lOth THE TALE will soon be told. One of these three will be crowned as queen of the tenth annual Vernonia Friendship Jamboree at the high school gym Friday evening at 8 p.m. From left, the members of the court are Mary Andrus, Marsha Krieger and Susan Tovey. They appear­ ed last Saturday in the parade at Sherwood and their pink anniversary cake float took another blue ribbon. Ribbons are on displav at the Nichols building. The tenth annual V e r n o n i a Friendship Jamboree is this week end. Formal opening of the event is scheduled for Friday evening at 8 p.m. at the high school gym when the selection of the queen and the coronation will be held. Girls contending for the honor are Mary Andrus, Marsha Krieger and Susan Tovey. The coronation will be followed by a hootenanny at which folk singers from many surrounding areas will appear. A group from Portland is scheduled who promise an interesting list of numbers. Admission to the coronation and Hootenanny will be 50c for all ex­ cept those under six who will be admitted free. Gala event of Friday evening is the Fiesta, or Spanish dance, sponsored by the Jaycettes at the Legion hall starting at 9 p.m. A Mexican band, the Conjunto Her­ manos Garcia Combo, will provide the music and will play modern as well as Spanish music. Admission to the Fiesta is $1 00 per person. Tacos will be sold dur­ ing the evening. There will be door Prizes and other surprises are promised. The parade is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday. All entries must be made at the school grounds pri­ or to 10 a.m. in order to be judged. Theme for the parade is Pages From Our Past and observes the 75th anniversary of the incorpora­ tion of Vernonia. Saturday afternoon will be filled with the horseshow sponsored by the Vernonia Ridge Riders saddle club. A program has been design­ ed for spectator interest and will be presented in the arena at An­ derson park. Saturday evening there will be a teen dance at the high school for which Benedict Arnold and the Traitors will play. At the same time, the Jamboree ball will be in progress at the Legion hall with music by Gerald Schwary and the Shadows. Admission to each is Demonia Eagle VOLUME 44, NUMBER 30 VERNONIA, OREGON VERNONIA FRIENDSHIP JAMBOREE PROGRAM Theme: Pages from Our Past FRIDAY EVENTS ★ Hootenanny Queen Coronation High School Gymnasium..................8:00 p.m. ★ Fiesta (Spanish Dance) Legion Hall......................................... 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY EVENTS ★ Jamboree Horseshoe Tourney City Park Courts............................... 9:00 a.m. Qualifying Prior to 8:45 a.m. ★ Parade Forms at 10:00 a.m. at the high school field. Moves out at 11 a.m.—Register by 10 a.m. ★ Ridge Riders Horse Show Anderson Park............. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ★ Swim Contest City Park Pool.....................................2:00 p.m. (16 years and under) ★ Golf Tournament—All Day Vernonia Golf Club—Timber Route. ★ Rowling Tournament—1:00 P.M. on Best Ball Twosome...................Nehalem Lanes ★ Jamboree Rail Gerald Schwary and The Shadows American Legion Hall....................... 9:00 p.m. ★ Teen Age Dance Benedict Arnold and The Traitors High School Gymnasium.....................9:00 p.m. SUNDAY EVENTS ★ Cowboy Breakfast Rebekah Social Committee City Park..................... 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. if G olf-A ll Day Vernonia Golf Club—Timber Route. ★ Steam Excursion Train Arrives VSP&SS Tracks.......................................... 11:45 a.m. Departs for Banks..............................12:45 p.m. Arrives in Vernonia......................................4:45 p.m. Departs for Banks........................................ 5;45 p.m. ★ Logging Show—City Park Opening Ceremonies___ ___ 12:15 p.m. Logging Show...„................... 12:30 p.m. Grand Prize Drawing .........................3:30 p.m. it Bowling—1:00 P.M. on Nehalem Lanes ★ Music of Yesteryear Old-time Fiddlers—Others Legion Hall.------------------------------- 4;Q0 p jn . Route of Parade Outlined $1.00 per person. All day Saturday the horseshoe tournament will be in progress at the city park on the 12 horseshoe Proclamation I, Thomas M. Hobart, Mayor of the City of Vernonia in this its seventy-fifth year, do hereby pro­ claim July 29, 30 and 31 as Friend­ ship Jamboree Days and ask that its theme, “ Pages From Our Past,” be observed by all residents of this fair domain by wearing Gay Nineties attire or beards or in lieu of either, a Jamboree but­ ton. I further do hereby authorize the Vernonia Jaycees to hold Kan­ garoo Court as they do deem ad­ visable and necessary to impose such penalty as may seem just on those who do not comply—said fines to accrue to the Jamboree fund to finance said event. 