L ibrary U n iv e r s ity o f Oregon Eugene, Oregon 1 9 6 6 Jamboree Court Selected Very attractive Friendship Jam ­ boree buttons are now ready to go on sale and their purchase will en­ title purchasers to certain Jambor­ ee privileges, also. The button was designed by artist, Ron Anderegg at the request of the Vernonia So­ ciety of Arts and Crafts which was asked to present suggestions. It is an attractive green with a sprig of evergreen centering the design. Seal effect designs on either side commemorate the tenth annual Jamboree and the 75th anniversa­ ry of the incorporation of Vernonia as a city. The buttons will make very nice souvenirs of the occa­ sion. The Jamboree committee has expressed their appreciation to An- deregg for his designing of it. drus, Sherry Sutton and Susan Tovey, have been selected as the princesses for this tenth annual Vernonia Friendship Jamboree to be held July 29, 30 and 31. One will be crowned as queen at a special coronation ceremony Thursday evening, July 28. Mrs. Welcome Rumbaugh is in charge of arrange­ ments for that event. Miss Marsha Krieger is an alternate princess to serve in case one of the other three is unable to do so. Mrs. Henry Anderegg, official chaperone for the court, stated at the Jamboree committee meeting held Thursday evening, May 5, that she and the girls had already conferred concerning dresses to be worn and that plans are under­ way for attendance at several oth­ er community celebrations in the county. Mrs. Carson Strong is in charge of construction of a float for the court. Demonia Eagle VOLUME 44, NUMBER 19 VERNONIA, OREGON Chamber Votes Assistance for Two Projects THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1966 Three-way Meet Victory Won By Logger Tracksters M ay 10 Logger track and field men nos­ the event with a clocking of 2:04.3. ed out Concordia for first place in Medges and Wood placed one- a three-way meet held May 10 at two in the javelin, throwing 156’9” The directors of the Vernonia Banks. The final tabulations gave and 152’. Chamber of Commerce considered Vernonia 59 points, Concordia 52 Joe Curl ran second in the two- and Banks, 40. Vernonia captured mile event, 11:03.4, and Coila plac­ many items of business at their only four firsts, but scored strongly ed third, 11:13.5. Monday evening session. Among with seconds and thirds to gain them was the plight of the Babe The relay was won by Concordia, the winning margin. Concordia Ruth League which still needed with Vernonia placing second. placed first in seven events and equipment, as was stated by Hom­ Coach Don Young’s track and Banks took four firsts. er Fuller. The chamber donated PRINCESSES CHOSEN field men are now preparing for The broad jump was taken by $30 so that the necessary articles Three Vernonia girls, Mary An- the sub-district to be held May 14. Miller, C, with a leap of 20’7Ms”, may be purchased. Present also This will be the lead up to district followed by F“ddicord, 20’3Ai” , was Charles Hickman who repre­ eliminations and the state track for second place. sented the firemen in their plea meet to be held later. Letitia Biddle was crowned as The high jump was dominated for funds for the annual Fourth of queen at the Junior Prom last Sat­ FLOAT H ELP O FFE R E D by Loggers: Davis, first 5’2V4” ; July fireworks display. In addition In order to get the plywood nec­ to suggestion as to how money urday evening. She was chosen by Hanson, second, 5’2V4” ; Briones, essary for construction of the might be raised, $100 was given studentbody vote last Friday from third, 4’lOMj” ; Hickman, fourth, the field of five senior girls chosen float for the court, Mrs. Strong towards that fund. 4’10li” . by the senior class. The other four found it advantageous to purchase Steve Minger captured the Log­ Lester Sheeley attended the girls who completed the Prom a quantity amount. Other organ­ gers only placing in the high hur­ meeting to urge greater effort in court were Mary Andrus, Chris dles, running third at 18.2. izations, businesses or individuals All boys interested in Little who wish plywood for float con­ promoting improvement in the Bender, Marilyn Jones and Marsha Peddicord placed fourth in the League Baseball, 10 through highway from Eugene to Rainier Krieger. struction may purchase it at the century for Vernonias only points so the entire length may become 12 years of age, are asked to cost price to the Jamboree by con­ in that event. He ran the 100 in meet at the high school grand­ tacting Mrs. Strong or Jamboree part of the state highway system. 