IT'S YOUR LAW ■RR* h L t" i f aha Dnaomcy Uv» THE “ P H ILA D ELP H IA LAW YER" Oernonia Cagle THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1966 Soldier Given New Assignment Now and then you may hire someone to do some special work Frequently, when a problem is for you. In case someone is hurt particularly perplexing, someone are you legally responsible? BIRKENFELD — Miss Shirley will exclaim that “this would con­ It depends on how you “hire” Berg was at Fort Lewis last Fri­ fuse a Philadelphia Lawyer.” The term has a close connection with him. Was he an “Independent con­ day to see her brother Nick on his one of the most important cases tractor” ? An “employee” ? Or an graduation from basic training. He “agent” ? left that evening for Fort Polk in in American legal history—the As a rule an independent con­ Louisiana. He called Saturday and trial of John Peter Zenger in tractor has an independent calling stated that the plane had made an 1735. like that of a plumber, electrician, emergency landing at Winslow, Zenger was the printer and pub­ Arizona. There were 97 from Fort house painter and the like. lisher of a paper known as the Lewis on the plane. Nick had a Your agreement with him calls New York Weekly Journal. He great day while grounded, as that for certain results. You do not tell criticized the administration of was the first time he had been free Royal Governor Cosby of New him how to work. As a rule, you since being drafted. They do not are not legally to blame for any York in print. The tyrannical Cos­ let them come home any more af­ by had Zenger jailed on a charge harm he may do. He is an “inde­ ter basic training. He will pendent” contractor and not an of libel. have eight weeks training at employee or agent. Zenger had editorialized that the But what about an employee or Fort Polk and will be home Governor had deeds to lands de­ agent? You, the employer or prin­ for Christmas. Nick is a 1964 grad­ stroyed, judges arbitrarily displac­ cipal, controls and directs how the uate of the Vernonia high school. ed, new courts established without worker does his job. You are there­ Mrs. Don Adams and daughter the consent of the legislature and fore responsible for it, and largely Pauline of Clatskanie accompanied had denied the right to vote to cer­ for any harm that may grow out of Shirley to Fort Lewi* . tain landowners. All of these ac­ his work. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were cusations were true but truth was But how can you tell the differ­ in Portland on business Saturday. held to be no defense in a prosecu­ ence between an independent con­ They also visited with relatives. tion for seditious libel, which was tractor and an agent or employee? Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vander- defined as “a written censure upon You look for facts that show or jack and grandson spent Saturday public men for their conduct as do not show control, direction, or and Sunday at the Art Bellingham such.” independence. Suppose you “hired” and George Richardson homes. Zenger was brought to trial and an independent contractor to paint The men folks hunted. his New York counsel were dis­ your house white. Accidentally his Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan and barred because they came to his worker splatters some paint on family of Gleneden are spending defense. After disbarment they se­ your neighbor’s green shutter. He several days with her folks, the cured the services of Andrew Ham­ is to blame through lack of due Vick Bergs, and also visiting other ilton of the Philadelphia bar to con­ care, not you. But you would be relatives. The men hunted and tinue the defense. Hamilton was responsible if you employed and Vick got a three-point. On Sunday the foremost lawyer in the Amer­ directed these painters yourself. they and the Ed Bergs were dinner ican Colonies and the term “Phila­ Why this difference? You have guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Leh­ delphia lawyer” was long used as no control over the way the inde­ man at Vine Maple. Monday Mrs. a special compliment in his indi­ pendent contractor does the work. Vick Berg and Mrs. Morgan went vidual honor. Since he owns and manages his to Astoria to make their acquain­ Hamilton offered his services to enterprise, he is legally responsible tance of the new baby. Zenger without fee. Displaying for what he does. great moral courage he defied the But you still may have some le­ judges who were controlled by the gal responsibility for an independ­ Governor and told the jury that it ent contractor’s work as, for ex­ was not considering the