Ocrnonia E agle 8 THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1966 Loggers Tie Combined Score B IG Coach Don Young’s L o g g e r spikers added up a total score equal to that of the other two teams competing in last Friday’s cinder competition on the local track. Vernonia took the three-way meet with a score of 81, Neah- Kah-Nie placed second with a 68 point total, and Rainier, third with F IN E F U R N IT U R E 13 points. FREEI Neahkanie’s Massey gave the With Kslvinator Washer Loggers a run by tallying 15 points 1 for the Pirates with three first R H I e O M a n COTTON Fd tC A tS • H » T ANO PILLOW C A M S W ITH places. Fred Smith captured two NEW SHIPMENT ■SAUTirUL SCALLCI>.(MSROIOtRV IN firsts for Vernonia. S O F T , P A S r t L O R IC N W I T H P V R - In the 120 high hurdles, Fred CHASS OP K S L V IN A T O R W a SHBR K wsxif Smith and Steve Minger placed one-two wih times of 16.9 and 18.4. Fred Smith again led the was and up over the high jump bar with a 5’4” effort, followed by jdavis a 5*2” . The Piraes captured the first a fo r JUD EN V O IC E C LO C K R A D IO two placings in the 100 yard dash, — O -wTw NTW»sr u n H V A L U E L A U N D R Y P A IR L W C O S T, m M IC M O O t L AC«U n r n i r T V . p i n c i D w a i h i r m o o c l k w - s j if Massey setting the pace with a M A T C H IN G ELEC TR IC D UTCH M O O U N U t - M IF U n ’ h , ? '" Í ',Í u I ••‘ v " ilR . «nd « m c I us M a K p I, vyltti b e . iu t ilu l R e g o h r.y ■.Ivling. U re iv tio ie n o l .m u 10.4 time. Peddicord was the only v ln .H o r Oi ;.o p .,ro t(! o o tu m o te . s o ttiii« s . w .th th r e e ^ , , . . „ .,„(1 Logger to place in this event, tak­ «JVC'S. F e a tu re s, Itic lu U ù . I 2 0 ( r n iiu tc n o r m >1 ù ÿ d e 4 0 . ■o eh t ' ” W4‘ ” r ''''" lU - U o to r e ., ( „ ( „ h - çy. I . „ $gunj} r«.pro<1uclloti. $1 C88 in lllo t ’ .voor c y c le , 3 0 - n n u h te llu th n p eys.l«. ing third in 11 flat. In ull. I wo spooi I opurnltnn l,„ i„Ki, t.(„t, w.i»b Av.iti.iWe in (j.'is m odel KW-SrBW 7-Piece Dinette Set Coila and A1 Brunsman came in Roiiulflrly $249.95 Regularly $174.95 one-two in the mile run with times with r»At#9 VN.I», of 5:03.2 and 5:07. Jerry Hanson placed Second in the long jump, a 20 even effort, be­ , 3I« 52 O olloi hind Massey’s jump of 21’4B” . À Silver Seal F R E E ! STORES ' Andrus took fourth place: 19’6%” . . Electric The only Logger garnering WATER I UCATCB points in the 440 dash was Karl Koch who placed third with a time of 60.1. Andrus and Minger cleared the low hurdles in 22.4 and 22.7 to C O R N IN G W A R C P A R T * BUFFET place third and fourth in this ev­ » - V * QUART SAUCEPAN W IT H COVER ANO CANDLE W A R M C R ent. FREE W IT H PURCHASE OP Gordon Blackburn and Rogeir R F M IO K ELV IN A TO R ELEC TR IC RANCE Medges, with tosses of 120’3” and 114’, added three points to the F U L L FE A T U R E O K E L V IN A T O R E L E C T R IC team total in the discus as they R A N C E AT A H E A L E C O N O M E P R IC E placed third and fourth. i m u nrjno Kyser’s 42’5” effort placed him Motorola Portable 19” TV t'iHA b ’t lU tttu Iiy .'.ty le fl 3 0 ir ir h e ln e tri-. r iih e n tie s second in the shot put and Black­ n ì 5 y ’ .fe n n tn g .im i b e l i c i e a titu m t fe u tu r ... y o u rro u i-l • « h iy b>» t r ititi h n s e O m o rte in . I , , i .. . burn nailed the fourth spot with a u r u n i'., il« J'ì.in't o v u li hi h ttilt use ture.-.’ y. y fr.it 38’ throw. O v iin h o in ,;.. th .it e m t n v e n (,I.,., h h i 4 d r y tlg p r y th lr Medges cut loose with a 152’2” p r.ie tic .H y. It.lh.is ( itili, o u t. u n Sh tn .suri u i. o n ils , rtn tl tlir , t r in i r n u ts tin ti t ir ip u .s ir. tifi - .u t e .,tn ly (o r fling to capture the javelin event. v ..is iiin ,j ,it tir e sini... O iitn r le t t u ie s ih e iu d c (irt oh Bob Wood placed third, tossing n v e n d o o r , .Itih .jn i.ttio ,- .v e u t in n ir .u n i r. Goulds balanced flow _ t••is s n d 'h o rc e l lin u in s ttiè l c W . it ih , 4|f|U'.