10.9Ms, behind the winning effort The nominating committee pre­ stand next Monday, May 14, Chairman Henry Anderegg. Mrs. of Concordia’s Miller who was Strong also has available several sented the names of six members at 7 p.m. clocked at 10.7. books which give instruction and to be voted on by written ballot Kyser placed second in the shot suggestions on the making of for the purpose of electing three with a throw of 40 and Sanders floats and she will be willing to chamber directors for a three year placed fourth, tossing the shot Mrs. Orville (Berniece) Makin­ lend these to persons interested. term. They are Creed Morgan, with a throw of 40’ and Sanders She also has available information Joe Magoff, Ed Roediger, Roy ster, resident of this area for the 38’9”. M A RY ANDRUS about sources for securing mater­ Critser, Orin Davis, and Jean past 33 years, was stricken with Joe Curl was nosed out in the ials for making floats to the best Goodrich. Ballots will be mailed a heart attack Friday morning and mile event, settling for second to the membership before the end passed away shortly after noon in advantage. place with a time of 4:44.3, near­ of May. TTie directors also approv­ the Tuality Community hospital. Old 105 will steam into Vernonia DISPLAYS W ANTED ing a school record. Brunsman Funeral services were held Wed­ placed third, 4:53.8. Moore of about 4:45 on Sunday, June 5 to Mrs. Blanch Pickering has been ed the appointment of Lloyd Quinn named as the chairman for plac­ to directorship due to the resigna­ nesday May 11 at 2 p.m. in the Banks captured the event in 4:30.5. open the excursion train season ing displays in vacant buildings tion of Doris Skidmore. He will Vernonia chapel of the Fuiten- Medges and Blackburn placed for 1966. It is scheduled to leave and windows. She asks that per­ also serve as membership chair­ Friesen Mortuary. The Rev. Fath­ second and third in the discus, Banks at 3 p.m. This schedule will er William Delplanche of the St. with throws o fl21’7” and 121’4Ms” . be followed each Sunday through sons who have collections, hobby man as did Mrs. Skidmore. Fans to be given away at Jam ­ Mary's Catholic church of Vernon­ exhibits or any materials for dis­ Forcier added to the Logger July 3. From July 10 through September plays contact her so that she boree will again be ordered. These ia and of the St. Edward’s Cathol­ score in the 440 by coming in third can make arrangements for a have proved to be very popular. ic church of North Plains officiat­ in 57.8, a second off the winning 25, the train will make two trips each Sunday. It will leave Banks place for them to be shown. Her Printed on them will be the mem­ ed. Mrs. Elizabeth Serafin was time. bership of the chamber. Those who soloist and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, telephone number is 429-5534. The low hurdles again eluded at 10 a.m., arrive in Vernonia Organizations which plan to have plan to join the chamber for 1966 organist. Concluding rites and in­ the locals try for a first with Min­ about 11:45 a.m. and remain here concessions during the Jamboree are urged to do so now so that terment were at the Vernonia ger and Andrus running second for one hour. It will leave Vernonia at 12:45 p.m. and arrive in Banks are advised that all concessions they will be eligible to vote for di­ Memorial cemetery. and third: times, 22.6 and 22.7. must be operated under permis­ rectors and also to have their A native of Houston, Missouri, Peddicord ran one-tenth of a at 2:15 p.m. The second trip will sion from the Jamboree commit­ names on the fans. They may con­ Berniece Steffens was born Sep­ second out of first in the 220, being leave Banks at 3 p.m. and arrive tee. This may be obtained by at­ tact Lloyd Quinn or Evelyn Heath, tember 26, 1894 the daughter of outsprinted by Miller of Concord­ here at 4:45 p.m. It will start its tending a Jamboree meeting, the secretary. Charles Henry and Mary Steffens. ia who turned in a time of 24 sec­ return trek at 5:45 and reach Banks at 7:15 p.m. first and third Thursdays of each She lived in that area until coming onds flat. Tickets for the excursion will be month, or by contacting the chair­ to Oregon in 1919. Jerry Hanson turned in an 11’6” SHERRY SUTTON the same as last year, $3.50 for man, Henry Anderegg. An early She was united in marriage to effort in the pole vault for first in contact is requested so that the Orville Makinster in 1920 in Kala­ this event. Medges placed third, adults and half price for children under 12 years of age. The train committee may have full informa­ ma, Washington. In 