CLASSIFIED ADS 4-H Clubbers Compete at P I FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Car, Truck WOOD for sale, $15 per cord or $20 per load. Martin Hanson, call Jewell 755-2440, or send card to Box 652 Clatskanie. 429-3284 Vernonia. 45tfc I960 Rambler 4-dr sedan, $295. Radio, heater, weathereye, good rubber. Call 429-5216. 45t3c BRACE yourself for a thrill the first time you use Blue Lustre to clean rugs. Rent electric shampoo- er $1. Brunsman Hardware. 45tlc CLOVER and grass hay for sale. Jim Gaston, Keasey Rt., Vernonia. ___________________________ 44t3 FOR SALE: 30-ft. Spartan Man sion aluminum trailer house, four- wheel brakes, tandem axle, easy lift hitch brake control, two new tires. Stainless steel shower and double sink. Extra clean. Nice trai- ler for $1450. Phone 429-3106. 43t3 F ully automatic sawdust furnace, $100 Also many wood and oil furneces. See mel J. B. A rtm an Tim ber Rt. — Vernonia __________________________43t3c PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop __________________________49tfc USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Saw Shop. 49tfc BUNDLES of old papers for starting fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver- nonia Eagle. 48tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, 429-6611,_____________________ ltfc PRES-TO-LOGS available at EN- CO SERVICE. For delivery call Enco Service, 429-3462 or Wilbur Davis, 429-5980. 39tfc '66 Chev Caprice • Company car 6,000 miles, new guarantee. Drive it and see. Real saving up to $800.00 1965 Chevelle Super Sport V8 P.G. Like new. $48.50 P. Mo. 1963 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan. Dependable. $34.50 P. Mo. 1960 Ford 4 dr. Stick, std. trans. Complete new motor. A wonder ful buy. $31.70 P. Mo. 1963 Chev Impala Super Sport V8, P.G. Outstanding value. White, black interior. $43.70 P. Mo. 1960 Chev convertible. Be sporty, see this one. $29.10 P. Mo. 1965 Chev Vi ton pickup. V8, Deluxe cab. A real honey. $44.00 P. Mo. 1964 Ford Pickup. 4 speed, long box, deluxe throughout $42.20 P. Mo. 1963 Chev Vi ton Fleetside. New tires and like new. See this buy for sure. $39.80 P. Mo. 1959 GMC V« ton. Long box. Fine condition. $29.72 P. Mo. 1957 Ford % ton, 4 speed. $25.00 P. Mo. Many low priced values to pick from. This week's special: New 1966 Chevelle 396 , 4 speed, Sport Coupe. Fully equipped— $500.00 off sticker price. Our ’67 Chev Vi ton Pickups start at $1925.00. Factory Equipped Columbia county 4-H club mem bers participated in dairy, meat animal, and horse judging con tests at the Pacific International Exposition Saturday, October 15. The horse judging team of Jean Luxford, Clatskanie; Tilda Kirk, Rainier and Karen Potts of Scappoose received red awards in their contest. The horse judging team members were required to judge four classes of horses, give oral reasons on one class and written reasons on another class. Forty-one teams competed in the horse judging contest. The dairy judging team of Jac- que Hodgson and Sara Oliver of St. Helens, and Charles Oslon of Clatskanie received a white award in their contest. They judged two classes each of Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, and Brown Swiss, and were required to give both oral and written reasons. The meat animal judging team consisting of Clara Swanson, War ren; Janet Tappan, St. Helens, and Jim Lowe of Rainier received a white award. The meat animal team judged two classes each of beef, sheep, and swine, and were required to give both oral and written reasons. Fifty-two teams competed in both the dairy and meat animal judging contests. SHOP L O C A L LY FIRST1 SERVICES West Wing Aviation Certified Flight Instruction Test drive the new ’67 Chevrolet D A V IE S C H E V R O L E T C O M PA N Y 493 Bridge St.—Vernonia—429-5023 _______________ 44tlc 1962 FORD Galaxie 500, good con dition. New tires, seat belts. Call 429-6135. 44t3c Bobbie Hays 429-6782 Scenic Flights Business Trips 35tfc EVERS CABINET SUPPLY urroup UDserves nirm aay Of Mother with Dinner BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston, Alan, Jan and Steve and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve drove to St. Helens Sunday where they picked up Mrs. Stuve’s sister. The Johnstons took the group to dinner in honor of her mother, Mrs. Stuve, whose birthday was last Wednesday, November 2. The Francis and Fred Larsons and A1 Berg attended the Tilla mook -Tigard football game at Ti gard last Friday evening. Bobby Larson was a member of the Tilla mook team. Miss Anna Hanberg was a Sun day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chouinard. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shetler, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chouinard, Mrs. Elsa Knowles, Mrs. Howard Grim- sbo, Mrs. Chas. Ramsey, Miss Shirley Berg and Miss Anna Han berg went to Vernonia Sunday to attend a farewell and commission ing service for the Everett Brown family at the Vernonia Bible church. The Browns are leaving about the middle of the month from San Francisco for Peru. LEGAL NOTICE P U B LIC N O TIC E Sealed bids will be received by the Columbia County Court on No vember 23, 1966, at 2:00 P. M. at the Columbia County Court House at St. Helens, Oregon for the con struction of a concrete block rest room, 18’ x 27’, the same located at Hudson Park, Columbia County, Oregon. Plans and specifications are available at the Columbia County Road Department Office. A $20.00 deposit is required. Columbia County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BY ORDER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY COURT St. Helens, Oregon Two insertions 45t2c BOWLING 6 FOR SALE-Real Estate Deadline Soon WOMEN'S LEAGUE Monday, Nov. 7 W L Lloyd Quinn Ins. 21 15 Nehalem Lanes 18 18 Vernonia Drug 18 18 West Oregon 15 21 Vernonia Drug, high t e a m game, 830, and series, 2373. Trüdy Magoff, high individual game, 180 and series, 490. Splits picked up: Nancy Devine, 3-10; Marlea Leffler, 5-6-10; Betty Fuquay, 5-7. Tuesday, Nov. 8 L W Standard Oil 22 14 The Pills 18 18 Bill Hom Ins. 17 19 Cut & Curl 15 21 The Pills, high team game, 823 and series, 2279. Joyce Johnson, high individual game, 182 and series, 454. Splits picked up: Joyce Johnson, 5-6; Sharon Krieger, 5-7; Trudy Magoff, 5-7-9. The deadline date for making ap plication for the Regular NROTC qualifying examination is fast ap proaching. Applications must be received by the educational test ing service on or before November 18, 1966. Applicants will partici pate in the nationwide competitive examination on December 10, 1966, the only date on which the exami nation will be given, as the first step toward a college education and a regular commission in the naval service. High school seniors and gradu ates who will be entering college in September 1967 and who will be at least 17 but not more than 21 years of age by July 1, 1967 may apply for the navy college aptitude test. Those who make a qualifying score on the navy college aptitude test (NCAT) will be given a medi cal examination and will complete their applications in January and February of 1967. Applications for the NCAT are available at local high schools and navy recruiting stations. More than a billion $1 bills are circulating, the Treasury Depart ment says. Thursday Afternoon League W L The Chicks 20 12 " T S T T staffor T - Cliff’s Market 17 15 MEAT CO. Fabrics ’n Fashions 16 16 Cedarettes 11 21 Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 High individual 3 games, Penny Smejkal, 457. Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing High individual game, Isabel Anderegg, 172. Meat for sale, any quantity. High team, The Chicks, 2402. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon Splits picked up: Penny Smejkal, day until noon; Hogs received Tues 5-6; Peggy Cone, 5-10; Isabel An- day and Wednesday until noon. deregg, 3-10. Come through Banks, take T illa MEN'S LEAGUE WANTED BILL HORN Savings Bonds Sales Increase CLASSIFIED RATES THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1966 NROTC Testing IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON '61 C o rvair Wgn- $30 per mo. FOR THE COUNTY '64 Volkswagen, like new, Free Estimates OF MULTNOMAH Phone Rt. 3, Box 489 Wednesday, Nov. 2 W fu lly loaded, $1250. L Department of Probate 331-2495 Hillsboro, Oregon Nehalem Lanes 29 7 $6000 car, 4-dr, autom atic, LLOYD QUINN 30tfc In the Matter of the Guardianship Cliff’s Market 20 Vi 15Vi fu ll price only $1100. Estate of BROKER Brunsman Hdw. 11 Vi 24 Vi ADRIENE, MICHAEL, and DAVID Bob’s Union Service Deals on all new and used cars. Real Estate & Ins. Beaver State Corp. 10 26 ALEXANDER, Phone 429-5211 Residential - Commercial J. B. A R T M A N High team 3 games, Nehalem Minors. Lanes, 2753. 