Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 14, 1966, Image 1

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U n iv e r s ity o f fragen
Eugene« Oregon
Demonia Ea^te
Change for
Bridge Curve
Registration o f
Voters JC Plan
Band, Choir
Prepare for
Spring Event
The Vernonia Jaycees, as a ser­ house number must be shown on
The Vernonia Chamber of Com­ vice project, have arranged with the voter’s registration card and
The annual spring concert for
merce has received a reply from Columbia County Clerk Roy A. those who have not moved but
high school band and choir will
live on streets that have been re­
the Oregon State Highway commis­
sion to the letter concerning the Bridge street in Vernonia to reg­ named must correct their addres­ be presented Friday evening, April
hazardous situation at the bridge ister voters in an effort to get all ses on the registration lists in or­ 15 at 8 p.m. in the high school
auditorium under the direction of
one mile south of town where a qualified persons properly register­ der to be eligible to vote.
Randal], director of both
number of accidents have occur­
Persons who move from one groups. The public is invited to
red. The state highway department
house to another in a precinct, enjoy this evening of music free
stated that an investigation of the for the required 30 days before the move to a different precinct, of charge.
SPECTATORS and entrants gathered at Anderson park April of 1965 for
condition had been made and had primary election. The booth will change their name by marriage or
the start of the Jaycee boat race. A similar scene will take place later
Among numbers to be presented
resulted in the decision to install be in operation April 14, 15, 21 court order must all reregister, al­
this month when the next river race will be held, again under arrange­
the band are Introduction and
a flashing beacon on the advance
ments by the Jaycees.
Inventions; Valderes, a Norwe­
curve symbols. A painted channel­ the final day, April 23, from 1 to
In addition to the booth manned gian march; Spiritual, featuring a
ization on the curve to separate 5 p.m.
Nelson issued a reminder this by the Jaycees, registration can solo by Mike Hopkins; Chopstick
traffic is expected to help in elim­
inating the type of accident that week that changes in election be made at the city hall with Re­ Rock, St. Louis Blues and others.
laws at the last legislature have corder Walter Linn, at Sunnyside
The choir will sing Cast Thy
has been occurring.
Service south of town and at Mist Burden, Cornin’ Through the Rye,
However the chamber directors, made the need for re-registration store.
No Man is an Island and others.
in discussing the matter at their greater than ever. He especially
The Jaycees stated also that per­
The fourth annual Nehalem riv­
Vernonia high school golfers, meeting Monday evening, expres­ called attention to the fact that
The groups have worked dil­
er boat race will be held here coached by Bert Kronmiller, play­ sed concern that this would not in Vernonia if a voter resides on sons who cannot register at the igently on music for this concert
Saturday, April 30 under sponsor­ ed their first match on an unfa­ be adequate and a letter to that a street for which the name has announced hours may call Jack and promise a good evening of
ship of the Vernonia Jaycees. Ca­ miliar course last Thursday and effect is being sent to the high­ been changed, he must re-register. Lindsley, 429-3275 or Dick Beers, entertainment. This is the high­
Any change in street name or 429-5753.
noes, Kayaks and row boats will this, coupled with a touch of first way department.
light of the year for them and ev­
race down the 11 mile course, match jitters, sent them home with
eryone is urged to attend.
To further the development of
starting at Anderson park in Ver­ little to report except good exper­ scouting activities in this area, the
nonia and ending at Cedar creek ience and a determination to chamber directors voted to give
on the Vernonia-Mist highway 47, avenge their losses at a later date. the newly formed Explorer Scout
a run of about three to four hours
This first match was played on Troop $50. A letter of appreciation
and visible at many points along the Alderwood course near Neah- for the work done by the Boy
the highway.
Kah-Nie last Thursday afternoon in Scouts in the airport park is being
Roy A. Nelson, Columbia county That for more than six months
Vernonia Jaycees will accept all a three - way match between mailed to the local leaders.
