cost of training ses­ sions and programs which cannot be provided at the local level. For an example, boys in Vernonia would probably not have opportu­ nity for canoeing, life saving, horsemanship were it not for Coun­ cil Camping facilities. If one weighs the cost of keeping a boy in a detention home ($3500) for one year and the cost of keep­ ing a boy in Scouting for one year ($10) one can measure the psycho­ social-economic importance of hav­ ing a fund raising drive in Verno­ nia Although more than 100 Ver­ nonia boys are now being served in the Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, it is estimated "we’ll be lucky to raise $200.” Persons wishing to make a con tribution to Scouting may do so by contacting Mr. Jackson or deposit­ ing funds in accounts of local units A chairman for the sustaining membership drive will be announ ced shortly If every parent or person who realizes the value of Scouting will contribute a five dollar bill, the total will be well over the goal. These contributions are tax de­ ductible. tfmKiMWHminvni