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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1966)
7 tly Experiences Morocco Told in Second Report W' u R H U tm sjf»*»- ___ . -^___ ___^__ ^_____ __ Tell me: do you suck a snail out of Agriculture. In Oregon the pro of his shell or break the shell and gram is co-ordinated by the Coop then eat it? Neither! You use a erative Extension Service through serving needle! the State 4-H Club Office. Sponsor That’s the reply I got to my ques ship on the state level comes from tion in my second host family in Oregon Bankers Association and Morocco, North Africa. We were private donations. all sitting around the table in Cen Your IFYE in Morocco, tral Morocco eating—of all things Dave Stevely —snails! The snails are gathered in the fields and then boiled in spices for about 3 hours. They are actual ly very pretty; white with round FREE! black bands. But of course I was Ç O A S T -T O - C O « T . . . fiL R T AND I ELFY HIS FRIENDS not exactly admiring their beauty * * • «tor« w ktr* y«ur M i n will i t Hit moti Stwdy vinyl plostic blow-up toy«. Choo«« E lfy, Tippy when I discovered that this was S ,l’“ B* ° r * * * • Dog for your vory own. FREE 3 our dinner for the evening. My host ■ with any $7.50 or more toy purchase. Or ONLY 49# 1 BIRKENFELD — The annual g ^ w l t h this coupon. father expertly showed me how to get a cooked snail out of his shell. meeting of the Fishhawk Cemetery Take a regular old sewing needle association will be held at the home and simply pull the snail out, then of the Francis Larsons Monday drop in mouth and chew. And the evening, December 5 at 7:30 p.m. taste is not bad! In fact, I ate my This meeting is open to all share of snails that evening. They interested people. Mrs. Roger Chase and daughter were a little bitter, but taste some Becky of Scio spent the week end thing like over-cooked chicken, and when that’s what you have for din with her sister and family, the Fred Larsons. ner, it tastes pretty good! Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Larson, People here eat just a little dif ferent than you and I do at home Bob and Duane of Netarts spent in America. Dinner starts about the week end with his folks, the CHEERFUL TEARFUL Actually changes her expression from a tearful 8:30 or 9 p.m. and may last Until Francis Larsons, also visited other LANDERS“ DEBUTANTE” frown to a happy grin. Cries real tears. 13” tall, 2 com fortable temperatures and an extra large hood. midnight. Sounds like Moroccans relatives. The men folks hunted, she comes with a feeding bottle and flannel robe Come» in a hot box s ty le case th at looks lik e eat a lot, you say? Well, you’re but without luck. and booties. (TH0762-4) lea th e r. (W S 0 3 0 ^ 9 ) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach and right! Let me take you through a Mrs. Bob Mathews were in Verno complete meal. First, the servant comes in with nia last Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beach vis the basin for washing your hands— ited Sunday at the Lloyd Beach a custom at every meal. The first course is usually soup-very spicey home. The Nehalem Valley garden club from pecan leaves. Then comes a “ mechivi”. It’s an entire sheep met at the home of Mrs. Bob Ma that has been skinned and cooked thews last Wednesday with seven in a huge oven. The “mechivi” members present. After the rou fills the entire table, and everyone tine of business, nice refreshments $ 3 2g sits on cushions or small sofas and were served by the hostess. $8.88 Reg. $22.95 ij Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom eats with their hands, directly from the sheep. Use only your right accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Art DIAL-A-COOKIE PRESS OBLONG WAFFLE $10.97 SANTA SPECIAL DELIGHTFULLY hand when eating—and be careful Bellingham to Portland and Salem Create party pretty cookies by FEMININE not to rip off too much meat; the last Wednesday on business. They AND GRILL dialing any one of the 12 at 4-tube AM table radio with 17J4” boudoir lamps with base tractive cookie designs. Made intestines might fall right in your also went to Monmouth and visited acoustically designed cabinet. 2 waffle size. Interchangeable and fount of solid milk glass. of stain resisting aluminum. Built-in ferrite rod antenna.UL lap! After the “mechivi” comes a with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson flat grills for hamburgers and 12” washable ballerina shade. (W F 1 232 -9) and baby. approved. (MD0101-6) sandwiches. (WS0232-5) (FN0074-3) large plate called a “couscous” . Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham It’a. cooked wheat on the bottom, topped by a beef or mutton-vege- and Mr. and Mrs. George Richard tabte stew. It, like everything else, son and Joey were in Astoria Sun is eaten with the fingers. At times day to visit Mrs. Jack Crouch, who it can get very messy, but prac recently had surgery and had just tice makes perfect! Then —yes, returned home. there’s still more—comes a “tan- gine” . It’s vegetable stew on beef or mutton meat. This is about the time Americans start feeling a lit tle sick from eating too much. For dessert comes bananas, grapes, Reg. $2.98 apples, and oranges. That’s right— 9 DRAWER PARTS CABINET B aity Mode/ 1694 NATAL-PITTSBURG — M rs. we eat them all for dessert. You Bryan McLeod and Mrs. Orin Dav Plastic spillproof drowers, index labels and di- “ SPITTIN' IMAGE” can readily see that the average BB-gun replica of famous Winchester “»4" Cot- c “" ” Moroccan family eats a great deal is drove to