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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1966)
CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General U-PICK good Gravenstein apples, $1.50 per bushel, your box, while they last. Sunset highway at Bux ton Junction, McGraw orchard. Call Banks 324-2493. 34tlc LOST bright carpet colors . . . re store them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Brunsman Hardware. 34tlc FOR SALE: Four-year old Pack ard Bell combination 23-inch black and white TV, stereo-phono, and AM-FM radio, mahogany, like new. Phone St. Helens 397-3399. 34tlc FOR SALE: Large 22” x 22” ad justable air conditioning fan, $20. Call 429-5924. 33t3c FOR SALE: Hotpoint Deluxe elec tric range, $35. Call days 429-3711, evenings 429-5895. 32t3c LARGE AIR conditioner, $50; ta ble with extensions and 4 chairs, $45. Call Rod McLean, 429-5011. 31tfc YOU PIC K PEA C H ES Red Haven, Rochester, Golden Jubilee, Western Pride, Improv ed Albertas. Bring own boxes. Go to Banks, drive 1 mile south and look for sign. Fruitful Acres, Rt. 1, Box 348, Forest Grove, Oregon. Wayne and Irene Hensley. Same low price as always. Have fun, save mun. Bring the whole family. All you can eat free. 31t4c KILN-DRIED firewood, $15 per load. Will deliver. Martin Hanson, Mist, Oregon. Phone 755-2440. 29tfc USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Saw Shop. 49tfc BUNDLES of old papers for starting fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver nonia Eagle. 48tf FOR SALE: Foley Saw Filer. Keas- ey’s Saw Shop. lltfc FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. 429-6611. ltfc PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop __________________________ 49tfc In the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of Alice Nichols, deceased. WANTED TO BUY: A small acre Notice is hereby given that the age close in Vernonia with livable undersigned has been appointed house suitable for retirement cou administrator of the estate of Alice ple. Or, trade small Milwaukie Nichols deceased, by the county home for same. R. T. Johnson, court of the state of Oregon for Co 14014 SE Upper Aldercrest, Mil lumbia county, and has qualified. waukie, Oregon. 34tlc All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at Veazie- Gray Bldg., St. Helens, Oregon FOR SALE: 1966 GTO tri-power, with vouchers and duly verified one owner car. Owner drafted, within six months from the date must sell. $2550. For information hereof. call 429-5454 . 34t3 Dated and first publication 8-25- 66 FOR SALE: 1959 Plymouth V8 Date of last publication 9-22-1966 4-dr, very clean, new tires, $425. David B. Williamson Call Hillsboro 648-5075 after 6 p.m. Administrator week days or anytime week end. David B. Williamson 34tlc P. O. Box 425 St. Helens, Oregon Attorney. 34t5c FOR SALE-Car, Truck Rusiness Opportunities SPARE T IM E INCO M E Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 cash. Seven to twelve hours week ly can net excellent monthly in come. More full time. For person al interview write P.O. BOX 15402, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115. Include phone number. 34tl $400.00 monthly possible—home typing. Full or part-time. Write for details. B & B Enterprises, P. O. Box 196 AAB Holcomb, Missouri 63852 33t2 CARD OF THANKS WE EXTEND our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for the cards, flowers and other expres sions of sympathy in our recent sorrow, the loss of Lloyd’s mother. Your thoughtfulness has meant much to us. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister 34tl TO MY FRIENDS: I sincerely ap preciate your kindness and thought fulness extended to me through Frank’s long illness and death. Thank you. Mrs. Frank McCabe 34tl WE WISH to express our thanks to everyone who contributed so gen erously to make the Jamboree Barbecued chicken dinner a suc cess. Vernonia Music Parents Club 34tlc WE WISH to extend our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for the cards, flowers and other expressions of sympathy in our recent sorrow. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated. Mrs. G. E. Orr and family ___________________________34tl WANTED WANTED: Couple for custodial & yard work in exchange for furnish ed apartment. Ideal for retired couple. Phone St. Helens 397-3399. 34tlc FOR SALE-Real Estate RILL Uernonia Eagte HORN REALTOR Salesman—George Laws and Vernonia Insurance Exchange 429-6203 L IS T IN G S W A N T E D FOR SALE or will rent; Two-bdrm house on two lots in Vernonia, fur nished or unfurnished. M. W. Haines, 8605 SE 55th Street, Port land. 33t3 APTS., three and five rooms, each flat wired for 220 electric, water heater, plug-ins, bathrooms and double garage. 6 ft. cement base ment. H. Hand, 1332 State Avenue, 429-5761. 