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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1966)
Pythians Slate Mrs. Alsdorf Receives Jewel Future Events At the meeting of Vernonia Tem ple Pythian Sisters Wednesday evening of last week, members heard Mrs. Cora Lange give a very interesting report on the district convention held April 23 at Astoria. The Vernonia Temple officers, headed by MEC Martha Brady, had been highly complimented on their exemplification of the initia tory work. Mrs. Brady was espe cially complimented on having her work so well memorized. The members of Vernonia Tem ple had presented a skit in the eve ROSEMARY SANDERS ning fun session which was entitl ed Ten Good Pythians. It demon strated how not to behave if a Parents Tell News temple is to prosper and concluded Of Daughter's Troth with good advice for making a Mr. and Mrs. Sulo Sanders of temple grow. Other temples pre Westport announce the engage sented fancy drills and these were ment of their daughter, Rosemary interspersed with numbers which Eileen, to Jepson J. Lonnquist of had been featured in a talent show CANDIDATES for the Scappoose Pow Wow court are these young ladies Eugene. sponsored at Astoria by Sunset of Scappoose high school. They have been working like proverbial Ore Rosemary, a graduate of Ver Temple as a Pythian Home bene gon beavers selling buttons to promote the Pow Wow and win a place on nonia high school, is now a junior fit. the court plus the other prizes offered. Pictured here are, from left to at Bob Jones University, Green right, top photo, Peggy Dudley, Diane Hall, Dixie Savage, Neva Olsen, Vernonia Temple issued an in ville, South Carolina. Jepson has vitation for the 1967 convention Sandy Miller, Valerie Stephens, Nancy Giddings. Bottom photo, Susan attended the University of Oregon which was accepted so in April of Nakvasii, Vicki Starr, Mary Ann Kennedy, Cheryl Olsen, Kathy Frieden- for two years and this year was next year, the ten temples which berg, Judy Irish, Diane Hornback. Not present when pictures were a junior at Portland State. He will comprise the district will meet taken was Kristine Larsen. leave shortly for six months train here. ing in the U. S. Reserves. Since Vernonia’s candidate was No date has been set for the unable to go to Astoria April 23, wedding. plans were made to hold initiation Do you know this man? at the May 25 meeting of Vernon ia Temple. The degree staff from Born November 15, 1915 at Black foot, Idaho. Phoenicia Temple at Hillsboro The district 1 meeting for World Came to Vernonia in May, 1925. which provided the floor work at War 1 Barracks and auxiliaries Call Spofford’s Went to school in Vernonia and convention has been invited to was held Saturday at St. Johns graduated in 1931. come here May 25, also. with St. Johns Barracks and auxil Served in the armed forces. iary as hosts. The representatives The ways and means committee Married September 20, 1958 at St from the two groups from through announced plans for holding ano Helens. ther Paper Bag Sale which will Acquired a family of five children out the district gathered for a pot luck dinner after which each group culminate in a dress-up night. At Is active in fraternal groups. the next meeting, each member is His hobbies are hunting and fish met in separate sessions, the Bar to take a hat and assorted trim racks under the leadership of Dis ing. NEHALEM VALLEY trict Commander L. E. Stiff and mings in a closed bag. These will be purchased unopened and the re (Information supplied by J. W. Ni the auxiliary under the leadership MOTOR FREIGHT chols) Answer to last weeks quiz of District President, Leah Stiff. cipient uses her talents to produce Donald Bergerson. This was the final meeting of the a masterpiece for future exhibi tion. year for Mr. and Mrs. Stiff whose terms will conclude with attend After the meeting, refreshments ance at the State Department were served by Mrs. Mathilde meeting at Medford June 1 through Bergerson and Mrs. Mary Mark £$■ w 4. ham. Beautiful tulips from Mrs. Others from Vernonia who at Markham’s yard were used as a tended the district meet were Mrs. centerpiece. It has been brought to the atten M OTHER’S DAY The next regular meeting of the tion of the county clerk’s office that Carl Davis, district 1 secretary; temple will be May 11. Plans will a large number of political posters Mrs. Lona Weidman and L. H. Sar be completed for the initiation on have been illegally placed along gent, The Barracks had over 60 for Sunday, May 8 May 25. Mothers Day will be ob county and state roadsides upon pub men in attendance and the auxil iary had 51 members present. All served, also. lic property in Columbia county, eight Barracks in the district an states Roy A. Nelson, clerk. swered roll call. Under the provisions of ORS 377.