1933 they mov­ vaulting 7’6”. tion of all concessions planned. A new school record was set in is operated by the Vernonia, South ed to Mist route, Vernonia and this FAIR SLATED has been their residence since that the 880 by Bill Hanson who won Park and Sunset Steam Railway association. An orientation session for stu­ time. The annual community fair will dents who will enter Vernonia high be held this year in the former Mrs. Makinster had enjoyed ex­ Nichols store building. Everyone school next fall as freshmen and tremely good health until the day who has handcraft items, art work, their parents will be held tomor­ that she passed away. She was a produce, or allied fair items is row evening, Friday May 13, at member of the Veterans Auxiliary urged to get them in readiness. the high school starting at 7:30 of World War I in Vernonia. Mrs. Laura Carmichael is chair­ p.m. Surviving is the husband, Orville A new program of cross country There will be a general session Makinster of Vernonia; two daugh­ man for this event and may be and distance running has been Vernonia volunteer firemen are for greeting students and parents contacted for more information. ters, Mrs. Gordon (Elaine) Diehl, added to the summer schedule at now engaged in the sale of tickets Reports given to the committee after which parents and incoming Aloha, and Mrs. Hal (Ruth) Fowl­ Perry’s Sports Camp. The staff for for their annual dance. The Fire­ last Thursday evening indicate freshmen will be given a tour of er, Glen Ellen, California; six the one week session, August 21 mans Ball will be held May 21 at that there will be a good program the school and shown all facilities brothers, Steve Steffens, Houston, to 27, is headed by Mark Cotton the American Legion hall with the arranged by Mrs. Rumbaugh for under the guidance of members of Missouri; Clifford Steffens, Marsh­ who coached the Grant High Gen­ music furnished by the Erik K the coronation Thursday evening, the Honor Society. All teachers field, Missouri; Durward Steffens, erals to the state cross country Quartet which played for the re­ July 28. The Teen Club will spon­ will be in their rooms to meet stu­ Omaha, Nebraska; Edwin Steffens, sor the Hootenanny Friday eve­ dents and parents and to answer Des Moines, Iowa; Joe Steffens, Championships in 1963 and ’64, and cent chamber of commerce dance. whose 1965 track and field squad Plans are to canvas the town ning, July 29 and the teen dance questions. Houston, Missouri and Merlin Stef­ is the defending state champion May 18 and 19 and again be on the will be held Saturday evening, SUSAN TOVEY Pre-registration of freshmen fens, Summersville, Missouri; and Lyle Fagnan, coach of the 1965 streets the day of the dance to sell July 30. was held at the high school Wed­ four sisters, Mrs. Blanche Stenger, Corvallis state cross country cham­ nesday of this week so that fresh­ Springfield, Missouri; Mrs. Vern­ pions, will assist with the program. tickets. All firemen have them PARADE SHAPES UP available and will be glad to fill Chet Ray, parade chairman, men have their schedule of classes on (Helen) Efinger, Olatha, Kan­ Ted Wilson, Linfield College bas­ orders for anyone. states that plans are shaping up which will enable them and their sas; Mrs. Ardith Ennis, Hillsboro, ketball coach, will again direct The dance proceeds are used to for that event on Saturday, July parents to visit those departments Oregon; Mrs. Neville (Norma) the seven-week basketball pro­ aid in the purchase of supplies or 30. He urges all organizations, bus­ and teachers. Long, Phoenix, Arizona; and Miss gram, June 26 to August 13. As­ equipment which cannot be pro­ inesses and individuals that possib­ To conclude the evening, refresh­ Edna Steffens, also of Springfield, sisting with the basketball sessions L. E. Atkins, Vernonia Hunter ly can to prepare parade entries. ments will be served by the home Missouri; seven grandchildren and will be ex-Klamath Falls and vided for by the regular budgeted Safety Council chairman, has an­ funds. The support of the towns­ This Jamboree is a special one in ec department. seven great-grandchildren. Grant high coach, Paul McCall, people has been good in the past nounced the group will hold grad­ that it not only is the tenth such Another brother, Clyde Steffens and Don Porter, coach at Lower and the firemen hope for a large uation exercises for students who event for Vernonia but also ob­ preceded her in death. Columbia Junior College. successfully completed the course turnout to their ball again this serves the 75th anniversary of