The Mental Health clinic’s sta­
clerk, has issued a reminder that preceding the election his home
comers for $1.50 registration fee Vernonia, Neah-Kah-Nie and Tilla­
servicemen who wish to vote in residence has been in Columbia tistical report for March shows
and entrants may register prior mook Catholic. The Neah-Kah-
71 interviews with clients, 34 with
the May 24 primary election by
to April 30 or the morning of the Nie Pirates tallied 8 points to Ver­
race. Trophies will be awarded in nonia’s 2 scored by Ken Vealey,
absentee ballot must apply for bal­ county, the State of Oregon, and parents or parent substitutes, and
lots at once. These are to be sent giving the address of his last home 17 with other significant persons,
the various classes. Individual the only Vernonia man to win his
starts will be from 9 to 11 match.
out May 4 by airmail. While ap­ residence; (e) That he qualifies as totaling 122 direct contacts. This
a.m. Minimum age for entry is 15
received after May 4 will a service voter, or as the spouse does not include the large number
Tillamook Catholic’s final score
or dependent of a service voter; of telephone calls. In addition there
years and each racer must comply was 9V4 to Vi picked up by Gary
The junior class at Vernonia high have ballots sent, they may not
with coast guard small boat reg­ Hanson. Other Vernonia boys who school is busy with plans for their reach the voter in time to be re­ (f) That he is not requesting a were a total of 15 person-inter-
ballot from any other state and
played were Pete Brunsman, Brad annual amateur hour which is turned before the counting dead­ is not voting in any other manner views in four group sessions.
About 21 hours of work was
scheduled for Friday of next week
Rumbaugh and Ed Burton.
in the election except by the re­ done with school personnel and
The team travels to Scappoose at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium at
quested absent voter’s ballot; and with other social agencies. The
this afternoon, Thursday, for their the high school. Students in the to get word to them at once of (g) If applicant desires to vote in
clinic can make its most useful
second match and next Monday grade and high school have been
a primary election, his political contribution to the community in
they will have their first home
party affiliation or preference must providing consultation to other de­
The official definition of a ser­ be indicated.
match when Neah-Kah-Nie and music, dramatics, dances or other
partments as requested, often with­
entertainment fields.
vice voter is as follows:
Mrs. B. J. Hom has accepted Tillamook Catholic come here.
Applications received for the pri­ out having direct contact with the
chairmanship for the April fund
Those who are to participate are
Service; Voter means a citizen of mary election shall be deemed val­ clients concerned. With limited fa­
to rehearse at the high school this the State of Oregon absent from id for the general election this fall
raising drive of the American Can­
cilities it is impossible to provide
evening, April 14 and again next the place of his residence and
cer Society in the Vernonia area,
direct treatment for every person
Thursday evening, April 21. Wil­ serving (1) In the Armed Forces
according to Ralph Bergerson,
in need of some sort of counsel­
A freak accident killed
county fund drive treasurer. Mrs.
Sea- liam Bowen, vo-ag teacher, is fac­ of the United States, or (2) In the
Horn stated that the local drive side man 80 feet up in
tree ulty advisor for the group and is Merchant Marine of the United
It is generally recognized that
will be conducted the last week
assisting with the arrangements.
States, or (3) As a civilian employe
early diagnosis and treatment is
of the month.
When Robert Teevin, 30, Sea­
Don Wilson, member of the jun­ of the United States, in whatever
economical in money as well as
Mrs. Oscar Kelty of Clatskanie side, cut the top off a snag it hit ior class will be MC for the show category, outside the territorial
in human resources. An alert and
is county fund drive chairman and a nearby tree, which snapped and and the panel of judges will in­ limits of the several states of the
Persons who have not yet filed informed public can do much to
she states that the county goal sent a 30-foot section sailing into clude Mrs. Walter Workman, United States and the District of their federal and state income tax
help the community use its exist­
¿his years is $4800. This is a thous­ Teevin. He was killed instantly.
