Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 5 Girl Scouts Receive Awards Beef Aged io Perfection ENTER 1 WIN / TRIP 25-Lbs. PILLSBURY BEST DRAWING TO BE HELD SATURDAY FROZEN STEAKS STEWING CHICKEN Fresh Frozen and Cut Up I DEL MONTE 1 FRANKS I 12-oz. Pkg. FLOUR Bridal Shower Given For Candice Glick Drawing Every Thursday for 10 Books Stamps VEGETABLES with BEEF £aa“? t HOUSEHOLD ALUMINUM FOIL 49c NESTLES QUICK Regularly 1-Lb. Box SANI COLOR DETERGENT LADIES CHOICE SYRUP 18-oz. Bottle LADIES CHOICE PRESERVES 20-oz. LADIES CHOICE GRAPE JELLY LADIES CHOICE PRESERVES 4, MJB LONG GRAIN RICE Size ZEE PAPER TOWELS Giant Rolls DEAN’S SMOOTH SALAD DRESSING HEINZ t HEINZ COJ KETCHUP TOMATO KETCHUP, Size 14-oz. Bottles PHEASANT BRAND 88c SALE!! Cut Green Beans Red Kidney Beans Salad Sliced Beets X Diced Carrots X Young Tender Peas Wh Kernel Corn X . Cream Corn Peas & Carrots Pear Halves X Pear Halves t Z 2,/! Tins DRIP OR REGULAR T ins... COFFEE Tins Tins...... COFFEE COFFEE Instant COFFEE Jar .................................. Hungry Jack PANCAKE MIX 4-Lb. Bag, Hi-Ho Crax, Vanilla Wafers, COOKIES and Oatmeal—Reg. Pkgs. Pinning ceremony and presen­ tation of awards for the Vernonia Girl Scout Troop 66 was held on March 23 at the Scout cabin in the city park. All members of the troop had earned the world as­ sociation pin and they all received new Girl Scout pins. Those who had been in Girl Scouts for a year received year pins. A number of the girls received badges they had earned. These were in homemaking, swimming, skating and other things on which each girl had worked individually. The girls worked hard for their badges and congratulations were extended to each of them for their efforts. Mothers of the girls were spec­ ial guests for this ceremony. Re­ freshments were served by the girls following the meeting. The girls have been actively en­ gaged in the annual cookie sale for the past two weeks and have been having very good success. Tins.... 6 /8 8 c 6 /8 8 c 7 /8 8c 6 /8 8 c 6 /8 8c 5 /8 8 c 5 /8 8 c 6 /8 8 c 3 /8 8 c 2/88 c PHEASANT BLEACH The Misses Jeri and Linda B ra­ dy were hostesses Monday even­ ing, April 11 for a bridal shower held at their home in honor of Miss Candice Glick whose mar­ riage to Darrell Elliott will be an event of April 16. Guests included Mrs. Dorothy Brady, Mrs. Roy Elliott, Mrs. Jon Carter, Mrs. Marie Elliott and the Misses Darlene Welch, Laura Floeter, Sherry Sutton, Sharon San­ ders, Marsha Aldrich, Kathy Jen­ sen, Linda Armstrong, Mary Lou Carter, Cherrie Floeter, Kathy Schwab and Betty Berg. After the honor guest opened and displayed many lovely gifts for her new home, a beautifully decorated cake was served with ice cream and punch. Bellingham Family^ Gathers at Astoria ** BIRKENFELD — Mr. aftf Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mrs. Douglas Bel­ lingham and the Ron Trenholm family all enjoyed Easter dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker at­ tended church here Sunday, then drove to Astoria and Seaside, had dinner at the Crab Broiler and vis­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene McGaughey at Elsie. Winema Grange HEC met at the home of Mrs. Tom Hopkins last Tuesday. A flower and bulb ex­ change was held. After the general business, nice refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Elsa Richardson had East­ er dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson. Prosperity is being able to pay more for things you don’t need. A ss’td. Colors TOILET TISSUE Prices Good Thru April 17 CREDIT You Bet hour-a-day protection for your vacation TRIP Before you go, get low-cost Travel Accident Insurance which will provide an acci­ dental death benefit plus pro­ tection against the medical expense of accidental injuries during your entire trip —for as little as 3 days or as long as 6 months. We can also provide insurance for your baggage and other personal effects. Call us for details. Bill J. Horn I rnï/f GRApffRUIT TUBE TOMATOES ORANGE JUICE RHUBARB Snoboy VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE 735 Jefferson St., Vernonia Hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m Sundays 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Prices Effective April 14- 15-16-17 — Thurs., Fri.. S a t, and Sunday 905 Bridge Street Phone 429-6203 Vernonia, Oregon