the Goodwill to Call Dale Thomas, who directed the year. recently held. This course is in incorporation of Vernonia as a Oregon State Beavers to ten Pa­ compliance with state law requir­ city. The theme for the Jamboree The Goodwill truck will be in cific Coast wrestling champion­ ing all youths to complete a course is Pages From Our Past and floats Vernonia Wednesday of next week, ships in the past eleven years, in safe gun handling before going will be judged according to their May 18. Mrs. Frank Lange, local will head the wrestling camp staff afield for game. conformance to this theme. Ray representative, states that very from August 14 to 20. All students, their parents, and will soon have ready for publica­ few calls have been received for all other interested persons are in­ tion a list of classifications and this visit and she urges all persons County Clerk Roy A. Nelson has vited to view the graduation at other parade information. who have clothing, household it­ released the final tabulations for Show Open Thursdays The leash law of the City of Ver­ Washington school at 7 p.m. to­ Ray has asked that all old tim ­ ems, appliances or toys to give to voter registration in Columbia nonia which has been largely dor­ night, May 12. The guest speaker ers, especially any who were in call her now so that she can have county. The figures for this area Starting tonight, the Joy Theater mant is to be enforced, according will be a game enforcement of­ Vernonia 75 years ago when Ver­ the truck call at her home. Her and county totals are given below: will be open on Thursday evenings to Chief of Police Earl Ray who ficer who patrols in this vicinity nonia was incorporated, contact number is 429-3161. Mist: Democrats. 7®; Republicans. for adults only. This is to permit has requested the assistance of the and two big game and hunting him. It is hoped that arrange­ 73; miscellaneous. 0; total. 143. parents and other adults the privi­ county dog control officer in the films will also be presented. ments can be made for them to Vernonia 1: D. 143; R, 68; Mine., lege of enjoying shows without the matter. Atkins has headed the group of ride in the parade this year. 4; total. 215. Samples A vailable distractions of noise caused by Ray emphasized that all dogs, volunteer instructors since the for­ Cread Morgan has been placed Vernonia 2: D, 181; R, 102; Miac., children. Shows are presented at whether leashed or at large, must mation of the council. Anyone in­ in charge of arrangements for a Sample ballots for the May 24 9; total, 292. 7 and 9 p.m. have licenses. All those found with­ terested in working with this group fiddlers contest and an old time Primary election have been placed Vernonia 3: D. 234; R, 110; Miac., out licenses will be picked up un­ is invited to attend and informa­ dance. in the Vernonia Eagle office, the 12; total. 356. less owners remedy the situation tion on becoming an instructor will Plans for the Jamboree are now Vernonia city hall, at Sunnyside Vernonia 4: D, 159; R, 95; Miac., Choir io Appear at once. be made available. in high gear. The next committee Service and at the Mist store for •; total, 250. The city ordinance provides that The Hunter Safety Council has meeting will be Thursday of next the convenience of voters who wish County totals. Democrats, 7725; The 30 voice choir from Oregon no dogs shall run at large and may also established a rifle range for week, May 19 and all persons In­ to study them prior to election day Republicans, 3855; Misc., 173; College of Education, Monmouth, be loose only on the property of the purposes of giving the students terested are urged to attend. All as an aid to efficient voting. Col­ total 11,753. will present a concert at Vernonia the owner. When off the owners a place to handle firearms and organization representatives ami umbia County Clerk Roy A. Nelson This is compared with a total on high school tomorrow morning, property, dogs are to be leashed also to allow senior council mem­ committee chairmen are especially was in the area Tuesday distribut­ October 3, 1964 of, 7,632 Dems, Friday, May 13, at 9 a m. The pub or under the immediate control of bers to shoot in a safe place. urged to be present. ing the samples. 3,966 Reps., 166 others, total 11,764. lie is invited to attend. the owner. L ittle L eagu e B o ys W an ted Makinster Rites Held Wednesday Train Schedule Starts on June 5 New Freshmen To See School Cross Country Firemens Ball On Camp Agenda Set for May 21 Hunter Safety Awards Tonight Registration of Voters Totaled Leash Law to Be Enforced