Demonia Eagle THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 5 Enrollment of Students Given Who are the students at the nine institutions in the State System of Higher Education? Mainly, they are individuals from all 36 of Oregon’s counties. For instance, the 1965-66 biennial report of the State System of High­ er Education, just released, shows that 40,450 Oregonians went to the public colleges and universities one or more quarters during the 1965- 66 year. Add the 6744 who came from out of state and you have a cumulative total of 47,194 (which, of course, will be substantially exceeded dur­ ing the current academic year). The state system’s biennial re­ port shows that two-thirds of the counties last year had students en­ COUNTY JUDGE Earl N. Seawright presents Certif­ tificate was awarded the group to commemorate the rolled in all nine of the state sys­ icate of Merit to Vann Basinger, representative of large-scale planning and development venture the tem institutions while the rest of Briarcliff Golf and Country club of Rainier. The cer- corporation has undertaken in the Rainier area. the students were represented at five to eight of the state campuses. Columbia county has 322 enrolled at the nine state institutions. Of the 6744 students from out of the state, 5585 came from all 50 Representatives from city coun­ towns or areas. and its cities, the League of Ore­ of the states, while 15 came from cils, planning commissions, the As an incentive to join this gon Cities, Association of Oregon four United States territories. Another 1114 students during county court and other interested group, he stated it would promote Counties, State System of Higher persons met at the Village Inn growth of the county, put plan­ Education (Continuing Education 1965-66 were from 93 foreign coun­ January 12 to hear reports on the ning in the hands of local persons office), and the department of tries ranging from Afghanistan to Zambia. The greatest foreign en­ proposed Columbia county region­ who more fully understand local Health, Education and Welfare. rollment was from Canada, 203, al planning program and an out­ problems, and the need for a pro­ distributed through six of the state line of the school for planning to fessional person to do this plan­ colleges and universities. The next be held in February. ning and coordinate the over-all largest number, 95, attending plan. The meeting was opened with a four institutions, was from Nation­ greeting from Judge Earl N. Sea­ Judge Seawright told of pledges alist China. wright, who also outlined the his­ by cities and the county which tory of meetings between the court have already been made, includ­ Farmers will lose any federal and city planning groups, held ov­ ing: Clatskanie, pledged $3,000, to be matched by $6,000 in federal gas and lubricating oil tax cred­ er the past year and a half. Seawright also stated that the funds; Port of St. Helens, $1500 it they have coming if their in­ court would dedicate itself in 1967 and $3,000; Columbia county, $3,- come tax returns are not filed on to educate people in county to ben­ 000 and $6,000. Another $3,000 is time, District Director A. G. Er­ RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. efits of county-wide zoning and to be added by the county for the ickson reports. Erickson said that farmers who Edward Phipps and four children planning and work toward com­ second phase of a planning pro­ pletion of U. S. 30 widening and gram, also to be matched 2 for 1 use gas in their farming opera­ of Banks moved into the Laws improvements within the next two by the federal government. The tions and lubricating oil other house on Spencer avenue last week years. He also touched on the re­ county would also make available than in a highway motor vehicle end. He works with his brother in cent tax losses from too-low ap­ another $3,000 of unmatched funds are entitled to the credit. It is the Phipps garage. Others who figured at 4c for every gallon of moved to Spencer avenue recently praisals of industrial properties for administrative costs. A 50 cent-per-head assessment gas and 6c for every gallon of are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kagler and what the county plans t o and two sons from Fort Lewis. He counteract such losses, county would add another $5,200 to the lubricating oil so used. road improvements, housing prob­ coffers (1965 census figures). Part Power boat owners and other works in Portland. Mrs. Margaret Wickander and lems and other items a land use of this amount would go into users of gas and oil for non-high­ plan and zoning program would matching funds and the other be way purposes are also entitled to three daughters from Portland used for local planning and admin­ a credit. Their credit is 2c a gal­ spent Saturday at the home of her aid. lon on gas and 6c on lubricating aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Hank A certificate of merit was pre­ istration. Hudson. Sherri Thiringer