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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1966)
ff riA V L ftiF J J I I iF I L n Ant ebvwes___ S B V s __ ____________________________________________________________ FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Real Estate TAKE soil away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Bruns man Hardware. 31tlc LARGE AIR conditioner, $50; ta ble with extensions and 4 chairs, $45. Call Rod McLean, 429-5011. 31tfc YOU PICK PEACHES Red Haven, Rochester, Golden Jubilee, Western Pride, Improv ed Albertas. Bring own boxes. Go to Banks, drive 1 mile south and look for sign. Fruitful Acres, Rt. 1, Box 348, Forest Grove, Oregon. Wayne and Irene Hensley. Same low price as always. Have fun, save mun. Bring the whole family. All you can eat free. 31t4c FOR SALE: 17Vi foot boat and trailer, $200. L. H. Sargent, 348 B Street, Vernonia. Mornings prefer able. 31t3 EVERS CABINET SUPPLY REALTOR Salesman—George Laws and Vernonia Insurance Exchange 429-6203 HOMES LOVELY 2 bedroom home with den and fire place. Electric heat, hardwood floors, concrete founda tion. See this one. Just $8,500 with terms. 2 BEDROOMS, small but nice, near schools and in nice neigh borhood. $3000 Cash. SUBSTANTIAL 3 bedroom home near park with full basement and oil furnace in fine condition. Price $8,750.00 terms. VAGABOND trailer for sale, 29- foot. See by appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. M. Cassell, Burton Apts. No phone calls. 31tl EXCELLENT for the handy man! $5,300.00 needs inside completed, material is there. This has three bedrooms. FOR SALE: Brass fireplace set, $50; air cooler, $35; 19” portable TV, $75; steelhead rod and reel, new, $25; powersaw, $30; gold picture frame, $8; electric oven, $5; corner table, $15; lamps, $2, $3, $5; fruit jars, 35c doz. See at 857 Park Drive. 31tl $3,500.00 just $200.00 down gets you into this home on city water and sewer. Nice yard and plenty of space for a garden. FOR SALE: Three-wheeled bike, 26 inch. Vernon Bateman. Call 429-3543,__________ ,________ 31tlc CANNING PEACHES Jubilee now Red Haven Aug. 1 . also potatoes Lloyd’s Peach Center. Cornelius, Ore. mi. S. on golf course rd. 3t3c OLD GROWTH lumber for sale, reasonable. 2x4, 2x6, 2x12. Call 429-6507. 30t3c FOR SALE: Used Hotpoint electric range, good condition. Call 429-5185. 30t3c FOR SALE: Raspberries, Cas cades, Nectar berries. Blueberries later. Albert Schalock, Cherry St., Riverview. No phone calls until 5 p.m. please. 29t3c KILN-DRIED firewood, $15 per load. Will deliver. Martin Hanson, Mist, Oregon. Phone 755-2440. 29tfc FOR SALE: Used lumber, 1 x 6 sheathing, miscellaneous. Martin Hanson, Mist, Oregon. Phone 755- 2440. 29t3c 3 BEDROOMS, electric heat, close in, good terms to right party. $4,500.00 2 BEDROOM home on large lot with new garage, also hardwood floors, newly redone. Price $6,500, terms. COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom home, owner will trade for coast prop erty or will consider a trailer as part payment. Value $4,600.00. FARMS 1.27 ACRES on the Nehalem Riv er with a two bedroom home. Price $4,500.00. Buyer can take ov er existing contract and pay own er balance. 1V4 ACRES and a 3 bedroom house, buyer can get into this one for a small down payment. Price is $5,500.00, terms. SOME RENTALS 2 BEDROOM house that can be purchased like rent. Take over mortgage by the month. LISTINGS W ANTED ______________ 31t$c L L O Y D Q U IN N BROKER BUNDLES of old papers for starting fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver nonia Eagle. 48tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, 429-6611. ltfc PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop __________________________ 49tfc Business Opportunities SPARE T IM E INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal inter view write P.O. BOX 15402, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115. Include phone number. 31tl Spring is a season for spreading dirt, but make sure it’s the com mon garden variety. Filling a demand is easy—cre ating a demand calls for genius. SHOP LOCALLY FIRSTI Oernonia Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon 429-3372 Entered as second class mail mat ter. August 4, 1922 at the poet office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3. 