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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1966)
County Pomona Grange Holds Meeting in Vernonia August 7 Columbia County Pomona Gran- grange. Debbie Curl and Vicki ge met Saturday, August 6, at Lawler of Vernonia presented a Vernonia grade school with Ver dance. W. C. Rundle of the West nonia Grange as hosts. Warren Oregon Electric company showed Grange won both attendance priz two films, one, the World Behind es with 14 percent of their mem Your Light Switch produced by the bers present and ten of their of Bonneville Power Administration, ficers present. and the other, Big Game Almanac Don Walrod, county agent, re from the Oregon Game Commis ported on two items of importance, sion. Mrs. Bill Raynor, lecturer, the timber tax law which was ex gave a reading, entitled LJB Pre piring on August 8, and the tansy sents Medicare. ragwort situation in the county. The next meeting of the Colum The latter was getting under con trol in the county, thanks to the bia County Pomona Grange will new county weed controller, Art be the first Saturday in November at Beaver Valley Grange. McKay and the co-operation of the highway department. Mrs. Earl Avis gave a brief re Week End Trip Includes sume of the 4-H activities in the Two Bridge Crossings county during the summer. K. C. BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Van Natta of Fern Hill Grange, newly appointed State Grange ag G. P. Wanstrom, Mrs. Ione Downs riculture chairman, was present and Steve spent the week end at ed at the master’s station and the beach. They drove over the spoke on his work and the impor Longview bridge and down to Long Beach, and returned by the new tance of agriculture today. For the Legislative program, Astoria bridge. Robert Glosenger, Warren Grange Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford and member, gave an informative talk family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams on the types of county govern from Clatskanie and David Wright ments. There are two, the non- attended a barbecue at the Shirley chartered, consisting of a judge Berg home Saturday evening. Sun and two commissioners, and the day visitors were, Mr. and Mrs. chartered which has three systems: Allan Berg and son Jon, (Their a judge and two commissioners three older children are visiting in such as Columbia county has, a California for three weeks), Mr. board of commissioners as in Lane and Mrs. Hubert Hindman and and Douglas counties, and the two grand children, Valerie and home rule as in Washington, Hood Danny from Clatskanie, and Mr. River, and recently voted into and Mrs. David Coffey and baby Multnomah. A Charter may be re and Mrs. Coffey’s i3 year old sister, vised by resolution of the county Donna. court or by petition from 5 percent Mike and Jeff McDuffie, cousins of the legal voters based on the of the Bergs who have been stay last popular vote for a supreme ing here for some time, have gone court judge. Glosenger discussed to Colton to visit relatives. the pros and cons of each of the Visitors at the home of Mr. and systems. Mrs. Roy Stuve on Sunday were Mrs. Ab Logan reported for the Janet Young and Martha Kyser of Home Economics committee, tell Portland. ing what each club has been doing Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Murray and and announced the needle work family of Portland visited Sunday contest which will be held at Clat at the Fred Larson home. skanie Grange August 31 with ar Mr. and Mrs. Philip Larsen and ticles to be judged in place by 11 family of Medford and Brian Lar a.m. and a pot luck lunch at noon. sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce It was reported that the Pomona Larsen, visited with relatives, the Grange had received the money E. T. Johnstons and Roy Stuves. from the county for the sale of from Thursday until Saturday. Big Eddy Park, and improvements Brian stayed over for a longer to the Natal Park were discussed. visit. The park committee was instruct Mr. and Mrs. A1 Reed and two ed to check into the possibility of children of Lincoln City were last draining the swamp in Natal Park. Thursday night guests of Shirley Lawton Wadell, county deputy, Berg. reported that there were now 969 Grange members in Columbia county, a gain of several members in the last quarter. Historian, Mrs. Earl Avis, gave a report on the