C L A S S IF IE D A D S ~GALWOTICE ----- IL I/ H IZ UernoniaEagU TUC PUBLIC ■ > » lU D L IV Strike Ends at Two C-Z Plants IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 6 THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1966 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Members of Lumber and Saw­ Stanford L. Cody dba mill Workers Local 2961 voted Sat­ Oregon Investigators, GRASS FOR SALE. 150 acres near NEED money for your vacation? urday* to accept an agreement Plaintiff Why are grants higher in some Vernonia for pasture or hay. See your Vernonia Federal Credit worked out between the union and vs. w elfare programs than in others? Crown Zellerbach Corp, bringing Ranch for sale or lease. Harold Union, 853 Bridge Street, Vernonia, George E. Nichols and Grants are highest in Aid to the to an end a two week old strike in 27tfc Jane Doe Nichols, Preston, 1540 Olive NE, Salem, Team Standings W L Blind because a blind person may the St. Helens area. Defendants 585-1579. 28tlc Beaver State Corp. need to buy ‘‘convenience foods” Some 400 to 450 LSW members Needles 184 10 No. T1610 Residential - Commercial Good Guys 177 13 and may have more difficulty in struck CZ’s Columbia City sawmill FOR SALE: Upright piano, good (6235) And Farm Buildings Wonders 167 19 using public transportation and in and St. Helens veneer plant after Notice of Sheriff’s Sale condition. 28tl All Types - Remodeling 160 22 shopping for bargains than sighted the union’s local grievance com­ BY VIRTUE of an execution is­ Bad Guys Complete Planning Service persons. Old Age Assistance and mittee and CZ officials deadlocked READY NOW: Apricots for can High individual series, Joe Ma- sued out of the above entitled Rudy Smith, Mgr. Aid to the Disabled, like Aid to the on three principal issues. ning, peaches for eating. Lloyd’s court in the above entitled cause, goff, 710. Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 Blind, are long-term programs of­ LSW officials and CZ representa­ High individual game, Ben Fow­ Peach Center, one half mile South, to me directed and dated the 28th Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 ten involving very infirm people. tives sat down with U.S. Mediation ler, 194. Cornelius Oregon. 28tfc day of June, 1966, upon a judgment 51tfc In Aid to Dependent Children and and Conciliation Service represent­ High tea mseries, Needles, 1967. rendered in the District Court, FOR SALE: Red raspberries. Call in General Assistance, need is often atives in Portland last Wednesday. Washington County, Oregon, on 429-6543. 27t3c temporary and families may have By Friday a tentative agreement the 27th day of October, 1958, in some clothing and supplies on hand had been worked out and on Satur­ favor of Stanford L. Cody dba Ore­ HOFFMAN TV, 24”, $75; large air to supplement their need for as­ day members of the local voted to gon Investigators, Plaintiff and conditioner, $50; table with exten­ sistance. In addition, the higher accept it. against George E. Nichols and sions and 4 chairs, $45. Call Rod total amount provided to meet the As soon as the vote was tabulat­ Jane Doe Nichols, for the sum of McLean, 429-5011. 22tfc needs of a large family offers flexi­ ed, pickets were removed from $604.02 plus interest at 6% per an­ In an effort to better serve the bility in budgeting even though the entrances to both plants. USED chain saws for sale. Keasey num until paid; and for the fur­ large number of campers who amount per person is less. Saw Shop. 49tfc The basic part of the agreement ther sum of $13.73 costs; $1.00 seek spots in state parks, the Ore­ Why do you help people in the provided for the filling of a filer’s EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING transcript fee; and the costs of and gon State Highway Department BUNDLES of old papers for starting Registered & Bonded for upon this writ demanding me to has added 308 camp sites to four sum m ertim e when jobs ere av ail­ job in the sawmill with the most fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver­ senior man available. It also pro­ Sanitation Work. make sale of the following des­ of its parks, it was announced to­ able? nonia Eagle. 48tf All able-bodied persons are re­ vided for a short term training BRUCE BER N D T cribed real property, situate in day by Forrest Cooper, state high­ ferred to available employment program for the man filling the FOR SALE: Foley Saw Filer. Keas- 4295892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: way engineer. during the summer months, but job. ey’s Saw Shop. lltfc ____________________ Lot 7, Block 7, City of Ver­ 23tfc These new facilities, which are public welfare must be continued Monday, CZ officials had called nonia, Columbia County, Ore­ now available to the public, in­ for persons who are unable to ac­ in maintenance crews to prepare FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv­ gon. clude water, electricity and indi­ Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.in. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue vidual sewer connections. Each cept employment—such as the ag­ both plants for start up. Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver­ ed, disabled, blind and mothers of said execution and in compli­ nonia. 4293301. 31tfc ance with the command of said area is served by a nearby utility with small children. grams combined for the entire FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest building which contains hot show­ If I get a loan for educational year. This is less than $5 per $1000 writ, I will, on Tuesday, the 9th in flowers for all occasions. Plants, ers, toilet facilities, and laundry purposes only, would it affect my CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING of 1964 personal income. day of August, 1966, at 10:00 o’­ equipment. bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Cooler - Sharp Freeze w elfare grant? Do you let w elfare recipients clock A.M. at the west front door Flowers speeded by long distance or Two of the sites have had no Locker Wrapped If a loan is given to you on con­ buy things on credit? wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, R. J. Ekhoff 429-3842 of the Columbia County Court previous camping facilities while dition that it be used only for spe­ If the retailer is willing to extend 429-6611. ltfc __________________________ 23tfc House, St. Helens, Columbia Coun­ the other two have had their pres­ cified purposes, the County Public ________ credit to a welfare recipient, the ty, Oregon, sell at public auction, ent capacities enlarged. Bullards Welfare Commission can stipulate agency is not involved. However, PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes- subject to redemption, to the high­ Beach State Park, which had no 49tfc sional civil engineer, county survey- est bidder for cash, all the rights, previous overnight facilities, now that your welfare grant won’t be the caseworkers do work with re­ affected by the loan. cipients in areas of money manage­ or, Court House, St. Helens. Private title and interest which the within How much of my tax money surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call named defendants in the above en­ has 128 camp sites. This park is ment, and if it appears the recip­ located north of Bandon on the goes for W elfare? S. Helens 397-0698.___________ 20tfc ient is getting into debt beyond titled suit had on the 27th day of Oregon Coast Highway (US101). In the fiscal year ending June For sale: Model 62 Chev pick-up, SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping October, 1958, the date of Judg­ Washbume State Park, which also 30, 1965, each inhabitant of Oregon what he can afford, we try to help him plan to get along within the $990. See Harold Bergerson or call and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia ment herein, or since that date had had no previous overnight sites spent $21.73 for all Welfare pro- 429-5949. I7tfc City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens in and to the above described amount of money available. now has 58. This park is located property or any part thereof, to 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 6 miles north of Florence on the 5:00 p.m. 46tfc satisfy said execution and Judg­ Oregon Coast Highway (US101.) ment, interest, costs and accruing Valley of the Rogue State Park, LLOYD QUINN costs. which had 69 overnight camping Date of first publication 7-7-66 BROKER sites, has 48 additional sites now. PROCESSING PLANT Date of final publication 7-28-66 Real Estate & Ins. It is located on the Rogue River State Inspected Roy S. Wilburn, Sheriff Phone 4295211 on Interstate 5, between Medford CUSTOM SLAUG HTERING Columbia County, Oregon and Grants Pass. This park, exten­ 866 Bridge Street Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday By Fred Roediger Deputy sively damaged in the 1964 floods, Vernonia, Oregon Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon _________________________ 27t4c has been completely repaired. Cutting and Wrapping Detroit Lake State Park has add­ Assume contract on 2 B/R home Sharp Freezing IN THE COUNTY COURT OF MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL ed 74 overnight sites to its previous inside city, full basement, closet, Smoking and Curing THE STATE OF OREGON total of 166. It is located near De­ school. Free use of Stock Trailer FOR THE COUNTY OF CRUSHED ROCK troit on ORE22, along the shores Shop Res. COLUMBIA of Detroit Reservoir. 