MILL MARKET pric V d You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— 129-3492 PORK STEAK Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. -F R O Z E N FLUFFO GOLDEN FO O DS— Tortillas X: 2/39c Pies “ X ppk 2/79c c» LIBBY’S VIENNEA BLUE PLATE MEDIUM Ckvintn 5nnmp c,eaned 4'/2-oz. Can DEL MONTE LARGE SHORTENING 69‘ ROSARITA CORN S w w ' Sausage NUCOA 1-Lb. Ctn. Margarine MANDALAY PRUNES CQc 3 3 49« 5 /$l Tea Bags ■ a 3 /7 9 * Macaroni 4-Lb. 6 9 « 2-Lb. Pkg. NABOB 48 Count PORTER’S SCARPELLI • Elbow— SLICED Lean and Meaty u.,59' Franks 49c Pork Rst X ” "“"i b. 55c Pork Roast X . “X 59c Fashioned SMALL WHITE FRENCH’S Grapefruit X 6 /4 9 c Bananas 2 w- 29c Demon ia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1966 Markham Rites Held Wednesday PINEAPPLE »Pl In Heavy Syrup — 211 Cans Dales To Remember THURSDAY, APRIL 21 Vernonia Study Club • Home of Mrs. Marvin Kamholz - 8 p.m. Pythian Sister practice - IOOF hall - 7 p.m. followed by meeting of Past Chiefs club. FRIDAY, APRIL 22 Funeral services for Earl Lafay­ ette Markham, 68 year old resident of 1210 2nd Avenue, Vernonia were conducted Wednesday, April 20 at 11 a.m. at the Fuiten-Friesen mor­ tuary Chapel, Vernonia. The Rev. H. L. Russell of Ver­ nonia, retired Nazarene minister, officiated at the services with Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, organist. Conclud­ ing services and vault interment were at 3:30 p.m. in Mt. View cemetery, Tacoma, Wn. Arthur Fowler, Roy Day, Jake Van Zee, Clyde May, John Thomas and Lloyd Thomas served as casket bearers. Mr. Markham passed away Ap­ ril 17 at the Forest Grove Conva­ lescent Home following an illness of the past six months. He was born at Clearwater, Min­ nesota October 11, 1897, the son of the late George and Elizabeth Fer­ guson Markham. He spent his ear­ ly life there and in Utah before coming to Oregon as a young man. He was united in marriage to Edith Frazier at LaGrande, Ore. March 2, 1923. He lived for 20 years at Tacoma where he was a school custodian for many years before retiring. He and his wife moved to Vernonia in 1962 and had made their home here since that time. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Edith Markham of V e r n o n i a ; a daughter, Mrs. Curtis (Maxine) Anderson. Tacoma; one son, Don­ ald Markham, Sacramento, Calif.; two brothers; P. E. “Jim ” and Ralph Markham both of Vernonia; and six grandchildren. Junior Class Amateur Hour - High school - 8 p.m. Vernonia Gem and Fossil club - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 24 Nehalem Valley Coin Convention - IOOF hall - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 25 Court house hearing . St. Helens court house - 7 p.m. WW I Barracks and Auxiliary - IOOF hall - 1 p.m. potluck Chamber of Commerce board - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls- Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 26 Chapter BS, P.E.O. Sisterhood - Home of Mrs. T. M. Hobart - 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. Tell Neighbor Crusade Theme “Tell Your Neighbor” is a major theme of the American Cancer So­ ciety’s 1966 Crusade in April, Can­ cer control month. Mrs. Bill Horn, chairman, of the Society’s Crusade in Vernonia said: “It is my hope that all our volun­ teers will be communicators of hope rather than salesmen of fear. It is hope, not fear, that makes people take personal action against cancer.” She said that getting people to take personal action against cancer is one of the most difficult things Accident Claims Life the world. People put off having Of Workman on Monday in an annual health checkup or don't Albert G. Gatling, aged 49, an even have one. They avoid taking employee of the Spokane, Portland, prompt action when a cancer dan­ and Seattle railroad, was killed ger signal appears. They delay un­ Monday, April 18 when he fell 65 til it is too late for effective treat­ feet from the railroad trestle be­ ment. tween Vernonia and Staley's It is even harder than getting Junction while working on the people out to vote, she continued, trestle. At the time of the accident and politicians and candidates Mr. Gatling was using an electric know how hard this is, and how power saw to cut trusses. The saw hard they have to work for it. apparently bucked and threw him The purpose of the annual cru­ backward. sade of the society, the chairman Mr. Gatling is survived by his said, is not just to raise money to wife and one son, who reside at advance cancer control—for cancer their home in Yakima, Washington. research, education and service. Local arrangements were en­ It is to help save thousands of addi­ trusted to Fuiten-Friesen Morturay tional lives now. “Tell Your Neighbor” volunteers of Forest