4-H Activities STÄUP VALUE S 1005 OF EXTRA TOP V A L U E STAMPS So Stamp ede down to your FRIENDLY D E A N 'S MARKET for these GREAT RUYS stamps VEGETABLE OR MEAT BASE CAMPBELLS SOUP LETTUCE I $ Reg. Tins _ Large Firm Heads Cocktail Jc Green Peppers 10c Tomatoes ” c Rutabagas TURNIPS 3 ,bs- 29c V-8 Vegetable 46-oz. Tins.... 2 /7 7 c CAMPBELL’S RICH TASTY TOMATO SOUP Reg. Tins Q 740 Signatures On 3 Petitions C LUMBERJACK SYRUP Maple Flavor—21-oz. Rottle............................ . RED SALMON $ 09 Bumble Bee—No. 1 Tall Tin.............................. MORTON'S SALT FOR Plain or Iodized—26-oz. Boxes......................... 5 1,00 CARNATION— CONDENSED EVAPORATED * BONELESS HAM CANNED MILK TALL TINS I a Del Monte or Fiesta Blue Bonnett Oleo 1-Lb. Pkgs.............. Margarine UGI6 JC Cooked—Ready To Eat  “New” Pink Pineapple/ a Grapefruit— 46-oz. Tins /£ ■ 0 /^ 1 fresh and lean SILK ASSORTED COLORS PAPER NAPKINS 60 COUNT PACKAGE T A I I OHIO TO JC Pork & Bns Crackers Relishes Dressings 59* PORK ROAST...... Lb.. 55* bacon ............ M b . 49* PORK STEAK...... lb. boneless SEASONING Campbell’s— Rich Tasty— 24-oz. Tin 5/$l 4/$l 33c 3/89c 3/$l 4/$l 2/89c 59c Campbell’s in Tom. Sauce— 28-oz. Tins Nabisco Snowflake 1-Lb. Box..................... Nalley’s 13-oz. B o ttles......... Wishbone Lo-Cal 8-oz. Bottle ....... Franco American— Grnd. Beef, Macaroni -N-Beef, Spaghetti & Meatballs — 15-oz. Cat Food Detergent Little Friskie 2-Lb. Size........ Salvo Tablets Giant Box........ 735 Jefferson St., Vernonia Hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. . TOP VALUE Thirty-five Columbia county 4-H club members were selected to receive scholarships to 4-H club Summer School at Oregon State University. The summer school session will run from June 13 to June 18. Bonnie Tullock from Columbia City was the winner of a scholar­ ship for outstanding work in cloth­ ing at the 1965 Columbia County Fair, sponsored by the J. C. Pen­ ney store. Rose Marie Siedelman, Vernonia received a scholarship from the Safeway Stores for her work with 4-H livestock projects. Scholarships for participation at the 1965 Columbia county fair went to Zenda Ellis, Vernonia, for 4-H home economics activities, and Jim Lowe, Scappoose, for livestock and agriculture activities. Additional scholarship winners from the Vernonia area are as fol­ lows: Danny Ambrose who will use the scholarship provided by Allied J&H Lumber company of Mist; Tim Johns who received the Natal Grange scholarship; and Heather Higginbotham who received the scholarship of the St. Helens Elks club. Prices Effective May 5-0-7-8 Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. Columbia County Clerk Roy A. Nelson issues the following infor­ mation to answer the large num­ ber of inquiries concerning the number of certified signatures on each of the three petitions that were received at the court house hearing April 25. The petition titles and certified totals listed below are the total signatures of both registered voters and legal tax pryers for each type petition. “Shall Columbia County, State of Oregon, provide funds in the amount of $1,014,898.00, or any oth­ er sum, for the purchase of a site and construction of a new County Court House as proposed by the County Court in Notice of Public Hearing on Construction of New Columbia County Court House dated March 23, 1966?” Total of certified signatures - 745 “Shall the Columbia County Court be authorized to move the site of the Columbia County Court House from its present location to a site described as: AU of Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 of Block 107, City of St. Helens, Oregon, and all of Block 112 and Block 123, City of St. Helens, Co­ lumbia County, Oregon.” Total of certified signatures - 742 “Shall a new Columbia County Court House be built on the site of the Court House as now located, and necessary adjacent property thereto, rather than on the pro­ posed site described as all of Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 of Block 107, City of St. Helens, Oregon, and all of Block 112 and Block 123, City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore­ gon?” Total of certified signatures - 737 Show to Benefit Activity Center Ocrnonia Eagle THURSDAY, MAY 5, I960________ 5 Shower Honors Mrs. Shetler MIST — Mrs. Lloyd Garlock was hostess for a pink and blue shower Tuesday evening for