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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1966)
MILL MARKET You’re as close to Mill Market and Lockers as your Telephone— 129-3192 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. -F R O Z E N Peas FO O D S- Flav-R-Pac 10-oz. Pkgs. SHUR-FRESH 6/$l FROZEN Orange Juice Cans CHEF BOY-AR-DEE BEEF Raviola c2„oz' 6/$l ■■ 55* -O U S » S H E L V E S J ! ,R E SSTOCKED Vy ™ the finest in Food! VAN CAMP Extra Fancy 8 m 2 /2 9 c 10c PORK & BNS. APPLE SAUCE A No 2K $ | 00 4 Cans ” $I * oo "X Cans A GROUND BEEF H Vf* T j E HUNT’S CIDER Quart Hottie ORE-IDA | Vinegar M r. and Mrs. Harry Sandon re Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Notestine from San Mateo, California. During their stay, visits were made to rela tives in St. Helens including Mrs. Notestine’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeler. The Notestines left for home Saturday and the Serafins spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at McMinnville. M r. and Mrs. Gerald Smith of Cody, Wyoming spent from Sun day to Wednesday of last week with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron. They had also spent several days at Depoe Bay. The Camerons’ daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don O’Neill and family from Port land were here for Easter. Mrs. H arry Buchele of Vancou ver, Washington visited here last Friday with her sister anti hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Poetter. Recent newcomers on Timber road are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Con- nely and daughter Diana who mov ed to this area from Portland. Mr. Connely is a citizens band radio operator. 99c car wash, Vernonia Quintet, Sat., Apr. 16, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Johnson Shell Station. Vernonia Assembly of God Youth Group. 15tlc M r. and Mrs. B. L. Mitchell who have spent the winter at Yuma. Arizona returned to Oregon last week and were in Vernonia Thurs day to look after their Mist route property. They are to be in St. Helens for awhile, they stated. Demonia £a<jle 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 JO Y T H E A T E R Fri.. Sat. April 15-16 In Harms Way John Wayne INST. 3</2-oz. Potatoes 2 /2 9 * KLEENEX DECORATED SPRUANCE Towels Bread M ix u lT / S ’ 2 /5 9 * pB 55 Coconut, Choc., Fudge and Banana Cremes F O R Rites Held for Arthur Thomas Guests last week at the home Funeral services were held last Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the North west Christian Home at Beaver ton for Arthur Lewis Thomas, fa ther of Guy I. Thomas. He had Former Vernonia residents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Knauss of Port been a resident of the home for land, were in Vernonia last Thurs the past eight years and would day and had with them two of her have been 89 years of age this cousims Miss Anna Nilsson and coming June 1. Miss Therese Nilsson from Varm- Mr. Thomas came to Oregon land, Sweden. They were the from Kansas and since 1911 had daughters of a sister of Mrs. El lived at Tillamook where he en on Malmsten, mother of Mrs. gaged in dairy farming until he Knauss who originally came from retired. He is survived by five the same town in Sweden. sons, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Another son, M r. and Mrs. Dave Skidmore spent Easter at Hood River with Lynn Thomas, was a former Ver her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry nonia resident. Dimbat who were observing their 44th wedding anniversary. M r. and Mrs. Darrold Proehl M r. and Mrs. Walter Linn were and family took advantage of the at Lake Grove Sunday for dinner two days of school vacation for a at the home of a nephew and wife, long week end visit at Coquille with her sister and husband, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Howk. M r. and Mrs. Horace Hertel and and Mrs. John Heenan. Mrs. Albert Childs bad all of family were at The Dalles Sunday to attend the wedding of a cousin. her family at home for Easter. They also visited Mr. Hertel’s Included were Mr. and Mrs. Jack mother. They reported scenery in Childs, Carol and Craig; Mrs. Wm. the area particularly beautiful at Lumm, Mrs. Mike Phillips and this time due to the cherry or daughters, and Mrs. Mabel Childs, all from Portland; Mr. and Mrs. chards being in full bloom. Rummage Sale, April 14, 15, 16, Mike Mullins and baby. Forest Fire Hall, EUB Church Circle. 