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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1966)
CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICES FIREPLACES. New homes or old, brick or stone. Work guaranteed. Call collect, evenings, 436-2681, Cannon Beach. Free estimates.31t3 FOR SÀLE-General FOR SÀLE-Real Estate FOR SALE: Fruit jars, both quarts and pints. Call J. W. Johnson 429- 5897. 32tlc FIVE-rms, garage, large lot, half block from post office, super m ar ket. Four rms, garage, utility room, Rose avenue. Cash or terms. Rent. Mrs. C. O. Thomas, 876 Madison Ave., Vernonia, Oregon. ___________________________ 32t3c GERT’S a gay girl—ready for a whirl after cleaning carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer $1. Brunsman Hardware. ___________________________ 32tlc TWO PAIR short drapes, lined, $20; portable TV, excellent condi tion, $75; skillsaw, $25; brass fire place set, $50; air cooler, $35; cor ner table, $15; electric oven, $5; fruit jars, lamps, many household articles. See at 857 Park Drive. ____________________________ 32tl PEACHES GOLDEN Hales, West ern Prides, Red Globe, sweet corn by dozen now. Canning corn later by crate. Lloyd’s Peach Center. Cornelius, Oregon, Mi mi. South on golf course rd. 32t2c FOR SALE: Hotpoint Deluxe elec tric range, $35. Call days 429-3711, evenings 429-5895. 32t3c LARGE AIR conditioner, $50; ta ble with extensions and 4 chairs, $45. Call Rod McLean, 429-5011. 31tfc YOU PICK PEACHES Red Haven, Rochester, Golden Jubilee, Western Pride, Improv ed Albertas. Bring own boxes. Go to Banks, drive 1 mile south and look for sign. Fruitful Acres, Rt. 1, Box 348, Forest Grove, Oregon. Wayne and Irene Hensley. Same low price as always. Have fun, save mun. Bring the whole family. All you can eat free. 31t4c L L O Y D Q U IN N B R O K ER Real Estate & Ins. Phone 429-5211 866 Bridge Street ” ,z Vernonia, Oregon RENTALS AVAILABLE YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED BILL HORN REALTOR Salesman—George Laws and Vernonia Insurance Exchange 429-6203 HOMES 2 BEDROOMS, small but nice, near schools and in nice neigh borhood. $3000 Cash. SUBSTANTIAL 3 bedroom home near park with full basement and oil furnace in fine condition. Price $8,750.00 terms. 3 BEDROOMS, electric heat, close in, good terms to right party. $4,500.00 EVERS CABINET SUPPLY Specializing in Modern & Provincial Kitchens ' Phone 331-2495 Rt. 3, Box 489 Hillsboro, Oregon 30tfc Beaver State Corp. Residential - Commercial And Farm Buildings All Types - Remodeling Complete Planning Service Rudy Smith, Mgr. Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 51tfc ^4* z' Uà Free Estimates ■ < J z PICTURED above is a scene typical of the rough and ready action to be offered spectators at the annual ro- deo at the county fair August 18-21. Riders from all EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING Registered & Bonded for Sanitation Work. BRUCE BERNDT 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia ____________________________ 23tfc 4 / 4» over the Northwest will participate in the many events and top rodeo stock will be used to add to the thrills. IT'S YOUR LAW Äesprci /o r Low Demonia £a$(e Make» Democracy Live 6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1966 HISTORY OF WILLS SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc The passing of property to heirs is one of m an’s oldest transactions. As far back as the Egyptian, As syrian and Jewish civilizations, we FARMS CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING have examples of wills written and 1.27 ACRES on the Nehalem Riv Cooler - Sharp Freeze witnessed on papyrus, clay tablets, er with a two bedroom home. Locker Wrapped and other m aterials. Price $4,500.00. Buyer can take ov R. J. Ekhoff 429-3842 The Hammurabi code (2100 B. er existing contract and pay own 23tfc C.) permitted a father by deed to er balance. favor his son. CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes FOR SALE: 17V& foot boat and Under early Roman law, the trailer, $200. L. H. Sargent, 348 B lVi ACRES and a 3 bedroom sional civil engineer, county survey head of a house could tell the pa or, Court House, St. Helens. Private Street, Vernonia. Mornings prefer house, buyer can get into this one surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call trician assembly his wishes. Later able. 3it3 for a small down payment. Price S. Helens 397-0698.____________20tfc Roman law favored a written will is $5,500.00, terms. to keep the testator’s plans secret OLD GROWTH lumber for sale, SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping until death. It also favored having LISTINGS WANTED reasonable. 2x4, 2x6, 2x12. Call 31t$c and repair. G . A. Russell, Columbia a firm record of his wishes, not 429-6507. 30t3c City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens resting on memory. 