- Both groups held election of of 145, placing of any political posters ficers for the 1966-67 term. Leslie or signs inside the boundary lines Veach of Portland Barracks 1287 of any highway or throughway is an was named as district commander illegal act. Columbia County District and Mrs. Ruby Buvik of St. Helens Fancy Coach Bert Kronmiller’s golfers Attorney Donald Kalberer has advis was chosen as district president. took to the links three times this ed that he has directed that the Mrs. Weidman, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Boxes past week only to be downed in all present illegally placed signs and Stiff and Mrs. Orville Armstrong Others— encounters. The young, inexper posters will be removed by county were named as color bearers for ienced Loggers were swept under and state road crews and all future the auxiliary. Priced From by Scappoose on April 28 9Vi to Vi. signs and posters will be dealt with The men heard talks from sev Gary Hanson carded the low score similarly. eral officers, including Ed John for the locals, shooting a 46. All political candidates and their son, department commander; A, In a three-way contest April 29, proponents, while expected to know O. Soderholm, junior vice com Tillamook Catholic took measure the law, should be warned of this to mander; H. M. Wolcott, quarter of the Loggers by a 7-3 score and prevent any further illegal acts and master; Don Reed of Baker and APLETS & • ] [ Neah-Kah-Nie downed the home- to prevent cluttering of public road Clifford Blake of Woodburn, past COTLETS............ From / jC towners 9-1. Ed Burton turned in sides. Under Section 3, ORS 377.145 department commanders; and the low score in this match, a 47. any person may lawfully remove or Buddy Hank, district 8 command Tillamook Catholic’s John Fred destroy, without resort to any legal er. ricks scorched the course with a proceedings, a notice or political Distinguished guests of the auxil poster or a sign located inside the iary were Bemetta Johnson, na 33, taking birdies on 1 and 8. VHS met Warrenton’s golf team boundary lines of a highway or tional chief of staff and Florence Monday of this week, only to fall throughway in violation of this law. Wick, department senior vice pres This should not be confused with ident. on the short end of an 8-2 score. proper political posters or signs plac Seaside also traveled to the Ver nonia Golf Club for this three-way ed on private property such as utili DR. R. V. LANCE match and downed the Loggers ty poles which space has been pur OPTOMETRIST 8V4-1V4. Ed Burton carded the low chased or any private property such as fence posts, field or trees upon Vernonia Clinic score for his team with a 43. which permission has been granted Building The Cowapa League playoffs Wed., 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. will be held May 14 at Hood River by the land owner to use, Nelson and Coach Kronmiller stated that concluded. Burton is the only Logger to have » » » » » » » » ' ♦ * ♦ » » » » a place secured on the local four some to compete in this event. Other upcoming matches in clude Hillsboro JVs, here, May 5; a return match with Hillsboro on May 10 and the district 4 meet May 16 at Oregon City. Let's Get Acquainted! Portland Meet Concludes Year For F low ers Phone 429*3462 Election Signs Ille g a lly Placed CARDS BROWN & HALEY Golfers Handed CHOCOLATES $ 2 ,7 5 $1.49 Three Defeats Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge met Thursday of last week and again had as guest, Mrs. Margaret Sin clair of Lafayette. Mrs. Marie El liott, noble grand presided over the meeting. It was announced that the fifty year jewel had arrived for Mrs. Rose Alsdorf of Vancouver who formerly lived here. Since she has been ill for some time and there was no indication of a time when she could attend a meeting, the jewel was given to her daughter, Mrs. Edna Linn for delivery. Mrs. Alsdorf was able to visit at her daughter’s home last Saturday and received her pin at that time. Kathy Jensen, Vernonia high school