MILL MARKET BUDGET PRICED You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers MEATS as your Telephone— 429-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. BLUE BELL -F R O Z E N M.C.P. POTATO CHIPS FO O D S- Grape, Fruit Punch, Orange Frozen Drinks 10 ™»$1 DEL MONTE ALLSWEET STEINFELDS DILL 5 /1 ■ ■ * Rickies KRAFT 1-Lb. Ctn. 3/89* Margarine TOWELS WH. FRYERS 55’ 2 s 49’ Oregon Grown — 2 ¥2 to 3 Lb. Àvg— Lb. v w 55* Jet Spray 2/98* Cut-Up Fryers i 4 5 c JB Regular, Bar B-Q or Chips for Dips— 3-BAGGER............... 303 Cans Fruit Cocktain SOFLIN JUMBO SIZE ASSORTED Qt. Jar , BON AMI 15-oz. Can BISQUICK 40-oz. Box 9 9 ’ Biscuit M ix Mayonnaise 4< m z . 49* * I 4 F* Turkeys 5to7n>.... Lb. 45c Fryer— Fresh Fr. We Also Have Larger Turkeys Available EARLY CALIF. LARGE PITTED PR O D U C E S P E C IA L S Lettuce 5 Ä Cucumbers RIPE OLIVES PORK & BEANS 2 t “ 79’ 5 £ $1M 2 /2 9 c 2/15c Slicers... TOPICS OF THE TOWN Miss Carol Ray is spending a short leave here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray and other relatives. Miss Ray, who recently was promoted to captain in the U.S. Marine Corps, is based in Massachusetts. She came first to Livermore, California to the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boling and her parents met her there. They arrived here Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Boling will also arrive here this week for the Jamboree so all of Mr. and Mrs. Ray’s family will be together for a few days. Rummage Sale, Aug. 5 & 6, M a­ sonic Temple. By Nehalem Social Club. 284tc Mrs. Eola DeVaney returned home last Thursday after five weeks vacation during which she visited with her twin sister, Mrs. Iola Hackett, at Seattle and with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Verle DeVaney in Portland. Her son brought her home and visited here last Friday. M r. and Mrs. Jim Ross and daughters of Huntington Beach, California arrived Sunday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas and other rela­ tives and friends. M r. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff had a surprise visit Sunday morning from her sister-in-law, Mrs. John White of Moses Lake, Washington and her daughter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace and three sons from Vancouver who came out on the morning train. Dinner guests at the Stiff home were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Towne from North Bend, Washington who had attended the Department of Washington American Legion con­ vention at Vancouver last week, then visited his father at Woodburn where they also visited Mr. and Oernonia Cagle 2 THURSDAY. JULY 28 1966 E&B LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS Lusby Bldg. — 712 Bridge St. — Also, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Service CASH & CARRY Mrs. Art Gardner and their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gar­ dner and family. Lloyd is schedul­ ed to leave soon for Viet Nam. His term in service will be up in Feb­ ruary. Mrs. Walter Moore fell Sunday morning at her home and received cuts on her head which required several stitches. She was taken to Forest Grove for care then re­ leased to return home. Mr. Moore’s sister, Mrs. Edna C. Gower of Seattle is at the Moore home for an extended visit. Rainbow Girls Spaghetti Feed, Sat., July 30, after parade to 2 p.m. Masonic Temple. Adults 99c, under 12, 49c. 29t2c Bill Vealey drove into town last week truck near home end with his Mayflower which was parked Sunday the museum. He will be at until after the Jamboree. REVLON SPECIALS 75c and 10c Mrs. George Newton entered the Forest Grove Community hos­ pital last Thursday for tests and treatment and will be there for continued treatment for an indef­ inite time. Mrs. Laura Carmichael went to Seattle Wednesday of last week to visit relatives and she and her sisters attended the annual picnic of the DAR chapter to which they belong on Friday. They were all at an Alexander family picnic at Fall City Saturday. Mrs. Carmi­ chael came home Tuesday eve­ ning. Little Lori Attebery, four-year THE CUT & CURL ROOM 854 Bridge St., Vernonia — 429-3304 Races Featured For Jamboree Swimming races will be held at the city park pool Saturday after­ noon as a Jamboree feature, ac­ cording to Miss Mary Steen, pool guard. They are scheduled for 2 p.m. and Miss Steen states they will be for both boys and girls in each of the four age classifications: Age 10 and under, age 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 15 and