2 Mi acres near Sunset highway, EL 7-3922 CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION CO. E L 7-2981 In the Matter of the Estate nice 1 B/R home, barn, $5000 Rt. 2, Bx., 141, Forest Grove, Ore. of full price. P.O. Box 20188 N SW SB A P1B On Fern H ill Road CHARLES BILAISIS, Deceased No. 3728 P U B L IS H E R S ltfc 6457 N. E. Columbia Blvd. 62 acre dairy farm with herd, NOTICE OF ADMINIS­ ASSOCIATION house, barn, irrigation, $50,000. Portland, Oregon 97220 TRATRIX’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY PHONE 543-2336 SCAPPOOSE, OREGON FOR R E N T Notice is hereby given that the WANTED: Full time babysitter. To err is human—not to air Very attractive furnished 1-bdrm. Contact Homer Fuller, 429-3663. undersigned administratrix of the apartment. Suitable for one or __ _______________________ 27t3c estate of Charles Bilasis, deceased, your neighbor’s errors is divine. two. $60. pursuant to an order of sale of the R E N T A L S A V A IL A B L E County Court of the State of Ore­ YO U R L IS T IN G S S O L IC IT E D gon for the County of Columbia, 28tlc FREE! Cute black and white kit­ made and entered in the above en­ FOR SALE: Three-bdrm home, tens need good homes, playful, titled estate on the 18th day of 28tlc June, 1966, will offer for sale and furnished or unfurnished, needs ideal pets. Call 429-6491. some interior work. Thermal heat­ WOULD $40 per week fill the gap sell from and after the 29th day of July, 1966, for cash or for part ing system. See at 851 Cougar. between income and outgo? 15 hours 28t3 a week, days or evenings and Sat­ cash and part credit, at 222 Colum­ bia Blvd., St. Helens, Oregon, the 1302 State Ave. 6-ft. bsmt, 4-layer urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, following described real property stone block walls, cement floor, 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland, Oregon. belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Sun­ two-plus bdrms. Wired for 220 elec­ ___________________________ 4tfc rise Addition to Vernonia, tricity and plug-ins. Helene Hanel. Columbia County, Oregon. 28t3 The sale will be subject to the I wish to express my thanks to confirmation of the above entitled all my friends and neighbors for court. their messages, visits and gifts Isabel Laurila, Adminis­ during my stay in the hospital, and tratrix REALTOR since my return home. Everything Donald L. Kalberer, has been deeply appreciated. Salesman--George Laws Attorney for Administrat­ Lloyd Johnston 28tlc FA R M S— AC R EA G E rix Mi acre on stream, $1800. 222 Columbia Blvd. St. Helens, Oregon IV« acres and 2 BR. house, $5500 Date of first publication: June 30, FOUND MONDAY: Transistor ra­ $200 Dn. 1966 dio. Owner may claim by identify­ Date of last publication: July 28, 5 acres, 3 BR. house, $5000. Some ing and paying for this ad. Mrs. 1966 26t5c Bob May, 429-3655. 28tlc terms. FOR SALE-General J WELFARE? SERVICES MEN'S LEAGUE 4 State Parks Add Facilities FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE-Real Estate TRANSIT MIX Haberman's Meat CONCRETE WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CARD OF THANKS BILL HORN LOST AND FOUND __________ tv 6 acres on stream, 4 BR. house, $6500. terms. CLASSIFIED RATES N O Information in f n r m n t in n nn i ll NO on olnwwifiorlo classifieds w will H O M ES 1 BR. house $1,600 $500 dn.. bai $50 mo. 1 BR. house. $1,300 cash. RENT 2 BR home, $50 per mo. 3 BR. house, $60 per mo. and Vernonia Insurance Exchange L IS T IN G S W A N T E D 28tlc FOR SALE: Five room house at 1123 Rose Ave. Needs repairs, but has good roof and foundation. AU reasonable offers will be consider­ ed. Call Mrs. Julia Davis 357-3270 or write 2610 12th Ave., Forest Grove. Oregon. 26t3c N A T IO N A L N I W D A M I L æ Z J B B B a B B in . r , U c r M n A R o VIN m KAMHOLZ a jL a g le _ . be given out until after paper is m ail­ ed. M IN IM U M charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. B L IN D ADS with answers to be han­ dled by The Eagle: Minimum charge >1.00. No information given relative to such ads. TH E EAG LE assumes no financial responsibility for errors that may appear In ads published In Its col­ umns. but in canes where this pa­ per is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. In which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. NO CLA SSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. W IL L BE ACCEPTED AF­ T E R TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT FOR N E X T W EEK'S PAPER, CARD of Thanks A Notices: t l .M far up to IS Unen. Additional lines. 8c Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon day until noon; Hogs received Tues­ day and Wednesday until noon POETRY accepted only as matter: Rato: 10c per typo Uno. Come through Ranh», take Tilla­ mook road IH ml., take ftr»i lefthand road trf« K a Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class m ail m at­ ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem VaUey Elsewhere S3 50 S EA T B E L T S SAVE L IV E S — USE T H E M mark a S tafford co. meat Rt. 2, Box 379. Forest Grove Ore E L 7-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing LOCAL MERCHANTS' TAXES IMPROVE QyR IMMUNITY » W w IV IIf lW IH ■ I Of course you look for and find bar­ gains in quality merchandise when you shop locally, but did you know you are also really investing in our community too? Your neighbor-merchants’ taxes support civic improvements and help to finance schools and recreational facilities right where you live. It pays, in many ways, to shop at home! SHOP YOUR HOMETOWN STORES! SAVE TIME! SAVE ENERGY! SAVE MONEY! This Message Courtesy ol Oernonia Eagle