O M R SHELVES ARE STOCKED WITH MILL MARKET Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M.. 3 P.M. -F R O Z E N » ’MEATS the finest in Food! You’re as close to Mill Market and Ijxkers as your Telephone— 429-3492 COTTAGE FO O DS— DOLE EVAP. MILK PINEAPPLE JC. 5 /$l 8 ” sl° ° 3 89' pi Et 6 5 Mincemeat 45 2/89 Pink Salmon JM H F L A V -R -P A C Brussel Sprouts Cauliflower or Broccoli Spears — Mix ’Em or Match ’Em SUNSHINE ICY POINT (1-Lb. Pkg.) Cookies Hydrox or Cup Custard (1-Lb. Can) STEIN FELD’S NALLEY’S (2«/j Cans) Sauerkraut (28-oz. Jar) CRYSTAL WHITE LIQUID 3 / w 5 ç Detergent 1-Lb. Cello Bags Ripe Lb. 10c 19c CORN JB flJB Whole Kernel 303 Cans F O R Bank Records Deposit Gains TOPICS OF THE TOWN M r. and Mrs. Frank Sera fin and son David were hosts Sunday for a birthday dinner for Mrs. Sera- fin’s father, Dan Beeler of St. Hel­ ens. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeler, Mrs. Joyce Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beeler and Kathy, and Mrs. Evelyn Mer­ rill from St. Helens; Mr. and Mrs. Regan Crowell, Mr. and Mrs James Crowell and son Jay and Dan Beeler Jr. from McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sargent and daughter Peggy joined them in the afternoon for cake and coffee. H. A. DeWitt is again in Tuality hospital for treatment of a heart condition. CWF Rummage Sale, Fire Hall, May S B « . 16t3c Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Pederson home at 242 Bridge street, the house formerly owned by his bro­ ther, the late Robert Wood. Other new residents in the area are Mr. and Mrs. George Larimer who came from Lapine and now have their trailer house located on the Don Tipton acreage on Stoney Point near the site of the Tipton home which burned last year. Prior to retirement, Mr. Larimer was manager of the electric co-op at Lapine. Nine members of Vernonia Tem­ ple, Pythian Sisters attended the district convention at Astoria Sat­ urday. They were Martha Brady, Cora Lange, Irma Chance. Isabel Culbertson, Lucille Hickman, Faye Davis, Jackie Atkins, Marie Atkins and Lesta Garner. The Vernonia officers exemplified initiation and in the evening they presented a short skit. and son were given a royal sur­ prise the evening of April 16 when the group with whom Mrs. Peder­ son works at Vernonia Clinic gave Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed were them a housewarming. Dr. S. A. in the Deschutes river area for the Thiringer acted as chef for the opening of fishing season. dinner of Chinese food. Guest list Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beers included Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Ho­ bart, Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Thiringer, moved recently to their new home Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crowston, at 28 Texas avenue, the former Mrs. Ellen Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Pe­ Horace Hertel and Dr. Robert derson. Their first guests in their new home were her parents, Mr. McDonald from Portland. and Mrs. Louis L. Bernheim of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Magof were Richmond, California who spent guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Ho­ all of last week here. bart last Saturday evening at the CWF Rummage Sale, Fire Hall, annual Stardust Ball of the auxil­ 16t3c iary to the Portland Osteopathic May S A 6. The Washington County Sher­ Society. This year's theme was April Showers. The event is a bene­ iff’s Posse held a trail ride Satur­ fit for the society’s scholarship day over a 15 mile trail from Mountaindale out past the Buxton fund. lookout, through Rogers park and M r. and Mrs. Ernest A. Wood moved this past month from Linc­ to Anderson park in Vernonia oln City to Vernonia and are now where they held a potluck supper getting nicely located in their new and camped overnight. They made the return ride to Mountaindale Sunday. It took them from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to complete the ride. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson are 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1966 members of this group and report that the riders were loud in their praise of Anderson park. Mrs. Bill Harkson was here Mon­ day to take care of business rela­ FrL, Sat. April 29-30 tive to their move to Sheridan last week. Mr. Harkson is employed there in the logging operations of Frank Hays. Demonia Eagle JO Y T H E A T E R Genghis Kahn Steven Boyd Guest last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller was Mrs. Carlotta Miner of Monroe, 55c Bacon Bologna M J.B. FLAV-R-PAC Carrots Tomatoes Del Monte Thick Sliced, 2-Lb. Pkg. 1-Lb. 79c COFFEE IDAHO 2-Lb. Tin 3-Lb. Tin $1.49 $2.35 Dales To Remember THURSDAY, APRIL 28 $1.59 45c Lewis Brothers Sii. or Chunk, Lb. (2-Lb. Bag) Red Beans 33« AQ Instant Coffee 6 l u DECAF Let's Get Acquainted! Do you know this man? Vernonia Grange HEC - Hall on North St. - 1 p.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF Hall - 8 p.m. Nehalem Valley Coin Club - West Oregon Elec. Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. (8-oz. Jar) Straub to Talk At Demo Dinner Born August 14, 1932 in the vicinity of Vernonia. Robert W. Straub, state treasur­ An increase in deposits of 8.4 Is the grandson of an early area er and Democratic primary can­ percent and an increase in loans pioneer who came originally didate for governor, will be the of 12.7 percent over the call date from Oslo. Norway. featured speaker at a no-host din­ of April 26. 1965 were reported by His mother was a school teacher ner sponsored by the Columbia U.S.National Bank of Oregon on FRIDAY, .APRIL 29 who came to teach the school in County Democratic Central com­ the April 5 call date to James J. Legion and Auxiliary Birthday Din­ the locality which had a most mittee to be held in St. Helens, on ner - Legion Hall - 6:30 p.m. Saxon, U.S. comptroller of the intriguing name, married a local Saturday, April 30. The dinner will Mom and Pop reception - High currency. boy and stayed on in the com­ be held at the Village Inn and will school - 8 p.m. E. J. Kolar, U.S. National Bank munity. start at 6:30 p.m. president, reported that deposits SATURDAY, A PR IL 30 Malcolm Cross of Beaverton and totaled 51,177,030,867 on that date, Jaycee boat race - Anderson park - He attended the same school his 9 to 11 a.m. father had attended and in which George Haines of Astoria, the two an increase of 590.869,851. Loans his mother had taught until it Democratic primary candidates were 5721,329,775, an increase of Christian College Chorale - Chris­ tian church - 7:30 p.m. consolidated with Vernonia. He for United States Representative 581,709,230, over the 5639,620,546 MONDAY, MAY 2 graduated from Vernonia high from the first district, will also be figure last year. School election - Mist and Washing­ school. on the program. Ticket prices are The Vernonia branch of U.S. Na­ ton schools - 2 to 8 p.m. Married November 2, 1956 in Clac­ set at 52.50 per plate and may be tional recorded total deposits of kamas county. purchased at the door. Franciene 51,832.380.08 according to B. R. Lions Club dinner meeting - Fire Hall - 6:30 p.m. Has two children. Urban, chairman of the Democrat­ Pilger, manager. Loans for the Operates a farm, has property ic Central committee, invites the local branch stood at 5397,547.19. City Council - City Hall - 8 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Legion tree farmed and is also a logger. public to hear and to meet these The statewide financial institu­ Hall - 8 p.m. Is a good hunter. candidates at this dinner. tion's total resources and capital TUESDAY, MAY 3 (Information supplied by J. W. Straub was elected state treas­ funds also increased. Total re­ Mt. Heart Social Committee - Nichols > urer in 1964 and since then has sources on April 5, 1966 were 51,- home of Mrs. Jean Conner, Kea- Answer to last weeks quiz: George been recognized as a leading Dem­ 291.629.150., an increase of $84,532,- sey Rt. - 8 p.m. Peachey. ocratic vote-getter in the state. He 239., and capital increased 51.531,- American Legion Auxiliary . Legion is a veteran of World War II, holds 142 to a new high of 591,904,292. Hall - 1 p.m. a master’s degree from Dartmouth Earlier Kolar had revealed that Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF and he and his wife, Pat, are the U.S. National’s net operating earn­ Hall - 8 p.m.. followed by meeting parents of six children ranging in ings after taxes for the first quar­ of Columbia Encampment No. 89. age from 11 to 21 years. Straub’s ter of 1966 totaled 51,911,691., an WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 public service in addition to his increase of 15.1 percent over the Boy Scouts Troop 201 - Scout cabin- current position as state treasurer first quarter of 1965. 