Grove. going from house-to-house during the crusade will be, in fact, people E&B’ LAUNDRY" and speaking to people about cancer DRY CLEANERS and what they can do about it. 756 Bridge St. The volunteer will leave life-saving — Alto. Shoe Repairing — literature that answers questions Two-day Service about cancer which concerns ev­ CASH & CARRY eryone. JO Y T H E A T E R Fri., Sat. April 22-23 THAT FUNNY FEELING Sandra Dee Perfect Grade Point Rates Honor Listing Named to the honor roll for win­ ter term at Lewis A Clark college in Portland is Michael Hobart, se­ nior from Vernonia. His grade ave­ rage was a perfect 4.0. Hobart is the son of Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hobart. He is majoring in history F 0 R 2-Lb. Bag Wafers >'C Mrs. Ray Cota accompanied her Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderegg were her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Besse- mere, Michigan. appeals and grievances committee of the Grand Chapter. Those in the Vernonia group were Mrs. Farrell West, worthy matron; Wilbur Dav­ is, worthy patron; Frank Serafin and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bush. Guests Saturday at the home of Mrs. Sallie Brown were her grand­ daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Metzger and family from Salem. Mrs. Willard Haverland and her daughter . in - law, Mrs. Marilyn Brown and children left Monday to drive to Albuquerque, New Mex­ Greg Kamholz, elder son of Mr. ico to visit relatives. They are and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz, enlisted making the trip in Mrs. Brown’s in the army Monday of last week car and plan to be gone for about and was sent to Fort Ord, Califor­ three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter nia for basic training. Lankston and baby came from Mrs. Henry Anderegg and Mrs. Spanway, Washington last week Jack Bergerson were at Clatskanie end and Mrs. Lankston and the last Friday for luncheon at Hump's baby remained at the Haverland restaurant as guests of Ray Kozak, home to assist while Mrs. Haver­ Portland radio personality, for a land is away. preliminary meeting of persons Mr. and Mrs. Cliff White arrived from Columbia and Clatsop coun­ home Saturday from a three-weeks ties concerning the Oregon Dairy vacation in Hawaii. They stayed Princess contest. Columbia county in Honolulu but made trips to the will not hold a contest this year other islands, also. One of the due to lack of qualified entrants. highlights of their stay was attend­ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Foreman of ing the opening of Ala Mona, the Hermiston were week end visitors largest shopping center in the at the home of her mother. Mrs. world. It is almost like a world’s Blanche H. Pickering. fair with shops representing coun­ CWF Rummage Sale, Fire Hall, tries all over the world. In the May 5 & 6. 16t3c center of the development is a Mr. and Mrs. Wally Noakes en­ large revolving restaurant like the joyed a ten-day vacation recently space needle at Seattle only larger. during which they went to Mercede The Whites made their trip to and California to visit her father, Jo­ from Hawaii on Northwest Orient seph A. Jensen and help him cele­ airlines from Seattle. brate his 82nd birthday. They also CWF Rummage Sale, Fire Hall, visited her brother and wife, Mr. May 5 * 6 . 16f3c and Mrs. Floyd Jensen and her Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Redmond sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. received a telephone call from Ed Kajor. Enroute home they vis­ their son Russ in the Marine band ited friends at Arcata, Mr. and at Parris Island, South Carolina Mrs. Hank Sofinski and her father, that he had been advanced from Clarence Malcom, all of whom P.F.C. to lance corporal. Easter they had known before in Portland. week end Mr. and Mrs. Redmond They came on home by the coast were in Bellingham, Washington route. to visit their son Harv and his fian­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner, ac­ cee, Linda Schuchman at Western companied by Mrs. Faye Davis Washington State College. and Mrs. Irma Chance, went to In­ Mr. and Mr*. Harry Sandon dependence Saturday to attend the spent last week end at Cape Look­ district 2 Pythian Sister convention. out state park at Tillamook attend­ They called on former Vernonia ing the rendezvous of the Oregon resident, Kent Bauersfeld at his Trailer club of which they became jewelry store. members. Other local members Mr. and M r*. Bill J. Horn and who were among the forty trailers children attended the wedding of there were Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. her nephew, Larry Simonton, re­ Hearing and Mr. and Mrs. Frank cently at the Central Baptist Gray. Funeral services were held Fri­ church in Forest Grove. Mr*. Vida Jon«*, *i*ter of Mr*. day at the Calvary Episcopal Trilla Anderson, passed away church at Seaside for Robert Tee- Thursday of last week at the New­ vin who was killed last week in a berg Care Home where she had logging accident near Seaside. His resided for some time. She was 81 uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ years of age. Services were held old Bergerson and their daughter at Newberg at the Brown Memor­ Ann and Jack Bergerson attended ial Chapel on Friday. Other sur­ the services. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff had a vivors include a daughter, Grace Colby of Newberg; a son, Raleigh surprise visit Satudray from their Jones of Springfield; a brother, grandson, Chris Ballard of Port­ Harvey Crume of Coquille; two land, who came to introduce to grandchildren and one great-grand­ them his bride. They had been child. Mrs. Anderson’s daughter. married March 21 but had not let Mrs. Ed Roediger, accompanied the grandparents know of it until her to Newberg Friday for the ser­ their visit. Tuesday evening of vices and they were joined there this week Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Stiff of by her other three daughters. CWF Rummage Sab, Fire Hall, Portland were dinner guests at the May 5 * 6 . 16*3« Stiff home. Tuesday evening of last week, a group from Nehalem chapter OES attended the Friendship Night at the St. Helens chapter at which Lester Langdon, member of the A certain basketball noted ruefully that, no the fans travel to a always end up riding mentor has matter, how game, they the coach. 642 Rose avenue returned home Tuesday from a ten-day trip to visit their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and family and to make the acquaintance of their granddaughter. They also went to Heppner to visit friends and to Clarkston, Washington to visit his mother in a nursing home and his sister and family. Karl Garner observed his fourth birthday Tuesday of this week. Guests that afternoon for birthday cake were .Mrs. Don Holsey and sons Jeff, Greg and Brian, Mrs. Elroy Miner and daughter Cindy, Mrs. Joe Wuest and children Loren and Brenda. A family dinner was featured Tuesday evening. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Keasey were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Keasey and two sons from Oak Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Seibel Lb. 4^ 2 /2 9 NABISCO VANILLA 09 TOPICS OF THE TOWN PREPARED Mustard NAVY BEANS Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of sister, Mrs. Milo John and son Du­ ane from Springfield to Vernonia last week end for an overnight vis­ it with relatives. Mrs. Cota was the house guest of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cota and Mrs. John and son stayed with an­ other sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald. MEATS 2/69 District Meet Due at Astoria Mrs. Margaret Allyn, Columbia county extension agent, presented the lesson, “Guidance of the young child,” to members of the Timber Route Extension Unit April 12 at the West Oregon Electric building. Hostesses, Mrs. Oren Weed and Mrs. F. E. Fuquay served the pot luck lunch. This year the district meeting will be in Astoria on April 27. Reg­ istration starts at 10 a.m. Those who attend are to take sack lunch. Coffee and dessert will be made available by Clatsop county exten­ sion members. A tour of the job corp center in Astoria will be held for those inter­ ested from 2 to 3 p.m., after the meeting. were in Portland Easter Sunday to meet her father, Trenton Gar­ ner of Birkenfeld at the airport on his arrival from a two weeks va­ Pioneer Family Member cation. He had flown by jet to New Succumbs in Milwaukie York, from there to New Orleans from whence he went to Mississip­ A small item in a Portland pap pi to visit two brothers and two er last week told of the death of sisters and families and many boy­ the last member of a pioneer fam­ hood friends. On leaving there he ily, the Shannahans whose home­ flew to Virginia to visit the former stead is now the Vernonia golf Janice Hoyt and family, then to course. She was Mrs. Lulu Eero Los Angeles to visit his other Knutson, daughter of the Shanna­ daughter and husband, Mr. and hans, who was 87 years of age. Mrs. Warren Haase who had just Services were held Friday at the returned home from a vacation the Peake Memorial Chapel at in Europe. Milwaukie. In the item she was listed as a Portland native, but it Perhaps you didn’t land in a bed is known that she was born here. of roses, but at least be glad your Her only surviving relative, ac­ parachute opened. cording to the item, was a nephew.