ac complishments of Natal Grange during the past three years. Chap lain, Mrs. Laura Carmichael, re JEWELL — The Jewell Junior ported on cards sent and asked Grange splash party was held F ri that names of those Grange mem day at the home of the matron, bers who were ill or deceased be Mrs. Fred Slanger. It was a pot j sent to her so that she can send luck picnic and meeting combined. cards. Mrs. Ralph Langdon, dele Prizes were awarded for the seed gate to State Grange, gave a re pictures made by the members. port on the sessions held recently These members were Terry, Jeff at Silverton. Mrs. Florence Tarbell and Brad Bellingham, Scott and reported that she had placed the Wendy Peterson, and Donald Stauf I service flag of Pomona Grange for fer. World War 11 in the Historical The William Johnston family I Museum in Vernonia. A letter from picnic was held at Hillsboro Sun- I Diane Fabor of Scappoose thank day at the Shute park. Forty fami- I ed the Pomona Grange for the ly members and three guests were I scholarship to 4-H summer school present. I which she attended in June. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slanger and I Walt Mollenhour, president of son Dale attended the wedding of I the Past Master’s club, announced Jane Cole of Gearhart and Larry I that the next Grange visitation will Pearson of Beaverton in Astoria I be at Natal Grange September 14, Saturday and later, the reception I and also that there will be a degree at the Cole home in Gearhart. I practice for the third and fourth Miss Imogene Slanger of Port- I degrees at Warren Grange on Aug land, spent the week end with her I ust 28 at 2:30 p.m. followed by a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slang- I pot luck dinner. Anyone wishing er of Jewell. She attended the I to take part on the team is urged Johnston family picnic and return- ■ | to attend. First and second de ed to Portland Sunday. grees will be given at Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Linam of Oklaho- I Grange August 26 and any Grange ma City, Oklahoma spent two I having candidates for these de weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hebe I grees is invited to bring them. Rodgers. Mrs. Linam is Mrs. Rod- I I Mrs. Laura Hicks, Warren Gran gers’ sister. ge, was appointed chairman of the Rev. and Mrs. Heber of Ana- I education committee. A rising heim, California stopped to visit I vote of thanks was given to Ver with the Betcher family on their I nonia for their hospitality. return from a vacation in Canada. I The lecturer’s program was Mr. and Mrs. Dave Conn have I given after the closing of the returned home after spending two fl weeks in LaCombe and Roseburg fl visiting relatives. fl Sewing Sisters Club Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Norman, Mr. I Plans Fair Entries and Mrs. A1 Soderback and Mrs. fl The ninth meeting of the 4-H Zora Conn from Jewell attended fl Sewing Sisters was held at the the Tidewater picnic at Vernonia fl I home of their leader, Mrs. Robert Sunday. The William Larson family pic- fl Borders on Aug. 6. The Columbia County Fair was the topic of dis nic will be held next Sunday at the fl Shute Park in Hillsboro. I cussion. Members received their fair books and filled out contest entry blanks. Each member will give a demonstration, participate in the THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1966 5 home ec judging contest and style review, three different days. Each DR. R. V. LANCE discussed the shift she had made to exhibit. ; OPTOMETRIST The meeting was adjourned and ¡ Vernonia Clinic all went swimming. Refreshments Building were served later. ! Wed.. 10 A .M .- 5 P.M. News reporter, Coleen Webb Splash Party Held by Juniors Oernonîa Eagic Prices Effective Thur.-Sun., Aug. 11-14 BARGAINS Good and Choice Campbell's Tomato Pork Chops Smoked Lb. bacon S- Armours Weiners All Flavors Santiam Cul BOLD GIANT SIZE DETERGENT Green Beans No. 303 Tin: AJAX POWDERED CLEANSER DEL Monte CATSUP Pheasant MAYONNAISE Nalleys Quart . Pheasant PEACH HALVES Freestone 2*/2s Icy Point PINK SALMON No. 1 Tall SUNSHINE CRACKERS NUGGETS Swansdown CAKE MIXES All Varieties Big “C” Cereal “NEW SMILE 101/2 Oz. Box.................. Snowdrift SHORTENING 3-lb. Tin Pie Time’ Ground Cinnamon Apple Shilling 1% oz. Van Camp's P o rk& Beans Hours: Daily 9 a m. to 7 Sundays 10 a m. to 7 p.m 735 Jefferson St., Vernonia