Lenten Meditation by the Vernonia Ministerial Association HAVE YOU BEEN RAISED FROM THE DEAD? Are you a slave to some sin or habit? Have you prayed and strug­ gled to no avail? Do you feel you must drag your chains until death releases you? There is good news for you in Christ’s death and resur rection. The only way of release from sin’s power and penalty is through death. When I realized I was death-doomed, I accepted the death of Christ as my deliverance. However, Christ’s death for us is only part of the truth: we were not saved apart from Christ but in union with Him. We were joined to Him at Calvary; His death be­ came our death, His resurrection our resurrection, His life our life! ONE of the few lucky fishermen Thursday at Red Mill, Rainier, was Did Christ die for you? Then He Don George, fishing with Bud Eide. George caught two salmon, 1614 died your death. In Him we died pounds and 2114 pounds. Eide didn't have a good day. to sin’s mastery. In Him we were raised to a new life of freedom Extension Unit Lesson from the old. On Sewing Machine Care “Buried with Him by baptism, MIST—The Mist - Birkenfeld Ex­ wherein also ye are risen with Him . . . ” Col. 2:12 “Knowing this that tension Unit will meet at the home our old man is crucified with Him NATAL-PITTSBURG — Sunday of Mrs. Ed Berg, below Birkenfeld, that the body of sin might be des­ a small group gathered for a work this Friday, April 8, at 10:30 a.m. troyed, that henceforth we should day at Natal Grange. Considerable There will be potluck. The lesson, not serve sin. For he that is dead Use and Care of the Sewdng Ma­ is free from sin.” Rom. 6:6, 7. cleaning was accomplished. This is a great fact of all who Mr. and Mrs. R. Ekhoff visited chine, will be given by Mrs. Lee their daughter, Mrs. Helen Silk Barlow and Mrs. Norman Hansen. have accepted Christ as Saviour. and her baby daughter in Portland Mrs. Charles Ramsey and Mrs. (If you have not, you may!) Our Art Bellingham will be co-hostess­ part is to consent to our death Saturday. es. Everyone is welcome. with Him and by faith put our feet Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff attend­ Visitors at the Walter Mathews upon every sin, habit and circum­ ed the funeral of Chas. VanAlstine during the week were Mrs. Nettie stance that would enslave us. Monday. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case, “Likewise reckon ye yourselves Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis and Berniece Garlock, Mr. and Mrs. three of their sons spent Sunday Sulo Sanders, Carol Henderson and to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus afternoon visiting his brother and Bill Howry. Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6:11. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Mrs. Lloyd Garlock was in Hazel Davis. Dell, Wn. Friday to help her moth Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. er, Mrs. Vern Wagner celebrate DeeVeere Hershey were Mr. and her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mrs. Hal Vicars and two sons of Simmons of Clatskanie and the Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mc­ Garlocks were in Longview Satur­ Millan and three children and Mr. day evening. and Mrs. Dee Hershey and two Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jones, Castle The series of meetings being con­ daughters of Salem. Rock, Wn. were Saturday evening ducted each evening at the Church Mr. and Mrs. Larry Oblack drove guests at the Shalmon Libel home. of the Nazarene has been gaining to Portland on business Saturday. Berniece Garlock, Jerri Hemion in interest and will continue Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keim of Port­ and Shirley Berg practiced Thurs­ throughout the week. They are be­ land were Saturday callers at the day evening at the Libel home for ing conducted by a group of lay­ W. R. Wolff home. the Easter program April 10. men, business men from Portland, asking no remuneration but the opportunity to tell of the joy and victory they have found in Christ. The group has been greatly en­ couraged by the attendance of NEHALEM VALLEY VERNONIA members of many of the different COIN CLUB churches of Vernonia interested in Meets last Thursday every month the spiritual and moral welfare of LIONS West Oregon Electric Auditorium, this city. No church lines are CLUB 7:30 P.M. drawn and gracious fellowship has Ruth Steers, President MEETS FIRST AND THIRD been enjoyed, according to reports MONDAY EACH MONTH George Laws, Vice-president from members of the laymen Stanley Enevoldsen, Secretary 6:30 P.M., FIRE HALL group. Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer Charley Hickman, President They extend a cordial invitation VISITORS WELCOME David Banta, Secretary 3-66 and urgent appeal to all who have 10-66 an interest in seeing a real heaven­ sent, prayed-down, God-given re­ A. F. & A. M. vival as seen in the past in days Vernonia Barracks Vernonia Lodge No. 184 of Wesley, Finney and Moody. A. F. & A. M. meets at Natal Grangers Have Work Day Church Extends Revival Series LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Masonic Temple. Stated C o m m u n i c a t i o n first Thursday of each month, at 8:00 p.m. Frank Serafin, W. M. Walter E. Linn, Sec’y. 1-67 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday nf Each Month Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Commander E. E. Garner, Secretary PYTHIAN SISTERS Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Martha Brady, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 2-66 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 I.O.O.F. First and Third Tuesday 8 p . m . P. E. “Jim” Markham, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson, Sec. 1-67 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday eve­ nings of each month in the I.O.O.F. hall. Marie Elliott. Noble Grand Dorothy Sandon, Secretary M7 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Ralph Bergerson. President Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Secy. 7-66 Veterans of World War I Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall, 1 p.m. H. L. Russell, Commander Marcus Haines, Adjutant College Choir To Sing Sunday The Christian Church will host a choir from Puget Sound College of AUXILIARY the Bible at its morning services Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 1 p.m. Easter Sunday. A concert will be Rose Valpiani, President presented at the Sunday School Cora Lange, Secretary 7-66 hour beginning at 9:45 a.m. Two numbers will be presented at the worship service beginning at 11 a.m. The local church choir will 3-14 also present one number entitled IWA Local “Then Came Easter Morn.” Meets First and Under the direction of Professor Third Thursdays Ray Renzuma, the Puget Sound choir has appeared in churches 7:30 P.M. over the Northwest for several years under the name “The Sound­ A.F.L. — C.I.O. Business Agent is at the hall, North waves.” The choir consists of four and Washington Sts., third Thursday, men and four women who are at­ 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4-66 tending the college. Puget Sound College is located in Seattle, Washington. Its presi­ Order of Eastern Star dent is James Earl Ladd Jr., the son of an evangelist-pastor by the Nehalem Chapter 153. O. E. S. same name who served in the Port­ Regular com­ land area for many years. munication first and third Wad. of each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Friendship Club Plans Vacation Bible School The Friendship club met Wed­ nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Farrell West, W. M. Mrs. Margaret Berndt on Rock Mrs. Paul Gordon, Sec. 1-67 Creek road. The group enjoyed vis­ iting and games after which a plan­ ning session for Vacation Bible AMERICAN LEGION School was held. The V.B.S. will Meets First and be conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Ev­ Third Mondays erett Brown June 6 through 10 at of each month. the Bible church. Devotions were given by Mrs. VERNONIA Jessie Miller. Those present were POST 11» Mesdames Juanita Steele, Zada Snook, Sally Briones, Jessie Miller, Thomas Hall, Commander Gertrude Hacksma, Dorothy Hass, H any Culbertson. Adjutant Grace Peachey, Mr. and Mrs. Ev­ erett Brown and children and Pas­ AUXILIARY tor and Mrs. John Hager. First and Third Tuesdays Gertrude Schalock. President Lona Weidman. Secretary 1-66 Watch your time carefully-but that doesn’t mean the clock. Couples Attend Grand Opening BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham of Astoria drove to Grand Ronde Saturday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Carl An­ derson who had the grand opening of their restaurant and lounge. Their son Joe has left for helicopter training. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist vis­ ited with relatives in Eugene and Horton for a couple days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Glick vis­ ited Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wat­ son. They spent the evening playing cards. Dr. and Mrs. Don Greenleaf of Portland were week end guests of the Watsons and Sunday after­ noon Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barlow and Mrs. Darryl Barlow and baby call­ ed on them. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom had good luck clamming Saturday. They also called on the Buster Bensons at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beach of Pittsburg were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach. Mrs. Bob DuPuis worked at the Nordic Motel in Portland over the week end. Satuday evening, Mr. DuPuis and Billy drove in and at­ tended the rodeo at the P.I. Bob came back home and Billy stayed over with his cousin and he and his mother returned home Sunday eve­ ning. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnston during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berg and family, Roger Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harkson and family of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lousignont and Mr. Frank Wilcox- en and daughter of Seaside. Many Families Have Visitors NATAL-PITTSBURG — Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Don Hooper of Clat­ skanie visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bergerson visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Ekhoff Monday evening. Sulo Sanders was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dun­ lap Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass drove to Portland recently on business and also visited their daughter, Mrs. Don Armstrong and family. Mon­ day Mr. and Mrs. Dass drove to St. Helens on business. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dol­ lar, former residents of this area. Patient Home To Recuperate MIST — Steve Hemeon, son of the Bud Hemeons, returned home Sunday evening from the St. Johns hospital after having surgery per­ formed on his knee. Mrs. Elma Baker called on Mrs. George Mathews one day during the week. Bobbie Dee Bliss, Portland Sani­ tarium, and a friend from Seattle were week end visitors at the Ray Garlock home. They visited with the Lloyd Garlocks, also. A Tuesday evening visitor at the Lawton Waddell home was Ralph Waddess of Gearhart. The Wad­ dells attended Beaver Homes Grange Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Storie of Portland came Sunday to visit the Waddells. BOWLING RESULTS WOMEN’S LEAGUE March 29 W L Standard Oil 32 20 Quinn’s 3014 2114 Pills 23 29 West Oregon 1814 3314 Team high three games, Standard, 2533. Individual high three games, Joyce Johnson, 506. Individual high game, Eunice Tovey, 187. Splits; Sadie Miller 5-10, Joyce Johnson 5-7, Trudy Magoff 3-10, Judy Bates 5-10 and 3-10, Florenz Huff 4-5. APril 5 W L Standard 35 21 Quinn's 3114 2414 Pills 23 33 West Oregon 2214 3314 Team high 3 games, Pills, 2433; ind. high 3 games, Joyce Johnson, 471; ind. high game, Trudy Magoff, 172. Splits: Joyce Johnson 3-10 twice and 4-5, Isabell Anderegg 2-7-8, Nancy Devine 2-7, Sharon McKee 3-10, Norma McLeod 3-10, Trudy Magoff 4-7-10, Eunice Tovey 5-7 and 3-10 twice. MEN S LEAGUE March 23 W L Nehalem Lanes 23 21 Deans Market 23 21 Vernonia Milk 2214 2114 Ralph’s Chevron 1914 24*4 High 3-game series, Ralph’s Chevron, 2665. High 3-game individual series, Ted Bodenhamer, 545. High single game, Ted Boden­ hamer, 198. Splits picked up: C. Morgan, 9- 10; D. Elliott, 5-6, 5-10 and 5-6-10; A. Schalock, 5-7; J. Johnson, 3- 10; F. Johnson, 3-10. March 30 W L Nehalem Lanes 25 23 Vernonia Milk 2414 2314 Deans Market 24 24 Ralph’s Chevron 22*4 25*4 High 3-game series, team, Ralph’s Chevron, 2718. Individual high 3-game series, Ted Bodenhamer, 554. High single game, R. Sturdevant, 221. Splits picked up: T. M. Hobart, 3-10; M. Mullins, 3-10; E. Ade, 5-6; H. Anderegg, 5-7-9; Jim Johnson, 3- 10; L. Welch, 3-10 twice; C. Cedar­ burg, 3-10; Bill Ritz, 5-7. Oernonia Eagfe THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1966 Banquet Slated By Youth Rally The Community Christian Youth Rally group reminds all young peo­ ple aged 12 through college that now is the time to get their tickets for the banquet scheduled for Sat­ urday, April 16 at the EUB church hall. Tickets are now being sold for $1.25 each by representatives in the various churches but no tickets will be sold after April 12. This is to allow the correct number of par­ ticipants to be reported to Friar Tuck who will cater the meal. After the banquet, the film, The Misfits, will be shown and this is open to people of all ages. Timber Route Unit to Study Child Guidance The Timber Route Extension Unit will meet April 12 at 10:30 a m. at the West Oregon Electric Building. Home economics extension agent for Columbia county, Mrs. Mar­ garet Allyn, will present the lesson “ Guidance of the Young Child.” LOOK Now Featuring Northwestern Mutual's New Pace­ setter Auto Policy QUINN INSURANCE AGENCY 866 Bridge 429-5211 foW W iW iW iwiw Are You Troubled or Discouraged? ARE YOU LONELY? ARE YOU DEFEATED BY HABITS YOU CAN’T BREAK? HAS LIFE LOST ITS PURPOSE AND MEANING FOR YOU? You can find victory, joy and a complete new life filled with pur­ pose and power by turning to Christ. You will sense the nearness of God and find sincere Christian friends to help you at the revival now in progress at the Church of the Nazarene. No church lines are drawn. Those of any church or with no church connection are urged to come and join in seeing a God- given, prayed-down, heaven-sent revival in Vernonia. KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 Riverview “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS - Top Quality ALWAYS - Rest Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery — From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE-YOU RING, WE BRING Vou spend more than 5 hours a day in the kitdien- shouldn’t you have a p h on e there? Sure you should. It just makes sense. Especially when an extension costs less a day than a post­ age stamp. And at that rate, shouldn't you have a phone in every important room in the house? Think how much time and how many step» your family would save! 7 WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. A Msmbor of Iho GTiC fa rrily of Companiot