CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICES FIREPLACES. New homes or old, brick or stone. Work guaranteed. Call collect, evenings, 436-2681, Cannon Beach. Free estimates.31t3 FOR SALE-General WANTED SPOTS before your eyes—on your new carpet—remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer $1. Brunsman Hardware. WANTED: Baby sitter, my home, afternoon and evening, 3 to 9 p.m. Call 429-5725. 33tl ______________________________ 33tlc FOR SALE: Large 22” x 22” ad justable air conditioning fan, $20. Call 429-5924. 33t3c PEACHES GOLDEN Hales, West ern Prides, Red Globe, sweet corn by dozen now. Canning corn later by crate. Lloyd’s Peach Center. Cornelius, Oregon, Mi mi. South on golf course rd. 32t2c FOR SALE: Hotpoint Deluxe elec tric range, $35. Call days 429-3711, evenings 429-5895. 32t3c LARGE AIR conditioner, $50; ta ble with extensions and 4 chairs, $45. Call Rod McLean, 429-5011. 31tfc YOU PICK PEACHES Red Haven, Rochester, Golden Jubilee, Western Pride, Improv ed Albertas. Bring own boxes. Go to Banks, drive 1 mile south and look for sign. Fruitful Acres, Rt. 1, Box 348, Forest Grove, Oregon. Wayne and Irene Hensley. Same low price as always. Have fun, save mun. Bring the whole family. All you can eat free. 31t4c WANTED: Small acreage with modern home in good repair, for retiring couple. Norman Davis, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. 33t2c WANTED: Small house for cash Must be reasonable. No dealers. Send offers to Vernonia Eagle Of fice^_______________________31tfc HELP Wanted at Ginger’s Cafe, Manning, both day and night shift. Prefer non-smokers. Apply at cafe mornings. 31t3c Business Opportunities - EVERS CABINET SUPPLY Specializing in Modem & Provincial Kitchens Free Estimates Phone 331-2495 Beaver Rt. 3, Box 489 Hillsboro, Oregon 30tfc State Corp. Residential - Commercial And Farm Buildings All Types - Remodeling Complete Planning Service Rudy Smith, Mgr. Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 51tfc $400.00 monthly possible—home typing. Full or part-time. Write for details. B & B Enterprises, P. O. Box 196 AAB Holcomb, Missouri 63852 33t2 FROM left, front: Ray K. Godsey, Elizabeth Beongher, Rose Steen, Maud Wells; from left, back row: Dar- WE'RE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO BECOME CLAIMS ADJUSTERS! Men and women are needed now to investigate auto accidents and other claims for insurance adjust ing firms. Expenses paid and car usually furnished. Pick your loca tion, earn up to $8 per hour part time and to $1,000 per month full time. We train you at home and give free placement service; you keep you present job until ready to switch. For personal interview in this area to see if you can quali fy for this training, write at once EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING Registered & Bonded for Sanitation Work. rold Proehl, Albert Schaub, G. B. Frost. Educators Attend Reading - Writing Clinic Nine educators from Columbia of Scappoose schools, were among Teachers were urged to use the county attended the state depart the 300 Oregon educators who met latest technical developments in BRUCE BERNDT ment of education workshop on at the workshop, the culmination programmed learning, films, and 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia reading and writing in grades 4- of nearly two years of planning closed circuit television as “teach 23tfc 9 at Willamette University in Sa by the state superintendent of pub er savers” to give them more FOR SALE: 17V4 foot boat and lic instruction, Leon P. Minear and time for individual work with the SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv lem, July 25 to August 5. Ray Godsey, superintendent of his staff. trailer, $200. L. H. Sargent, 348 B students. “Project Springboard,” ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 Street, Vernonia. Mornings prefer- These teachers will return to a state department of education Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver Columbia County IED; Elizabeth able._________________ 31t3 nonia, 429-3301. 31tfc Beougher, teacher, Delena ele their school districts to conduct program to demonstrate the best mentary school; Rose Steen, teach workshops with local teachers on use of audiovisual materials in KILN-DRIED firewood, $15 per CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING er at Vernonia elementary school; the latest research and methods the classroom, was outlined at the load. Will deliver. Martin Hanson, Cooler - Sharp Freeze Maud Wells, teacher at Vernonia of teaching reading and writing. conference by Henry Ruark, De Mist, Oregon. Phone 755-2440. 29tfc to: NORTH AMERICAN CLAIMS Locker Wrapped elementary school; Darrold Proehl, Teachers and administrators from partment AV consultant and TRAINING DIVISION 3435 E ast 429-3842 principal at Vernonia elementary participating districts have met “Springboard” coordinator. USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Bayaud Ave., Denver, Colorado R. J. Eknoff 23tfc school; Albert Schaub, principal for informal discussions and plan The communications conference 33tl Saw Shop.__________________ 49tfc 80209 from Delena elementary school; ning sessions throughout the con is the fifth summer workshop or CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes BUNDLES of old papers for starting ganized under the Oregon Pro sional civil engineer, county survey and G. B. Frost, superintendent ference proceedings. fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver- The latest “teaching machines,” gram, the result of a $3.5 mil or, Court House, St. Helens. Private nonia Eagle. 