over. Youngsters wishing to enter should report at the pool prior to 2 p.m. Miss Steen also announced this week that the third session of swim lessons will start next Tues­ day, August 3. Non-swimmers will be taken at 10:30 a.m. and there will be an advanced class at 11 a.m. and intermediate at 11:30 a.m. These will be held Tuesday through Friday. Miss Steen calls the attention of parents to the fact that she is not on duty as life guard until 1 p.m. and that Monday is her day off. Small children should be kept away from the pool when she is not there to avoid accidents and all children using the pool at times when the guard is not there should be accompanied by a competent adult. Glosenger to Speak at Meet Columbia County Pomona Grange will meet at the Vernonia grade school with Vernonia Grange as hosts on Saturday, August 6. The meeting will open at 11:00 a.m. During the legislative report, Bob Glossenger will explain the three types of county government available to counties. Bob has made a study of these since the ad­ joining counties have been having trouble. August is youth month in the Grange and the lecturer’s program will feature youth. Prizes for at­ tendance and officers present will also be given. Band Parents Plan Barbecue Vernonia Band Parents are busy A group of teenagers enjoyed a dance at the Scout cabin last Sat­ this week setting up for a chicken urday evening. Music was provid­ barbecue on the lot between the ed by Ed West, guitar; Stan Meyer, Nichols building and the ceramic drums and Dave Peddicord, sing­ shop. The chickens will be barbe­ er. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell West and cued by Cecil Huff and the band Mrs. Irene Meyer were chaperon­ parents will arrange items to ac­ company it and for the service. es. Rummage Sale, Aug. S & 6, M a­ They will be in operation during sonic Temple. By Nehalem Social the Jamboree and all profit deriv­ Club. 284tc ed will go into the band uniform fund. Picnic tables will be arranged The real value of enthusiasm is at the lot and coffee, milk and pop always lost whenever it reaches will be served, also. the point of developing into reck­ lessness. IT PAYS TO READ THE AOSI ------------------------ ------------------ — We Will Close During The Parade — — Barbary Coast restaurant and a trip to the zoo. Included in the group excursion were her son and wife from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shafer and her granddaugh­ ter and children from Medford, so four generations were represented in the group, and with a twinkle in her eye, Mrs. Shafer reports she could out-walk all of them. old daughter of Mrs. Shirley Atte­ bery, entered the Forest Grove hospital Monday and underwent Mr. and Mrs. Will Harders ac­ a tonsillectomy Tuesday morning. companied his son and wife, Mr. Frank Lentz took Mrs. Attebery, and Mrs. Chuck Harders from her mother, Mrs. Leora Henderson Bremerton to Springfield last week end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Faye Davis to Forest Grove Tuesday and they brought Harders. Mrs. Henry Harders, the Lori home that evening. former Georgia Lee Reynolds, is Mrs. L arry Garner and children, recuperating from two broken legs Susan. Brad and Karl, and Ginny received in an accident just after Ambrose accompanied Bill Hah- the Fourth of July. She is at home meyer to Garibaldi Saturday to now but unable to get around. visit Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lindley. Guest at the home of M r. and Susan and Ginny remained there Mrs. Carl Christianson is her for this week and the Lindleys will niece, Miss Yvonne Rude of Min­ bring them home when they come neapolis, Minnesota. This is Miss to attend the Jamboree. Rude’s first visit to Oregon and Rainbow Girls Spaghetti Feed, the Christiansons are taking her Sat., July 30, after parade to 2 p.m. on sight seeing trips, including one Masonic Temple. Adults 99c, under to Seaside Wednesday. She will be 12, 49c. 29t2c here until after the parade Satur­ Mrs. Farrell West took her sons, day. Ed and Ron West, and Rick Holce News from Mrs. Walter Kent of from Vernonia and Raleigh White Newberg is that she is staying at of Manning to Portland last Thurs­ the home of her daughter, Mrs. day evening to see the Rolling Doyle McAninch while regaining Stones at the Memorial coliseum. her strength. She went to her She attended a show in downtown daughter’s from the hospital where Portland. Sunday the Farrell West she had spent two weeks for treat­ family visited at Blue Lake lookout ment. with Mrs. Howard Bangs and fam­ Rummage Sale, Aug. 5 & 6, M a­ ily. Mrs. Bangs, who operates the sonic Temple. By Nehalem Social lookout, sighted and reported a fire Club. 284tc up Scoggins creek. Radio reports Mrs. Marie Shafer returned showed it to be small and soon un­ home Tuesday from Portland after der control. a visit of two weeks at the home M r. and Mrs. Otto Goertzen re­ of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. turned home Monday from a week Art Shafer. Among activities while long vacation trip to Lac La Hache, she was there was dinner at the Canada where they met friends from Tucson, Arizona. Observing Vernonia's 75th Birthday and 10th Annual Friendship Jamboree- 429-6121 VAN CAMP’S ■ ------------------------------------------------------- , X , MEXICAN FOOD — ORIGINAL RECIPES now served at THE COFFEE BREAK ALSO— Luncheon Specials • Dinners - Breakfast Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Every Day t ’roeni Building — Bridge St. — Vernonia, Ore. Wieners Hygrades 12-oz. Pkg.......j f c / SUNSHINE CHOC. CHIP Cookies 73/e-oz. Box. /A A 07C 4 /$ I Minger Service Held Tuesday Mrs. Rosa Minger, native of Switzerland and longtime resident of the Scofield and Vernonia com­ munities, passed away early Sun­ day morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Feldt in Corne­ lius. Mrs. Minger, who would have been ninety years old July 25, had been in failing health the past few months. Funeral services were conducted at the Fuiten-Friesen Mortuary Chapel, Vernonia Tuesday, July 26 at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Raymond Targgart, pastor of the Evangeli­ cal United Brethren church of Ver­ nonia, officiating. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas was organist MRS. ROSA M ING ER and Mrs. Lorraine Jones, soloist. Paul Weidman, Edward Feldt, Family Picnic Staged Sam Hearing Jr., Bill Horn, Henry Anderegg, Carl Schnieter and For Las Vegas Visitor Lloyd Thomas were casket bear­ MIST — The Norman Hansen ers and concluding rites and inter­ ment were at the Forest View cem­ family was in Clatskanie Sunday at the home of her folks, the How­ etery, Forest Grove. ard Thompsons for a family pic­ Mrs. Minger was born at Bern, nic. Her sister and husband, Mr. Switzerland July 25, 1876 and spent and Mrs. Charles Drake and Lan- all of her early life in Switzerland. ny of Las Vegas, Nevada had ar­ She was united in marriage there rived Friday for a visit with fami­ to Emil Minger on October 17, ly members. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1897, and they lived in Switzerland Thompson and Bruce of Portland until their two oldest sons came joined the family group. to the United States and were The Kenneth Tuppers w e r e working in the sawmill at Scofield. guests of the George Mathews Mr. Minger then came here in 1922 and the following year sent Sunday. The Mathews made a for his wife and the younger four business trip to Hillsboro during children. The family lived at Sco­ the week. Campers at the Hansen places field until the mill there closed in 1928. They then moved to Vernonia over the week end kept the place where they lived until his death humming. Among them were Mr. in December, 1959. Mrs. Minger and Mrs. Bob Wilson, Warrenton; had continued to make her home Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salmi and in Vernonia but spent some time Lois, Marshland, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fluher, Astoria. The Wilsons with her daughter in Cornelius. Surviving are six children; three lived in Mist at one time. sons, Ernest Minger, Santa Cruz, Mrs. Paul Birkenfeld, Portland California; Emil Minger Jr., Dan­ and Mrs. Oscar Kelty, Clatskanie ville, California and Charles Ming­ visited with Mrs. Nettie Cox Tues­ er, Vernonia; three daughters Mrs. day afternoon. Clara Reich, Stayton; Mrs. Char­ les (Gertrude) McNally, Portland and Mrs. Edward (Martha) Feldt. Cornelius. Thursday - Friday - Saturday Also surviving is a brother, Ru­ July 28-29-30 dolph Michel, Agrau, Switzerland; a sister, Mrs. Maria Gachter, Bern, Switzerland; 13 grandchildren and Plus 22 great-grandchildren. JO Y T H E A T E R RING OF FIRE Ghost of Nr. Chicken Read the ads, it will pay you! THURSDAY NIGHT ADULTS ONLY VERNONIA VARIETY STORE JAMBOREE SPECIALS - ALL JEWELRY REDUCED 20% — THURSDAY AND FRIDAY (We will be closed Saturday) We hope you enjoy Vernonia's 75th birthday and This 10th Jamboree. Buy a Jamboree button. Your $$ helps make a better show. SEE US AT THE JAMBOREE FAIR— Nichols Bldg.