866 Bridge Street And Farm Buildings T im b e r Rt. — Vernonia No. 83-587 Vernonia, Oregon All Types - Remodeling High individual 3 games, 531, 43t3c ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL and high individual single game, Complete Planning Service PROPERTY 5 acres, timber, beautiful home Rudy Smith, Mgr. 212, T. Hanson. The Petition of Dean M. Alexand site, paved road, close in, $2000. _____________ Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 Splits picked up: B. McLeod, er, Guardian of the above entitled 2- 7-10, 5-9-7 and 5-4-7; B. Bates, Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 PERSON wanted to do organiza Estate, having come on duly to be 6-7-10; H. Hertel, 5-8-10; D. Justice, 4 B/R home, ideal location, seller tion and survey work in Vernonia 51tfc heard, and the Court being fully 3- 10; T. Hanson, 3-10; Ben Fowler, leaving, assume mortgage. Total, area in November and December. advised in the premises, and the 3-10; B. Smejkal, 5-6. $7700 Must have public contact ability Court finding that it is to the best and own car. Salary $270 per interest of the Guardianship Es Thursday, Nov. 3 Nice 2 B/R home, near schools, month plus 10 cents per mile for W L tate that the property described in Crown Zellerbach churches, walk to shop. Total, car use. Contact Community Ac 23 13 the said Petition be sold at Private $4300. Vernonia Milk tion Team, P.O. Box 1217, St. Hel 20 16 sale, Mill Market ens or phone 397-0492. 44t2c 19 17 IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDER Ralph’s Chevron Ser. Here is a Buy! 2 B/R, $3000, res. 14 22 ED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED WANTED: Small or large tracts area. High team 3 games, Mill Market, that Dean M. Alexander, Guardian 2929. piling timber; also poles and pil R E N TA LS A V A IL A B L E EXCAVATIONS - CLEARING of the above captioned Estate, be ing. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Port YO UR L IS T IN G S S O L IC IT E D High individual 3 games, D. Septic Tank Pumping and he hereby is authorized, em Aldrich, 598. 45tlc land, Oregon. Telephone collect Sanitation Work. powered and directed to sell, at 287-2411- Area Code 503. 42t7c High individaul game, Ted Bo- BRUCE BERNDT private sale, in the manner pro denhamer, 220. 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia vided by Law, the following de WANTED Splits picked up: Bill Hall, 3-10; 23tfc scribed real property belonging J. Schmidlin, 3-10; F. Johnson, D E E R , E L K , S T E E R H ID E S to this Estate, situated in the Coun 5-7: D. Johnson, 3-10: Larry SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv REALTOR Cash or Glovas Exchange ty of Columbia, State of Oregon, Welch, 2-7-8; D. Aldrich, 2-5-7. ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to-wit: Salesman—George Laws - t -------------------- Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver and Vernonia Insurance Exchange J. B. ARTMAN West one-half of Lots 9 and 10, nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc 429-6203 Block 7, City of Vernonia, Co T im b e r R t., Hw y. 47 L IS T IN G S W A N T E D lumbia County, Oregon. CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING Vernonia, Ore. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Cooler - Sharp Freeze 39tfc R E N T A L S A V A IL A B L E that the Bond now posted by the Locker Wrapped R J. Ekhoff 429-3842 Guardian is sufficient and that no ___________________________23tfc further Bond should be required, “U. S. Savings Bonds sales in and Oregon and nationally are contin CLARENCE R WAGNER, profes FOR RENT: House at Fourth and NO information on classifieds will be IT IS FURTHER FOUND that Nehalem streets, $30 per month. sional civil engineer, county survey the Guardian has, in all respects, uing to forge ahead, assuring a given out until after paper is m ail ed. Mrs. Mary Steele, 429-5965. 