48tf WE WISH to extend our sincere surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call the current explosion of know lion Ford Foundation grant to the ledge, slang and dialects in the state department of education in FOR SALE: Foley Saw Filer. Keas- thanks to neighbors and friends S. Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc classroom, and the source of com 1962. Previous workshops have con ey’s Saw Shop. ntfc for the cards, flowers and other SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping mon writing errors are some of the sidered team teaching, education expressions of sympathy in our re and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia problems which have been dis for the disadvantaged child, school FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. cent sorrow, the loss of our daugh City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth ter-in-law, Mrs. Merle Odam of 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 aftei Vernonia’s Little League base cussed by the sixteen nationally organization, and the latest evalu Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc Coos Bay. Your thoughtfulness is 5:00 p.m. ball players closed out their sea known consultants appointed by ations of the processes by which 46tfc son by downing Perry’s Sports the state department of education children learn. all deeply appreciated. FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest Camp teams in their final two en to highlight the conference. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Odam in flowers for all occasions. Plants, Many of the conference speak counters. 33tl bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. PROCESSING PLANT Behind the pitching of Ray ers have stressed creative read Flowers speeded by long distance or State Inspected Grimsbo, the locals won the Aug ing and writing as a basis for wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING ust 3 game 4-3 and then downed progress in other learning areas. 6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 429-6611. ltfc Most high school dropouts, for ex Perry’s 1-0 August 10. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Extra base hits by Benny Fields ample, show a marked deficiency MARK & STAFFORD PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop incurred other than my own. Cutting and Wrapping and Steve Landers led the offen in their ability with language, ac Maude Estelle Bateman 33tl MEAT CO. t 49tfc Sharp Freezing sive attack by the Little Leaguers cording to Muriel Crosby, presi Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. Smoking and Curing in the first contest. Landers hit a dent of the National Council for EL 7-7281 Free use of Stock Trailer home run and a single. The win Teachers of English and one of Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, Shop Res. ning run was driven home by Ron the conference consultants. Columbia County Court and Curing Dwight L. Burton, chief consul EL 7-2981 nie Meyers, scoring Grimsbo, in St. Helens, Oregon EL 7-3922 Meat for sale, any quantity. tant from Florida State Universi August 11, 1966 Rt. 2, Bx., 141. Forest Grove, Ore. the final inning. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon ty, maintained that common writ On Fern HUI Road In the second game, the winning Gentlemen: day until noon; Hogs received Tues REALTOR You are invited to submit a seal ltfc run was scored by Landers on a ing errors stem from unclear day and Wednesday until noon. thinking and not grammatical er single by Ronnie Meyers, who hit Salesman—George Laws ed proposal for the below describ Come through Banks, take Tilla two for two. The only other hit for rors. Language must be treated and Vernonia Insurance Exchange ed work at the location indicated: mook road 1H mi., take first as a tool to help a child express Vernonia was garnered by Craig 429-6203 Parking area and boat launching lefthand road. ltfc his complex thoughts, he said. COZY two bedroom house with Bergerson, a single to left field. LISTINGS WANTED ramp, and rest area. Much promise for next year’s The project is located on the Co garage, OA hill. Paneled living FOR SALE or will rent; Two-bdrm lumbia River Highway 30 at the room with fireplace. Clean and Little League and Babe Ruth teams S. P. & S. R Y . ■ S. P. & S. R Y. ■ S. P. & S. R Y . ■ S. P. & S. R Y. « S . P . J. S. R Y . house on two lots in Vernonia, fur northerly end of Clatskanie, Ore neat. Will lease to reliable party. has been shown by these boys. nished or unfurnished. M. W. gon. Phone 429-6831. 33t3c Grimsbo has pitched well and it is Haines, 8605 SE 55th Street, Port felt that he will improve steadily The project would consist of 750 land^___________________ 33t3 after progressing into the Babe Lineal feet of 18” concrete curb; If you really want to strike paydirt, ship APTS., three and five rooms, each top soil—200 cubic yards; blading WOULD $40 per week fili the gap Ruth program. or receive via the Spokane, Portland Coaches M. C. Brewer, Rod Mc flat wired for 220 electric, water and shaping and surfacing—33,500 between income and outgo? 15 hours and S eattle Railroad. Even a mule heater, plug-ins, bathrooms and square feet; rest rooms of concrete a week, days or evenings and Sat Lean, Ralph Sturdevant and Larry knows that S.P.