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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1966)
Oernonia Eagle Chin-Up Anniversary Banquet Is Attended 4-H Members At Spring Show 4______ THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1966 THE PEOPLE SPEAK May 29, 1966 Dear Editor: There appears in the June issue of “Today’s Health”, national pub lication of the American Medical Association an article entitled “Sod Buster Surgeons that Helped the West” in which one of the phy sicians and surgeons of yester year is portrayed in the incidents of his practice. The article related “Dr. Harry R. Cliff, St. Helens, Oregon, had a great deal of experience in cleansing and sewing up knife wounds. He was also the Columbia County Coroner at that period. Once a man was found dead with a knife wound in his back. The dis coverer of the body and the doctor brought the victim to the doctor’s drug store. There they laid him on THE FIVE pretty girls who are vying for the honor dings. They are shown modeling one of the two out his back on a table. A crowd gath of reigning as queen of the Scappoose Pow Wow, June fits presented to them by the Scappoose Jaycees. The ered and the doctor questioned the 17 and 18 are, from left, Peggy Dudley, Susan Nakva- queen selection is decided on the basis of Pow Wow loggers with the hope of turning up sil, Cheryl Olsen, Mary Ann Kennedy and Nancy Gid button sales. a clue as to who did the murder. He was getting nowhere. A half- breed got up and came over to the corpse. He raised a shoulder to peer beneath. “Is the wound very deep? he asked. “Arrest that man and hold him,” cried the doctor. RIVERVIEW — Monday visitors He pointed out in true Sherlock A very successful Nehalem Val bers of the Ambrose family. In the Holmes fashion that the man who at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal knew where the wound was, did ter Parker were Mr. and Mrs. A. ley Community Day for 4-H clubs junior division were Ginny and L. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin in the valley and the horse and Ross Ambrose; intermediate, Dan the knifing. Parker and Mrs. Gladys Almond livestock clubs from Clatskanie ny and Cathy Ambrose and senior, Lester Sheeley of Gladstone and Mr. and Mrs. was held here Saturday. Exhibits Beth Ann Ambrose who took the Sam Ray of Gearhart. were displayed in the American high point honors. Mr. and Mrs. James Staight and Legion hall, demonstrations were Only one clubber entered the family of Salem visited her par held there and at the West Oregon swine competition. He was Cole ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose on Electric building and the livestock Owen. and horse events were at the An Saturday. In dairy cattle, entries were Mrs. Opal Bechtold returned to derson park field. made by Steve Schmidlin, Bonnie the home of Mrs. Frank Lara in In the heme ec department, Normand, Kathy Grimsbo and Portland after spending three cooking competition included the Rob Wilson and Bonnie Normand weeks at the Hank Hudson home. judging contest, record books, ex took high point honors. In beef cat Brad Eckland, son of Mr. and hibits and demonstrations. Eight tle, there were nine entries, Steve Mrs. Bill Eckland, caught a jack girls competed in this field and Borders, Michael Schmidlin, Ray salmon Sunday which weighed be high point ribbon was awarded to Grimsbo, Bill DuPuis, Tim Johns, tween seven and eight pounds and Helen Higginbotham. Others com Vicki Ramsey, Robert Borders, was 22 inches long. peting were Heather Higginboth Steve Johnston and Jan Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Iman have re am, Connie Gaston, Donna Walker, Steve Borders totaled the most for fu ll farm coverage turned home after living at Sea Victoria Gilliland, Shirley Dennis, points. side five months while he was Patricia Hahmeyer and Bonnie The modern farm presents some A very delicious luncheon was working there. Normand. complex insurance problems. served at noon by members of the Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson at Proper coverage in all vital Six boys, Craig Bergerson, Irvin Timber Route Extension Unit. tended the district conference of Normand, Terry Ellis, Craig Ellis, They had been assisted with food areas calls for precise policy the L.D.S. church at Astoria Sat Scott Ellis and Rick Holce, entered preparation by the Vernonia and tailoring by an insurance expert urday and Sunday. record books and exhibits in out Mist-Birkenfeld Units. whocan survey your operations, C. N. Rundell underwent eye door cookery. Judges for the event were Coun look over your present insur surgery at the Good Samaritan In clothing, there were 11 girls ty 4-H Agent Robert Stevely and ance, and make specific recom hospital recently and is recuperat entered and high point honors went Mrs. Frances Harper of St. Helens, mendations. W'c would like to ing at the home of his daughter, to Sharlene Gibson. Others com Mrs. Howard House of Warren, extend this service to you w ith Mrs. Ora George, in Portland. peting were Helen Higginbotham, Mrs. Inez Langdon and Mr. and out obligation. Call us . . . fo r Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline visited Shirley Dennis, Patricia Hahmey Mrs. Ken Smith, Scappoose. your protection. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson at Ne er, Heather Higginbotham, Colleen tarts and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil John son and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawk Webb, Celeste Hytreck, Bonnie Normand, Mary Ann Steele, Shar ins at Tillamook. on Brewer and Daria Normand. They were judged on record books, Jumping at conclusions is easi exhibits and demonstrations. VERNONIA INSURANCE er,but not as profitable as dig Shirley Dennis entered records ging for facts. BIRKENFELD — Sunday the and exhibits in knitting and Heath EXCHANGE Vick Berg families gathered at the er Higginbotham entered records home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lay for home inprovement and child 905 Bridge Street man to help Mrs. Layman cele care projects. brate her birthday. Those present Phone 429-6203 Leathercraft, a new club here were Mrs. Vick Berg, Mr. and Mrs. this year which has been led by Ed Berg and children, Mrs. David Vernonia, Oregon Mrs. Wm. Ambrose, had nine Morgan and children and Mr. and members entered. They were Rose Mrs. Ralph Berg and son. They Representing Siedelman, Bonnie Normand, Ka all enjoyed a picnic dinner. Vick The Hartford thy Gudmundsen, David Siedelman Berg missed the party due to not Insurance Group, Cathy Ambrose, Agnes Pelster, feeling well. Hartford, Conn. Emil Pelster, Ross Siedelman and ’’Maybe they’ll drop me Visitors at the Fred Larsons Sun Robbie Wilson. High point honors day were Mr. and Mrs. Bobby a card on their trip" on the basis of record book, exhib Murray and children, Mr. and it and demonstration was Cathy Mrs. James Murray and Mrs. Faye Ambrose. Gregory, all of Portland. In livestock, seven were entered The young people of the commu in horse showmanship and horse nity, seventh and eighth grades manship. Included in these were through high school, gathered at several from Clatskanie and one the Birkenfeld church Saturday of them, Chris Leino, took top hon night. They played games and then ors. Others entered were junior, had a wiener roast. There were 17 Tracy Owen; intermediate, Sharon in attendance. Kyser, Christy Ollila and Mickey Anna Hanberg was a recent vis Owen; senior, Rose Siedelman. itor of Mrs. Darrell Baker. Lois Salmi and Chris Leino. Mrs. Fred Larson and Dave Six were entered in sheep, name made a business trip to Portland ly, Darla Normand, Paul Ramsey. on Monday. Bonnie Normand, Larry Hemeon, The Vick Bergs and Francis Vickie Hemeon and Donna Walker. Nordstroms were clamming Friday Top award went to Larry Hemeon. morning. All had good luck. It was a case of Ambrose against Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey accom Ambrose in the goat club competi panied Mr. and Mrs. A1 Soderback tion for all five entries were mem clamming Saturday morning. Relatives Visit Nehalem Valley Community At Parker Home Day Draws Varied Entries FREE SERVICE Family Picnic Marks Birthday J. Horn — ' " BIRKENFELD — Miss Shirley Berg attended a banquet for handi capped people at the Sheraton hotel in Portland Sunday. This was the 25th anniversary of the Chin Up club. Mrs E. T. Johnston and Alan made a business trip to Pori lend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnston were at the Lawrence Jepson home last Friday. Mr. Jepson shod a horse for them. Mr. and Mrs Francis Larson attended their grandson Marvin Larson’s graduation at OSU Sun day. They went to Corvallis with Marvin’s folks the Gene Larson’s. Mrs. May Logue of Portland came Saturday and took her folks, the Walter Carls for a drive in the area including up the Fishhawk to the dam site. Fred Larson and Herbert Rod gers made a business trip to Bat tle Ground, Wash, last Saturday. Fred Udey made a trip in to Portland last Thursday. Visitors at the Udey home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowder of Portland. JEWELL — The Nehalem Val ley Livestock 4-H club met at the Enevoldsen home Wednes d a y , June 1. Preparation for the Spring Show was the subject. Mr. Samuel son, leader showed the members how to clip their animals. The Spring Show was held in As toria at the fair grounds on Satur day, June 4. Three members from here took their animals. Jimmy Samuelson received a blue on his Jersey heifer and a blue in show manship; Donnie Enevoldsen re ceived a blue on his Guernsey heif er and a blue in showmanship; and Joanne Enevoldsen received a red on her Guernsey heifer and a red in showmanship. Since there were only 14 animals at the show, both judging and showmanship were held in the morning and a pot luck lunch was served at noon. Susan Smith and Diane Rodgers of Jewell spent the week in Sea side with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nich olson and family. They went clam digging, also. They came home with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Jr. Friday morning. Robin Holmes, Dennis Wilcoxen, Randi Wilcoxen, and Betty Doyle went to Portland Friday evening, June 3, to attend Mirl Hale’s grad uation from Madison high school. Mirl returned to Jewell with them and spent the week end at their home at Fishhawk Falls. The rest of his family came later in the week end. Leonard Foster of Jewell, and Vic Olson of Astoria came home from Alaska Sunday night, June 5. They had been working as fish ermen in Anchorage. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bainter of Tillamook, aunt and uncle of Mrs. Dot French, visited with her Sat urday, June 4. Jaxon Nogle, and two daughters, Jayme Sue and Dannette, of Mil waukie, Oregon; Art Sorenson, of Milwaukie; the Nogles’ daughter, Coke and husband, Joe and sons Joel and Ross; and Dennis and Loraine Secrest and son Bobby, of Astoria, all were guests of the Nogle family of Jewell Sunday aft ernoon, June 5. Two Little League games were canceled this week, one with Ver nonia at Vernonia, and the other with the Elks at Astoria. L f*E with the wonderful values at BOB’S. They’ve been going steady ever since with our service and custo mer satisfaction. UNION S ERVICE BATTERIES-TIRES-LUBES < HA9-3731 VERNONIA,OREGON KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 Riverview “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS - Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING Is Your Cur Running Fine? A Good. Come in now. For now’s the time to keep it in top running condition. That’s what Chevron Car Care is all about. to bumper service you can get. It'« good to got h o m e ... Come in and sample our brand of Car Care. after a day of hard work or hard play. And it's pleasant to relax with cool, refreshing beer. In fact, 65% of all the beer produced in thia country is enjoyed at home. It cheers your taste aa it re news your zest. So, make yourself at home . . . with beer. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. We’re proud to offer the finest bumper H EA VY H A U LIN G Bair Logging Co. Day Calls 429-3462 596 Rose Ave. Night Calls 429-6045 R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone 429-6691 The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service