1 de­ clare all such activity to be in the spirit of the festival and ask all to participate in good fellowship and fun. Signed- Dr. T. M. Hobart THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1966 Little Leaguers Continue Play courts. Pitching starts at 9:30 a.m. and all entries must qualify before 9 a.m. There are the usual classes A, B and C for men, an over 65 class, one for women and one for janiors, those under 16. Th juniors will pitch starting at 5:30 p.m. Sunday morning, breakfast in the park will be a major attraction in the early morning hours and the Rebekahs will be in charge. In the afternoon, the logging show will be presented, also in the city park and Joe Grosche, chairman, states that many entries from a wide area promise a good Show in all events. Sunday concludes with an old- time music festival at the Legion hall at 4 p.m. Old time fiddlers are especially invited to enter this. The old songs will be featured. Golf and bowling tournaments will be in progress both Saturday and Sunday. Early this week, the carnival ar­ rived in town and window exhibits began taking shape. The Vernonia Society of Arts and Crafts will open an extensive art exhibit F ri­ day and the Vernonia Gem and Fossil club has an outstanding agate display in the VFW hall. Sunset Line Plans Trip on Saturday Vernonia Little Leaguers con­ tinued action in games with teams A special Jamboree run will be fielded by Perry’s Sports Camp made by the VSP&SSRR excursion and split in the last two contests. July 13 they were downed by Per­ train on Saturday, leaving Banks at ry’s, then came back July 20 to add 3 p.m. and arriving in Vernonia at a win to their record. 4:45 p.m., according to information Ray Grimsbo pitched the July relayed by Harold Mehlig, general The parade will form at the high 20 game, giving up only one hit, superintendent for the line. school grounds and all entries to one walk, and struck out 12. Mark At the first meeting of the year, be judged must be in place by 10 Kronmiller completed the battery a.m. It will move out at 11 a.m., Dr. S. A. Thiringer, newly elected for Vernonia. Dick Elliott relieved go north on East street to A street, president of the Vernonia Cham­ Grimsbo in the fifth. Craig Berger- west on A to Grant, south on Grant ber of Commerce, named commit­ son hit three for three in this con­ to Bridge, and west on Bridge to tee chairmen. Appointed were Bill test, leading an improved offens­ the railroad tracks where it will ive attack by the team. disband. After disbanding, children Rundle, agriculture; Ed. Roediger, The Wednesday night contests in the parade may go to the fire civic improvement; Dave Knowl­ Plans for a reunion of Vernonia hall for treats provided by the ton, industry; Lloyd Quinn, mem­ will continue with teams from Perry’s and spectators are invited high school students of the late firemen. They will be given tickets bership; Orin Davis and Melvin when they enter the parade. Cold Schwab, recreation; Bert Bruns- to view the games at Greenman 1920s and early 1930s is planned field at 7 p.m. for August 7 at Anderson park. The drinks for parade participants will plan is apparently spearheaded by be available at the chamber of man, retail trade; Guy Thomas, roads and highways. Arthur Hixson of Longview who commerce booth, also. has sent letters to those whose ad­ Dr. Thiringer stressed the fact dresses were available. He asks that the work of the chamber that all other students of that era members and committees should who see this notice also attend and make Vernonia a better place in that those notified through the pa­ which to live. Much emphasis Grand opening for Mr. and Mrs. per or letters spread the word to should be given to civic improve­ ment and recreation as a means Roscoe Smith, new owners of the others he may have missed. The get-together is to be a fami­ The Vernonia Eagle presents to­ of continuing Vernonia’s reputa­ Western Auto Associate Store, will day the special 75th anniversary tion as a good place in which to be held this week end and the ly type picnic at noon and is plan­ supplement which is enclosed with live and rear a family. Thiringir Smiths extend their invitation to ned for all day. copies of the Eagle to all subscrib­ asked each director to present one everyone to come in and get ac­ ers. It is an attempt to span the idea for the betterment of this area quainted, see the augmented array years from the time the first set­ at the next meeting so that plans of merchandise they have to offer tlers came to the Vernonia and Ne­ for an active and productive year and to avail themselves of the bar­ gains offered as Grand Opening Robert Straub, state treasurer halem Valley area to the present. may begin for the chamber. specials. and Democratic candidate for gov­ Of special interest is the bill in­ The chamber booth will again Mr. and Mrs. Smith are not new ernor, will be in Vernonia Sunday troduced into the legislature in be at the corner of Bridge St. and to the Vernonia community since afternoon according to word re­ 1891 for the incorporation of Ver­ Weed avenue during the Jambo­ nonia. There are many pictures ree. Cold drinks will be served they lived here from 1926 to 1943 ceived by Lester Sheeley early and stories about pioneer families. free to parade entries as has been when he was employed by the this week. Straub plans to come It is realized that many stories done in former years. Brochures Clark and Wilson Logging compa­ on the train from Banks which