Rainbow Girls Confer Degree There were 22 Rainbow Girls who attended the E.U.B. church in a body April 2 to commemorate the birthday of the founder of Rain­ bow for Girls, William Mark Sex- son. April 6, a reception honoring Inez Mathison, Grand Editor of the seven steps magazine was at­ tended by Marilyn Jones, grand chaplain; Mrs. Irene Jones grand deputy; Margie Jones, past grand recorder; Chris Bender, worthy ad­ visor; Jeri Rundle, Belinda Brew­ er and Mrs. Louise Hamnett, mo­ ther advisor. April 18 the regular meeting of Nehalem Assembly was held. In­ itiatory degrees were conferred on Margaret Tovey. Plans were fur­ thered for the spaghetti dinner, en­ tertaining the Eastern Star and Masons and degree for OES friend­ ship night and Grand Assembly. It was announced that Chris Ben­ der, worthy advisor, is to receive the Grand Cross of Colors at Grand Assembly. The honor will also be conferred on Thomas Tomlin, chairman of the advisory board. Grand Cross of Colors is presented for faithful and devoted work. Grand choir member for Grand Assembly this year is to be Linda Abercrombie. March 27 was the reception hon­ oring Marilyn Jones, grand chap­ lain. Besides the many friends and relatives who came to honor her, the sun came out and shone with all its glory. Among the distin­ guished guests were Mrs. Irene Jones, Mrs. Eleanor Taylor and Mrs. Cox. Grand representatives included Rerris Barnes and Peg­ gy Sparks. Other grand officers present were Chris Nacheff, grand religion; Sharia Straton, grand drill leader and Susan Pearson, grand faith. Other visitors intro­ duced were Patty Hawkinson and Mrs. Van, both of Wabanang As­ sembly in Clatskanie, and LaRae McAnninch of Newberg. An addendum was given Mari­ lyn in which she was named Lol- lypop kid. Refreshments were serv­ ed afterwards. Wife to nagging husband; “Shut up. I told you an hour ago I’d be ready in a minute!” & FOR YOUR BEST DEAL on a '66 FORD or Quality Used Car Call French Student Is VHS Visitor A IR M AN M ark M. Medges, son of M r. and Mrs. Jo« Medges of Timber route, Vernonia, has been selected for training at Sheppard AFB, Texas, as an Air Force a ir­ craft maintenance specialist. The airman, a 1965 graduate of V er­ nonia high school, recently com­ pleted basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas. Artist Presents Craft Program An outstanding program of color slides and music entitled “The Sound of Music” presented by E r­ ich Porshman of Portland was en­ joyed by those attending the meet­ ing of the Society of Arts and Crafts April 4. Mrs. Porshman accompanied her husband and displayed an ar­ tistic and interesting group of her craft work suitable to the spring season. In addition Mr. Porshman showed four of his felt pen draw­ ings of interesting buildings in Nuremberg, Germany, two of his watercolors, and two of his sculp­ tured figures. The color slides showed many magnificent views of the country­ side in Austria where the Trapp family resided and which were al­ so featured in the movie of the Trapp Family “The Sound of Mu­ sic.” Much of the music accom- manying the slides came from the original score of the film. Also shown were many scenes of build­ ings, interiors and gardens, castles churches and streets in Vienna and other countryside views in Austria and Tyrolean country. This was accompanied by appropriate mus­ ic and commentary by Mrs. Porsh­ man on tape, coordinated with the slides. Mr. Porshman has a number of programs on film and tape, in­ cluding one on the Passion Play at Oberammergau which he has pre­ sented at the Portland Art Museum and the Oregon Society of Artists, of which he is a member. He has agreed to return to Vernonia to present another of his programs after his return from a trip to Germany this summer to honor his mother on her ninetieth birth­ day. A short business meeting preced­ ed the program. It was announced that the glass craft course to be taught by Bert Willemse, stained glass artist of Scappoose, would begin Wednesday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the art center in the Clinic building. The class will be held six consecutive Wednesdays and will feature construction of hang­ ing stained glass lanterns and lamps, room dividers, sculptured glass in cement for dividers and patio walls, mosaic windows and table tops, yard lanterns and other related objects. Program chairman Miss Janeice Kenyon announced that arrange­ ments are being made to present a poet and a potter from the Cove Gallery at the May meeting. The poet writes about early Oregon history, both Indian and pioneer, and suggests that people having artifacts, relics and antiques re­ lating to the early history of the Nehalem Valley bring the articles to the meeting for display. More details about this program will be given later. Mrs. Welcome Rumbaugh was appointed chairman of the refresh­ ment committee. Previously