Pythians Ask Guests to Rite MARIE ELLIOTT, left, completed her term as noble grand for Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Thursday of last week and w as presented with her past noble grand’s pin by District Deputy President Reatha Horn, center, who also installed the 1967 officers headed by Jackie Atkins, right, as noble grand. Jackie Atkins Takes Reins - As Mt. Heart Noble Grand Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge met last Thursday evening, January 12, for a short business session at 8 p.m. which was followed by pub­ lic installation of 1967 officers. The business session was presided over by the retiring noble grand, Mrs. Marie Elliott. All officers except two courtesy officers were in their chairs and there were 32 members in attendance. At 8:30 p.m. the doors were open­ ed to admit relatives and friends to the IOOF hall lodge room. The 16 member drill team directed by drill captain, Ella Cline and ac­ companied by Mildred Jessee on the piano, presented the fancy drill for which they have gained state­ wide recognition. Following the drill, the meeting was turned over to the district de­ puty president, Reatha Hom, for installation of officers. The team of past noble grands deputized to assist her included Ella Cline, m ar­ shal; Evelyn Heath, warden; Isa­ bel Anderegg, secretary; Grace Currie, treasurer; Irene Minger, chaplain; Edna Linn, inside guar­ dian and Dorothy Sandon, outside guardian. After taking the chair for the in­ stallation, Mrs. Hom presented the past noble grand’s pin to the retir- Happy Cooks Practice Artistry of Cooking On January 10 the Happy Cooks 4-H cooking club met at their lead­ er’s hoipe. flhe second year mem­ bers learned how to make muffins and had thifri with cookies and grape drink Tor their refreshments. At the latest meeting on Janu­ ary 17 the third year members had their turn in the kitchen and made date and nut bread. Mrs. Carson Strong and Mrs. Jewell Solomon took the girls home from these last two meetings. Reporter, Helen Higginbotham. If all the useless words spoken were placed end to end, they would reach some fellow who is trying his level best to concentrate. NEHALEM VALLEY Laundromat & Dry Cleaners Open Every Day 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. — Personal Assistance — Mon.-Sat. — 7 a.m . to 7 p.m. ing noble grand, Marie Elliott, who was escorted to her seat. Elective officers were then in­ stalled as follows: Jackie Atkins, noble grand; Lesta Gamer, vice­ grand; Irma Chance, recording secretary; Faye Davis, financial secretary and Arlie Emmons, trea­ surer. After they were seated in their respective offices, Noble Grand Jackie Atkins named her appoint­ ive officers as follows: Jean Con­ ners, warden; Isabel Anderegg, conductor; Florence Akers, chap­ lain; Marie Shafer, color bearer; Catherine Lentz, inside guardian; Janet Bernardi, outside guardian; Marie Atkins and Mildred Jessee, right and left supporters to the no­ ble grand; Gertrude Schalock, Eve­ lyn Heath, Zoe Salomonsen and Geneva Killingburg, courtesy of­ ficers. At her request, the vice grand then named as her right and left supporters, Mathilde Bergerson and Cora Lange. The installation and seating of the appointive officers concluded the ceremony. Since Catherine Lentz who was appointed inside guardian was absent due to illness which had required hospitalization, June Ray stood in for her and Mrs Lentz will be installed at a later date. Officers were introduced and in turn introduced members of their families who were present. A num­ ber of the guests were called on to speak, also. Following the installation, mem­ bers and guests retired to the din­ ing room for refreshments arrang­ ed by Jean Conners and her com­ mittee. During the social hour, Mrs. Elliott presented gifts of ap­ preciation to officers who had served with her during 1966 and Mrs. Horn presented thank you gifts to her installing officers. Ma­ ny congratulatory gifts were re­ ceived by officers who had just been installed. The next meeting of the lodge, over which the new officers will preside, is scheduled for January 26. Many items pertaining to the plans for the new year are on the agenda. The social committee had met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Jackie Atkins and the next meet­ ing will be the evening of Febru­ ary 14 at the home of Mrs. Reatha Hom. X B a 9 9 9 a V V Oemonia Eagle THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 3 The meeting hold Wednesday evening of last week by Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters was its an nual meeting and marked the con­ clusion of the term of office of Mrs. Martha Brady as most ex­ cellent chief. During the past year she has come from Warren twice each month to fill this office and has had perfect attendance in spite of the distance and weather conditions. She had started through the chairs of the local organization prior to her move to Warren. The meeting included such re­ ports as that of the auditing com­ mittee, the membership roll as of the end of 1966 and other items to conclude the years business. Also, a practice was held for in­ stallation of officers which will be held Wednesday evening of next week, January 25 and will be open to the public. Mrs. Cora Lange will be the installing officer, serving as acting grand chief, and will be assisted by Mrs. Isabel Culbertson, acting grand senior and Mrs. Murel Folken, acting grand manager. The meeting will be preceded by a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. to which families