32t3 M A R VIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon 429-3372 Entered as second class mail mat ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3.50 CLASSIFIED RATES NO Information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is m ail ed. M IN IM U M charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum. 4c each. Three insertions for the price FIVE-rms, garage, large lot, half of two. block from post office, super mar B L IN D ADS with answers to be han ket. Four rms, garage, utility dled by The Eagle: Minimum room, Rose avenue. Cash or terms. charge $1.00. No Information given Rent. Mrs. C. O. Thomas, 876 relative to such ads. Madison Ave., Vernonia, Oregon. THE EAG LE assumes no financial _____________________________ 32t3c responsibility for errors that may appear In ads published in Its col LLOYD QUINN umns. but In cases where this pa BROKER per is at fault, will reprint thal Real Estate & Ins. part of an adv. in which the typo Phone 429-5211 graphical mistake occurs. 866 Bridge Street NO C LASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Vernonia. Oregon ADV. W IL L BE ACCEPTED A F R E N TA LS A V A IL A B L E T E R TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT Y O U R L IS T IN G S S O L IC IT E D FOR N E X T W E E K ’S PAPER. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8c N A T IO N A L N F W S P A P IR e k in iiM ia '.H ’i n ■ There is a small but important difference between keeping your chin up and sticking your neck outl N O TIC E TO C R E D IT O R S FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE, Household Furniture: Zenith portable TV, $65; outside antenna, $20; six chairs, $15; card table, coffee tables; two matching chairs with pillows, $15 each; alu minum cots with pads, each $7; lawn chairs, lounge, cafe curtains, miscellaneous items. All excellent condition. 429-5833. 34tlc GOLDEN Hales, Kimm Elbertas, canning corn by crate, ready now. Golden Elbertas starting August 27. Lloyd’s Peach Center, Corneli us, Oregon. Half mile south on Golf Course Road. 34t3c LEGAL NOTICE each. POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rata: 10c par type Una. SERVICES ENTER THE WORLD OF WINGS! Flight orientation class and flight demonstration lesson, both for $10. Vernonia Airport, Sunday, August 28 at 8 a.m. West Wing Aviation, Bobbie Hays 429-6782. 34tlc EVERS CABINET SUPPLY Specializing in Modern & Provincial Kitchens Free Estimates Phone 331-2495 Rt. 3, Box 489 Hillsboro, Oregon 30tfc .♦ » » » » » I * » » » » » » THE PUBLIC WELFARE ? ♦ » » I * » » » » » » » » » ; (Questions about public welfare which are of general interest can be sent to the Public Welfare Question, c/o this newspaper, for answer in this column. Help with individual problems is available at your county welfare office.) W hat do people mean when they say someone is "on welfare? This generally refers to people who have applied for assistance through their County Public Wel fare Department because they are too old, disabled, or blind to sup port themselves, or because there are needy children whose parents are absent, dead, incapacipated or unable to find work. Can anyone get a w elfare check if he needs money? Not unless he meets the require ments of one of the welfare pro grams. These include Old Age As sistance, Aid to the Disabled, Aid to the Blind, Aid to Dependent Children, and General Assistance. All these programs have specific eligibility requirements, such as residence, age, disability, or lack of parental support. General as sistance provides emergency help in a few cases where people do not meet requirements for other programs, but these people arc expected to support themselves if the are capable of doing so. How much is spent or» public w elfare In Oregon? Between 50 and 60 million dol lars a year. About half of this is Federal money and the rest comes from State and county funds. Do you require recipient« practice birth control? to Recipients are encouraged to take advantage of the fact that birth control drugs and equipment are available, but the final deci sion is left to the individual. There is no requirement of any kind. Doesn't public w elfare work with some fam ilies who are self-support ing? Yes, public welfare offers ser vices to many children whose par ents are not in financial need. Child welfare services can include help to parents and children who have problems in their relationship to each other; protective services to the neglected and abused child; and foster care or adoptive place ments for children who cannot re main with their own families. Pub lic welfare agencies also provide services for many people who are in need of information or referral to other agencies, even where they do not need the services of public welfare itself. I have a nice home. Would I lose it if I applied for old age as sistance? The home you are living in, un less it is of unusual size or value, is not taken into consideration when determining your eligibility for help from welfare. Property in addition to your home would need to be sold if its value brought your total resources above limits of $1000 for a single person or $1250 for a couple. Do all relatives have to contrib ute the same amount if a parent gets assistance? No. It depends on the income each one has and with the number of people dependent on it. Could my fath er's old age grant be transferred here if he moves to Oregon to be with me? Unfortunately, there is no pro vision for bransfer between states. If people are stranded in O re To receive Old Age Assistance in gon without funds, do you send