MILL MARKET You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— 129-3192 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. -F R O Z E N Peas FO O D S- Flav-R-Pac 10-oz. Pkgs. SHUR-FRESH 6/$l FROZEN Orange Juice Cans CHEF BOY-AR-DEE BEEF Raviola c2„oz' 6/$l ■■ 55* -O U S » S H E L V E S J ! ,R E SSTOCKED Vy ™ the finest in Food! VAN CAMP Extra Fancy 8 m 2 /2 9 c 10c PORK & BNS. APPLE SAUCE A No 2K $ | 00 4 Cans ” $I * oo "X Cans A GROUND BEEF H Vf* T j E HUNT’S CIDER Quart Hottie ORE-IDA | Vinegar M r. and Mrs. Harry Sandon re­ Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Notestine from San Mateo, California. During their stay, visits were made to rela­ tives in St. Helens including Mrs. Notestine’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeler. The Notestines left for home Saturday and the Serafins spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at McMinnville. M r. and Mrs. Gerald Smith of Cody, Wyoming spent from Sun­ day to Wednesday of last week with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron. They had also spent several days at Depoe Bay. The Camerons’ daugh­ ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don O’Neill and family from Port­ land were here for Easter. Mrs. H arry Buchele of Vancou­ ver, Washington visited here last Friday with her sister anti hus­ band, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Poetter. Recent newcomers on Timber road are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Con- nely and daughter Diana who mov­ ed to this area from Portland. Mr. Connely is a citizens band radio operator. 99c car wash, Vernonia Quintet, Sat., Apr. 16, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Johnson Shell Station. Vernonia Assembly of God Youth Group. 15tlc M r. and Mrs. B. L. Mitchell who have spent the winter at Yuma. Arizona returned to Oregon last week and were in Vernonia Thurs­ day to look after their Mist route property. They are to be in St. Helens for awhile, they stated. Demonia £a