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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1966)
California Resident Guest at Local Home RIVERVIEW - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morgan of Portland and Mrs. Myrtle Snook of Napa, Cali fornia spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook. The elder Mrs. Snook came to Portland with Mir. and Mrs. Virgil Snook when they came home after tak ing Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown and family to board the ship at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson at Netarts. Mrs. Larson is recovering slowly but satisfactorily from her recent sur gery and 10-day stay in the hospi tal. Relatives Here From Salt Lake Vernonia Grange Club Plans Future Events At the meeting of Vernonia Grange December 10, Robert Lind NATAL-PITTSBURG —Mr and say became a member by trans Mrs. Allen Holding and baby of fer. Pete Peshall of Natal Grange Salt Lake City called on Mr. and was a guest and entertained with Mrs. Max Oblack Friday. He is songs for which he played his own guitar accompaniment. Mrs. Oblack’s nephew. The Grange Home Economics Mrs. Wm. Pringle spent several days recently with her daughter, club met at the hall last Thursday, Mrs. Marilyn Boone in Beaverton. December 15, with its president, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff were Marie Christensen in charge. The Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and group enjoyed a potluck luncheon prior to the business session. Mrs. Max Wolff in Portland. Plans were made for a card par Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap call ed on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff ty and a rummage sale for which Monday. dates will be announced later. The Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pugh of next meeting of the group will be Clatskanie were Sunday visitors of January 26 and will again feature a potluck luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. '0 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKee spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E lectrical g ifts W. R. Wolff. keep on g iv in g At the December 14 meeting of Natal Grange the charter was for years to c o m e ! draped in memory of Herman Davis. MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock of Ketchikan, Alaska ar College Boys Arrive rived at the Portland airport Sat For Holiday Vacation urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred BIRKENFELD — The local boys Larson met them and they are at who came home for the holidays the Ray Garlocks at the present Friday were Gary and Lloyd John time. Mrs. Mary Garlock celebrat ston, Jim Bellingham and Dave ed her 91st birthday Monday. Larson. Terry Larson came home Thursday, Mary and Alma and Mrs. Monday after completing tests Bern Bliss were in Portland and Bobbie Dee Bliss returned with scheduled that day. Mrs. Vick Berg and her grand them to spend the Christmas holi son, Loren Berg attended church days. On Saturday the four ladies Looking for the ideal gift were in Tillamook for church and at Vine Maple Sunday. for those “special” people Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews visit with the Clayton Bliss family. on your Christmas list? Try your electric appliance spent Thursday evening at the Mrs. Bliss and Bobbie Dee remain store. You’ll find a won Vick Berg home. Friday Mrs. ed over for a longer visit. Mr. and derful gift in every price Berg accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rodger Chase and sons of range. And you’ll know it Mathews to Forest Grove and Hills Scio stopped at the Garlock home will be appreciated . for for a visit Sunday enroute to their boro. years to Come! Mrs. Helen Hughes and Mrs. home. Maxine Holden spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guida and WEST OREGON last week at the home of Mrs. Ed daughter of Deer Island visited at ELECTRIC na Johnson. the Howard Grimsbo home Sunday CO-OP., INC. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berg and afternoon. family of Portland and Roger Berg Vernonia, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Norris and of Hillsboro spent the week end at children and his mother, Mrs. the Berg home on the Fishhawk. Florence Norris of Eugene were Friday night guests of her mother, Mrs. Nettie Cox. To our very Dear Friends, Dale and Paul Sanders visited at the Charles Hansen home Saturday all of you, a Happy Holiday evening. Shirley Berg was also Season and a continued welcome a caller. to our farm in the Ozarks. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell were in Forest Grove and Portland Friday. Visitors Arrive From Ketchican feaieni Kit and Anita Kennedy teit Route 2, Box 23, Dora, Missouri, 65637 Said the preacher as he slipped on the banana peel: “It’s odd how old forgotten words spring to mind, isn’t it?” Group Observes Birthday Early BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston had a pre-bithday dinner Sunday for their son,Steve who was eleven. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve and two friends of Gary from college were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carl spent a few days last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Edna John son. Later Mr. Carl developed blood poisoning in his foot and Edna stayed with them for a few days. He is much improved now. Lawrence Johnston went to Eu gene Sunday and returned Monday. He brought his mother back with him for the holidays. His father will be here later. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and Mrs. Elsa Richardson were in Portland Saturday. They attended the wedding of Marie Bellingham’s cousin. Mrs. Ed Ashe of Vine Maple passed away at Astoria last week. They were former residents at Bir kenfeld a number of years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom 9 left Sunday for California to spend THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1966 Christmas with their daughter and and Pauline Adams. He will be family, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Manning here until the first of the year. and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lar Read the ads, it w ill pay yawl sen and baby are staying here at the place while they are away. rMr. and Mrs. George Richardso NEHALEM VALLEY and Joey were in Portland Satur Laundromat A Dry Cleaners day. Open Every Day 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Nick Berg came home on fur — Personal Assistance — lough Friday evening. He was met Mon.-Sat. — 7 a.m . to 7 p jn . in Longview by his sister Shirley Demon ia Eagle FACTS OF THE WEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY STRIKE We who are employed in the tele phone industry in this area, sincerely seek your support in our strike against the West Coast Telephone Company. We are faced with the difficult prob lem of negotiating a contract with a com pany that has recently become a part of the GENERAL TELEPHONE AND ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS. We as employees have been subject ed to all types of company slanted releas es through the mail, as employees we have been able to separate the fact from the fiction and have refused to accept the fiction. You as our friends and neighbors have been subjected to slanted news re leases and advertisments and we feel are entitled to our side of the story. We would like to present to you the Company’s statements and our answers to them. The Company says; West Coast has bargained in good faith. fact: Since Nov. 30th the Company has refused to bargain on any Union pro posal, dictating these terms; “accept our entire proposal or nothing.” The Union has offered to place these issues before an impartial arbitrator. This has been refused by the company. Holding to their demands “accept our entire offer or nothing.” Is this good faith bargaining? The Company says; The Union has refused this contract. fact: The employees by a 7 to 1 majority rejected this contract. This done by a secret ballot. The Company says; They have bar- ghihed with the union for 20 years. fact: We have signed 2 agreements with the General System, (both while the The Company says; We are striking* Company was under anti-trust suits by for wages. the U. S. Government. These suits were dropped in Nov.) The leader of the WW fact: We have since Nov. 30th offered to Company’s bargaining committee was bargain on the wage issue alone. The transferred to this area from the mid- Company refusing this offer demands dlewest less than 18 months ago. that we must accept their entire offer’ or nothing. In doing this we would for The Company says; Another group feit working rights and conditions that from this union recently accepted a simi have been a part of our contract for lar contract. over 20 years. fa c t; General Telephone of the Northwest The Company says; West Coast em (another G.T.E. subsidiary in Spokane) ployees receive fair wages. accepted in August, the Company’s wording and rosy picture and already fact: Prior to Dec. 1 this Company paid regret it. These people urge us not to„ 38c per hour less for the same classifi make the same mistake. cations than does Pacific Northwest Bell in Portland and Seattle. A t the “ «r x same time the service and installation ' • * ^ ° r ,P / T “ ' ’ .« •> , a responsibility to its customers and its rates range 20% to 60% higher than ¿employees. the rates charged by Pacific North omt ; west Bell in Portland and Seattle. ,p We ask you if the Company’s bargain- - " ing attitude indicates a responsibility The Company says; West Coast of to their employees. fers wage increases of 8 to 25c per hr. We ask you if the rates you pay for fact: Only 11 people would receive the the service you receive indicate a re 25c per hour and part of the wage in sponsibility to you the customer. crease offered to the women employees They do not mention their duty to would be required next year by a new their stockholder. This system’s net in wage and hour law. Out of a total pay- come rose 23% to 52 million 700 thousand • roll of 2038 employees, 1675 would re dollars during the first nine months of ceive less than 15c per hour. this year. The stockholders received a The Company says; West Coast does 20% larger dividend for the first 9 not wish to do away with seniority. months of this year than they did for the same period last year. fact: Our seniority rights are clearly de fined in our old contract. If the Com WE BELIEVE THAT A UTILITY pany’s wording in their new proposal COMPANY OPERATING WITH A MO- (which to us is vague and has double NOPLY IN ANY GIVEN A R E A meaning) does not affect our seniority SHOULD OPERATE ON A MORAL OB we ask, why will they not leave our sen LIGATION TO ITS CUSTOMERS AND iority clearly defined, as it is now. ITS EMPLOYEES RATHER THAN The Company says; They wish only PROFIT MAKING IMAGE TO ITS to modify our Job bidding. STOCKHOLDERS. fact: By eliminating numerous job classi We sincerely regret your faltering fications from the bidding program and telephone service and any inconvenience shortening the posting time, our right our strike may cause you. We ask you to to progress within the Company on an see that we can not give our rights away un-biased, non-pred j udiced program to a company who refuses to recognize an would be gone. individual’s human rights. YOUR TELEPHONE WORKERS Local Union No. 7 7 ,1.B.E.W.