43t3 or, Court House, St. Helens. Private complied with the Law governing record year for 1966,” county sav surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call ings bonds chairman, Phil L. M IN IM U M charge 75c for 25 words S, Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc the sale of real property, and Hickey, has reported. or less. Words over minimum, 4c IT IS FURTHER ORDERED On the local scene, the Chairman SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping that upon presentment by the each. Three insertions for the price said, “Sales in this county for Sep of two. I EXTEND my sincere thanks to and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia Guardian of the consent to sale and City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens waiver of notice of citation, signed tember were $24,846, helping the B L IN D ADS with answers to be han neighbors and friends for the state achieve a grand total of $2,- dled by The Eagle: Minimum cards, visits and other kindnesses 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after by each of the above named wards, 412,293 for the month.” He com 5:00 p.m. 46tfc charge $1.00. No information given service of citation will not be ne pared this with sales of $2,285,596 during my stay in the hospital and relative to such ads. cessary in this matter. for all the assistance given here. in the state for the same month a CARD of Thanks A Notices: $1.00 for Dated this 25th dayof October, year ago. Oregon's sales for 1966 I am especially grateful to the Re up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8c 1966. bekahs for their assistance. It PROCESSING PLANT are $2,439.000 more than they were each. /s /Judge Wm. Dickson for the first nine months of 1965. means a lot to have good friends State Inspected T H E EAG LE assumes no financial Circuit Judge. at such a time. Thank you to each CUSTOM SLAUG HTERING “National holdings of Savings responsibility for errors that may Dean M. Alexander, Attorney of you Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Bonds are at an all-time high of appear In ads published in its col 1002 Wilcox Bldg. Ernest Herman Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon $49 billion, 889 million as compared nmns, but in cases where this pa Portland, Oregon Cutting and Wrapping with $48 billion, 994 million a year __________________________ 45tlc per is at fault, will reprint that Date of first publication, Novem ago,” he concluded. Sharp Freezing part of an adv. In which the typo I WISH to thank the voters in Ver ber 3, 1966 Smoking and Curing graphical mistake occurs. Date of final publication, Novem nonia for the vote of confidence Free use of Stork Trailer NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ber 24, 1966 44t4c given me in Tuesday’s election. Shop Res. ADV. W IL L BE ACCEPTED A F My interest is in Vernonia and in EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Reckless automobile driving a r T E R TUESDAY NOON EXC EP T making it the best town possible Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. ouses the suspicion that much of FOR N E X T W E E K ’S PAPER. and I will serve you in the capa On Fern Hill Road the horse sense of the good old POETRY accepted only as paid city of mayor to the best of my ltfc days was possessed by the horse! matter: Rate: 10c per type line. ability. “ Where Your Money Buys M ore” Sherm Fisher 45tlc y m b m io h t y m i d o v t I Specializing in Modem & Provincial Kitchens Oemonia Eagle FOR RENT CARD OF THANKS Haberman's Meal mook road 1V4 mi., lefthand road. take first life TOO GOOD FOR THE PRICE McCULLOCH M AC 15 CHAIM SA W PACKAGE REGU LAR..... $154.95 YOU SA V E* 2 5 here is what you get: - MAC 15 CHAIN SAW • 17" BAR •TW O CHAINS •B A R GUARD -6 -P A C K CHAIN SAW OIL • SAW FILE -F IL E HOLDER •while supply lasts win a Mac 310E for Christmas! see your dealer Enco Service 429-3462 — Vernonia KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 Oernonia Eagle LOST AND FOUND N IW S F A F IR r y iiis H its "A S S O C IA TIO N LOST: Anyone knowing where abouts of Norwegian elk hound, missing since Friday, please call 429-6884 Beloved pet of child whose father is missing. 45t3 -G et Results w ith E agle Classifieds- M A R V IN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon 429-3372 Entered as second class mail mat ter, August 4. 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3.50 WAIT «0$ WORK Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery — From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING