Ladies Visit Yamhill Couple antique shop. The Schells a re r e l atives of N ancy Schell (H ult) of Eugene. D iane Rodgers stay ed overnight with h er g ran d p aren ts, the F ra n cis L arsons Monday. She accom panied M rs. H oward Jones and M arilyn to Rainbow th a t evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob D uPuis were in Portland Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. F elix Wilcoxen visited a t the Vick B erg hom e Sat u rd ay evening. B IR K E N FE L D — Miss Shirley B erg, M rs. A rby Mills and Mrs. J o e Lonnquist w ere in Y am hill la st F rid ay to visit with Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Irey. In the afternoon they and M rs. Irey w ent to Mc M innville to visit with Mr. and Mrs. O liver Schell who have an G ary Johnston of OSU visited over the week end with his folks, th e E. T. Johnstons. He drove hom e then on Sunday he and his dad flew to Hillsboro, w here they w ere picked up by A rt Bellingham in his plane for the flight to Cor vallis. A rt was accom panied by Donnie L arson and A lan Johnston. Eighth Graders Given Diplomas Sunday Picnic Draws Folks From Other Places TIM BER RT. — A picnic dinner Sunday evening was enjoyed by tiie following group: Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur T hacker; Mrs. Nellie T hac k e r; Mrs. Sylvia F alco n er; Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newton and sons of Anchorage, A laska; Mr. and Mrs. W alter Landon and fam ily of P o rtlan d ; Mr. and Mrs. H arry M atison and fam ily of Canby; Mr. and Mrs. T horsten P ette rsen of Pum pkin Ridge; Mr. and Mrs. Ray T hacker and K enney of F o rest Grove; H arley Stowell of McMinn ville; Mrs. B arney L ister of P o rt lan d ; Mr. and M rs. Roy Myles, form erly E va Newton, of P ortland. Mr. and Mrs. G ary P ric e and children of Springfield spent the week end with h e r grandm other, Mrs. C arl Wienecke. Betty A rtm an and th ree children and Mae W ienecke w ere in Hills boro Monday and called on Birdie Wienecke. The com m unity w as saddened by the sudden death of Thora Birt Sunday. $ 180.00 S 354.71 126.16 $ 480.87 $ 524.90 $ 450.00 $ 49.43 24.61 $ 124.84 ‘26.70 $ 400.00 50.00 JE W E L L — The Jew ell grade school graduation was held F riday night, May 20, in the Jew ell g ym Je ff McDuffie of P asad en a, Cal nasium . Those grad u atin g w ere: if. is staying at p resen t with Shir Jam es Sam uelson, Donald Soder- ley B erg and fam ily. He is a cou back, V ictor J a rr e tt, A lan Sve- sin of the Bergs. haug, John Doyle J r ., Donna Rod gers, Donna Mitts, L orraine Jones, Contract Services — Maintenance and R epairs_____ ____ 2.000.00 and B a rb a ra H anthorn. The w el Light and Power________________________ 4,300.00 com e w as given by Ja m e s Sam uel Contract Services—E n g in e e r ____________ 300.00 son, class president. Speeches w ere Equipment Use Charged tto Capital Outlay- given by the salu tato rian , Donna Capital Outlay: Rodgers, and the valedictorian, Pickup Truck __________________________ B arb ara H anthorn. The address Pump Reservoir 4 000 OO was given by Mr. Towler, county Mains and Lines___________________ ---------- 4,000.00 school superintendent. Donald Sod- erb ack gave the class history, Total—Water Fund Requirements . .. ...........------ $33,300.00 Ja m e s Samuelson, the class will, and Donna M itts, the class prophe GENERAL ROAD FUND—RESOURCES cy. Joseph W. P eterson, principal, Available Beginning Cash Balance $ 700 00 gave the aw ards. These w ere the County Property Tax Apportionment: A m erican Legion A w ards, to Don Regular Levy: Current Year . 1,300.00 ald Soderback and Donna R odgers; Prior Years ___ 300 00 perfect attendance to Donald Sod Interest on DelinquentTaxes 40 00 erback and B a rb a ra H anthorn; Oiling Levy: d ram a aw ard to Donna M itts; and Current Year 400 OO a Sports A cres scholarship to Don Prior Years 130 00 ald Soderback. This aw ard entitles Sunday Dinner Brings Interest on Delinquent Taxes_____ --------- 20.00 him to attend Sports A cres, a Trailer License Apportionment Friends Together Here sports cam p for boys a t Jew ell, for County Land Sales 70.00 the week of June 12 through 18. MIST — Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Gas Tax Refund 40 00 K enneth Erickson then gave the Reddick of C latskanie, Mrs. Vina Curbing Cost Reimbursement 200 00 Street Assessments .. 110 00 certification. Mr. Towler handed S auter, R ainier and Osmi L ahti of Interest on Assessments 30.00 out the diplom as. Miss D iane Rod jbrow nsm ead w ere d inner guests gers played the music for the ex at the Ray Garlock hom e S atu r Total—General Road Fund Resources $ 3,400.00 ercises. The gym was beautifully day. Alma and M ary accom panied decorated by the eighth g rad e stu Mrs. Lloyd G arlock to P o rtland GENERAL ROAD FUND-REQUIREMENTS dents with the help of Miss Lana Monday. Maintenance: W illiams. Many people attended. Mist and Birkenfeld eighth g ra d Personal Service: The junior class of Jew ell high ers will be am ong those to g rad u Utility Employee .......................... ................. $ school sponsored a tu rk ey shoot ate May 31 a t 8 at the Washington W ages, H ourly P a id - __ ________________ on Sunday, May 22, at the Jew ell g rad e school in Vernonia. The Payroll Taxes and Insurance___________ school grounds. Five turkeys w ere high school graduation is this F ri M aterials and Services: Materials and Supplies ........................... 3,400.00 aw arded for ta rg e t shooting. The day, May 27. w inners w ere: Joe (Shorty) N ich Bill Grimsbo and P e a rl and T er ols of W arrenton; P hil Olson of ry Miller of M adras w ere F rid ay Total—General Road Fund Requirem ents$ 3,400.00 A storia; H erb ert Olstedt, Darwin and S atu rd ay visitors with the STATE TAX STREET FUND—RESOURCES Wilcoxen, and R ichard Morgan, Howard Grim sbo fam ily. Bob is Available Beginning Cash Balance ____________ $ 2,200.00 all of Jew ell. with his folks until a la te r d ate State A pportionm ent_____________________ _____ 13,500.00 Charles N orm an and children when he will be leaving for Alaska Refund _____________________________________ of G resham spent Sunday a fte r and su m m er work. His school was Total—State Tax Street Fund R eso u rces_______ $15,700.00 noon a t the hom e of V. C. N orm an out la st week. and fam ily in Jew ell. They re tu rn W ednesday evening callers at STATE TAX STREET FUND—REQUIREMENTS ed to G resham Sunday evening. the Lawton W addell hom e w ere Maintenance: Mrs. C harles Thorton, Mrs. F red Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. Mr. Personal Services. S langer’s sister, spent W ednesday and Mrs. W addell were in P o rt Street Superintendent ............... ................ $ 5,280.00 night a t the S langers. She left for land F rid ay afternoon. E nroute Utility Employee _____________________ Spenard, A laska T hursday m orn hom e they visited the Orvil Phin- Wages, Hourly P aid— ............. ................... 3,400.00 ing. She is to m eet two o th er wo neys a t Scappoose. Mr. and Mrs. Employees Retirement, State Funding.—. 120.00 Social S e c u r ity ---------------------- ----------- 330.00 men at B ellingham , Washington. Mel Storie, P ortland and Mr. and Payroll Taxes and I n s u r a n c e ................... 