ap­ pointed committee heads are as follows: Art. Mrs. Evelyn Heath; needlework, Mrs. Sam Murray; by-laws, Mrs. T.M. Hobart; crafts, Mrs. W. E. Wilson; building, Mrs. Sam Murray; jamboree committee representative, Mrs. Carson Strong press and publicity, Mrs. W. E. Wilson. Lei's Gel Acquainted! Do you know this man? Jaycee Dinner Well Attended Oernonia Eagle BORN March 7, 1897 in Glen coun­ ty, Kansas. Wednesday of last week, Vernon­ Married in 1917 in Custer county, About 70 young men and women Oklahoma. ia high school was visited by attended the Saturday evening din­ Aliette Marc, foreign exchange stu­ Has four children, a number of ner sponsored by the Hillsboro grandchildren. dent from France, who is a stu­ Jaycees at the Vernonia VFW hall. dent this year at Clatskanie high Came to Vernonia in 1942. Worked for Oregon - American as Dick Beers was MC for the even­ school. She spoke in an assembly ing. a donkey operator. and also showed slides. She visited The program centered around a the speech and American prob­ Has since worked some in a local 35-minute slide presentation which service station. lems classes and sDent the after­ gave the history as well as the pur­ noon in the French classes taught (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ pose of the Jaycees. Following the chols) Answer to last weeks by Mrs. Amy Kamholz. slide presentation there were two quiz: Otto Goertzen. Aliette is from Rennes, France. guest speakers. Frank Brawner, She had studied English from two past vice-president of the U. S. Baptismal Ceremony to three hours a week for the past Jaycees spoke about his experienc­ seven years in school in France es with the Jaycees and said a Observed on Easier and has a good command of the A ceremony of dedication and better person and community will English language and expresses baptism for Mary Elizabeth Keas- be developed if one remembers herself well. ey, three-month-old daughter of parts of just two words. The first She is 18 years of age and has Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keasey was is American from which the last already graduated from a French held at noon Sunday at the Evan­ four letters spell I-can. The second high school and passed her exams gelical United Brethren church is community in which the last for college. When she returns to with the pastor, Reverend Ray­ four letters are unity. France she will major in langu­ mond P. Targgart officiating. God The second speaker for the ev­ ages and after four to six years parents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard ening was the honorable mayor of in college would like to become Vernonia, Dr. T. M. Hobart. He Byrd of Aurora. an interpreter. Others who were present were welcomed the re activation of the She finds the high school work the babe’s sisters and brothers, Vernonia Jaycees and stated that here easier than in France with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Syd he felt much could be accomplish­ less expected of the student. She Warbis and Mrs. Keasey’s sister ed by the Jaycees. finds her stay in Clatskanie very and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Attending the dinner from Ver­ interesting and welcomes the op­ Caron and family. nonia were Mr. and Mrs. Hobart, portunity to become acquainted Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Borders, Mr. with people in the community. Mrs. Byrd were dinner guests of and Mrs. Robert Bates, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Warbis at their home Mrs. Gary Justice, Mr. and Mrs. on Stoney Point. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! Jack Lindsley, Larry Welch, Mr. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 and Mrs. A1 DeLemos, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gibson Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Darrell McKee, Mr .and Mrs. Bryon Mc­ Leod, and Mr and Mrs. Richard Beers. Alfalfa is from the Ara­ bic word meaning “best feed.” READ ADVERTISIN G — IT PAYS! SPO FFORD’S FLOW ER & GIFT SHOP “Vernonia’s Garden Center” — aa Better Quality for Less Here! V 10c BANANAS 10c NAVEL ORANGES SC GREEN ONIONS radishes MJB COFFEE 3- lk Tm $2.19 49c CHOC ECLAIRS “ CANDY BARS 10/69C SHASTA CANNED POP I2 /$ l Lb. Lb. Bunch POPCORN ” ... CRISCO OIL PANCAKE M IX X X 29c 69c 99c 38-oz. Size C V D IID Staley’s Waff,e 3 I |\U l and Pancake .....................24-oz. n /o o * X/ 0 DETERGENT X . 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Ph. 644-3619 As long as a person does only what his job requires of him, he’s not likely to rise above the ranks. aii kinds of good buys all in one place... at your Chevrolet dealer’s: Chevrolet Phone 429-3462 N E H A L EM V A LLEY MOTOR FREIGHT 3 ■ Chevelle • Chevy II * Corvair * Corvette No. 36 8700 DAVIES CHEVROLET COMPANY BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA, OREGON PHONE 429-5023