was Deb­ An estimate of $15-18,000 per oil. sented Vann M. Basinger, who re­ bie Hudson’s overnight guest Fri­ year was given for maintaining a Form 4136, Computation of Cred­ presented the board of directors of Briarcliff Golf and Country regional planning office, on a two- it for Federal Tax on Gasoline day. The mumps epidemic is no re­ and Lubricating Oil, should be Club, Inc., for the large develop­ year basis. specter of age. Mrs. Carrie Brown ment the group has started at used to compute the credit and Nims was again called to the who will be 88 years old in April Rainier. rostrum to answer questions on should be attached to their has had quite a bout with them. income tax returns. Cyrus Nims, Bureau of Municipal costs. He gave a $7,500 to $8,200 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker Reasearch, gave a recap of plan­ figure as the minimum of a di­ Before this year, non-highway spent Monday in this vicinity on ning, growth and development in rector for the program. He stated users of gas had to file a sep­ business. Mrs. Parker spent the county. He stated that St. Helens that the more responsibility this arate claim for a refund of the day at the home of her sister, was the first city in Columbia person carries would naturally federal gas tax paid. Now they Mrs. Ted Keasey on Keasey road. county to undertake such plan­ increase the pay for the position. take a credit on their tax return She is much improved since the ning. Scappoose followed, he stat­ A further projection of growth against the amount of income tax last report. ed, with planning and studies on and planning proposed Vernonia to otherwise owing. Sunday visitors at the home of their downtown area pretty well be treated as a single area by it­ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose were their self, and the grouping of St. Hel­ up to date. daughter and family, Mr. and Family Get-Together Nims suggested that with future ens, Scappoose and Columbia City Mrs. Jim Staight and four children Honors Two Birthdays projected growth Scappoose and into a single area. of Salem. St. Helens may well be connected Mayor M. E. McMichael of St. TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Jenkins and urban areas, and a joint zoning Helens took the microphone at this Mrs. Lester Teeling of Portland, their daughter, Mrs. Richard Ken­ ordinance used to tie in these two time to state that St. Helens was Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and ney and children of Portland visit­ cities. He also outlined the pro­ ready to go ahead on a planning Mrs. H. A. Thacker were Sunday ed Sunday at the E. L. Lloyd and gram of the planning education program of their own if this coun­ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Bud Rose homes. classes planned for February. ty-wide group fails to act prompt­ bur Thacker, honoring the birth­ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Yoreson Seawright then spoke on the ly. He also said the entire area days of Mrs. Teeling and Mrs. Fal­ spent the holidays at the home of make-up of the board which would needs to work together for plan­ coner. In the afternoon Mr. and their son and family, W.K. Yoreson govern a regional or county-wide ning of area development. Mrs. Ray Thacker and Ken from at Pomona, California. They made planning group. Members would be Representing Vernonia at the Forest Grove, Mrs. George Smith the trip by plane. Saturday Mr. taken from each city, the county meeting were members of the lo­ and Susie from Kist district also and Mrs. Henry Woolfolk of Clats­ court, each planning commission, cal planning commission, Ralph called at the Thacker home. kanie visited at the Yoreson home and any other groups participat­ Keasey, David Banta, B. J. Horn Mrs. Carl Snyder and Mrs. Chas. and Sunday their callers were Mr. ing such as the port district Ev­ and Jam es Davies, and Wm. Run- Hascall were luncheon guests of and Mrs. Robert Speiring o f ery area or group participating dle who is a member of the county Mrs. George Snyder and children Banks. would have a representative on the planning commission. at Hillsboro Thursday and also regional board. The schedule of upcoming plan­ called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ken Tollenaar of the Bureau of ning classes is as follows; Jacobs at Banks on their way Municipal Research then spoke on February 2, The Role and Re­ home. Mrs. Snyder and Mr. and the outline formulated from the sponsibilities of Local Officials in Mrs. Chas. Hascall were Sunday July 1965 preliminary meeting. Community Planning, with James evening guests of Mrs. Mae Wie- From this meeting of area offic­ R. Bell and Lloyd E. Anderson necke. Monday and Saturday eve­ BIRKENFELD —Mr. and Mrs. ials, an agreement of tentative giving the course. George Richardson and Joey took nings Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Edna Rey­ working plans was drawn up to February 9, Implementation of nolds and children were guests of his mother, Elsa Richardson to put a regional coordinated plan­ Community Planning: Zoning Or­ Portland Sunday and she left from Mrs. Wienecke. ning group into action. The agree­ dinances and Capital Improve­ there for Madras to visit with her ment states in part that each in­ ment Programs, Matvin E. Gloege sisters for awhile. dividual participating unit would and Donald N. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg and fami­ Lonnquist Visitors still plan at a local stage, and then February 16, Implementation of ly visited the Nick Nickolson fami­ From Various Areas present their plans to the region­ Community Planning: Subdivision ly at Seaside Sunday. BIRKENFELD — Friday over­ al board for area coordination of Regulations and other Codes and Jim Garlock and son Gordon of plans. Local groups, in effect, Ordinances. Richard B. Hayward night guests at the home of Mr. Woodburn visited at the Fred Lar­ and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist were Mr. son home Sunday. Also there were would not lose their rights to plan and A. M. Westling. on a local level. February 23, Intergovernmen­ and Mrs. Mike Noble of Triangle Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock. He emphasized that the program tal Cooperation in Community Lake, which is near Horton, Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were was not to usurp local authority, Planning, Howard Buford and John gon. Sunday afternoon visitors at in Scio Saturday to visit her sister, but, by voluntary participation, co­ Merrill. the Lonnquist home were Mr. and Mary. ordinate all individual efforts. He March 2, (open public forum). Mrs. Ted Westberg of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnston cited the lack of engineering aid Planning Activities in Columbia and Lydia, Esther, Joseph, and made a trip to the Portland stock locally, and stated that through County, Clatskanie. Columbia City, Arthur Swanson from W a r r e n . yard Monday and cared for other this program, an engineer could Prescott, Rainier, St. Helens. Scap­ North Dakota. business in Portland, also. be hired for the benefit of all par­ poose and Vernonia. Moderator, Mrs. Herbert Rodgers, Lynne Mrs. Darrell Baker was a Clats­ ticipants. Earl Seawri^it; Ted Sidor and and Douglas spent Saturday after­ kanie business caller last Thurs­ He also spoke of the possibility Cyrus R. Nims. noon visiting her folks, the Francis day. of connecting this Columbia coun­ Cyrus Nims will be the modera­ Larsons. She brought home her Mrs. Bob DuPuis was in Port­ ty group to the adjoining portions, tor for the first four sessions to nephew Dennis Larson who had land one day last week on busi­ or all. of Clatsop county and the be held at the St. Helens junior spent Friday night there. ness. Longview-Kelso area. of the above listed evenings. A Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom Buddy Larson came to his folks As proposed by preliminary stu­ $10 registration is listed for the and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker home Sunday evening and will dies. a per capita assessment of complete course. were dinner guests at the home of 'lay with them while he is work­ 50 cents per person in each area Die meetings are under the Mr. and Mrs. Vick Eerg Sunday ing for Crown Zellerhach in this would be made to participating sponsorship of Columbia county evening. area. Regional Planning Discussed Gas. Oil Tax Filing Changed j M A CLIFFS SUPERMARKET V v — Vernonia’s Complete One-Stop Shopping Center — X $ Open Daily 9 :00 A.M. to 7 :00 P.M. $ 1 A M.J.B. COFFEE A INSTANT ♦ V 10-oz. Jar $1.19 I 2-Lb. T i n ....$1.37 I 3-Lb. T in ....$1.99 h-Lb. Tin. . . . . WHITE KING 69« 59« DETERGENT 8 89c Value I Giant I S iz e --— - - - - - j Playing Cards New Residents On Spencer Ave. I MORTON'S FROZ. Trip Made to Visit Sisters | Bridge or Pinochle Plastic Coated ...Deck 39c I 6W 1 POT PIES X Beef - Chicken - Turkey. DUTCH M tID OLEO £ Oregon Made Î Quality Plus $ $ 100% Pure Í Vegetable Oil I 699« ♦ A Truly Fine Î Product — Your Satisfaction Comes FIRST at Cliff's! $ PHEASANT BARTLETT 8 PEARS 4/99 No. 2«/2 Cans KF X ANCHOR HOCKING WHITE i COFFEE MUGS I Each............................ COOKIES b “ 5- 99 c ; “1 Oatmeal, Raisin N ut, B utterm ilk, Coconut, Sugar, Choc. Cp $ DETERGENT « 8 | Pü* 39c For the Finest Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Shop at Cliff's >:• YELLOW BOILER ONIONS I 8 CRISP FRESH 8 -Lb. Bag c8 19 i CARROTS i-Lb. ceiio Pkg....... 5 V V V V C8 6 ------------- ----------------------------------- K :♦ We Feature Quality Fresh Meats Fully % Guaranteed to Please You or Money Refunded X 8 A U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF 1 CHUCK STEAKS A £ Pound............................... :x SWIFT’S PREMIUM j FRANKS I 12-oz. Pkg......................... 49c 39« 49« A £ — We Redeem Sw ift’s Coupons at ClifFs Market — •5 $ LEAN, TENDER, FRESH I PORK STEAKS Pound. •5 M M IM M G O m M M M X O M W M ttM O C M M a m M m M l