210.00 E ach w oman is driving up the Y u Mrs. Shalm on Libel w ere guests kon highway. of the Waddells Sunday. M aterials and Services: Mrs. H a rrie t Ross, a g uest of M aterials and Supplies ......... .................... 4,360.00 Contract Services ............... .......................... 2,000.00 Mrs. Sandborn of Jew ell, fell and broke h e r hip la st week. She is in Total—State Tax Street Fund Requirements—.... $15,700.00 the Columbia hospital in Astoria. The N ehalem Valley Community CEMETERY OPERATING FUND—RESOURCES club m et T uesday a t th e hom e of Available Beginning Cash B a la n ce......... ........ .......$ 450.00 Interest on Invested F u n d s- .... ...... ......._............... 400.00 Mrs. P a t Sam uelson. They voted Transfer from General Fund ________ ______ 1,150.00 to give a full scholarship to sum m er school to the 4-H organization. “Where Your Money Buys More' Total—Cemetery Operating Fund R esources____ $ 2,000.00 Also, the birthday gift exchange and picnic will be held som etim e CEMETERY OPERATING FUND—REQUIREMENTS in July. Personal Services: Mr. and Mrs. Mick Nogle of Sexton ............. ................ ............. .................$ 650.00 Jew ell and three o th er couples Wages, Hourly Paid ........................ ................. . 580.00 the S u n set E m pire Payroll Taxes and Insurance ................. 90.00 from Square D ance group spent the Materials and Services: Materials and Supplies. ................................. 560.00 week end in K lam ath Falls. They Contract S e rv ic e s___________ 120.00 attended the Oregon S tate F e d e ra —From your home-owned, tion of S quare D ancers meeting. Total—Cemetery Operating Fund Requirements $ 2,000.00 Mick Nogle is the state president. The m eeting w as to elect new of PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND—RESOURCES ficers which will ta k e office in Available Beginning Cash B alan ce. _____ 380.00 Septem ber. Fines, Rentals and Miscellaneous ............. . 120.00 Mrs. Ju d y L aym an and Mrs. M ary Anne Nicholson gave a baby Total—Public Library Fund Resources ______ $ 500.00 show er for Mrs. Don (B uck) Court- PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND—REQUIREMENTS w right, at th e N ehalem Valley Materials and Services: G range hall T hursday afternoon. Books and Periodicals.-........ ....... ....._.............. $ 470.00 Other Supplies and Expense ....... ........ .... 30.00 Many guests attended. $ 74.04 $ 151.54 $ 450.00 Total—Public Library Fund Requirements $23,611.55 193.61 226.00 $ 300.00 $24,031.16 $ 3,422.51 2,000.00 3,800.00 300.00 3,222.28 (1,440.00) 2,000.00 1,000.00 7,891.95 38,306.93 4,000.00 $37,468.41 $58,339.47 $34,120.00 $ 353.89 $ 138.56 $ 430.00 1,055.38 366.02 42.95 1,586.37 233.86 29.03 1,200.00 400.00 40.00 422.09 155.10 19.12 510.87 98.50 12.65 6.35 32.06 119.50 32.68 7X3.15 22.00 450.00 150.00 20.00 80.00 20.00 40.00 600.00 110.00 60.00 ‘115.42 54.48 $ 2,622.86 $ 3,497.17 $ 3,600.00 $ 1,860.09 37.00 $ 1,600.00 100.00 85.00 $ 587.21 1,499.92 2,500.00 $ 2,484.30 $ 3,284.92 $ 3,600.00 $ 1,336.24 9,010.99 235.82 $ 2,959.41 11,714.50 $ 4,100.00 11,800.00 $10,583.05 $14,673.91 $15,900.00 $ • $ 5,280.00 1,040.00 60.00 1,166.00 1,373.19 1,600.00 ■187.00 123.73 500.00 4,780.11 255.99 7,695.34 930.87 7,830.00 600.00 $ 7,623.54 $11,289.13 $15,900.00 $ 602.75 140.00 $ 562.75 140.00 $ 742.75 $ 702.75 $ 1,326.00 2,400.54 $ 74.00 '180.00 $33,624.48 987.07 $34,611.55 $11,000.00 $ 311.20 $ 850.00 ■476.00 600.00 726.00 385.20 $ 1,326.00 406.83 118.07 360.00 90.00 $ $ 8 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1968 Group Observes Date at Party MIST — Mrs. F red Busch was th e honored guest S