will and pictures were missed. Time of Vernonia and Jamboree pro­ ny. Since then, they have visited arrive here at 4:45 p.m. Sheeley is and space ran out long before the grams will be on hand for distribu­ here frequently with relatives and arranging for a welcoming com­ mittee and all persons who wish possibilities for stories did. To tion as well as the fans which are friends. For the past five years, the to meet Straub and chat with him families who figured in the history a complimentary souvenier from Smiths have operated a Western are invited to be at the train when of the valley whose story was the chamber. Auto Associate Store at 160th and it comes in. omitted, regrets are offered. How­ Division east of Portland. When ever, other stories will be used in they purchased this store from Mr. the pages of the Eagle as time and Mrs. Ron McDonald, they goes on and these can be added to moved much merchandise from the supplement. Elsewhere in this paper, children Columbia County Fair premium Additional copies of th« supple­ will find a coupon which they may their former store to this one and ment are available at the Eagle take to the carnival Friday be­ have practically pushed out the books are now available at the West Oregon Electric office, Ver­ office for subscribers who wish tween 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. This cou­ walls to make room for it. Mrs. Claude Gibson Jr. is assist­ nonia Variety and the Vernonia copies for other family members pon entitles them to one ride for or friends, and for non-subscribers 15 cents. This special kiddies ma­ ing in the store. Mr. and Mrs. Eagle office. Dates for the fair are who wish this historical souvenir. tinee feature is a kick-off for the Smith have not yet moved their August 18 through 21 and persons residence here but are more or planning to exhibit should prepare Copies are $1.00 each. Jamboree. less commuting for the time being. items now. New President Lists Names of Appointments Early Students Plan Reunion Store Prepares Grand Opening Subscribers to Get Supplement Straub Expected Coupon Offered Books Available City Converts Unused Property into Park Area Through the efforts of interested townspeople, Vernonia has gained a park and recreation area and added to the city coffers in the im­ provement of an unused piece of city-owned property. A small stand of timber adjacent to the city airport and on the bank of the Nehalem river has been the object of many hours of volunteer labor in transforming the brushy area into a picnic spot. The first steps were taken by Councilman L. E. Atkins who visualized the potential of the park and began spearheading the improvement pro- ject. Another council member, the late Mrs. Launee Cousins also be­ came interested and boosted the project. The first step in the project was selective logging of the blow-down and other timber which required cutting. This was done by volun­ teers with the cats, falling and bucking and loading all donated. The sale of this logging operation netted the city, $700, which has been budgeted for park mainten­ ance. Next came clearing work which was commenced by many hours of donated cat operation. The Boy Scouts, led by Don Jackson, hand cleared this area, transforming it into a grassy meadow along the river bank. Tables were built, again with donated labor and materials, and this summer, rest rooms and a second well, complete with hand pump, were added to the park for the comfort of picnickers. The airport park, nestled among the trees on the bank of the Neha­ lem river will become a favorite picnic area for all who avail them­ selves of its facilities. The park of­ fers a recreation area for fly-ins as it borders the airport and is just across the river from the golf course, enticing golfers and their families to make use of it. All persons who have not visited the park will be surprised on their first visit to see what a desire to make use of an idle piece of prop­ erty can bring about. Not only wag the facility built with donated la­ bor and materials, but the city be­ came $700 richer from the logging operations in clearing the picnic sites. Ten tables are now in place for use and fireplaces and other refinements will be added as time permits. Residents are invited to drive out the airport road and look around, and to take picnic lunch and enjoy the placid setting along the Nehalem river. In a tour of the park with Atkins and a discussion of the park's po­ tential with park committee chair­ man, Deri Roberts, credit has been given the following persons for their efforts in putting the airport park into operable condition: Crown Zellerbach’s E P. Stamm Tree Farm donated the use of log loading equipment and Bill Wil- coxen operated the crane and C-Z also donated the two rest rooms for the area; Deri Roberts and L. E. Atkins donated cat work; Darrel McKee, tree farm er operation; Chet Ray, Dick Gwin and Ervin Leffler, log trucks; Will Harders and Cecil Huff, well drilling; Wil­ bur Davis, grass seed; Don Webb, Wilfred Hoice and Jim Brewer, power saws; C. E. Miller, tables’ Justin Folken, grass cutting and and Larry Bair, equipment hauling.