1879 Subscription price $3.06 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Specializing in Modern & Provincial Kitchens Free Estimates Phone 331-2495 Rt. 3, Box 489 Hillsboro, Oregon 30tfc Beaver State Corp. Residential - Commercial And Farm Buildings All Types - Remodeling Complete Planning Service Rudy Smith, Mgr. Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 51tfc EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING Registered & Bonded for Sanitation Work. BRUCE BERNDT USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Saw Shop. 49tfc FOR SALE: Foley Saw Filer. Keas- ey's Saw Shop. lltfc FIREPLACES. New homes or old, brick or stone. Work guaranteed. Call collect, evenings, 436-2681, Cannon Beach. Free estimates.31t3 Real Estate & Ins. Phone 429-5211 866 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon k c NTALS AVAILABLE YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED 1302 State Ave. 6-ft. bsmt, 4-layer stone block walls, cement floor, two-plus bdrms. Wired for 220 elec tricity and plug-ins. Helene Hanel. __________________________ 28t3 WANTED WANTED: Small house for cash. Must be reasonable. No dealers. Send offers to Vernonia Eagle Of fice. 31tfc HELP Wanted at Ginger’s Cafe, Manning, both day and night shift. Prefer non-smokers. Apply at cafe mornings. 31t3c 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia 23tfc SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pan. Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING Cooler - Sharp Freeze Locker Wrapped R. J. Ekhoff 429-3842 23tfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes sional civil engineer, county survey or, Court House, St. Helens. Private surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call S, Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc Haberman's Meat P R O C E S S IN G PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc CARD OF THANKS I WISH TO extend my thanks to all the persons who arranged dis plays or in any way helped with the displays in the various build ings which added so much to the Jamboree. It took the work of many to make it possible and the help of each of you was greatly appreciated. Window Display Chairman, Blanche Pickering 31tlc WE WISH to thank neighbors and friends for the cards, flowers and many other kindnesses extended to us in our recent bereavement, the loss of our mother. Your thoughtfulness is all deeply ap preciated. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger and family 31tl WANTED: Responsible party with good credit to take over 8 pay ments of $7.63 on like-new 1966 Zig Zag sewing machine with 5 year guarantee. Makes b u tto n holes, monograms, embroiders and blind hems without att. Will dis count for cash. Can be seen in this area. For more information, NO informatlea on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mail write to Collection Dept., 3118 S.E. ed. 141st, Portland, Oregon 31t2c CLASSIFIED RATES WANTED: Used aluminum canoe or kayak. Also, sycle bar attach ment for tractor. Write or call Ver nonia Eagle, 429-3372. 30t3c MISCELLANEOUS WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between income and outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland. Oregon. etfc LOST AND FOUND LOST: Hand knit sweater, boys, royal blue, size 16, during baseball season. Reward. 429-3102 . 30t3c Tell the average man there are 270,000,000 stars in the universe and he will believe you but put up a "Fresh Paint” sign and see how many doubters there are. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum. 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. BLIND ADS with answers to be han dled by The Eagle: Minimum charge $1.00. No information given relative to such ads. THE EAGLE assumes no financial responsibility for errors that may appear In ads published in its col umns. but in cases where this pa per is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. CARD of Thanks A Notices: 91.69 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c each. Perfection consists of not doing extraordinary things but in doing things extraordinarily well. Son Arrives For M. Shipleys TIMBER ROUTE — Patrick Mi chael Shipley was born July 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weston Shipley at 5:38 p.m. at Forest Grove Community hospital. He weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz., and was 21 inches long. The paternal grand parents are Harold and Rita Ship- ley and great grandmother, Mrs. Lura Shipley of Portland. Mater nal grandparents are Cris and Elizabeth Meier of Chicago, Illi nois and great gramdmother, Jul ia Wentz of Sacramento, Califor nia. Tuesday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Feldt of Hills boro. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teel- ing of Portland and Mrs. Nellie Thacker were the Thacker’s din ner guests Wednesday. Dave Ridderbusch from Everett, Washington was an overnight guest of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hascall Wed nesday. He and Mrs. Hascall went to Molalla Thursday to visit their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beal. Mrs. Hascall returned home Sat urday. Dana, Vicki and Kristi Graves stayed from Friday night until Monday night with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. À BOWLING U em onia E agle 6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1966 All Star Team Finishes Third JEWELL — The Astoria All Star Little League players finished third in this district. They played Friday and Saturday in Portland, losing Friday night and winning Saturday night. The Women's Bowling Associa The M. M. Samuelson family tion will meet Tuesday evening, went to Vernonia Sunday to attend August 16 at 7:30 p.m. at Nehalem the Jamboree activities. Lanes to organize for the fall sea Miss Imogene Slanger of Port son. All women who are interested land spent the week end with her in bowling this fall are asked to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slang attend the meeting. er of Jewell. Miss Vicki Wilcoxen is spending several days in Seaside with her father, Frank Wilcoxen. Phil Samuelson is spending the week at Sports Acres. The Lee Hale family of Portland MIST — Mrs. Walter Mathews is spending the month of August in was hostess Thursday for Mist the Jewell area. They are staying Helping Circle. Mrs. Casper Serby at their home near Fishhawk Falls Mr. and Mrs. Betcher of Jewell was a guest. Mrs. Lawton Waddell won the hostess prize. The afghan, welcomed a 7 pound 7 ounce boy to be auctioned at the November July 28 at St. Mary’s hospital in program was shown. Mrs. Harold Astoria. He was met at home by Case will be hostess for the August a brother and two sisters on July meeting. 31. M. M. Samuelson, Phil Samuel Mrs. Nettie Cox, Mrs. Donna Knowles, Mrs. John Bondy and son, Jimmy Samuelson, Linda Mrs. Martin Hansen attended the Norman, John Nelson, and JoAnn Hootenanny at Vernonia Friday and Donald Enevoldsen went to Fernhill Saturday morning to at evening. Lawton Waddell spent Thursday tend a 4-H fitting and showing at Gearhart assisting Ralph on the demonstration in preparation for the fair which will be held in As school bus. The Fred Busch family spent toria August 15-19. BIRKENFELD — A large group Sunday in Vernonia and attended M ARK & STAFFORD from Clatskanie, Astoria and Jew the log rolling contest. ell spent the week end at Puzeys M E A T CO. Saturday dinner guests at the Camp ground on the John Cahill Ray Garlock home were Mrs. Ma Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove Ore place. EL 7-7281 bel Powell, Clatskanie and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Martan of Mrs. Robert Johnson, Longview. Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, Forest Grove visited with the Mr. and Mrs. Garlock were in and Curing Francis and Fred Larsons Satur Portland Thursday on business. Meat for sale, any quantity. day evening. Marine Pvt. Warren Kyser ar Cattle Received Sunday and Mon Mrs. Ed Berg was hostess for rived home on leave Tuesday eve day until noon; Hogs received Tues a Tupper Ware party at her home ning. His folks, the Wayne Kysers day and Wednesday until noon. last Thursday. A nice group was met him at the Portland bus depot. Come through Banks, take Tilla in attendance. Delicious refresh Wednesday the family was at De- mook road V/i m i., take first ments were served by the hostess. lena to visit the Harold Sparks. lefthand road. ltfc Ralph Berg of Seaside entered Warren reports back August 20 at the logging contest at Vernonia Camp Pendleton for further exer and placed second in falling. They cises before overseas assignment. were met by the Vick Bergs for The majority of the community lunch. N E W PO W ER FOR attended the Friendship Jamboree Chas. Genner, who has the for in Vernonia over the week end. Y O U R E N G IN E W IT H mer Dick Lousignont place, spent the week end at his home at Ti gard. Former Residents Here Lyle Preston of Salem was here Over Jamboree Time Sunday morning and moved his TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and personal goods from the former Mrs. Selwyn Graves and family DuPuis place. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg left Sat from Crow and Mr. and Mrs. Improves and maintains en from Sumral urday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graves gine efficiency, performance Nick Nickolson on a camping trip. Mississippi spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thack and economy. er. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bledsoe of Hemlock took his sister, Mrs. Carl NOTICE OF Wienecke to their home to spend ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE last week. Mrs. Bledsoe and son NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Mike brought her home Friday. that under and by virtue of an or They were luncheon guests of Mrs. der of the County Court of Colum Wienecke’s sister and niece Mrs. bia County, dated July 18, 1966, in Elva Tolke and Mrs. Bill Tolke first new antiknock the matter of the estate of Thora and family of Manning. compound since Ethyl! Birt No. 3779, the undersigned Mr. and Mrs. Les Galloway, Administratrix of said estate will, Tam and Tom of Clatskanie, Mr. on and after August 22, 1966, sell and Mrs. George Smith and fami the following described real pre ly, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, mises, to-wit: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell of The West half of the following Buxton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thack described tract: Beginning at a er of Forest Grove and Mr. and point in the South line of the North Mrs. Francis Kelly of Eugene steps up octane west quarter of the Southeast quar were dinner guests of Mrs. Nellie performance! ter of Section 7, Township 4 North Thacker Saturday. One day last week Mr. and Mrs. of Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Ore H. P. Miller of Aloha and their gon, that is West 445.4 feet from daughter, Shirley Miller of Port the Southeast corner of said North land, and Mrs. Eva Manthey of west quarter of the Southeast Beaverton visited their sister,Mrs. quarter of Section 7; thence West Harold Shipley and Judi. The group on the South line of the Northwest also visited a cousin, Mrs. Carl quarter of the Southeast quarter Davis in Vernonia. stops power of Section 7, 356.4 feet; thence wasting knock! North 489.0 feet to the center of Birthday Surprise Is the County Road; thence East Arranged by Friends along the center of the County Road 356.4 feet; thence South 489.0 RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. feet to the point of beginning, and Don Hanson and sons of Beaver all being within said Columbia ton visited her mother, Mrs. Vi County, Oregon. vian Counts Sunday. Craig stayed to the highest and best bidder for to spend the week with his grand exclusive in all cash, or part cash and credit as mother, Monday friends arrived three Chevron gasolines — specified in said order, at private with a birthday cake, ice cream at no increase In price! sale, for the purpose of liquidating and gifts to celebrate her birth said estate and the payment of day. The group included Mrs. Walt claims and charges. Proposals for Parker, Mrs. Clint Seibert, Mrs. the purchase of said premises may Casper, Mrs. Hazel Grosche and be left at the office of VanNatta Mrs. Leona Keith. Saturday visitors at the home of & Petersen, in the Veazie-Gray Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson were Building. St. Helens, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Tuttle (for Dated July 18, 1966. ETHEL REED, Administrat merly Donna Glenn) and daughter rix of the Estate of Thora Ev Rise of Astoria and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry of St. Helens. Rise elyn Birt, Deceased plans to visit Debbie for a couple VanNatta & Petersen of weeks. Attorneys for Administratrix Alla* Tires Visiting at the home of Mr. and First Publication. July 21, 1966 Batteries Final Publication, August 11, 1966 Mrs. Lionel West are their grand Accessories children, Michael. Michele, Mar 29t4c Motot Tune-up ianne and Melinda McDonald of Auto Parts Portland. N iw iP A P ia HAxel 9-8691 r u B iiiH ia s A lot of time can be saved by ASSOCIATION figuring out where you want to go before you start. WOMEN'S LEAGUE Afghan Ready For MHC Sale Group Gathers At Puzey Camp A T LA S A D D IT IV E S LEGAL NOTICE Methyl Methyl Methyl Methyl from RALPH'S CHEVRON SERVICE V .W .W