aturday eve ning when Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard Jones w ere hosts fo r a birthday p arty . Those attending w ere Mr. and Mrs. N orm an H ansen, Mr. and Mrs. C lair Devine of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G arlock, Mr. and Mrs. W ayne Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Shalm on Libel, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon, the honored g uest and Mr. Busch. Mrs. A1 C avanaugh visited the C harles Sundlands Sunday a fte r noon. H ow ard Thompson, N orm an and R andy H ansen w ere am ong the m any fisherm en out for the open ing of tro u t fishing. R andy again skunked his eld ers by getting the biggest fish. Mr. and Mrs. George M athews w ere in Tygh Valley over S aturday and attended the Indian Rodeo. FOR YOUR BEST DEAL on a '66 FORD or Quality Used Car Call OSCAR KAPHAMMER at Mac Kenzie Ford Ph. 648-4191 HILLSBORO, OREGON Res. Ph. 644-3619 KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE— YOU RING, WE BRING $ 500.00 930.00 ■600.00 Available Beginning Cash Balance ..... $ Interest on Investerd Funds ...... ............................. Riverview Surcharges ............... .............. ................... 720.00 900.00 Total—Water Sinking Reserve Fund Resources WATER SINKING FUND—RESOURCES $ 1,650.00 WATER SINKING FUND-REQUIREM ENTS $23,805.16 1 900.00 $11,000.00 Oernonia E agic $23,805.16 $ $ 900.00 Transfer to Water F u n d _________________ $ Unapproriated Ending Fund Balance 1,650.00 Total—Water Sinking Reserve * Fund Requirements _____g 1,650.00 333 00 $ 1.200.00 333.00 580.50 337.50 600 00 900.00 333.00 $ 1,251.00 $ 2,700.00 Total—Sewer Sinking Reserve Fund Resources $ 2,700 00 SEWER SINKING RESERVE FUNDS— REQUIREMENTS U nappropriated Ending Fund Balance $ 1,251.00 $ This ATLAS tire is rounder than the tires now on your car! SEWER SINKING RESERVE FUNDS-RESOURCES Available Cash on Hand Sewer Surcharges: River Side View Riverview ........................ $ 2,900.00 m ,02000 $ 4.520.00 SOMEONE GRADUATING? . $ 4,520.00 Another occasion to show you care— and care enough to send the very best— a Hallmark card from . . . EIRE TRUCK SINKING RESERVE FI ND—RESOURCES $ 2,000 00 $ 2,000.00 Available Cash on Hand _____ _________ Transfer from General Fund Total Fire Truck Sinking Reserve ____ Fund Re-^urces $ 2,000 00 2,000 00 _______ $ 4.000 00 FIRE TRUCK SINKING RESERVE F U N D - REQUIREMENTS $ 2,000.00 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance $11,300 00 $11400.00 $11 300 00 Transfer from General Fund ..... ___................. ’... 3.200 00 Total City Hall Building Reserve Fund— _______ Resources -------------------------- -------------- $14.500 00 ■ ^ D R U G CO, CITY HALI. BUILDING RESERVE F U N D - REQUIREMENTS Q 7 Q BRIDGE ST ' ¿ l e t k u a íÍ V Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance $14.500.00 And there s the Atlas Gripsafe, the wonder tire in the budget price field. More conventional than the Plycron, it will still outperform far more ex- pensve tires. The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service. $ 4,000.00 CITY HAI.I. BUILDING RESERVE F U N D - RESOURCES A vailable Cash on Hand ....... $11,300.00 This is the new Atlas Plycron. Its unique round shoulder design delivers up to 8,000 more miles of wear than original tires on most new cars. How? A special, Atlas-designed mold that can stamp a tire to within three thousandths of an inch of a perfect circle. This means increased tread area— with wear distributed more evenly. O c a í o a u G c e t á r e a fa» / V ALLE Y < R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone 429-6691 The Chevron ABOVE ALL means w^rvice