and friends are in­ vited. The installation will be at 7:30 p.m. After the conclusion of the installation, the guests will be excused to visit in the dining room while a short business session is held. Following the meeting, refresh­ ments in the dining room were un­ usual in that sack lunches brought by members were exchanged. Two members insisted on exchanging with each other and when bags were opened, they revealed tooth­ picks carefully wrapped in waxed paper, no doubt an indication that the ladies felt need for dieting after all the holiday indulgences. The social hour became somewhat hil­ arious as members matched stor­ ies of absentminded actions which had led them to some unusual ex­ periences. Each felt better as she heard the experiences of others which proved that She weren’t al­ one in her occasional lapses into unaccounted for acts. County Group Meets At Seaside January 10 Howard Grimsbo of Mist, Elmer Carlson and Richard Armstrong of Warren attended a State Soil Con­ servation committee workshop at Seaside January 10. Don Walrod, county agent and Andy Pavelek of the Soil Conservation Service also attended from Columbia county. This workshop was held to assist the supervisors in carrying out their responsibilities more effectiv­ ely. Klein, State 4-H agent, was the main speaker. He outlined by means of a flannograph how social action takes place in trying to solve a problem. He also gave the supervisors tips on how to hold bet­ ter meetings. Bob Baum, of the State Soil & Water Conservation committee, ex­ plained the state budget and recent legislation effecting districts. » » » » » » » » » » » » » » Some public movements could be classified as lost motion. F -R -E -E TIDE TABLES AVAILABLE NOW RONALD W. BIDEN Ronald W. Biden of 1623 Gales A native of Majpp, $iaen served Court, Forest Grove, has been ap­ with the Navy., from 1946 to 1948. pointed a district manager for The He his been a naeupber of the For­ Equitable Life Assurance Society est Grove Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. He is a member of the and president of the Babe Ruth Society’s Paul Fanning Agency, League there. Biden joined The which has its headquarters in Port­ Equitable as an agent in Portland land. Biden maintains his own of­ in 1964. fice at 232 N.E. Lincoln street in Mr. Biden and his wife, Jeanette, Hillsboro. have six children. Supervisors at Seaside Meet Howard Griipsbo of Mist, Elmer Carlson of Warren, and Richard Armstrong of Warren attended a State Soil Conservation committee workshop at Seaside January 10. Don Walrod, county agent and Andy Pavelek of the Soil Conserva­ tion Service also attended from Private Dennis J. Holsey, 19, son Columbia county,,. This workshop was held to as­ of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Holsey, Star Route, Vernonia, completed a six- sist the supervisors in carrying out week lineman course January 13 their responsibilities more effect­ ively. at the Army Southeastern Signal Glenn Klein, state 4-H agent, School, Ft. Gordon, Georgia. was the main speaker. Klein out­ Holsey was trained to install and lined by means of a flannograph maintain open wire and field com­ how social action takes place in munication wire. He also received trying to solve a problem. Klein instruction in laying lead and rub­ also gave the supervisors tips on ber-covered cable. how to hold better meetings. Greg Kamholz left Monday for Bob Baum, of the State Soil and Fort Lewis for reassignment over­ Water Conservation committee ex­ seas. He had been at the home of plained the state budget and recent his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin legislation effecting districts Kamholz since December 18 and had just completed training at the in* Wire saws are used to cut gran armed services band tra i n i n g ite from the ijVhtihd/ ’ school at Norfolk, Virginia. » » » » » » » » » i« » » ; $ $ X THE VERNONIA EAGLE x o o M m eo m o M O M fleo M B o eM g M M M tM ea eew Authorized to make service calls for MEN IN UNIFORM BANANAS 1 Ac Golden Ripe.............Lb. FRANKS Swift’s Premium Boneless l>ean & Meaty........Lb. Sunshine—True Blue ............2-Lb. Pkg. AU TOMATOES 1 QC Red Ripe R e a d ie s___ Lb. A 39 ORANGES Me V V Cards, billheads, business and social forms of every type get careful, creative planning and prompt precision printing here. For results wor- thy of you. at low cost, see us On the road . . . or on the water. See the man at the sign of the Chevron! R A L P H 'S CHEVRON Standby No. 2*/j Cans Q/ SERVICE Phone 429-6691 We Take Better Care of Your Car! CAKE MIXES 3/95c PRODUCE at its FINEST V V Î Beautiful colored slides of Oslo, Norway, Mexico and California comprised the program of Mrs. George Biddle when she enter­ tained Chapter BS of the P.E.O. Sisterhood at her home January 10. Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier will give the program January 24 at the home of Mrs. Will Bridgers. 1 PORK ROAST 49c g COOKIES No Job Is Too Small and 59c 1 No Challenge Too Big g Sweet Potatoes A I 9 ■ a Color Slides of Europe Shown at P.E.O. Meet Duncan Hines 1st 3 Pkgs. CRACKERS 59c Nabisco Saltine.....................Pkg. TOILET TISSUE .. 3/$l Zee — 4-Roll Pack AEROWAX 69c Floor Wax Full Quart TAX BOOKS 99c How To Do Your Tax ... | Sam's Food Store INST. COFFEE records 79c $1.29 :o x < o x < » ;o ;o ;o :» x « ;o x « :o x o x o :o x < o x » x o ;o x o x < » x < o ;o :« > x o > x » x « x » x o x o x < » :» :« > x « :» x o x o :» :o > :o > x » x o :o MJB 10-oz. 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