7 p.m. When the Vernonia Extension includes four years as Lane county Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Unit met Thursday, April 21, they commissioner from 1954-58 and Washington, a former resident of Temple - 8 p.m. elected the following officers for state senator from Lane county Vernonia. the year of 1966-67: Chairman, from 1958-62. M r. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas were Hazel Grosche; vice-chairman. The county chairman and vice- in Forest Grove Saturday to attend Lucille Fowler; secretary, Ann chairman of the central commit­ funeral sendees for Benjamin H. Beers; treasurer, Ella Cline. Fuiten. father of Jim Fuiten who Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county tees in the first congressional dis­ passed away last week at the age home extension agent, gave the trict will meet in the Village Inn on this same Saturday in the after­ of 86. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Tho­ Roy L. Bair, infant son of Mrs. lesson. Guidance of the Young mas, accompanied by Mrs. B. J. and Mrs. Larry Bair of Vernonia Child, which was very well re­ noon at 3 p.m. for a quarterly con­ gressional district meeting. All Horn, were again in Forest Grove passed away April 22 at the Forest ceived. for the service held for the infant Grove Community hospital shortly Democrats are also invited to at­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bair after birth. Funeral services were New year’s resolutions are like tend this meeting. Mrs. Lyle Klessig and children held Monday, April 25 at 11 a m. eggs, they’re easily broken but from Portland called on Mr. and at the Forest View cemetery, For­ mighty difficult to pick up again. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! Mrs. Sam Devine Friday of last est Grove. week. Other guests that day were The Rev. Richard Perry, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard of of the First Christian church of Astoria. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. De- Forest Grove officiated and a r­ vine were at Banks to attend a rangements were entrusted to the reception given for Mr. and Mrs. Fuiten-Friesen Mortuary. Daron Spenst who were recently Surviving are the parents, Mr. married in Idaho. The reception and Mrs. Larry Bair, Vernonia: was at the home of the bride’s grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton De- Bair, Portland and Mr. and Mrs. vine, cousins of Sam Devine. John Lentz. Anchorage. Alaska: M r*. Wm. Lindley of Garibaldi and the maternal great grandpar­ is spending this week with her ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lentz. daughter. Mrs. Larry Garner and Vernonia. family. Vernonia Unit Names Officers Services Held For Infant Son the beautiful way to stop rust!" M r. and M r*. Donald Bergerson ! were among local fishermen to go to Eastern Oregon for the opening of the season. They were in the Warm Springs and Deschutes ar­ eas. Delmer Michener was also seen trying his luck in the Des­ chutes river. For Mother's Day, M ay 8 is Northwestern Mutual’s CWF Rummage Sale, Fire Hall, ★ Corsages ★ Plants ★ Arrangements ★ Rose Bushes ★ Cards ★ Gifts Spofford's Flower & Gift Shop — O R D ER QUALITY E A R L Y — May S A «. H*3c Mr. and Mr*. Henry Anderegg received word this week from their son Ralph who is a sophomore at Oregon State University, Cor­ vallis. that he has been tapped for membership in the Oregon Chap­ ter of Alpha Theta, national agri­ culture honorary He will be ini­ tiated into active membership during the spring term. Members are chosen from the sophomore and junior classes on the basis of leadership, scholarship and char acter. Membership in the chapter is limited to about 40. Harry Lina* entered Tuality ha«- pital at Hillsboro Sunday and un derwent surgery Monday New PACESETTER Auto Policy For Your Protection QUINN INSURANCE AGENCY 866 Bridge 429-5211 YOUR CHOICE OF 24 COLORS Derusto enamelized spray primes, finishes. beautifies, protects any type of metal surface with JUST ONE COAT. aim » « l a S K la half-pint to ta ilo n -a in can* Brunsman Hardware & Elec.