Mrs. Eldon Shetler. Thirteen guests were present and others sent gifts. Mrs. Dorothy Haas of Vernonia was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews were given a belated birthday par­ ty Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews. Then, the same group gathered to wish Robert happy birthday Sunday evening at a potluck dinner at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey visited the Ray Garlocks Saturday for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell were in St. Helens Saturday eve­ ning to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson. They found Mrs. Peter­ son recovering nicely from recent surgery. Larry Hemeon and Ronnie Ky- ser attended the eighth grade par­ ty given by the Mason Lodge in Vernonia last Thursday evening. Mrs. Hemeon took them in. Mrs. Charles Hansen was in As­ toria Monday and Tuesday visiting. While there she was the overnight guest of the Robert Roesers. Mrs. Roeser brought her home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kyser and children of Clatskanie were dinner guests of the Wayne Kysers Tuesday evening. Wednesday Mrs. Kyser accompanied Mesdames Lee and Darryl Barlow and Mrs. Ed Castle of Vernonia to a Dis­ trict I Extension meeting at Astor­ ia. Four counties were included. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grimsbo were in Eugene Sunday to attend a wedding reception for her grand­ daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Huston. Sunday was workday for the Natal Grangers. Pasadena Finn Gives Low Bid ■x Johnston Pump company of Pasadena, California, Thursday submitted the apparent low of se­ ven bids at $14,780 when the Port­ land U. S. Army Engineer dis­ trict opened bids for furnishing two pumps for the Midland Drain­ age district on the lower Columbia river, about one mile downstream from Clatskanie in Columbia coun­ ty. Completion time for delivery of the pumps is six months, accord­ ing to Colonel William J. Talbott, Portland district engineer. Other bidders were Mi Van com­ pany, Portland, $17,981; Byron Jackson Pumps, Inc., Seattle, $18,- 176; Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Pump Division, Milwaukie, Oregon, $19,- 236; E. V. Benson company, Port­ land, $20,605;; Layne Texas com­ pany, Houston, $22,025; and R. M. Wade and company, Portland, $25,242. The pump will be installed in a new pumping station which will replace the two existing pump sta­ tions. Work will be accomplished under authority of the Flood Con­ trol Act of 1950. CIVENG-35-026- 66-173. Civic organizations, b u s i n e s s firms, and county-wde talent will unite Friday in a benefit show for the Columbia activity center for retarded children. The affair is sponsored by tho St. Helens volunteer firemen and Jaycee organizations of Columbia county. The Post Ofice department des­ Ben Chamberlain, St. Helens, will act as master of ceremonies ignates a week during May each for a program that includes a year, when patrons on rural, ci­ number of performers who have ty motorized and star routes are appeared on television and radio, encouraged to examine, and im­ and will feature singers, dancers, prove, where necessary, the ap­ pearance of their mailboxes. The and musicians. Numbers added to the programs week of May 16-21 has been se­ recently include a barbershop quar lected for this year. Neat, attractive mailboxes will tet and a string trio from St. Hel­ ens; the Cboralaires and pianist, make a significant contribution to Clarke Mallory, from Clatskanie; the objectives and success of and from Rainier, Durbin’s Combo. President Johnson’s natural beau­ Mrs. R. C. Bickford, Oregon ty program. Any questions concerning mail state chairman of National Music boxes and rural delivery service Week, is musical advisor for the benefit show, and Mrs. Ronald may be directed to the postmas­ Lease of Elaine’s School of Dance ter in your area. is program director. Gossip: Something that goes in The show will open at 8 p.m. in the Condon elementary school, St. Helens. Tickets are $1 for adults and 50c for children from 6-12 Mailbox Care Is Urged by Week It’s monoxide time again. Ex­ haust leaks can be deadly in a closed car. Check your muffler and tailpipe. Anytime the motor is running, keep a window par­ tially open. Men are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. "Maybe they’ll drop me a card on their trip"