CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Green chrome dinette set, table and six chairs, $15. Mrs. Bob May, 429-3655. 14t3c WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between income and outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat­ urdays. Must have car. Joe Rezac, 201 Lloyd Plaza, Portland, Oregon. 4tfc FOR SALE: Rollaway bed with cover; Maytag wringer washer, good condition; 9x12 foot Mohawk rug with pad. Call 429-5942 before noon. 14t3c FOR SALE: AKC white male toy poodle, 4 months old. Will average around 3 lbs.' when full grown. Call 429-3782. 14tl SOUP’S on, the rug that is, so clean the spot with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Bruns- m an’s Hardware. 14tlc ATTENTION! Pacific Cleaner* Agency at Ver­ nonia Variety. Pick-up Tuesday and Friday. We give S H Green Stamp*. 13t3c A FOR SALE: Ashley automatic- circulating wood heater. See Jack Odam or call 429-5634. 13t3c FOR SALE: Foley Saw Filer. Keas- ey’s Raw Shoo. lltfc PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop 49tfc USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Saw Shop. 49tfc BUNDLES of old papers for starting fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eagle. 48tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, 429-6611. ltfc FOR SALE-Real Estate LLOYD Q UINN BROKER Real Estate & Ins. Phone 429-5211 866 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon 187 Acres. 100 Cleared. 2-yr.-old home. Timber, creek, cattle, m a­ chinery. Terms. 1 acre on Nehalem river. 2 B/R reconditioned home, garden tools and laying hens. $1500 Dn. Nice home in Klamath Falls, Close to schools. Would like to trade for Vernonia home. YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED 14tlc FOR SALE $1970. $270 down. 1070 Weed Ave. Open, five rooms, 2 story shop, 150 feet frontage. Law rence Meissner, 198 Meissner road, Deer Island, l’hone 397-3166 13T3c BILL HORN REALTOR and Vernonia Insurance Exchungr Salesman—George Laws 429-6203 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED FOR SALECar, Truck 1962 Corvair 1965 Rambler 1962 1962 1965 1964 1964 $1095 Wagón. Corvair Moma Int. Carry All. Chev Nova Wagón. Ramblar Claitic. Ramblar American Dem o. $2495. $695. $1695. $1995. $1495. Wagon. $1495. $1695. $1695 $1195. 1962 Chav Impala. 1964 Ford Futura. 1961 Old* 98. Still Have Some Old Pott That DO Run, Make Offer Stoo in and See and Ask for Me, Larry Grove Rambler Inc. Offices Forest Grove Vernonia 357-3129 429 5362 ___________________________ 14tlc 1954 CJiev pickup, three-speed transmission, good six-ply heavy duty tires. Reasonable. Call 429- 6131. 14t3c N A T IO N A L NEW SPAPER N IW S P A P IR P U B L IS H IR I ASSOCIATION LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A- Diet Tablets. Only 98c at Vernonia Drug Company. 13T4 WANTED WANTED: Pick-up and delivery drivers for our Portland operation. Some general freight experience and knowledge of city required. Must be 25 years of age. Steady po­ sition. Please call 226-6959 Portland for appointment with Mr. Heestand, Nehalem Valley Motor Freight. 13t3c WANTED TO BUY: 2000 split ce­ dar posts. We will haul. Call or write O. C. Murdock, Goldendale, Washington. (Phone 773-4919.)13t3c WANTED: Reliable woman to do baby-sitting part-time during the day. References required. Call 429-6811. 13t3c SERVICES TV REPAIR SERVICE 429-5846 Vernonia Pete Klein ____________________________12tfc Metered Propane Service Now priced to compete with all oth­ er fuels. Call Keith Wood, COUNTRY GAS 648-6508 — Hillsboro lltfc Remodel your house this year with a loan from the credit union. Join now. Vernonia Federal Credit Union, 853 Bridge Street, Vernonia. 