&S. maintains fast, fre double garage. 6 ft. cement base block and concrete slabs—10’ x 14’; urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, Elton have expressed their apprec quent schedules to and from every iation to the people who have come ment. H. Hanoi, 1332 State Avenue, 2 red cedar picnic tables; and 6” 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland, Oregon. major point in the United States. W hat’s to root for the team and also to concrete slab ramp—1600 square 429-5761._________________ 32t3 ___________________________ 4tfc more, S.P.&S. handles cargo like it was Bud Weigand who has donated his feet; rock base for slab approxi FIVE-rms, garage, large lot, half mately 70 cubic yards. gold. Next time, ship S.P.&S. for fast, time as umpire for the series of block from post office, super mar games. safe, prompt delivery! The Contract Documents (draw ket. Four rms, garage, utility ings and specifications) may be NO information on classifieds will be room, Rose avenue. Cash or terms. secured at the office of the Road- given out until after paper is m ail Soil Testing Information Rent. Mrs. C. O. Thomas, 876 master, St. Helens. Oregon. The ed. Considered Time Saving Madison Ave., Vernonia, Oregon. bidders shall deposit $20.00 when MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words __________________________32t3c picking up the Contract Docu Twenty minutes in early August or less. Words over minimum, 4c may save 10, or even 20 days in ments. This sum will be refunded each. Three insertions for the price LLOYD QUINN September, says County Extension when drawings and documents are of two. BROKER returned after bidding. BLIND ADS with answers to be han Agent Don Coin walrod. This time Real Estate & Ins. The bidders must examine the dled by The Eagle: Minimum factor concerns soil testing and Phone 429-5211 possible fall liming and planting site of proposed work and acquaint charge 91.00. No information given 866 Bridge Street programs. themselves with the problems and relative to such ads. Vernonia, Oregon Soil tests generally require about conditions and make their own es THE EAGLE assum es no financial three weeks for completion. Since FOR RENT - 1B/R furnished apt. timates of the facilities and diffi responsibility for errors that may in downtown Vernonia. culties attending the execution of appear in ads published in Its col many farmers find liming easiest the work. umns, but In cases where this pa and most effective in the fall im mediately after harvest, a com A certified check of 5% of bid FOR SALE or Trade • 6 Unit motel per is at fault, will reprint thal pleted soil test will expedite the in Ocean Park, Washington will shall accompany all proposals. part of an adv. in which the typo liming program. trade for local property. Your attention in particular is call graphical mistake occurs. Soil test cartons and informa ed to "Information for Bidders” NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY B/R home on corner lot near which is to be followed in all re ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF tion sheets are available from the county extension office, court Lincoln school, $5950. spects, as well as any Addendum TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT house, St. Helens. attached hereto. You may be re FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. 20 acres with 2 B/R home on presented at the bid opening if you CARD of Thanks A Notices: $1.00 for so desire. highway 47, $8750. up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c each. The proposal and other contract 150 acres near Birkenfeld on Neha documents are to be submitted in POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rata: 10c per type Una. lem River. Fine 2 B/R home form supplied. They shall reach For Information Call: with barn, other bldgs. $43,000. the County Court House on or be fore August 24, 1966, at 2 p.m. at J . M. T A Y L O R Trave lin g , F reig h t and Passenger One of Vernonia's most comfort which time and place bids will be Agent A m erican Bank Building MARVLN KAMHOLZ able homes will soon be avail opened and publicly read. Portland, Oregon CA M i l l Editor and I’ublisber able for sale, neat as a pin, 2 For the County Court Official Newspaper of /»/ Earl N. Seawright B/R home, corner lot, $7950. Chairman Vernonia. Oregon RENTALS AVAILABLE 429-3372 YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED __________________________33tlc CARD OF THANKS Little Leaguers End Series Play Haberman's Meat Oernonia Cagle NOTICE FOR SALE-Real Estate LEGAL NOTICE BILL HORN FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED RATES Oernonia Eagle ldwBrti8în& woHofcryoul APTS., three and five rooms, each flat wired for 220 electric, water heater, plug-ins, bathrooms and double garage. H. Hanel, 1332 State Avenue. 429-5781. S2t3c Entered as second class mail mat NATIOWAI N I W S F A F f l ter. August 4. |*O2 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Suhs-ripuon price 93 nn yearly in the Nehalem Valley IT FAYS TO READ THE ADSI Elsewhere S3 5a DR. ENG, OPTOMETRIST Visual Examinations Contact Lenses Vernonia Forest Grove SPOKANE, PORTLAND and SEATTLE RAILWAY SYSTEM Cenerai Offices American Bank Bu>Mmg. Portland. Oregon t. r . a a. RY. ■ s. r . a *. ry . h r s s. ry . ■ s. r . * s. ry . i s . r . & i . r