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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1966)
Oemonia Eagle Relative Heard 4 THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1966 Serviceman Leaves For Hawaii Monday MIST — Melvin Kyser left Mon day afternoon from the Portland airport for his army base in Hawaii after spending his leave with his folks, the Claude Kvsers. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawkins of Cathlamet, the Roy Kyser family and Billy Kyser of Forest Grove joined the family last Sunday for a visit with Melvin before his departure. The Shalmon Libels were in Port land Sunday. The Roy Kysers were in Long view Saturday. Mrs. John Crawford and Mrs. Wayne Kyser were co-hostesses Thursday when the Mist Helping Circle met at the Birkenfeld Cen ter for their Christmas party. Se cret pals were revealed and new ones drawn. Mrs. Charles Ramsey and Mrs. Nettie Cox won the hos tess boxes. The place for the Jan uary meeting will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Haynes, Donald and friend Lynn of Scholls were Sunday guests at the George Mathews home. Saturday visitors in Astoria were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock. Knil And Purl Club To Prepare Baskets On TV Program Rainbow Girls To Sing Carols The Knit and Purl 4-H knitting club met December 5 at the home BIRKENFELD — TV was quite of their leader, Mrs. Richard S. Nehalem Assembly, Order of an attraction Friday for the Nord- Hunteman on Rose avenue. Pat Rainbow for Girls, met Monday Hahmeyer, vice-president, conduc stroms, Larsons and Rodgers. A ted the meeting. The group voted evening, December 12 at the Ma relative, Miss Linda, gâcher of Sil to fix some Christmas cheer bas sonic Temple with Worthy Advisor verton who attends Silyerton high kets for senior citizens. Georgann Nancy Hamnett presiding. A report from the skating party school sang with the Silverton Willis is to bring refreshments for indicated that nine girls went to Choraliers over three different the next meeting. Beaverton December 11 and since channels. They were immensely a bowling alley was connected with enjoyed. the rink, some of the girls also Winema HEC met at the home tried their hand at that sport. As of Mrs. Francis Nordstrom last ide from a few blisters and sore week. It was the annual Christmas spots, everyone had fun. party with pot luck at noon. All Final plans were made for the At the regular meeting of Neha food sale which was held last Sat had a very enjoyable time. Visitors at the home of Mr. and lem Chapter No. 153, O.E.S. on urday, December 17 at Fisher’s Mrs. Fred Larson Sunday were Mr. December 7 Winifred N e l s o n , store. Each girl was to prepare and Mrs. Willard Garlock, Mr. and grand conductress of the Grand something for the sale and those Mrs. Roger Chase and family of Chapter of Oregon, O.E.S. was who failed to do so were to be fin Scio, and Miss Sharon Hays of present to conduct a school of in ed. struction. The officers exemplified Beaverton. Plans were made to go to the the work for her inspection and Masonic home at Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson, Deb she very graciously complimented ra and Dennis were in Portland Thursday evening, December 22 to Saturday evening to meet her them on the way it was done. carol in the halls. The group will Other guests were two conduc leave the Masonic Temple here at folks, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gar lock who arrived by plane from tresses and their husbands from 6:30 p.m. Alaska. They will spend a couple of Portland chapters who accompan The girls were saddened this months here with relatives and al ied the grand conductress and week by the news of the death of were guests of Lillian and Wilbur so at their home in Warrenton. Davis during the afternoon. A their adopted grandfather at the A1 Berg attended the funeral sumptuous potluck dinner at the Home, W. T. Lilly. Several of services for John Forney at Asto Temple was enjoyed prior to the them attended funeral services for ria Saturday. Mr. Forney was at meeting. A very clever “space him Saturday afternoon. The girls one time the owner of the Ben Hol- ship” addendum was put on for were reminded to send Christmas boke place. Mrs. Nelson to assist her in get cards to their adopted grandmother ting around over floods, snow and at the home, Mrs. Roark. The girls have for sale calendars ice. On Wednesday evening, Decem which have Rainbow or Masonic ber 14, Nehalem Social club held symbols on them or may be ob their Christmas party at the Tem tained without symbols. Those in ple. There was a nice group in at terested may order them from the tendance with several members Rainbow Girls. who seldom get to Chapter being present, as well as a visitor, Eve lyn Smith who is a member of Ar cadia Chapter No. 84 in Fossil, Oregon. Inez Powell and Edith Roediger were the hostesses for the evening and they had spent a great deal of time decorating a beautiful tree and lovely tables at which “yummy” refreshm e n t s were served. Word game, poem on the Christmas traditions of differ ent countries and a gift exchange completed the joyous evening. Officer Visits O.E.S. Chapter 10137539 DARIGOLD FARMS | For a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year WAUNETA'S CERAMICS Bridge Street E&B Cleaners VERNONIA, OREGON 712 Bridge St. Wauneta Yeager ED BREDEAU For your past favors and good will . . . for your friendship which we value so highly . . . that pi for a wish of happiness (^hriitmas in the future, we extend our best wishes for this special season. Joe and Trudy Magoff FUITEN/FRIESEN MORTUARY CHAPELS Avon Christinas Banquet Attended At Longview BETTY JO ALDRICH Announcement Reveals Daughter's Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. Warren Aldrich are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Betty Jo to Stanley Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Palmer, Alaska. Miss Aldrich was a 1965 graduate of Vernonia high school and since then has attended the Pacific Beau ty College in Portland. She is now employed at Maxine’s Beauty Shop in the Raleigh Hills area. Her fiance is a student at Multnomah College. No date has yet been set for the wedding. Sign in optometrist’s window: “If you don’t see what you want, you’ve come to the right place.” BIRKENFEL D— Miss Shirley Berg attended the annual Avon Christmas banquet at Longview Monday at the Hotel Monticello. Mrs. Joe Lonnquist went to Long view with her. Mrs. Tom Hopkins who has been in the hospital in Astoria for medi cal care is much improved and will return home in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker Saturday evening. The Coffee Break Doris Floeter Closed Christmas Day and Monday