Oregon, the applicant must have them home? lived in the State for five years of If an individual has legal res the last nine years, including one idence in another state which ver year immediately before he ap ifies that he is eligible for assis plies for assistance. If your father tance there, Oregon usually can qualifies for Aid to the Blind, or provide transportation back to his Aid to the Disabled, he could meet place of legal residence. residence requirements for these Why are w elfare expenditures programs in three years or one, going up? respectively. Increasing medical costs ac Why are aid to dependent child count for a large percentage of ren grants reduced below m ini the increase in public welfare ex mum needs? penditures over the last ten to fif Limited funds in the Aid to De teen years. As people live longer pendent Children program have and medical science finds more made it necessary to reduce all ways to prolong life and prevent grants by 6% percent. However, EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING deterioration, the amount welfare the public welfare department has Registered & Bonded for spends on medical ¿rare is bound announced that it will urge the Sanitation Work. to increase. Prices of maintenance next Legislature to provide funds BRUCE BER NDT 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia items, such as food, clothing and to increase grants to a more ade 23tfc shelter have also risen, but ex quate level for all recipients and penditures for these items have to bring those in ADC up to full SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv not been increased to the extent standards. ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 that those for medical care have. W hat is the use of encouraging Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver A re w elfare grants adequate? birth control—dont people have nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc No. Public welfare assistance more children to get a bigger grants have not kept pace with grant? CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING rising prices. Welfare food allow Most people try to take care of Cooler - Sharp Freeze ances, for example, have not been their families themselves. Half of Locker Wrapped R. J. Ekhoff 429-3842 increased since 1953, while prices all Aid to Dependent Children cas __________________________ 23tfc have risen sharply in these 13 es are closed within one year from years. the date of application, and the CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes W here does public w elfare get majority of these closings are be sional civil engineer, county survey the money it gives people? cause the recipient obtains employ or, Court House, St. Helens. Private About half comes from the Fed ment to support his family. Most surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call eral government. Approximately recipients don’t want more child S. Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc 35 per cent comes from the state ren then they can afford to take SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping general fund appropriated by the care of, and we believe that family and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia state legislature. The remainder planning services, on a strictly City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens comes from county funds. voluntary basis, are an important 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after Why does public w elfare help factor in rehabilitation. 5:00 p.m. 46tfc foreigners? I f I help support my father, Public welfare doesn’t require won't it just mean th at he w ill get that people be United States citi less old age assistance? zens if they are in need and other If an assistance recipient has PROCESSING PLANT wise eligible for assistance. This income available, including con State Inspected is because public welfare programs tributions from relatives, this must CUSTOM SLAUG HTERING are designed primarily for people be taken into account in determin Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday who have no other means of sup ing the amount he receives. How Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon porting themselves, and this type ever, some relatives meet special Cutting and W’rapping of need is not limited to citizens. needs, such as the cost of a tele- Beaver State Corp. Residential - Commercial And Farm Buildings All Types - Remodeling Complete Planning Service Rudy Smith, Mgr. Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 Sltfc Haberman's Neal Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. E L 7-3922 E L 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern H ill Road _______________________________ ltfc FOR RENT COZY two bedroom house with garage, OA hill. Paneled living room with fireplace. Clean and neat. Will lease to reliable party. Phone 429-6831. 33t3c MISCELLANEOUS Oemonia £a<jte 6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1966 phone, which public welfare might not otherwise be able to provide. The law requires that relatives whose income is above certain levels contribute to the support of assistance recipients. Is it true that a lot of crim inals and delinquents come from w el fare fam ilies? Partly true. The same poverty that makes it necessary for a fami ly to apply for help from public welfare is often the source of other social problems, including crime, delinquency and disease. Similar problems are found in many low- income families who do not re ceive public assistance. This is why public welfare today empha sizes training and rehabilitation so that people can find a legitimate means of lifting themselves out of poverty and deprivation and work out more positive ways to realize their goals. W hat incentive do you give a blind person to try to support him self? The law permits all employed blind persons to retain all their earnings up to $85 a month, plus one-half of all earnings above that amount, without affecting their eli gibility for assistance. In addition, earning above these levels may be retained for a specified period of time if there is a specific plan, ap proved by the County Public Wel fare Department, under which the recipient expects to become self- supporting. W hy don't you put w elfare recip ients' names in the newspapers so that no one would apply for help who did n 't really need it? The law prohibits the publication of names of welfare recipients be cause many genuinely needy peo ple might do without needed help under such circumstances. How ever, the law provides for lists of welfare recipients to be available in every county office for inspec tion by citizens who do not plan to use the information for commer cial or political purposes. Do people have to support their parents even if the parents never supported them? Oregon law specifies an exemp tion from the Relative Responsi bility Law for the child of a needy person if, during the minority of the child, such person willfully de serted or abandoned the child. If I get help from w elfare, do I have to pay it back? In general, there is no require ment that assistance be paid back during your lifetime if you are eligible to receive it at the time. However, if you are receiving as sistance while you have a claim or lawsuit pending in connection with a personal injury, public wel fare will have the right to recover the assistance granted you between the time of the injury and the date the settlement or judgment is paid; also anyone who receives assist ance for which he is not eligible can be required to pay this back. R E A D A D V E R T IS IN G — IT PAYS! MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore E L 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon day until noon; Hogs received Tues day and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take T illa mook road 1W mi., take first lefthand road. ltfc Does public w elfare pay foster parents to take care of children? Foster parents are not paid for their services, but public welfare does provide money to cover living costs for children who are placed in foster homes. Is automation affecting the w el fare program? Yes. Many welfare recipients are unskilled people with limited education who cannot get jobs re quiring advanced technical train ing. Public welfare is now making an effort to train its recipients where they will qualify for jobs now available. W hat happens to the disabled re cipient if he recovers from his disability and still can't work? WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between income and outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat Persons receiving Aid to the urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, Disabled can sometimes continue 201 Lloyd Plaza. Portland, Oregon. to receive these benefits for a lim _______________________________ 4tfc ited time, even after they are phy sically capable of working since SEAT B ELTS SAVE we recognize that time is needed L IV E S — USE T H E M for them to obtain work after they have been absent from the labor /♦TZW ZX’ZW/yP market. If the disabled person is the head of a family with children and is unable to find work, he may receive Aid to Dependent Children based on unemployment when he is no longer eligible for assistance on the basis of disability or inca pacity. HELP WANTED — Of Interest to Women TEKTRONIX, INC. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY WORKERS Tektranix, Inc., has permanent openings for people to do production and assembly work in modem air-condi tioned buildings in the Beaverton area. Responsibilities include installation, soldering and dress ing electronic components and cables in oscilloscope chassis or sub-chassis. New employees will receive adequate training and the assistance necessary to meet high quality standards. Requirements include: high manual coordination and finger dexterity, good vison and color perception, rapid learning ability, and transportation. Majority of open ings are swing shift with some day shift openings. Tektronix offers a broad benefit program including profit sharing, insurance and retirement income. Apply: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tektronix Employment Office Tektronix Industrial Park Beaverton, Oregon A N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 34tlc