Forest Grove Saturday bine. Lever action. (SA0970-1) and spent the day shopping. more than we do at home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stalik of Let me finish by giving you an idea of some of the different things Oregon City spent several days vis we eat in Morocco. Very often my iting with Mr. and Mrs. Max Ob- host family serves a real Moroccan lack last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and delicacy: “sheep’s head”. And, of course, as a guest I usually get the family of Portland were dinner best part: The Eye! It’s really not guests recently at the home of Mr. M O TO R O L A R A D IO as bad as you think. There’s not and Mrs. W. R. Wolff. Model A27W Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap much difference in cooked eye TW O SP E A K E R S than in the rest of the meat. It’s spent Monday of last week in Port - Dual Golden Voice really something to see, everyone land. They visited Mrs. Lillie Hen Speakers—one 4” , & crowds around the cooked head and derson, Ann Beerman and Billy one 3M¡” literally tears it apart. At first, I Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey - Built-in Ferrite rod didn’t know what to think of eating antenna the head, but now it’s just an every and Dee of Knappa were visiting - Tough Polystyrene day occurrence. We also eat in the neighborhood Sunday after cabinet “sheep’s brain”. They say it helps noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff enjoy New Selection of you think straight. It’s kind of spongy and tastes a little like fish. ed cake and coffee with Mr. and TABLE LAMPS But when it’s cooked in a tomatoe Mrs. Richard Juetten Saturday BATTERY CHARGER sauce with spices, it’s hard to stop evening, the occasion being Mr. $10.S5-$28.95 consolette model CU610C with just one bite! Cow and sheep’s Juetten’s birthday. Accurate, 4 amp, 6 or 12 volt, Visitors at the Noble Dunlap The Conway Motorola 21” Color TV . . . feet are also served regularly. The UL approved. Charges average home recently were Ira Peterson batteries overnight. (AJ0756-3} inside of the hoof is very meaty, of Scappoose, Ervin Kalesse and Cabinet of Select Hardwood Veneers and and isn’t one bit bad Even though the food is some son Gordon of Portland and Clyde solids with an applied Walnut grain finish times a little strange to me, the Johnson. or an applied Mahogany grain finish. 29 %” Sunday Bill Pringle accompanied people that I eat with and live with high, 28%” wide, 17%” deep. can’t be better! And I always hate Mr. and Mrs. Larry Oblack and Max Oblack to Portland to visit to leave one family and move to Armstrong Quakertone tile next. But I know that wherever Billy Pringle. Mrs. Oblack and Vinyl Floor Covering SIMMONS I live, my role as an 1FYE here in grandson Larry spent the afternoon Square $ « 18 Y a rd _________ £ Slumber King Innei Morocco is strengthening the bond visiting her folks, Mr. and Mrs. — FREE 3-DAY HOME TRIAL — between Morocco and America. Reed Holding at Scappoose. Spring Mattress and Congoleum vinyl Fore Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap call Box Springs $ A Q 9i And IFYE’s know that the best cast floor covering. Market Heetaire Elec way to build a bridge between ed on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle Price, each T x iz Square 69 countries is with friendship and Monday. tric Heater. Thermostat Yard I Beauty Rest Inner understanding. When I was told 9x12 Plastic $Z»95 Spring Mattress and that we would eat “gazelle horns” Surface Rugs O M u m M a k in g Lesson 50 the other day, it was hard to be D u e E xtension U n it understanding—until I found out Springs, Each llfl S3 O olloi Other Mod. from $10.50 that they are long donuts filled Silver Seal MIST — 1710 Mist-Birkenfeld Ex Electric with whipped cream. Welt, “bon tension Unit meets December 9 at WATER appetit”—good eating! the Birkenfeld Community Center USAT» I am grateful for this opportunity at 10 instead of the usual 10:30 to be an IFYE delegate to Moroc a m. The making of rebbon mums $64.95 Goulds balanced flow co, to learn about people, to find will be shown in the morning and Navy C.P.O. Shirts No tank., no extras out what things are important to a Christmas party will be held in shallow well system 100% Wool. Only them, to seek ways and reasons to the afternoon. There will be a gift Now strive for greater world under exchange between the members O n ly __ standing. and a box will be made up for the The International Farm Youth Fairview Home at Salem. Potluck Exchange is a two-way exchange luncheon will be served at noon of 4-H clubs of the United States Everyone is welcome. with rural people of other coun Mrs. John Crawford and Mrs. tries. IFYE is conducted by the Wayne Kyser were in Longview’ on National 4-H Club Foundation for business Tuesday. the Cooperative Extension Service. % GUARANTEED PROTECTION FOR YOUR CAR Mrs. Mary Chase and Becky of F IN E F U R N IT U R E The 1966 exchange with Morocco Scio were callers at the Ray Gar- Ethylene Glycol permanent onh-freeze. 50-50 is in cooperation with the Division lock home Sunday afternoon. mix protects to 34 degress below zero. Cemetery Group Dates Meeting A I $7.97 $7.97 Ladies Visit in Forest Grove $9.39 $1.88 MOTOROLA T . V . - Visit Our Furniture Department Upstairs $9.88 $509.95 801 ‘99s $9.95 ,*79 $24.95 gss » BRUNSMAN • HARDWARE and ELECTRIC ______________ - WE D E L IV E R - (AX010S-5) monia Eagle A book is like the best of friends, the same tedav. tomorrow and THURSDAY, NOV. 24. 1966 forever. LOOKING FOR A GOOD VALUE? CHECK EAGLE CLASSIFIED ADS!