cause of ample, if you hire someone whose just a poor printer. Instead, it was work may cause injury. Thus in considering the cause of “the liber- one such case the contractor dug ty both of exposing and opposing in the street. A pedestrian fell into MIST — The Mist-Birkenfeld Ex­ arbitrary power by speaking and the hole and was hurt! He could tension Unit met Friday at the writing truth.” The Chief Justice sue both the owner and the con­ Birkenfeld Community Center with instructed the jury that the printed tractor. seven members present. The les­ words of Zenger were libelous and One cannot always pass on all son on buffet meals was given by that if the jury found he had pub­ the responsibility to the contractor Mrs. Wayne Kyser, with the mem­ lished them, (and he admitted he if in itself your project is danger­ bers assisting her. Mrs. Louis had) then Zenger should be found ous—like blasting in a populous Jones won the hostess box. Mrs. guilty. Under such circumstances place. Art Bellingham and Mrs. Charles it seemed obvious that Zenger In such cases you have an extra Ramsey were hostesses. The De­ would be convicted. Fortunately, duty to make sure to get skillful cember 9 meeting will be at the the jury, which was not controlled and responsible independent con­ Birkenfeld Community C e n t e r by the Governor’ defiedthe court. tractors to do such work. starting at 10 a.m. instead of the Zenger was found not guilty, and A man got an independent truck­ regular 10:30 hour. The making by the Governor, defied the court, er to haul lumber. The trucker of ribbon mums will be shown in of the members of the Constitution­ crashed into a car on the highway. the morning and the Christmas al Convention, said years later, The injured party sued both him party will be held in the afternoon. “The trial of Zenger in 1735 was and the lumber company and won. A box is being made up for the the germ of American freedom, As a rule only the independent Fairview Home at Salem and the morning star of that liberty trucking contractor would have members will exchange gifts. Pot­ which subsequently revolutionized had to pay, but here the lumber luck will be served at noon. Every­ America.” company should have known that one is invited. The trial of Zenger kindled the this trucker was reckless. Roy Kyser was a Scappoose busi­ idea of a free press in America— When you call in a plumber, re­ ness caller Monday. an idea and an ideal that still sur­ pairman, or other independent con­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Simmons of vives with vigor after more than tractor you must make your place Clatskanie visited their daughter, 200 years. safe for him to work in. You must Mrs. Larry Garlock and family tell him of any traps and hidden Wednesday evening. Larry and A DANGEROUS CONDITION dangers (not obvious ones). Other­ Pam were in Longview to attend Mr. X decided to have a home wise you may be liable to the con­ the roadster show Saturday eve­ built by a contractor. Some floor tractor for any injuries to him or ning. plans and specifications were his workers. Mrs. John Crawford and Mrs. drawn, but much of the details Wayne Kyser were in Vancouver were left up to the builder. and Portland Tuesday on business. A TA X P A Y E R 'S MISTAKE The contract called for a pro­ John bought a house in 1950. He Saturday dinner guests at the pane gas furnace. recorded the deed to the property Crawfords were Mr. and Mrs. About the time Mr. X was ready in the county recorder’s office im­ George Bump and Mr. and Mrs. to move in, he was transferred to mediately. Roy Lytel, all of Vancouver. Sun­ another area and sold the house The next year the county sent day the Crawfords were dinner to Mr. Buyer. Mr. Buyer moved the real estate tax statement to guests at the Francis Boulette into the house and began to have the former owner of the land, who home in Portland. trouble with the furnace. The annual Mist-Birkenfeld Mis­ threw it away. John didn’t pay any Mr. Buyer had some experts look taxes that year. The same thing sionary tea which was held at the into the difficulty and the experts happened each year for the next Birkenfeld church last Wednesday reported back that the furnace con­ five years. John got no tax state­ was well attended with guests from struction seemed to be normal, ments and paid no taxes. Clatskanie, Vernonia, Wauna, Can­ but that the chimney was lower In 1956 the county sold John’s non Beach, Vine Maple. Special than manufacturer’s recommenda­ property at a tax foreclosure sale. numbers were presented with Mrs. tions and that as a result, the One day a man came to the door, Terry