44 Vernonia Eagle, July 28, 1944 Farm Projects Look to Future Reforestation continues to be one of the major projects in In ternational Paper Company’s Ver nonia Tree Farm, a managed for est developing for the future. The Company’s large-scale re forestation program was launched in 1958. And, since, tree farm slopes have been returned to grow ing the new crop of timber by air and land methods. Approxi mately 5500 acres have been seed ed by helicopter and tens of thou sands of seedlings—mostly Doug las fir with some Noble fir—have been hand planted. Tree farm activities include sal vage logging, with logs processed in the local area’s mills. This plus special brush eradication pro jects, with cats scarifying brushy areas, is helping prepare the for est floor for maximum timber productivity. Vernonia Tree Farm Supervisor Fred Hageman reports pole thin ning, road and bridge building, and expansion of the relatively new tree farm headquarters are other important projects. Considerable investment in main tenance of existing woods roads, construction of new roads and re placement of aged rail trestle-type bridges is improving the vital tree farm access road system—looking ahead to future timber production. Presently, the roads are used for fire protection, forest manage ment, recreation purposes, and for log transportation. Thousands of sportsmen contin ue to visit the multiple-use man aged Vernonia Tree Farm to hunt deer and elk in woodlands stretch ing from Vernonia south to Glen wood, and west to Elsie on the Sunset highway, centering at the Company’s modern Tree Farm headquarters at Timber Junction on the Sunset. C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S V E R N O N IA In serving the Vernonia area we've come to know and enjoy the friendly, progressive people of the area, and look to the future development of the town. FOR ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS CALL VERNONIA MILK FARMS Distributor of Standard Dairy Products PHONE FRED HAGEMAN, International Pa per’s Supervisor of Vernonia Tree Farm, has more than 40 years of Company service . . . initially as Cogging Superintendent supervising the timber harvest, and today, guid ing the raising of the new crop. 429-5733 VERNONIA, ORE. Isabel & Henry Anderegg » A VERNONIA GOLF CLUB Dave Gambee — Ken Nanson — Dave Maas — Roy Critser, Mgr. — FINE GOLFING IN THE HEART OF THE NEHALEM VALLEY — ★ Modern Pro Shop ★ Plenty of Parking ★ Clubs and Cart Rentals ★ Lodging Facilities ★ Dining Room ★ Family Recreation Areas ★ 1 Hour from Portland * Golf Lessons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----- ♦