14t2c Grove; Jimmy Mullins, Mr. and M r. and Mrs. Wm. Lindley of Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dev Garibaldi spent the Easter week from Natal. The 18th birthday of end here with her daughter and Carol Childs and the sixth birth husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gar day of Cindy Phillips were an ner and family. Mrs. Garner’s Easter event this year and were brother, Ray Hahmeyer of Port observed. Pvt. Billy F. Tomlin is home on land was an Easter dinner guest, leave after completing basic train also. M r. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz ing in the Marine Corps at San spent last week end at Lincoln Diego, Calif. He will report back to San Diego to attend electronic City. M r. and Mrs. Howard Huss school April 23. Guests last Friday afternoon at moved to Salem last week. Both of them are employed there and the home of Mrs. Sam Devine were they have a new mobile home Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danielson and there. They were here Sunday Mrs, Jim Swanson of Rainier. The birthday of Mrs. Danielson was looking after their property. observed with cake and coffee. Mrs. Laura Carmichael w a s awakened at 3 a.m. last Thursday Easter dinner guests of Mr. and morning, April 7 to hear the news Mrs. Devine were her sister and that her 17th grandchild had ar husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirt- rived at Covina, California. He is zel and daughter from Portland, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John her brother, Einar Danielson from Carmichael, weighed 7 pounds 12Mi Forest Grove and their son and ounces and has been named John wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine Robert Louis Carmichael. He is the and daughter Sandra. Mr. and first son for the John Carmichaels Mrs. Ira Peterson of Scappoose called on them Monday. who also have four daughters. Rummage Sale. April 14, 15. 16, Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers Fire Hall, EUB Church Circle. 14t2c M n . Lydia Johnson, aunt of Mrs. were their daughter and husband, Frank Lange and her son Lester Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schamp and children from Forest Grove and who have been guests at the Lange Mrs. Steers’ mother, Mrs. Laura home for the past week, left Tues day morning for their home in Carmichael. White Bear Lakes, Minnesota. Sun day, they were guests at an Easter dinner where others present were Mr. and Mrs. Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman DeHart, Miss Sun ny DeHart, Mrs. Carl Davis, Mr. and Mrs Henry Hunteman, Rich ard Hunteman and Mrs. Lucille Fowler. of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Markham were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Peder son from Sebastopol, California. Guest last week at the home of Mrs. Charles Van Alstine was her nephew, John Green from Bartles ville, Oklahoma, who came to as sist her at the time of the death of her husband. While here he took Mrs. Van Alstine with him for a loop drive to Astoria and down the roast and back to Vernonia so that he could see some of the area scen ery. SHOP LOCALLY FIRSTI Dales To Remember THURSDAY, A PR IL 14 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF hail - 8 p.m. preceded by drill practice at 7 p.m. /I C i “± ÏJ , 100% Pure Beef.............. LB. PURE PORK Sausage Rolls Rolls 49c Nebergals or Del Monte SANTIAM SLICED GREEN BEANS COOKIES 4B Û9B g 5 " c l” ’ 1 » TOPICS OF THE TOWN turned home last week from a weeks vacation during which they visited cousins at Cupertino, Cali fornia just south of San Francisco. Enroute home they drove to Reno and up through Lakeview. Rummage Sale, April 14, 15, 16, Fire Hall, EUB Church Circle. 14t2c MEATS HOOD RIVER FIRESIDE Celery Avocados BUDGET PRICED UNCLE BEN’S 5-oz. Pkg. 2 / 19 Quick Rice I ■■ SUNSHINE HI-HO 13'/j-oz. Crackers Death Claims Charles Bames p k s.................. A / »P A I 3/ en Woodruff, Lake Oswego; three brothers, Frank, Lake Oswego, Bob, Taft, and Bill Barnes, Glen dale, California; four sisters, Mar garet Seeley of Tualatin, Edith Thornbrue of Lincoln City, Mat- tie Thornbrue of Tigard and Es sie Day of Newberg; eight grand children and six great-grandchild ren. News was received here last week end of the death of a for High school concert - High school mer resident of Trehame, Charles Barnes, who for the past 15 years auditorium - 8 p.m. has lived at Lake Oswego. He suc SATURDAY, A PR IL 16 Community Christian Youth ban cumbed at Good Samaritan hospi quet - EUB church - 6:30 p.m. tal following a short illness and About eight million copies of the was 70 years of age. M O NDAY, A PR IL 18 Bible are sold each year in the Services were held Wednesday U. S. The next best seller is the Lions club dinner meeting - Fire of this week at Youngs Funeral Sears, Roebuck catalogue, usually. hall - 6:30 p.m. Vernonia PTA - Kindergarten pro Home at Tigard. Survivors include his wife, Pearl, gram - Washington school - 7:30 at Lake Oswego; two sons, Lloyd p.m. City council - City hall - 8 p.m. of Trinidad, California and Wal Call Spofford’s American Legion Post - Legion ter, Lake Oswego; a daughter, Hel hall . 