> , t.e tt 150*9”. shallow well system h r o t lif t l! , iiiJ J -A 'iritt, s tu r u g * , t i r - t n e i, o v e r, li «in» Logger spikers dominated the h r w iv r .io é is tn r ¡..,n , „ , b u t le r . r..n ,u - t lt triinfc No tank, no extras A in i n i r n rig . « ir t it t ln ru n n n y i pole vault taking three of the plac­ H o g u la r ly $ 2 1 9 9 5 Onion Sets and Garden Seed in Stock Now ings. Jerry Hanson again placed Mhtli T r a <1 e Only .... »7s7 first at 12’ even; Medges, third, 10’; and Davis, fourth, 10’. The Curl brothers again cap­ Nehalem Lanes 26 34 tured two placings in the two-mile run. Joe came in in 10:49.2 to High team series, 2799, and high place first and Steve ran in the Salmon and steelhead anglers ider said that failure to comply team game, 1001, Vernonia Milk. fourth place spot in 11:23.5. are again asked to cooperate in with this regulation could result Ted Bodenhamer, high individual Massey added his third first in Columbia county 4-H livestock the management of these great in the individual being denied a series, 527 and high individual game, 220 with a 23.4 time in the dash. members will be participating in game fish by returning to the game salmon-steelhead license. 203. Vernonia’s Peddicord placed sec­ a tour on Saturday, April 30 that the game commission the game To assist anglers, the game com­ Splits picked up: E. Ade, 5-6; Ted ond at 25.4. will include dairy, beef, sheep, and punch cards purchased during the mission has provided license ag­ Bodenhamer, 3-10; M. Mullins, 2-8- The 880 was the Logger’s event swine operations. The tour will 1965 season. ents with collection boxes for the 7; F. Johnson,5-7; M. Kamholz, 4-5. all the way, with local runners start from the Arnold Sattler farm According to law, the cards must punch cards. The cards may also runners taking all places. First, where the club members will see be returned to the game commis­ be returned to the commission at B. Hanson, 2:09.2; second, A1 sheep production and have an op­ sion by May 1 following the expir­ 1634 S. W. Alder in Portland. ’U7 yuU Brunsman, 2:15.9; third, Coila, portunity to judge some of the ation date at the end of the calen­ 2:16.2; and fourth Von Heeder Romney sheep produced there. dar year. The time limitation is 2:16.4. The next stop will be to observe now less than a week away. Schne- The relay event was won by the beef cattle operation on the April 20 w L Neah-Kah-Nie. They also led the Hudson-Rowell ranch. Don Mc­ Vernonia Milk 33% 26% Mrs. George Peterson way in capturing firsts, with eight; Pherson has agreed to have two Ralph's Chevron 30% 29% Vernonia nabbed seven firsts and classes of animals for the group Visited at Hospital NATAL-PITTSBURG — Tuesday Deans Market 30 30 Rainier failed to place better than to judge. MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon of last week Mrs. Ike Dass was second in any event. The group will eat lunch at the Libel were in St. Helens Saturday pleasantly surprised by a visit airport park and will then visit the evening to visit Mrs. George Pet­ from her three sisters, Mrs. Stella Once upon a time, vacant lots Bate’s swine operation. The last erson who is recuperating from Kapron of Cathlamet, Ila Johnson were used for baseball, rather than stop will be the Arbor-Rose dairy major surgery at the Columbia of Skamokawa and Helen King of used cars. where they will judge some Brown district hospital. The Libels were Greys River, Washington. Swiss cows. Everyone attending at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Visitors at the DeeVeere Her­ must bring their own lunch. E&B LAUNDRY and Libel at Fairview Sunday. Visitors shey home Saturday were Mr. and DRY CLEANERS at the Libel home Wednesday were Mrs. Herb McMillan and three 756 Bridge St. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chouinard, Ben children of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. — Also, Shoe Repairing — Blake of Jewell, Darryl Barlow, Dee Hershey and two daughters T w o -d ay Service Mrs. Lawton Waddell and Mr. and of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Hal CASH & CARRY Vicars and sons of Portland vis­ Mrs. Ed Sirnio of Clatskanie. Mrs. Ray Garlock and Mrs. Ma­ ited them Sunday. B1RKENFELD — The Mission­ ry Garlock were in Portland Mon George Holding of Tule Lake, ary group will meet next Wednes­ day. Mrs. Ray Garlock’s sister, California called on Mr. and Mrs. Let electricity day, May 4 at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Mildred O’Neal of Silverton Max Oblack one day last week. Jim Watson at 1:30 p.m. The meet­ and Mrs O’Neal's grandson, Terry carry your water Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cook and ing has been set ahead one week Light of Salem visited with both family of Beaverton called on his -and heat it, too! due to the Home Makers Festival Garlock families Tuesday. Terry folks, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ekhoff in St. Helens on May 11. will be going into the Air force Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson and in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Terry spent Saturday evening at Kenneth Reddick and Mrs. Mabel the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Powell of Clatskanie visited at the Floeter. This is the new Atlas Plycron. Its unique round Garlock home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ramsey and shoulder design delivers up to 8,000 more miles of family were in Astoria Saturday wear than original tires on most new cars. How? Garden Club Hears on business. A special, Atlas-designed mold that can stamp a Boy Scout Troop 201 represented Those attending the smorgas­ Program on Birds tire to within three thousandths of an inch of a Vernonia at the Sunset Trail Dis­ bord at Vine Maple, Saturday eve­ BIRKENFELD — The Nehalem trict Scoutcapades Saturday at the ning were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey perfect circle. This means increased tread area— Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson, A1 \ alley Garden club met recently Washington county fair grounds. with weai- distributed more evenly. Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson at the home of Mrs. Darrell Baker. The Scoutcapades is a biennial and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis There were several in attendance. show of Scouting skills, demonstra­ And there’s the Atlas Gripsafe, the wonder tire Nordstrom and Mr and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Tom Hopkins had the pro­ tions and exhibits of Cubbing, A n e le c tric w a te r system in the budget price field. More conventional than gram and she gave a very inter­ Scouting, and Exploring. Larsen. brings a whole new world the Plycron, it will still outperform far more ex- esting talk on non-flying birds. of comfort and conveni­ Exhibits featured a Pine-Knot pensve tires. The hostess served nice refresh­ ence to your fam ily. Adds Derby of free-wheeling model ments. profit to your farm, too, cars, tenting. Indian lore, cooking, The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service. Some members of the pioneer rope making, games, forestry, by up grading your dairy scrap book committee met for pot knots and lashings, wood carving, and providing ample water luck last Wednesday at the home leather work, and countless other for crops and other needs. CHEVRON of the chairman. Mrs. Freda Fos­ interests related to boys. I) ter at Clatskanie. Mrs. Arby Mills SERVICE WEST OREGON At the Scoutcapades, the Scouts was in the group. Mrs. G. P. Wan- of Troop 201 exhibited camping ELECTRIC CO-OP,, INC. strom and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist and the contents of a back-pack. were appointed as helpers. This They passed out literature about Vernonia, Ore. committee will meet again May 4 Vernonia and special local inter­ "Maybe they’l drop me at the borne of Mrs. Joe Lonnquist. ests. The climax of the all-day af­ The Chevron ABOVE ALL a card on their trip" This will also be pot luck. fair was a fireworks display. ON KELVINATOR APPLIANCES DURING OUR SPRINGTIME IS APPLIANCE TIME SALE! BRUNSMAN • HARDWARE and ELECTRIC - WE D E L IV E R - Table Lamps $10.95 U9988 $14988 r-1 ZJ $139.95 U8995 4-H Livestock Clubs to Tour Anglers' Cards To Be Returned Three Sisters Here for Visit ^QG50 BOWLING MEN'S LEAGUE More Mission Meet Is Set Ahead Troop Attends Scoutcapades This ATLAS lire is rounder than the tires now on your car! R A L P H 'S Phone 429-6691