junior, has been selected as this lodge’s delegate to Girls State. Alternate for her is Leslie Enstrom. The delegate sponsored by the Rebekahs and the one spon sored by the American Legion Auxiliary will attend the Girls State sessions at Salem in June. A directive from the Odd Fel lows sovereign grand master des ignated June 14 as memorial day for the lodge and its affiliates. Plans for appropriate observance in memory of deceased members is to be made. Prior to the meeting, there was a good turn out of members for drill practice. Those who did not remain for the meeting were miss ed. Another practice was held Monday evening of this week. Following the meeting, a de lightful assortment of pies was featured in the refreshments serv ed by Mrs. Marie Atkins, Mrs. Irene Minger and Mrs Reatha Horn. The next meeting of the lodge will be May 12. P.E.O. Chapter Aids Member During April At the meeting of Chapter BS, P.E.O. Sisterhood at the home of Mrs. T. M. Hobart April 26, Mrs. Dan Fletcher became a member by initiation. For the program, Potpourri, each member participated by read ing an inspirational poem or other selection which they had enjoyed and wished to share with other members. The chapter will meet May 10 at the home of Mrs. Harry Sandon and Mrs. Wm. Heath will present the program. Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1966 3 Italian Culture Is Extension Unit Theme The Timber Route Extension Unit will meet May 10 at 10:30 a m. in the West Oregon building. Project leaders will present the lesson, Italian Culture. Some re cipes from the lesson will be pre pared by the members and will be served with the pot luck lunch at noon. Members are reminded to bring their bazaar items with name and price on each item, and home made candies, to this meeting for the Homemakers Festival which is May 11 in St. Helens at the Methodist church. Registration is to begin at 10 a.m. This is the last Unit meeting un til September. Members are urged to attend and bring along their neighbors. Dinner Served To Salon 429 Members of the Washington County Salon No. 429, Eight and Forty were entertained by the members of Columbia County Sal on No. 440 Tuesday evening of last week at the Vernonia Legion hall. There were 31 partners present to enjoy the sumptuous turkey dinner. Entertainment included piano solos by Billy Horn and Ron West, trombone solos by Billy Horn and accordian solos by Ron West. A game, My Anatomy, provided a lot of fun. After the departure of the guests, a short business meeting was held by Salon 440 with Le Petit Chap eau Marie Atkins presiding. The May meeting of Salon 440 has been set ahead one week to May 16 to avoid a conflict with election day. It will be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Loyd at Deer Island. Nomination of officers for the 1967 term will be held. Any government that robs Pet er to pay Paul can always count on the vote of Paul. E&B LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 756 Bridge St. — AUo, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Service CASH & CARRY 5 9 9 V V •5 V 9 9 9 V 9 9 *5 9 Turtles---$ 1 .0 0 V V •i • ■ No Job Is Too Small and No Challenge Too Big Perfum & Parfum de toilette from Cards, billheads, business and social forms of every type get careful, creative planning and prompt precision printing here. For results wor- thy of you, at low cost, see us COTY We Have the NEW IMPREVU In Stock H E A V Y H A U L IN G Bair Logging Co. 429-3462 ’♦* $ £ THE VERNONIA EAGLE >:*:e:e:*:*:e:e:e:«:e:«:*:e:e:*:e:e:«>:e:«:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e»:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:*:e:>l # Better Quality for Less Here! The hand that rocks the cradle may rule the world, but nowa days, it also collects a buck an hour. Day Calls V V 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 596 Rose Ave. N ight Calls . 429-6045 MJB COFFEE 79c $1.49 MJB COFFEE 2-Lb. Tin $2.19 MJB COFFEE 3-Lb. Tin MJB INSTANT $1.39 Sw ift’s— Bat Man Kite Deal WIENERS 1-Lb. Cello Package 59c Sw ift’s Premium .............. .................Lb. 3 (OLOGNA Lb. 1 SANANAS LETTUCE 2 Heads 25C Each 10c CUCUMBERS FLUFFO SHORTENING ^ n.69c CAKE MIXES Duncan Hines.......... 3 /$ l PEANUT BUTTER X 59c KIADIC<A Assorted and Plain o /<hi NA d I j LU Waffle Cremes ......................... 3/51 JEWELRY FOR MOTHER 79c SAM’S FOOD STORE FREE DELIVERY SAM HEARING JR. (Buck) PHONE 429-5501