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after FOR SALE: Used Hotpoint electric By 1200 A.D., the English law of 5:00 p.m. 46tfc range, good condition. Call 429-5185. wills, was well advanced. Our body of law stems from the English sys ___________________________ 30t3c APTS., three and five rooms, each flat wired for 220 electric, w ater tem. The church courts supervised KILN-DRIED firewood, $15 per heater, plug-ins, bathrooms and disposition of property according PROCESSING P LA N T load. Will deliver. Martin Hanson, double garage. H. Hanel, 1332 to a “testam ent” of how the testat State Inspected Mist, Oregon. Phone 755-2440. 29tfc State Avenue, 429-5761. 32t3c or wanted his property to go. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Church courts supervised person Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon al property (movables like arm or Saw Shop. 49tfc or personal effects); land was Cutting and Wrapping BUNDLES of old papers for starting WANTED: Three-wheeled bike, 26 passed on by wills which the king’s Sharp Freezing fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver inch. Vernon Bateman. Call 429- court handled. Hence, today we Smoking and Curing nonia Eagle. 48tf 3543.________________________ 32tl speak of “last will and testam ent” Free use of Stock Trailer since English courts came to pass Shop Res. FOR SALE: Foley Saw Filer. Keas- WANTED: Small house for cash. on both real and personal property, EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 ey’s Saw Shop. lltfc Must be reasonable. No dealers. so that one court could handle the Send offers to Vernonia Eagle Of Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. whole estate. FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. fice. On Fern Hill Road 31tfc English church courts had “exe Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth ltfc cutors” who carried out one’s Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc HELP Wanted at Ginger’s Cafe, testam ent. To die “inestate” (with Manning, both day and night shift. FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest out a testam ent) was almost like Prefer non-smokers. Apply at cafe in flowers for all occasions. Plants, mornings. 31t3c WOULD $40 per week fill the gap dying unconfessed. Sometimes the bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. between income and outgo? 15 hours church in the interests of a man’s Flowers speeded by long distance or WANTED: Responsible party with a week, days or evenings and Sat soul could give some of the m an’s wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, good credit to take over 8 pay urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, goods to others besides his family. 429-6611. ltfc ments of $7.63 on like-new 1966 By the tim e of the American 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland, Oregon. Zig Zag sewing machine with 5 Colonies, the laws were well set 4tfc PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop year guarantee. Makes b u tto n tled, and law courts, rather than __ _________________________ 49tfc holes, monograms, embroiders and church courts, administered and blind hems without att. Will dis distributed estates here. count for cash. Can be seen in Today, with the modern com NOTICE OF this area. For more information, plexities of various types of proper ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 1959 Chev V-8 Bel Aire, new tires, write to Collection Dept., 3118 S.E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ty, taxes, stocks, etc., it is wise if R&H, Std. Shift., $485. Call 429-6722. 141st, Portland, Oregon. 31t2c that under and by virtue of an or a person has a will drafted. This ____________________________ 32tl will assure that his property will WANTED: Used aluminum canoe der of the County Court of Colum be distributed according to his bia County, dated July 18, 1966, in or kayak. Also, sycle bar attach wishes after he dies. How a person ment for tractor. Write or call Ver the m atter of the estate of Thora wants his property distributed and Birt No. 3779, the undersigned MARVIN KAMHOLZ nonia Eagle, 429-3372. 30t3c Administratrix of said estate will, how the court must do it in cases Editor and Publisher on and after August 22, 1966, sell where there is no will, have left Official Newspaper of the following described real pre many hurt feelings. Vernonia, Oregon (Oregon lawyers offer this col 429-3372 TO MY FRIENDS: I wish to thank mises, to-wit: The West half of the following umn as a public service. No per Entered as second class mail mat my friends for their cheerful cards described tra c t: Beginning at a son should apply or interpret any ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office and letters during my illness. law without the aid of an attorney in Vernonia, Oregon under the act Jessie Burke 32tl point in the South line of the North who is completely advised of the west quarter of the Southeast quar of March 3, 1879. Subscription price WE WISH TO thank the school ter of Section 7, Township 4 North facts involved. Even a slight vari $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley board for the use of the Washington of Range 4 West of the Willamette ance in fact may change the appli Elsewhere *3.50 school for Pomona Grange Satur Meridian, Columbia County, Ore cation of the law.) day and we especially thank Prin gon, that is West 445.4 feet from First Publication, July 21, 1966 cipal Darrold Proehl for all his as the Southeast corner of said North Final Publication. August 11, 1966 NO information on classifieds will be sistance. We deeply appreciate all west quarter of the Southeast 29t4c quarter of Section 7; thence West given nut until after paper is mail of it. Vernonia Grange 32tlc on the South line of the Northwest ed. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words I WISH TO thank all who rem em quarter of the Southeast quarter or less. Words over minimum. 4c bered me with cards and flowers, of Section 7, 356.4 feet; thence each. Three insertions for the price and otherwise showed concern for North 489.0 feet to the center of the County Road; thence East of two. me while I was hospitalized and along the center of the County BLIND ADS with answers to be han later while I was recuperating at dled by The Eagle: Minimum home. Your thoughtfulness is all Road 356.4 feet; thence South 489.0 feet to the point of beginning, and eharge >1.00. No information given deeply appreciated. all being within said Columbia relative to such ads. Mrs. Joe Mede»s 32tl County, Oregon. THE EAGLE assumes no flnanrial to the highest and best bidder for responsibility for errors that may cash, or part cash and credit as appear In ads published in Its col- A iA itn at S ta ffo rd umns, but In rases where this pa LOST: Jam boree Sunday, a pair of specified in said order, at private per is at fault, will reprint thal m an’s glasses in brown case, prob sale, for the purpose of liquidating M EAT CO. said estate and the payment of part of an adv. In whirh the typo ably in city park area. Finder claims and charges. Proposals for Rt. 2, Box 379. Forest Grove, Ore graphical mistake orrurs. EL 7-7281 please leave at Vernonia Eagle of the purchase of said premises may NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY fice. Badly needed. Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping. 32tl be left at the office of VanNatta ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF and C u rin g TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT LOST: Hand knit sweater, boys, A Petersen, in the Veazie-Gray Meat for sale, any quantity. FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. royal blue, size 16. during baseball Building. St. Helens, Oregon. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon Dated July 18, 1966. CARD of Thanks A Notices: $1.00 for season Reward 429-3102 30t3c day until noon. Hogs received Tues ETHEL REED, Administrat np to It lines. Additional lines, 8c day and Wednesday until noon. N A T IO N A L H f W S P A P I I rix of the Estate of Thora Ev each. Come through B an ks, ta ke T illa elyn Birt, Deceased P O E T R Y accepted only as paid m ook rood I H m l., ta k e fir s t VanNatta A Petersen •natter: Rata: 10c per type Una. left hand rood itfr T ^ I H É n B B B n Attorneys for Administratrix Í STREIIWIESER HAS BUICK’S ' NEW OPEL KADETT i STATION WAGON FOR RENT Haberman's Meal 1980 FULL PRICE * ? **4 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE-Car, Truck D e m o n ia E a g le CARD OF THANKS CLASSIFIED RATES LOST AND FOUND advertising WPite for you I SPORT COUPE 1899 FULL PRICE D rive G M 's L ow est P riced Car . . . AND LOOK GOOD DOING ITI Standard Luxury Features: . * Bucket Seats ★ Full Carpeting— ★ 4-speed Floor Shift Front and Back ★ All Vinyl Interior * Padded Dash ★ Seat Belts— * Padded Visor Front and Back * Life-time Lubricaton ★ Windshield Washers ★ 35 Miles Per Gallon * Full GM Warranty— 24 months, 24,000 Miles * * * * * * * + G U A R A N T E E D used cars ******* '65 Buick Skylark 4-doar, V-8, A uta, P. S.. Radio, WSW. 8,000 mües. '6 3 Pontiac Bonneville 2-door Hardtop, Auto, P .S , P.B.. Radio, WSW. '6 4 Buick Skylark 4-door, V-8. A uta, P .S , Radia WSW '6 2 Buick Electra..... _ _ 4-door Hdtop., Auto, P. S , P R , P Seats, WSW '62 Buick LeSobra ’2595 *2195 '6 4 Buick LaSahre.... 4-door Hardtop, A uta. P .S , P R , WSW. ’2395 -65 Old» 88 4-door Hdtp Automatic, P .S , Radia WSW. ZOVO '6 4 Ford 5 00 X L 2- door Hardtop, V-8, Auto, P .S , WSW. *1995 '64 Corva ir 2-door Coupe hririC 1 2 /0 *2195 *1795 *1695 4-door Sedan, Auto. P .S , P .B , WSW '61 Buick Special *1295 S-PMs. Wagua. V-8, Automatic, WSW. '5 9 Pontiac C atalina______ ________ 4-door Sedan. Automatic, P. S , P. B *595 '5 9 Buick 2-door Coupe - V-8, Automatic. *495 58 Chav 4-dr. $ V-8. Auto, WSW 3- epeed, WSW '63 Buick Electra .... Convertible, Fun Power, WSW. *2195 '5 6 Chevrolet Del Ray______ 7 J $ a a p 4 4 5 2-doar Coupe, V-S, Automatic. WSW. OPEN EVENINGS T il 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS Streitwieser Buick W ashington County's Oldest Buick Dnalar 10th and E. O a k « 4 8 -4 1 3 6 HHIsbara