George Laws, B. J. Horn, Dave Columbia, whether or not the em­ returns and are expecting to do ing resources effectively, states An
and dollars over the amount rais­
ploye is subject to Civil Service or so prior to the April 15 deadline ita Niewoehner, ACSW psychiatric
Teevin was a contractor working Knowlton, and Mrs. Don Webb.
ed in the county last year.
on Crown Zellerbach property
Admission charges of 50 cents federal administrative acts, and are reminded by Postmaster O. T. social worker, for Columbia county
Cancer is acknowledged as the about nine miles east of Seaside. for adults, 35 cents for high school whether or not paid from funds Bateman that returns must be
mental healtg clinic.
nation’s number 2 killer and the
His widow is the former Janet students and 25 cents for grade appropriated by the Congress of postmarked not later than April
funds raised are used to further Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. school students have been announc­ the United States, or (4) As a 15 to avoid penalty.
research, education and service to Ervin Smith of Seaside. They had ed and funds raised will be used member of a religious group or
He further stated this week that
combat the dread disease.
welfare agency assisting members in order to be postmarked April
two small children.
to finance the junior prom.
of the Armed Forces of the Unit­ 15 at the Vernonia post ofice, re­
ed States and officially attached to turns must be deposited at the post
and serving with the Armed Forc­ office prior to the 5 p.m. closing
es. This also includes the spouse. time. All mail deposited after 5
The Vernonia fire department
The spouse and dependents of any p.m. is not marked until the fol­
was called out twice Monday, April
service voter, temporarily living lowing morning and will carry an
11. The first call was at 5:48 a.m.
outside the county or city in which April 16 a.m. postmark.
in answer to a call for aid at Riv­
Vernonia’s track squad scooted lumbia.
Plans for two annual events of
erview cabins. An overheated oil
home with the winning tally in a
The Curl brothers nabbed two the volunteer fire department were in this state of such spouse or de­
stove prompted the alarm, with no
five-way meet held here last placings in the two-mile event with laid Monday evening at their reg­ pendents, may vote in the same
damage reported, although heavy
manner as provided for a service
Thursday, April 7. Team scores Joe taking first in 10:49.6 and ular business session.
smoke permeated the unit.
were: Vernonia, 102; Columbia Steve fifth with a 11:40.6 time.
The first event, the Firemen’s voter.
That night, actually 1 a.m. Tues­
Christian 77V4; Rainier 29V4; War­
Any Columbia county service vot­
Lawrence set the pace for Co­ Ball, to be held May 7, will be
day morning, the siren called the
renton, 24; Star of the Sea, 6.
lumbia in the 220 with a time of put on as the department’s annual er may secure an absentee voter
men out for what turned out to
Sprinters Rummage and M. Law­ 23.3. Peddicord, placed third for fund-raising effort. Needed equip­ ballot by mailing a post card or
The kindergarten classes taught be a false alarm. No cause of the
rence of Columbia Christian each Vernonia, time 24.8.
ment and department functions other written request to Roy A. by Mrs. Ralph Reynolds will hold siren being activated was ascer­
took two firsts,as did Logger Jer­
Bill Hanson and Coila took se­ are financed through this venture. Nelson, Columbia County Clerk, the spotlight next Monday evening tained.
ry Hanson.
The next event is one the chil­ Room 101 Courthouse, St. Helens, at the meeting of the Vernonia
cond and fourth in the 880 event,
As the paper was being prepared
Placings -included firsts in the 2:15 and 2:18.4, behind Columbia’s dren of all ages are looking for­ Oregon.
PTA which will be held in the for the press Wednesday, another
long jump, of 18’7” and a pole Rummage who turned in a 2:08.6 ward to. July Fourth will again
The application shall contain: Washington school auditorium at alarm was received, this time to
vault mark of 11’6” by Jerry Han­ performance.
be climaxed with an aerial fire­ (a) The name and address of the 7:30 p.m. The children will be ex­ the EUB parsonage building at the
son. Dave Peddicord took second
Vernonia discus throwers domi­ works display if enough funds are applicant: (b) That applicant is a ploring the possibilities of their corner of North street and State
in the long jump and Andrus fifth.
the field by capturing both collected. The merchants have in citizen of the United States; (c) future occupations in a manner avenue. No damage resulted from
Roger Medges followed Hanson in
the past contributed heavily to this That he will be over 21 years of which should prove most interest­ the overheated fuse box which had
the pole valut with a 10’6” effort, first and second places. Roger effort and the public is now asked age at the date of the election; (d) ing and entertaining.
prompted the alarm.