8 p.m. F R ID A Y , A PR IL 15 For Flowers TUESDAY, A PR IL 19 American Legion Auxiliary - Le gion hall - 1:30 p.m. Vernonia Jaycees - VFW hall - 7:30 p.m. EUB Guild - Home of Mrs. Carl Holsey - 7:30 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m., followed by meeting of Columbia Encamp ment No. 89. W EDN ESD AY, A PR IL 20 Boy Scouts Troop 201 - Scout Cab in, City park - 7 p.m. Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. Maude Williams Service Friday LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 P.M., FIRE HALL Charley Hickman, President David Banta, Secretary 3-66 Mrs. Margaret Allyn, Columbia county extension agent, will give the lesson “ Guidance of the Young Child” at the next meeting of the Vernonia Extension Unit which will be held Thursday, April 21 at 11 a m. at the West Oregon build ing. All interested women are invited to attend. The luncheon will be potluck. Have reasons for your actions— then you won't need excuses Meets last Thursday every month West Oregon Electric Auditorium 7:30 P.M. Ruth Steers, President George Laws, Vice-president Stanley Enevoldsen, Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME 10-66 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated C o m m u n i c a t i o n first Thursday of each month, at 8:00 p.m. Frank Serafin, W. M. Graveside services were held Walter E. Linn, Sec’y. 1-67 last Friday, April 8 at the IOOF cemetery at Hillsboro for Mrs. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Maude Williams who passed away Harding Lodge No. 116 Tuesday of last week at Tuality Vernonia, Oregon hospital following a short illness. The service was conducted by the I.O.O.F. Hall Reverend R. L. Cox of the Hills Second boro Four Square church. The Monday Donelson, Sewell and Hammack nf Each Month Mortuary was in charge of ar Jack Bergerson, Chancellor rangements. Commander Mrs. Williams was the daughter of Captain Edward E. Brand and E. E. Garner, Secretary Hannah Bennet Brand and was PYTHIAN SISTERS born December 20, 1886 in Port Vernonia Temple No. 61 land. She was 79 on her last birth Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall day. Second and Fourth Wednesdays When she was quite small her of each month father died and her mother moved Martha Brady, M.E.C. to Vernonia. She grew up here to Cora Lange, Secretary 2-66 the age at which she went to Hillsboro to work and it was there Vernonia Lodge No. 246 she met Jasper Williams to whom she was married in 1902. Her I.O.O.F- home had been in that area since that time. First and Third Tuesday She is survived by four daugh 8 p . m . ters, Mrs. Lela Miller of Aloha. P. E. "Jim’’ Markham, Noble Grand Mrs. Rita Shipley of Timber Rt., Harry Culbertson, Sec. 1-67 Vernonia, Mrs. Thelma Vandehey of Banks and Mrs. Eva Manthey of MT. HEART REBEKAH Beaverton; eight grandchildren LODGE NO. 243 and 11 great grandchildren. County Agent Due for Extension Unit Meeting NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday eve nings of each month in the I.O.O.F. hall. Marie Elliott. Noble Grand Dorothy Sandon. Secretary 3-67 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Ralph Bergerson. President Mr». Evelyn Heath. Secy. Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall, 1 p.m. H. L, Russell, Commander Marcus Haines, Adjutant AUXILIARY Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 1 p.m. Rose Vaipiani, President Cora Lange, Secretary , 7-66 a 3-14 IWA Local Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 P.M. A.F.L. — C.I.O. Business Agent is at the hall. North and Washington Sts., third Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4-66 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153. O. E. S. Regular com munication first and third Wed. of each month at Masonic Tem ple. All visiting sisters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Farrell West. W. M. Mrs. Paul Gordon. Sec. AMERICAN LEGION Meets First and Third Mondays of each month. VERNONIA POST 11» Thomas Hall, Commander Harry Culbertson, Adjutant AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays Gertrude Schalock. President 7-M I Lona Weidman. Secretary 1-66