of the Clatskanie Baptist down-drafts caused improper vent­ introduced himself as Walter, and church singing a song and accom­ ing. The situation was dangerous told John he would have to move panying herself on an autoharp. because it could result in the pro­ out of the house as Walter owned There was a duet by Mrs. Ambrose duction of carbon monoxide gas it. John was furious. He insisted. and Mrs. Berndt of the Vernonia Bible church. They were accompa­ Mr. Buyer sued the original “You can’t do this to me!” builder. The original builder asked Do you think John is right. Does nied by Mrs. Hager. Mrs. Bernice the court to throw the case out on he own the house or does Walter? Garlock and Mrs. Jerry Hemeon the grounds that he had no respon­ The answer is that John had sang a duet and were accompanied sibilities to Mr. Buyer; that his better start looking for another by Miss Shirley Berg. The message dealings had all been with Mr. X, place to live. A land owner is pre­ from Mrs. McNeil was very much from whom Mr. Buyer had bought. sumed to know that if he does not enjoyed. Refreshments were serv­ Do you think Mr. Buyer can re­ pay taxes on his land, he will lose ed and the tables were nicely dec­ orated with artificial chrysanthe­ cover damages from the building the land for unpaid taxes. contractor? In this situation John knew he mums which were made by Mrs. The court held that normally wasn't paying the taxes on the Flo Crawford. the contractor would have had no land but he reasoned, incorrectly, liability to subsequent buyers, but that it wasn't his fault that the son should apply or interpret any that there is an exception in a case county didn’t bill him for the tax­ law without the aid of an attorney when the work is inherently or im­ es, John had the duty of seeing to who is completely advised of the minently dangerous. The court held it that the taxes were paid, and he facts involved. Even a slight vari­ that in this particular case, since cannot get his land back by blam­ ance in facts may change the ap­ plication of the law.) propane gas is inherently danger­ ing the county. ous because of its explosive char­ A person who knows he has not acteristics and because it is dan­ received a tax statement for prop­ gerous from the standpoint of car­ erty he owns has a duty to investi­ bon monoxide poisoning, Mr. Buy­ gate and find out why he is not er could recover from the original being billed for the taxes. Because contractor for the faulty chimney, John failed to see to it that the since it created an inherently dan­ taxes were paid on his land, he gerous condition. lost the land for unpaid taxes. Unit Plans for Holiday Party IN D E P E N D E N T CONTRACTORS (Oregon lawyers offer this cel- umn as a public service. No per- SU PER MARKET 5 (Across from Postoffice) VERNONIA’S COMPLETE O N E -ST O P SHOPPING CENTER Open Every Day 9:00 to 7:00 P.M. Including Sundays Variety — Convenience — Customer Satisfaction — Low Prices Thank You for your patience. The hundreds of NEW ITEMS coming into CLIFF'S need room and some changes were required. We hope you w ill like the new look at CLIFF'S. Come in and see us. We'll be very glad to see you. FREE ADS ON CLIFF’S BULLETIN BOARD. Jim Markham sold a boat to a man from Tucson, Arizona that stopped at C liffs and read the ad. Who is next? All prices effective through Weednesday Night, November 23 DIET FRUITS S S T 5 :9 9 * PY-O-MY MIXES “ r 10* PANCAKE FLOUR S = . 2 s99* With each 2 pkgs. 1 Bottle of Lady's Choice Syrup FREE I f f Libby’s—Just right for Holi- rlUiLcy is 1 1 1 1 f ',,es .HALF PRICE DINNER ROLLS S S L 4 s99* BISCUITS S ri" ..... . 3 :2 5 * FOLOERS COFFEE S 74* HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO Y 0 0 ALL — CLOSED THANKSGIVING Cliff's for the BEST selection of FRESH Fruits and Vegetables . . . FRESH JERSEY SWEETS or CALIFORNIA RED YAMS.................................... NAVEL ORANGES POTATOES “ ™ 10* 10* 59* New Crop Sweet Seedless . . . Eating Kind............ LB. We are pretty proud of our Meat Department. U.S.D.A. Choice Beef only sold. Lois of variety and prices you'll just plain like. Try Cliffs. GET YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER IN AT CLIFF’S AND SAVE! TURKEYS - GEESE - DUCKS Fresh or Frozen— You will not beat Cliff’s price or selection SLICED BACON ~ POT ROAST S l T " ROUND STEAK SSiSF“- OYSTERS S 59* 39* ... 79* 79* ASK ABOUT LOCKER BEEF WITH FREE CUTTING & WRAPPING FREEZER SPECIALS AT CLIFF'S BIG FREEZER . . . MORTON’S FROZEN PIES Mince or Pumpkin 4 :9 9 * DELUXE ICE CREAM Oregon’s Finest Quality Big Asstmt. o f Flavors HALF-GAL.......... ............. 79