Gary Davis, third and Joe Curl,
to take up the burden of the ex­
Fred Smith romped home first cond on the strength of a 113’8V4”
The goal for an adequate dis­
in the 220 high hurdles in 16.7.
play is near $500, and all dona­
The relay event was taken by
Minger placed fourth in this event.
tions will be gladly accepted by
A region 3 meeting of Future members are assisting with plans Ebert of Washington high school,
A flat 11.0 time was garnered Columbia Christian with a 1:40.5 finance committeeman, Hom e r Teachers of America wdll be held
for the regional meet.
Portland, a student representative
by Peddicord in the century for time, with their speedy sprinter, Fuller. To assure a display, money at Vernonia high school Saturday
Delegatea will begin arriving at
David Douglas high school;
a third; winning time was Law­
post. Vernonia placed second at must be in a sufficient time prior and from 75 to 100 delegates are about 9 a.m. and after registration, Miss Phyllis Williams and Linda
rence’s 10.3.
a business session will be held.
J. Coila placed first in the mile 1:42.2.
of supplies.
out the region which includes all Business will include election of Armstrong, Vernonia; Where does
Shot putter Kyser, Vernonia, lob­
FTA fit in? Mrs. Maude Wells,
and A. Brunsman third with times
Portland high schools, those east new officers.
of 5.00.3 and 5:05.
bed the shot 40’10” for a first in
Sargent and Donna Sanders,
of Portland to Gresham and Es­
Theme for the conference is Cha­ a 1965 VHS graduate; teaching
Columbia's Rummage took first this field event.
tacada, Hillsboro, Forest Grove os or Control in Education and it
place in the 440 with a 55.3 mark.
The javelin competition was won
and surrounding area and down the is built around a spy theme. Six trends presented by experienced
teachers, Robert Sargent, Mrs.
The only Logger to place in this by Warrenton’s Logan with a
The Christian Youth Rally ban­ coast to Tillamook.
chaos sessions are scheduled which Ora Bolmeier, Mrs. Amy Kamholz,
event was Les Forcier in fifth 153’6” effort. Medges and Bob quet will be held Saturday even­
Miss Christine Bender, Vernonia will be attended in groups The
Wood of the Logger squad placed ing, April 16 at the EUB church high school senior, is regional session topics and those heading Harold McEntire and Char 1 e s
Randall; vocational teaching. Wel­
Vernonia’s Andrus took the 88 yd second and third with marks of at 6:30 p.m. Those who purchased president, and Michael McCrack­
them are as follows: Where are
Rumbaugh, Bill Hanson and
low hurdles in 22.9; Minger third 150’0” and 1490” , respectively.
tickets prior to April 13 will at­ en, Vernonia high school instruc­ teaching trends leading?, William
with a 23.8 time.
Vernonia had eight first places tend.
tor and FTA advisor, is regional Ambrose; a Mr. Novak film with Marsha Krieger.
Gary Davis cam e in second in in the 15 events, six each seconds
At noon, delegates will be served
At 7:30 p.m. the rally will be advisor, also. Miss Ann Sargent discussion lead by Mrs Alvilda
the high jump at 5’2tV’, behind and thirds, two fourths and four opened to the public for the show­
lunches prepared by the Ver­
is president of the Vernonia chap­ {fearing and John Coila; large
a 5’4V4” mark by M Eary of Co­ fifths
ing of the film, The Misfits.
ter and she and the chapter's 15 schools versus small schools, Miss nonia PTA as a service project.
Jaycees to
Hold Race
Golfers Play in
Three-way Meet
Ballots for Servicemen to Be
Mailed May 4; Definition Given
Clinic Releases
March Report
Juniors Plan
Amateur Hour
Cancer Society
Drive Accepted
Accident Takes Life
April 15 Last
Date to File
Tracksters Capture Victory
In Five-way Meet Thursday
Calls Answered
By Department
Firemen Plan
Annual Events
Kindergarten to
Offer Program
Future Teachers Plan Regional Meet
Youth Plan Banquet