9tfc Oemonla Eagle 6 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1966 City Park Work Done by Scouts Boy Scouts from Troop No. 201 spent Saturday, April 2 at the new city park at the airport. Twenty-one boys and their Scout leaders spent Friday night cam p­ ing in the park. Saturday was a workday as the Scouts performed a Good Turn for the city, trimming saplings off the beach, clearing trails, brushing camp sites and picnic sites, and burning brush. With power saws provided by Deri Roberts and Wallace Reming­ ton, fallen logs were cut for fire­ wood, and then stacked. Saturday evening was spent in cooking, games, and campfires as this campout counted toward their individual camping records. A hunt was held for “Snipe” Saturday, with three or four being caught. Scouts in attendance for the “Two-Nighter” were E arl Atkins, Jam es Brunsman, Mike Clason, Scott Davies, Paul Goodman, Dav­ id Hendricks, Mark Kronmiller, Neal Long, Leon Merriman, Jam es Wayne Sargent, Gerald Tipton, Wallace Remington, Gerald Rem­ ington, Dana Remington, Mike Keene, Mark Peterson, Milton Gud- mundsen, George Shaw, Irvin Nor- mand. Leaders for the camping trip were Scoutmaster Don Jackson and Assistant Scoutmaster Ronald Mon­ roe. Visits to the campsite Satur­ day evening were made by Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Clason, Deri Roberts, and Wallace Remington. Deri Roberts surprised the Scouts with a case of cold pop while the work party was in progress. LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS 16541 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County Lawrence Meissner, Trustee of Millie Meissner Trust and of L ar­ ry Meissner Trust, plaintiff vs Beaver State Corp. Donald J. Garrity and Arlene M. Residential - Commercial Garrity, defendents. And Farm Buildings To Donald J. Garrity and Arlene All Types - Remodeling M. Garrity, defendents, by or­ Complete Planning Service der issued March 3, 1966; Rudy Smith, Mgr. In the name of the State of Ore­ Phone Hillsboro MI 8-3666 gon you are hereby, by order is­ Res. Ph. Hillsboro MI 8-4540 51tfc sued March 3, 1966; notified to ap­ pear and answer above-entitled suit on or before 4 weeks from date of first publication hereof. Upon your failure so to do, plain­ tiff will take judgment against you and each of you, as prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: 1, A decree requiring defendants to pay to the Clerk of this Court, and within a time to be fixed by EXCAVATIONS . CLEARING the Court, for the withdrawal by Registered & Bonded for and use of plaintiff $980.00 with in­ Sanitation Work. terest at 6 percent per annum BRUCE BERNDT from August 14, 1965, for $34.39 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia taxes with interest from Feb. 15, 23tfc 1966 and for plaintiff’s costs and disbursements herein incurred. SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv­ 2, In default of making said pay­ ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ments, then after the lapse of time Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver­ fixed by the Court, plaintif have nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc a final decree cancelling and te r­ minating the agreement of July CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING 14, 1965 and forever barring and foreclosing all right, title and in­ Cooler - Sharp Freeze terest which defendents or either Locker Wrapped of them may have in Lots 3 and R. J. Ekhoff 429-3842 4, Block 6, First Addition to Ri­ 23tfc verview Lots now in City of Ver­ CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes­ nonia, Columbia County Oregon, sional civil engineer, county survey­ and restoring said real property or, Court House, St. Helens. Private to plaintiff, and 3, for such other and further surveying estimates, plans, etc. Call S, Helens 397-0698. 20tfc relief as to the Court may seem just and proper. SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping Lawrence Meissner, Trustee, and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia plaintiff City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens Deer Island, Oregon 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after Date of first publication, March 5:00 p.m. 46tfc 10, 1966. Date of last publication April 7, 1966. Will do housework, ironing in your home or mine, dressmaking. Can give references. Mildred A. Gould, 631 Madison Avenue, Vernonia. 12t3c Haberman's Meal PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday. Tuesday, Friday Ilogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking ami Curing Free use of Stork Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2. Bx.. 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc Oernonia £a